In this demonstration, you will create an information template to gather additional information about employee business cards.
Begin by navigating to the Information Templates page.
Click the Manage Information Templates link.
Step 1Click the Create button.
Step 2The Procurement BU: Vision Operations was selected for you.
The Information Template name: Business Cards Information was entered for you. The Information Template name is used to identify a template.
The Display Name: Additional Employee Information was entered for you. The Display Name appears in Self Service Procurement as a header above the attributes for the information template.
Step 3
Instruction Text, is displayed with the information template attributes, to assist Self Service Procurement users in providing the requested information.
Enter the desired information into the Instruction Text field. Enter
The Attribute List contains information template context segments set up in the Oracle Descriptive Flexfields application.
Click the Attribute List list item.
Step 5Click the Employee Data list item.
Step 6You can specify the items and category associations when creating an information template. If the preparer adds an item to the requisition, information templates associated with the item or the category of the item will be available for the preparer to provide additional information before the requisition is submitted.
Step 7
You can associate an information template to categories, items, and smart forms.
Step 8The information template will be applied on an item, based on its item and category information.
Step 9Click the Save and Close button.
Step 10The information template was created.
Click the OK button.
Step 11This concludes the demonstration for creating an information template.