Note: This is an archival copy of Security Sun Alert 201752 as previously published on Latest version of this security advisory is available from as Sun Alert 1001292.1. |
Category Security Release Phase Resolved Solaris 9 Operating System Solaris 10 Operating System Bug Id 6464170, 6464172 Date of Workaround Release 23-JAN-2007 Date of Resolved Release 08-MAR-2007 Impact Two integer overflows, one in the CIDAFM() function and one in the scan_cidfont() function, have been found in the Xorg X server (see Xorg(1)) which may allow a local unprivileged user the ability to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the Xorg server. The Xorg X server runs with root privileges on Solaris. These issues are described in the following documents: CVE-2006-3739 at: CVE-2006-3740 at: iDefense Multiple Vendor X Server CID-keyed Fonts 'CIDAFM()' Integer Overflow Vulnerability at: Multiple Vendor X Server CID-keyed Fonts 'scan_cidfont()' Integer Overflow Vulnerability at: Contributing Factors These issues can occur in the following releases: x86 Platform
To determine if JDS Release 2 is installed on a Solaris 9 x86 system, the following command can be run: $ grep distributor-version /usr/share/gnome-about/gnome-version.xml <distributor-version>Sun Java Desktop System, Release 2</distributor-version> 4. The described issues only occur on systems with the SUNWxorg packages installed. To determine if the SUNWxorg packages are installed on the system, the following command can be used: $ pkginfo SUNWxorg-server system SUNWxorg-server X.Org Foundation Xserver
Symptoms There are no predictable symptoms that would indicate the described issues have been exploited to execute arbitrary commands with root privileges. Workaround To work around the described issues until the patch can be applied, the following entry for the Type 1 font module can be removed or commented out (by inserting a '#' at the beginning line) from the xorg.conf(4) file: Load "type1" Note: After applying this workaround, applications which require Type 1 fonts may not display the text properly. Resolution These issues are addressed in the following releases: x86 Platform
Modification History Date: 08-MAR-2007 08-Mar-2007:
References119062-02124833-01 Attachments This solution has no attachment |