You are the Marketing Operations Manager. As new leads are generated, rule-based assignment of the qualification status helps to standardize the qualification process.
This is the third and final of a series of three lead ranking rules to show you how to set up classification rules for filtering creditable leads based on the ranking of the Leads Qualification Score.
The three rules are:
1. Lead Ranking: Hot
2. Lead Ranking: Warm
3. Lead Ranking: Cool
All rules are part of a rule set. Prior to building this rule, a rule set called LeadRanking was added and saved. You can also see the HOTLeads and WARMLeads rules that were previously built.
Now you will add the rule and condition.
Step 1You can add the rule to the existing rule set.
Click the Add Row button.
Step 2Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter
Now, add the conditions.
Click the Add Row button.
Step 5Cool leads have a Qualification Score of Less than 100.
Step 6Click the Object list.
Step 7Click the Sales Lead list item.
Step 8Click the Attribute list.
Step 9You need the Qualification Score.
Click the vertical scrollbar box.
Step 10Click the Qualification Score list item.
Step 11Click the Operator list.
Step 12Click the Less Than or Equals list item.
Step 13Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter
Enter the desired information into the Return the candidate value as field. Enter
Click the Save and Close button.
Step 16This concludes the third and final LeadRanking rule.