JDK Mission Control Plug-ins

This update site provides a set of plugins that extend JDK Mission Control in various ways.

These plug-ins are not considered part of the base JMC functionality.

Key Features

  • JConsole plug-in support for the Management Console.
  • Subscriptions tab for the Management Console.
  • Twitter plug-in support for the triggers Action in the Management Console.
  • Flight Recorder plug-in for visualizing JavaFX pulse phases and input events.
  • Metadata plug-in for Flight Recorder.
  • Heap memory usage analysis plug-ins.
  • Flight Recorder plug-in for visualizing G1 garbage collections.


  • Requires JDK Mission Control RCP Edition 7.0.1


Download and Install
This update site should be accessed from within the RCP application.

JDK Mission Control

Plug-ins that are experimental are not supported, but you can always try asking in the forums.