In this demonstration, you will create a smart form for business cards requests.
You will also assign the smart form to the Office Supplies category for catalog browsing.
Begin by navigating to the Manage Smart Forms page.
Click the Manage Smart Forms link.
Step 1Click the Create button.
Step 2In this demonstration, Procurement BU, Smart Form name and Instruction Text were entered for you.
Instruction text will be displayed with the smart form, to assist Self Service Procurement users in completing the business card request.
Step 3Add Keywords to the smart form. When Self
Service Procurement users perform a shopping search, smart forms that contain keywords that match the string will be returned in the search results.
Enter keywords separated with a space.
Step 4Enter the desired information into the Keywords field. Enter
The Image URL was entered for you.
The Image URL specifies an image for the smart form when it is displayed in Self Service Procurement shopping search results.
Tab out of the Image Preview field to preview image.
Press [Tab].
Step 6The image is displayed.
Step 7Click the Line Type list.
Step 8Click the Goods list item.
Step 9Click in the Item Description field.
Step 10Enter the desired information into the Item Description field. Enter
The Restrict to Browsing Category, Quantity, UOM, Price, Currency, and Agreement Number were entered for you.
Step 12You can prevent Self Service Procurement users from modifying defaulted values when creating the request.
For example, you can uncheck the User Editable checkbox for Agreement to prevent users from changing the source agreement when submitting a business card request.
Step 13Assign an information template to this smart form in the Information Templates Assignments table.
Click the Select and Add button.
Step 14Click the Info Template row header.
Step 15Click the Apply button.
Step 16Click the Done button.
Step 17Assign the smart form to a category for catalog browsing.
Click the Select and Add button.
Step 18Enter the desired information into the Category Name field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 20Click the Office Supplies row header.
Step 21Click the Apply button.
Step 22Click the Done button.
Step 23Click the Save and Close button.
Step 24The smart form was created.
Click the OK button.
Step 25This concludes the demonstration for creating a smart form.