Hi, my name is Joe. Today I will be giving you a demonstration on configuring Supplier Audit History.
Step 1
The Supplier Audit History feature allows tracking and reporting of changes made to supplier profile information to support internal audit controls and governance as well as external regulatory compliance such as SOX. In this demo, you will learn how to configure supplier audit history.
Step 2To begin, I searched for the Manage Audit Policies task in the Functional Setup Manager. Let's go to the task.
Click the Go to Task button.
Step 3The audit setup page is available to users with a job role of Application Administrator. You can enable or disable auditing for business objects in the Audit Level field. This step is critical, since it will ensure the audit history feature is enabled for all implemented applications. Choices are None and Auditing. Select Auditing to enable.
Click the Audit Level list.
Step 4Now, I will navigate to the Configure Business Objects Attributes page where I can enable specific supplier objects and attributes I want to use for audit history tracking.
Click the Configure Business Object Attributes button.
Step 5Since I want to enable supplier business objects, I will select the Procurement application.
Click the Procurement list item.
Step 6Supplier objects available for audit are displayed in a hierarchical structure.
Step 7Supplier is the parent level business object and includes all profile-level attribute identifier information including Supplier Name, Alternate Name, D-U-N-S Number, Descriptive flexfields, and Income Tax details.
Step 8The supplier parent has several child business objects which include: Supplier Business Classifications, Supplier Products and Services, Supplier Addresses, Supplier Contacts, and so on.
Step 9First, determine what objects need to be enabled for audit tracking. You can check the Audit Top node which will check all the boxes below, or you can choose each individual box based on your requirements.
Step 10The Audit Top Node is the node I selected to configure audit history requirements.
Step 11Now that I've selected the supplier objects, I will use the create icon to select specific attributes. Note that you can also remove attributes previously assigned if there is no longer a need for audit tracking for those attributes.
Click the Create button.
Step 12Select attributes by moving them to the Selected Attributes field.
It is important to select only the attributes you want audited to optimize performance.
Step 13In this example, I've selected all attributes.
Click the OK button.
Step 14Don't forget to save your work!
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 15I want to double check that I have enabled the audit history feature for all applications that are implemented at my site.
Step 16That's it! We've completed the setup for supplier audit history reporting.
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 17In this demo you learned how to configure supplier audit history for reporting purposes. You can find additional learning resources in your Oracle Fusion Help application, as well as in the Oracle Learning Library, and at Oracle University. Thank you.’
Step 18