Hi, my name is Joe. Today I will be giving you a demonstration on reporting and viewing supplier audit history.
Step 1In this demonstration, I will show you the Audit History page to view supplier objects and attributes that are enabled for audit.
Step 2To access the Audit History page, you must have the job role Internal Auditor. I've already signed in as the Internal Auditor.
Click the Navigator button.
Step 3Under Tools, use the Audit Reports link.
Click the Audit Reports link.
Step 4You can report changes made by a specific date, or date range.
For this demonstration, I will select after a specific date range.
Click the After list item.
Step 5You can also track changes by specific user.
Step 6Either User or Product is required. For this demonstration, I will select the product Procurement.
Click the Product list.
Step 7With Event Type, you can restrict results to only specific types of changes such as insert, update, delete, or any combination of these.
Click the list.
Step 8For this demonstration, I will select All.
Click the All list item.
Step 9Business Object Type allows you to view change history across both parent and child supplier objects by using parent value of Supplier.
Click the Supplier list item.
Step 10Include child objects checkbox is used to return child details in report when parent object is selected.
Click the Include child objects option.
Step 11In this demonstration, I selected all event types in Procurement with Business Object Type Supplier (including child objects) after a specific date. Now, let's review the report.
Click the Search button.
Step 12The Date column in the report shows the specific date the change was made.
Step 13The User column shows the username of who made the change.
Step 14The Event Type column shows the nature of the change. Whether the change was an addition, a removal, or an update.
Step 15The Business Object Type column shows what specific supplier object the change was made on. For example, supplier, supplier address, supplier business classifications, and so on.
Step 16The Description column displays the changed attribute values. For example, if the change was on Minority Owned business classification, the specific subclassification is also displayed.
Step 17You can clarify changes by showing attribute details.
Click the Show Attribute Details option.
Step 18The old value and the new value appear for each attribute. Here, the attribute E-mail has a new value.
Step 19In addition, you can view extended object identifier columns.
Click the Show Extended Object Identifier Columns option.
Step 20Context Name and Value columns appear which provide additional information about an entity that makes it unique. For example, in the highlighted row, which is a site record, the context information is the procurement BU and so reviewing the site, we know what procurement BU the site belongs to.
Step 21That's it! If you want, you can now export the report to a spreadsheet, and save the report criteria as a Saved Search.
Step 22In this demo you learned how to report on and view supplier audit history. You can find additional learning resources in your Oracle Fusion Help application, as well as in the Oracle Learning Library, and at Oracle University. Thank you.
Step 23