Note: This is an archival copy of Security Sun Alert 201440 as previously published on Latest version of this security advisory is available from as Sun Alert 1001085.1. |
Category Security Release Phase Resolved Sun Cobalt Qube 3 Server Sun Cobalt RaQ XTR Server Sun Cobalt RaQ 4 Server Sun Cobalt RaQ 550 Server Bug Id 4805905 Date of Resolved Release 22-JUL-2003 Impact The Vi Improved (VIM) package may give unprivileged users the ability to execute arbitrary commands. VIM allows a user to set the modeline differently for each edited text file and allows the addition of "special comments" in those files. These comments can be modified to call external programs. This vulnerability of the modeline function could allow an unprivileged user who has system access the ability to create a text file such that when it is opened, arbitrary or malicious commands are executed. This issue is described at:
Note: VIM (Vi IMproved) is a version of the vi editor. Contributing Factors This issue can occur in the following releases: Sun Linux
Cobalt Platform
The VIM package version can be determined by running the following command, as in the example below: # rpm -q vim-common vim-common-6.0-7.13 Symptoms There are no predictable symptoms that would indicate the above described issue has been exploited. Workaround There is no workaround. Please see the "Resolution" section below. Resolution This issue is addressed in the following releases: Sun Linux 5.0
The above packages can all be found at: Cobalt Platform SRPM
Modification History Date: 04-AUG-2003
Attachments This solution has no attachment |