Initial Research: Information Regarding Accessibility (Section 508)

Last Updated 07.25.00

General Description

In February 2000, initial research was conducted by the UI group to understand the ramifications of the accessibility standards being developed by external groups affect on the BLAF (Browser Look and Feel) guidelines. Research on the web was conducted, a review and questions list based on the spring 2000 version of the W3C standards was created, and a accessibility consultant was hired to review all the issues with the team. Below is a list of links that discuss the initial findings.

What is Accessibility and Who is Affected?

What is Accessibility? -
It is a federal requirement that Oracle web-based applications and guidelines are compliant with Section 508; federal procurement officiers can not purchase electronic and informationt technologies that are not accessible to people with disabilities. This act ensures that people with disabilities will have equity in the use of electronic and information technology.

"The 1998 Amendments to Section 508 directed the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) to develop and publish standards by February 7, 2000 setting forth a definition of electronic and information technology and the technical and functional performance criteria necessary for achieving accessibility to such technology and information by individuals with disabilities. The definition of electronic and information technology is required to be consistent with the definition of information technology contained in the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996. The new legislation also instructed the Access Board and GSA to provide technical assistance to Federal agencies and consumers once the standards are implemented on August 7, 2000."
(excerpt from

Who is Affected by issues of Web accessibility? -
Electronic and Information technology must be accessible and usable by as wide a range of people with disabilities as possible including people with:

(excerpt from

Below is more explicit summary of disabilities affected by accessibility issues
(excerpt from Draft Notice: Web content Accessibility Guidelines Impact matrix )

How many People are affected by web accessibility? -
From documentation on the web, it is reported that 10-20% of many populations are affected disabilities stated above. (Not all are web accessibility issues, but many.)

W3C Content Guidelines Research

Below are some summarized ADA accessibility tips and guidelines from externally noted documents to give a quick overview to UI designers and developers. See the "Resources" section below for the most up to date information.

(excerpt from WAI: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0)
Summary of Guidelines from WAI: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

(excerpt from WAI: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Quicktips Document)
Quick Tips
The following "Quick Tips" introduce some key concepts of accessible Web design. Please note that these are not complete guidelines, but only a memory prompt for concepts from the W3C Recommendation Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. The complete guidelines include information critical to understanding and implementing the Quick Tips. There is an easy-to-use Checklist, a detailed document describing Techniques for implementing the Guidelines, and a Curriculum which explains how to use the guidelines.

For Complete Guidelines & Checklist:

Accessibility Consultant: Q/A Session

02.08.00 - Guidelines (application ui designs) compliancy questions regarding WIA: Web Content Accessibility 1.0 Document -