You are a marketing operations manager who is creating a segment to target a group of customers for an e-mail marketing campaign. In this demonstration, you will learn how to create a segment.
You want to target U.S. customers who have not specifically indicated that they do not want to receive marketing e-mails.
Step 1Begin by selecting the Audience menu item from the Navigator. This takes you to the Audience work area.
Step 2Click the Create Segment link.
Step 3Enter the name of your segment.
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter
Select Contacts as the Target Level.
Click the Contacts list item.
Step 5Click the Save and Design button.
Step 6Now that you have created the segment you will add the filter criteria.
Step 7Click the Segment Designer graphic.
Step 8The Segment Designer page appears.
You are now ready to enter your filter criteria.
Step 9
You want to target U.S. customers only, so expand the Customer folder and find Country Code.
Click the Customer list.
Step 10Double-click the Country Code list item.
Step 11The New Filter dialog appears. We want to target customers located in the U.S. so, in the Value field, enter US.
Click the OK button.
Step 12Click the OK button.
Step 13The Country Code criteria block is now added to the Segment Designer area.
Step 14Next, go to Never Email Flag.
Double-click the Never Email Flag list item.
Step 15In the Value field, enter N.
Click the OK button.
Step 16Click the OK button.
Step 17Now you want to change the criteria and select customers who did not specify any value for the Never Email option.
Step 18Click the graphic to the right of the Never Email Flag criteria block.
Click the Never Email Flag graphic.
Step 19Click the Edit Criteria list item.
Step 20Click the Pencil graphic.
Step 21From the Operator list, select is null.
Click the OK button.
Step 22Click the OK button.
Step 23Next, you want to add the Never Email Flag block criteria to the Country Code block criteria. To do this, you need to click Keep and then select Add.
Click the Keep link.
Step 24Now you want the marketing segmentation application to retrieve the number of customers that meet your selected criteria.
Click the Update Counts button.
Step 25You want to get counts for all new and changed criteria blocks.
Click the OK button.
Step 26The total number of customers in your segment is displayed.
Step 27This concludes the demonstration of creating a segment and editing filtering criteria.