In this demonstration, you will locate and review new open purchase orders, and orders that were recently changed by the buying organization. You will also cancel an order that can not be fulfilled.
From the watchlist on the overview page, you can quickly navigate to the list of recently modified orders.
Click the Changed or canceled in the last 7 days link.
Step 1On the Manage Orders page, notice the warning icon for order 1002435.
You will now view the details about the warning.
Click the Warning graphic.
Step 2The warning lets you know the order is on hold.
Click the OK button.
Step 3Now, you will review the document history for the order 1002766.
Click the Open link.
Step 4Notice that three change orders were made for this order.
Click the Done button.
Step 5Now, you will review the life cycle of the order 1002492.
Click the Life Cycle graphic.
Step 6Review the shipment, receipt, and invoice activity for this order.
Click the Done button.
Step 7Next, you will review the list of recently opened orders that are ready to be worked on.
Click the Opened in the last 7 days link.
Step 8Review the list of new orders on the Manage Orders page. You will open the recently opened order 1002714.
Click the 1002714 link.
Step 9Since this is an urgent order, you want to start fulfillment activities, by printing out all the details of the order.
From the Actions menu you will select the View PDF action to view the order in the PDF format.
Click the View PDF menu bar.
Step 10Notice the information icon for order 1002766. You will now check the information details.
Click the Information graphic.
Step 11A change order is pending for this order.
Click the OK button.
Step 12After drilling down into all new orders, you identified one order 1002022 that needs to be canceled since you no longer carry the items.
You will cancel the document from the Actions menu.
Click the Cancel Document menu bar.
Step 13Enter the desired information into the Reason field. Enter
Click the OK button.
Step 15Click the Done button.
Step 16This concludes the demonstration of managing purchase order life cycles in Supplier Portal.