You ordered some printer ink but no longer need it.
In this demonstration, you will cancel the line in the requisition that is not needed.
To edit the requisition, you must first drill down to the requisition details.
Click the 20011222 link.
Step 1The printer ink in line 4 is no longer needed.
Click the Line 4 row header.
Step 2Click the Actions menu.
Step 3Click the Cancel menu.
Step 4Enter a reason for canceling the requisition line.
Enter the desired information into the Reason field. Enter
Click the OK button.
Step 6The cancellation request was submitted.
Click the OK button.
Step 7The icon on line 4 of the table in the Requisition Lines region indicates that line is canceled.
Step 8Click the Done button.
Step 9This concludes the demonstration for canceling requisition lines.