You are the company's catalog administrator, and need to organize catalog content. In this demonstration, you will define the catalog category hierarchy and choose the categories that will be available for catalog browsing.
In this demonstration you will:
1. Create a top-level browsing category.
2. Add a browsing category and include the relevant item categories.
3. Move an existing category to a new parent category.
4. Attempt to delete a browsing category.
Create a top level browsing category called Office Furniture under the Root Category.
Click the Create button.
Step 1You are creating a top-level browsing category called Office Furniture.
In this demonstration, the Category Name, Description, and Image URL were entered for you.
Tab out of the Image URL field to preview the image to be displayed in the shopping home page.
Press [Tab].
Step 2The image is displayed.
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 3Now, you will create a browsing category called Home Office Furniture under the Office Furniture browsing category and include the appropriate item categories.
Click the Office Furniture row header.
Step 4Click the Create button.
Step 5Enter the desired information into the Category Name field. Enter
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter
The Image URL is not needed for browsing categories that are not positioned at the top level of the hierarchy.
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 8Now, insert two item categories under the Home Office Furniture category.
Click the Expand object.
Step 9Click the Insert Item Categories button.
Step 10Enter the desired information into the Category Name field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 12Click the Desks and Tables row header.
Step 13Click the Apply button.
Step 14Enter the desired information into the Category Name field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 16Click the Chairs, Wood row header.
Step 17Click the Apply button.
Step 18Click the Done button.
Step 19Click the Expand object.
Step 20Verify the item categories were inserted under the Home Office Furniture category.
Step 21Now, move an existing category to a new parent category.
Click the Expand object.
Step 22Move the browsing category Notebooks and Binders under the browsing category Desk Supplies.
Click the Notebooks and Binders row header.
Step 23Click the Move button.
Step 24Enter the desired information into the Parent Category field. Enter
As you type, the Desk Supplies parent category appears.
Click the Desk Supplies Parent Category object.
Step 26Click the Save and Close button.
Step 27Verify the placement of the Notebooks and Binders category under Desk Supplies.
Click the Expand object.
Step 28The browsing category Notebooks and Binders is now under the browsing category Desk Supplies.
Step 29Attempt to delete the Legal category.
Click the Collapse object.
Step 30Click the Legal row header.
Step 31Click the Delete button.
Step 32You cannot delete the category Legal because it is referenced in other catalog objects.
Click the OK button.
Step 33Check category assignment to see what objects are assigned to the category Legal.
Click the Actions menu.
Step 34Click the View Category Assignments menu.
Step 35The category Legal is assigned to two informational catalogs and one local catalog. It cannot be deleted until the association is removed. You must update the catalogs to remove any references to this category.
Step 36Click the Done button.
Step 37This concludes the demonstration for creating and moving categories.