Hello, my name is John and today I will explain the concepts for importing sales accounts using a sample template you can download from I will explain how the template organizes customer data for import and how you map that data to the fields in the application when you import.
Step 1
This is the first in a series of four demons that show how to import sales accounts into Oracle Fusion CRM from a file.
These demos include:
1. Understanding sales account import using the sample import template
2. Creating the source system for your data
3. Importing sales accounts from a file
4. Verifying the imported sales accounts
Step 2Before we talk about the template let's look at a customer record in the Customer Center.
Step 3Customers in Oracle Fusion CRM can be either sales accounts or sales prospects.
Step 4
This customer is a sales account because it has an address with a sell-to purpose. A customer remains a prospect until it has a sell-to address.
Step 5
The application creates a sales account profile record and selects this sales account check box when you specify the sell to address. You can't set these check boxes manually.
Step 6
Now let's take a look at the import activity that you will be creating to import your file.
You will learn how to create this activity in detail in a related demonstration.
For now, I just want you to notice that you will be selecting Customer as the import object to import sales accounts.
Step 7Now let's look at the page where you will map the data in the file you are importing to the attributes in the application.
We are looking at this page now because it will help you understand how the sample template is structured.
Step 8The left side of the mapping page shows the structure of the import file.
Step 9The Column Header shows the names in the file header.
Step 10
The Example Value column displays sample values from the file.
Step 11
The right side of the page shows the application attributes you will be mapping to.
Notice that there are two columns.
Step 12To map an attribute, you select an object from the Object column first.
Step 13And then the attribute itself.
Why do you have to select an object first?
Step 14
Because the objects organize customer information on the mapping page the way sections organize the user interface.
The object names are a bit different from the section names and there is no one to one correspondence, but let's look at a couple so you get the idea.
Step 15OrganizationProfile
Step 16SellToAddress
Step 17PrimaryPhone, Url, or Fax
Step 18Now let's go back to the mapping page and look at the attribute names.
Some are similar to what you see in the interface. Sometimes they just have a different capitalization or have the spaces taken out.
Step 19Others are different.
For example, a phone number is split into a country code, an area code, and the number itself.
Step 20There is a field called Primary flag that takes a value of either Y or N and indicates the phone is the primary phone.
Step 21There are also attributes with the term "System" in them. We will talk about these later.
Step 22When you import your own data file, you will need to review documentation to understand attributes and their validation in more detail.
The sample template we are using here makes the mapping easy because the header for each column lists both the object and the attribute.
Step 23To create the mapping when you are using the template, you simply select the object.
Step 24And then the attribute.
Step 25Notice multiple attributes that have the term OrigSystem in the name. This abbreviation stands for original system.
All of these attributes have the same value. In this sample template, the letters CSV.
You must complete the Manage Trading Community Source Systems setup task to create the value in your environment before you import the template. This is a one-time setup that is covered in a related demonstration.
Step 26The file also includes many attributes with OrigSystemRef in the name. This abbreviation stands for Original System Reference.
These attributes hold IDs that identify the objects you are importing.
If your legacy data does not include these IDs, you can easily generate them in your file using Excel. The sample template already includes these IDs for you.
Step 27The original system code paired up with the ID ensures the uniqueness of each record.
Oracle permits you to import data from multiple systems and so there is a slight chance that you could have duplicates if you didn't have an original system code.
You can use these pairs to identify records in many import objects including customer, contact, and consumer.
Including these pairs in your file is one alternative for identifying records so you can update them later or import related information.
After you import an object for the first time, you can reference it using an internal ID such as PartyID or LocationID, but you'll have to do more work to get these.
Step 28When you examine the template, you will notice that there are more of the original system and ID pairs in the file than customer data.
Using this template, you are actually importing only four bits of customer information.
Step 29Customer name
Step 30Customer address
Step 31Customer URL
Step 32Customer phone
Step 33In this demo you learned about importing sales acounts from a file.
You can find additional learning resources in your Oracle Fusion Help application, as well as in the Oracle Learning Library, and at Oracle University. Thank you.