In this demonstration, the agreement number 1001424 was transferred to you for catalog authoring. Use the Agreement Loader to create agreement lines.
The Agreements Pending Authoring region is where you can see what agreements were transferred to you for catalog authoring. Agreement Loader is used to create agreement lines.
Step 1Click the 1001424 link.
Step 2The Blanket Purchase Agreement page shows the agreement details.
Step 3Edit the agreement by selecting Edit from the Actions menu.
Click the Actions menu.
Step 4Click the Edit menu.
Step 5The Edit Document page is used to edit the blanket purchase agreement details.
Step 6Upload lines from the Actions menu in the Lines region.
Click the Actions menu.
Step 7Click the Upload Lines menu.
Step 8Use the Upload Lines page, to upload agreement lines using tab-delimited text, XML, cXML, and CIF file formats.
In this demonstration, upload a tab-delimited text file.
Step 9Select the File Type Tab-delimited Text .
Click the Tab-delimited Text list.
Step 10Click the Browse button.
Step 11Browse for the file to be uploaded. In this example, the file name is DemoFile.txt.
Click the Open button.
Step 12The Apply Mapping checkbox gives you the option to map supplier UOM and Category to corresponding internal UOM and Category.
In this example, no mapping is required, so you will not select the checkbox.
Step 13You can choose to continue editing the agreement after upload is complete, or to transfer it back to the buyer immediately after the upload.
Transfer to buyer is only possible if the upload is completed without errors.
In this example, select the No option from the drop down, opting not to edit after the upload.
Click the No list item.
Step 14Click the Submit button.
Step 15The file was successfully submitted for upload.
Click the OK button.
Step 16Refresh the page to view the upload status.
Click the Refresh button.
Step 17If the upload encountered errors, the Last Upload Status column will show an error. If there are no errors, it will show Completed.
Step 18Since you chose to transfer the agreement back to the buyer upon a successful upload, agreement 1001424 is no longer visible in the Agreements Pending Authoring region.
Step 19This concludes the demonstration for authoring supplier agreement catalog content.