The buying organization wants to do business with JK Cement Industries, so a supplier record is required to begin executing procure to pay transactions with the company.
In this demonstration, you are the supplier administrator creating a complete supplier record with profile details, including a supplier site, and site assignments.
Before creating the supplier, perform a search to ensure JK Cement Industries is not already a supplier in the system.
Click the Manage Suppliers link.
Step 1WhewEnter a part of the name to search for all suppliers starting with a similar name. In this demonstration "JK" was entered in the search criteria for you.
Click the Search button.
Step 2The search results, do not retreive a supplier record for JK Cement Industries, so you can now proceed to create the supplier.
Step 3Click the Create Supplier link.
Step 4In this demonstration, the supplier's identifying information was entered for you.
Click the Create button.
Step 5At the Profile level, additional supplier information can be captured such as supplier diversity information under the Business Classifications tab. Products and Services categories can also be entered to identify the supplier for sourcing opportunities.
Step 6Now you will enter the supplier address.
Click the Addresses tab.
Step 7Click the Create graphic.
Step 8In this demonstration the address information was entered for you.
On the Create Address page, you also identify the business function that the supplier performs at this address, such as receiving orders or remittances. To specify the business function for the address, select the appropriate address purpose. In this case the Address Purpose "Ordering" was chosen for you.
Step 9Click the Save and Close button.
Step 10The address was saved.
Click the OK button.
Step 11Next, you will create a site which establishes a relationship between the supplier and a specific procurement business unit.
The site enables the procurement business unit to define how business will be executed with the supplier at a particular address.
Click the Sites tab.
Step 12Click the Create graphic.
Step 13In this demonstration, the address Sales was selected for you. The name of the Site and the Site Purposes will default from the selected address.
Step 14On the Site Assignments tab, you will make the site available for purchasing.
Step 15Autocreate Assignments creates assignments for all client business units served by the procurement business unit.
Additional purchasing and receiving rules can be defined for the site, if you wish to override any procurement business unit policies for doing business with this supplier site.
Step 16Click the Save and Close button.
Step 17You are alerted that there is no active contact for this site.
Next, you will create a contact.
Step 18Click the Contacts tab.
Step 19Click the Create graphic.
Step 20In this demonstration, the contact details were entered for you.
Next, you will associate the address created earlier, to this contact. This also links the contact to all sites using this address. This is refered to as a site contact.
Click the Select and Add graphic.
Step 21In this demonstration, the address was selected for you.
Click the OK button.
Step 22You can also grant the contact a user account for access to Supplier Portal, which involves assigning job roles and data access constraints.
Click the Create user account option.
Step 23Click the Select and Add graphic.
Step 24The job role assignment provides access to the appropriate transactions to the business functions the roles represent.
The data access constraints can optionally limit the contact to access transaction data for specific sites only.
In this demonstration, the job role assignment Siupplier Self-Service Clerk was chosen for you.
Click the OK button.
Step 25Click the Save and Close button.
Step 26Associate the supplier to a grouping by creating a tag for easy retrieval and tracking.
The tag "Construction" was entered for you.
Click the Save button.
Step 27The newly created supplier "JK Cement Industries" now appears in the Recent Suppliers list.
If you want to make any subsequent edits, you can immediately open up the supplier record again with a single click.
To retrieve any supplier record based on the tags associated with the supplier, click on the Tags link.
Step 28From the Tag Center, you can search for a specific tag and view the associated suppliers. Clicking on a particular supplier will open the record.
Step 29That concludes the demonstration for searching and creating suppliers.