Note: This is an archival copy of Security Sun Alert 259028 as previously published on Latest version of this security advisory is available from as Sun Alert 1020468.1. |
Category Security Release Phase Resolved 6836837 Product Solaris 10 Operating System Date of Workaround Release 13-May-2009 Date of Resolved Release 02-Sep-2009 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader for Solaris 10 ... see below for full details: 1. ImpactMultiple security vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader 9.1 and earlier for
2. Contributing FactorsThese issues can occur in the following release:
1. Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Solaris 10 on the x86 platform and OpenSolaris $ /usr/bin/acroread -version Earlier versions of Adobe Reader on Solaris 10 only shipped acroread in $ cat `pkgchk -l -P AcroVersion | awk '/Pathname/ { print $2 }'` 3. SymptomsIf the described issues have been exploited to cause a Denial of Service 4. WorkaroundTo avoid the described issues, do not load PDF files from untrusted sources. 2. Select the JavaScript category. 3. Un-check 'Enable Acrobat JavaScript' 4. Click OK. 2. Select Contents tab. 3. Click on Manage button in File Types block. 4. Select PDF in the list and click Change Action. 5. Select 'Save them on my computer' option and click OK. 5. ResolutionThese issues are addressed in the following release:
For more information on Security Sun Alerts, see Modification History 22-May-2009: Updated Workaround section 02-Sep-2009: Updated Contributing Factors and Resolution sections. Now resolved. References121104-08ReferencesSUNPATCH:121104-08Attachments This solution has no attachment |