You are a contract administrator who wants to determine the profitability of a contract that is billing a project. You want to review a summary of the invoice and revenue amounts of the contract at a high level.
The financial summary for a contract is a real-time view of the contract and its lines.
The financial summary helps you analyze the financial performance of a contract with respect to contract billing and revenue recognition. You can know the performance of the whole contract and each of its lines. You can identify the profit-making and loss-making components of the contract.
Step 1View the financial summary for a contract that is billing a project.
Step 2Type in the contract number in the contract search box.
Enter the desired information into the Number field. Enter
Click the search link.
Click the Search Contracts link.
Step 4The search results appear. Select the contract you want to view the financial summary for.
Click the FS/SPL/0801/EUR link.
Step 5The contract opens and you can see the Financial Summary link under the Header.
Click the Financial Summary link.
Step 6The Financial Summary region appears, with the summary on top.
Point to the Financial Summary field.
Step 7The financial details appear below, under three tabs: Summary by Period, Invoices, and Project Details.
Point to the Contract FS/SPL/0801/EUR: Financial Details field.
Step 8The Summary by Period tab shows the financial summary by the financial period.
Point to the Summary by Period tab.
Step 9The Invoices tab shows the invoices for the contract.
Point to the Invoices tab.
Step 10The Project Details tab shows the project details for each line of the contract.
Point to the Project Details tab.
Step 11View the Summary by Period tab in detail.
Point to the Summary by Period tab.
Step 12The default view for summary by period is from Inception to Ledger Period over a Ledger Period trend, displayed in contract currency.
Step 13View the financial summary over different periods, trends, and currencies.
Step 14Change the trend to quarter.
Point to the Quarter list item.
Step 15Refresh the view.
Click the Refresh button.
Step 16The financial summary by period appears with a quarter trend.
Point to the graphic.
Step 17Select a different period from the To list. Select Quarter in place of Ledger Period.
Point to the Quarter list item.
Step 18When you select Quarter from the To list, the Quarter listbox is automatically populated.
Step 19Select Q3 2010 from the quarter list.
Click the Q3 2010 list item.
Step 20Refresh the view.
Click the Refresh button.
Step 21The financial summary appears from inception to Q3 2010.
Point to the graphic.
Step 22View the financial summary for one of the contract lines. Click Line 1 of the contract.
Click an entry in the Line 1 row.
Step 23Click the Summary by Period tab.
Click the Summary by Period tab.
Step 24The financial summary for Line 1 appears from inception to Q3 2010 with a quarter trend.
Point to the graphic.
Step 25View the summary in a different currency. Select Ledger Currency from the Display As list.
Click the Ledger Currency list item.
Step 26Refresh the view.
Click the Refresh button.
Step 27The revenue and profit for Line 1 appear in ledger currency.
Point to the graphic.
Step 28Scroll down to see more details.
Click the arrow.
Step 29The cumulative profit and margin for Line 1 appear.
Point to the graphic.
Step 30View the financial summary for Line 1 over a different financial period.
Step 31Select Fiscal Year from the To list.
Step 32Refresh the view.
Click the Refresh button.
Step 33The financial summary for Line 1 appears from inception to 2011 with a quarter trend.
Step 34Scroll down for more details. The cumulative profit-margin graph appears.
Point to the graphic.
Step 35This concludes the demo on viewing the financial summary for a contract.