This demonstration shows how to add sections and clauses to the contract terms in a contract.
This example adds a new section and a clause guaranteeing that the software being sold is free of viruses.
Begin by navigating to the Contract Terms tab in the contract.
Step 1Use the outline on the left side of the Clauses tab for editing.
Step 2And the right side of Clauses tab for previewing the results of your edits.
Step 3To add a section, use the Actions menu.
Step 4Select where you want to insert a new section.
Click the Licensing list item.
Step 5Click the Actions dropdown button to activate the menu.
Step 6Click the Add Section list item.
Step 7The application displays the Add Section window.
Step 8Use the Location field to specify where you want to insert the section.
You want to insert the new section after the Licensing section and After is already selected for you.
Step 9You can insert a section from the Contract Terms Library or create an entirely new one.
Step 10You know the Viruses and Malware section does not exist in the library, so you will create a new one.
Click the button to the right of the Create field.
Step 11Click the New list item.
Step 12Enter the name of the new section.
Enter the desired information into the New Section field. Enter
Click the OK button.
Step 14Now that you have added the section you will add the clause regarding viruses.
Step 15Select the new section.
Click the Viruses and Malware list item.
Step 16Click the Add Clause button.
Step 17The application displays the Add Clauses window.
Step 18Search for the clause you want to add by clause title or other attributes. You can use the percent sign as a wildcard.
Enter the desired information into the Title field. Enter
Click the Search button.
Step 20One clause matches.
Step 21You can review the clause text.
Click the Clause Details button.
Step 22The application displays the Clause Details window.
Step 23
If the existing clause text is not what you need for this contract, you may be able to edit it after insertion as described in related demonstrations about nonstandard clauses.
Step 24Click the Done button.
Step 25You can also create an entirely new nonstandard clause from scratch by clicking the Create Nonstandard Clause button.
Step 26The clause you found in the library meets your needs so add it.
Click the OK button.
Step 27To see the clause you inserted, you must refresh the preview.
Step 28Click the Refresh button.
Step 29To navigate to the clause, click on the section.
Click the Viruses and Malware list item.
Step 30Both the section and clause you added appear at the end of your contract terms.
Step 31This concludes the demonstration of adding a section and a clause to the contract terms.