Release Phase
Bug Id
Date of Resolved Release18-JUN-2004
A local unprivileged user may be able to gain unauthorized root access on systems with Sun StorEdge Enterprise Storage Manager (ESM) 2.1 installed.
Contributing Factors
This issue can occur in the following releases:
SPARC Platform
Sun StorEdge Enterprise Storage Manager (ESM) 2.1 (for Solaris 8 and Solaris 9) without patch 117367-01
This issue only occurs when a non-root user has been assigned the "ESMUser" role on the management station. (See the "Relief/Workaround" section below for information on how to determine if a user has been assigned the "ESMUser" role.)
Note 1: ESM versions 1.2 and 2.0 are not affected by this issue.
Note 2: ESM is not supported on the x86 platform.
There are no predictable symptoms that would indicate the described issue has been exploited to gain unauthorized root access to the system.
Until patches can be applied, sites may want to remove the "ESMUser" role from all non-root users.
To determine if a user has been assigned the "ESMUser" role, use the following command:
# roles `logins -o | cut -f1 -d:` | grep ESMUser
This command will list the output in the form of:
<username> : <role list>
For example:
# roles `logins -o | cut -f1 -d:` | grep ESMUser
root : ESMUser
ESMUser : No roles
demo : ESMUser
perf : ESMUser
If "ESMUser" does not appear in the role list for any non-root username, then no further action is needed. However, if "ESMUser" does appear on the role list for a non-root username, remove it by running the following command:
# /opt/SUNWstm/bin/esm_user -r <username>
Given the example above, the corresponding commands to run would be:
# /opt/SUNWstm/bin/esm_user -r demo
Removing ESMUser role from local user: demo ...
Restarting name service cache daemon and smcwebserver...
Restarting smcwebserver...
Shutting down Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.0.2...
Starting Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.0.2...
See /var/log/webconsole/console_debug_log for server logging information
# /opt/SUNWstm/bin/esm_user -r perf
Removing ESMUser role from local user: perf ...
Restarting name service cache daemon and smcwebserver...
Restarting smcwebserver...
Shutting down Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.0.2...
Starting Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.0.2...
See /var/log/webconsole/console_debug_log for server logging information
Note: There is no need to run the "esm_user -r" command against the "ESMUser" username; only run it against other non-root usernames with "ESMUser" in their role list.
This issue is addressed in the following releases:
SPARC Platform
Sun StorEdge Enterprise Storage Manager 2.1 (for Solaris 8 and Solaris 9) with patch 117367-01 or later
ProductSun StorageTek Enterprise Storage Manager 2.1
AttachmentsThis solution has no attachment