Note: This is an archival copy of Security Sun Alert 200841 as previously published on Latest version of this security advisory is available from as Sun Alert 1000634.1. |
Category Security Release Phase Resolved Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition Bug Id 6590813, 6590827, 6590837, 6590850 Date of Resolved Release 03-OCT-2007 Impact [1] A vulnerability in Java Web Start may allow an untrusted application to read local files that are accessible to the user running the untrusted application. [2] Two vulnerabilities in Java Web Start may allow an untrusted application to read and write local files that are accessible to the user running the untrusted application. [3] Three vulnerabilities in Java Web Start may allow an untrusted application to determine the location of the Java Web Start cache. Sun acknowledges with thanks, Peter Csepely, for bringing these issues to our attention. Contributing Factors [1] The first issue listed can occur in Java Web Start in the following releases for the Windows 32-bit platform:
Note: Java Web Start in JDK and JRE 6 and later is not affected. [2] The next two issues listed can occur in Java Web Start in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
Note: Java Web Start in releases prior to JDK and JRE 6 are not affected. [3] The final three issues listed can occur in Java Web Start in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
Note: SDK and JRE 1.3.1 or earlier are not affected by any of the issues mentioned in this Sun Alert. To determine the default version of the JRE that Internet Explorer uses:
To determine the default version of the JRE that Mozilla or Firefox browsers use, visit the URL "about:plugins". The browser will display a page called "Installed plug-ins" which lists the version of the Java Plug-in such as the following: Java(TM) Plug-in 1.5.0_11-b03 This above example indicates that the version of the JRE that the browser uses is 1.5.0_11. Symptoms There are no predictable symptoms that would indicate the described issues have been exploited. Workaround To reduce the likelihood of executing untrusted applications which may allow these issues to be exploited, Java Web Start applications may be disabled temporarily (until the updates or patches have been installed) as follows: For Internet Explorer (Windows):
For Mozilla:
Note 1: On Microsoft Windows, applications may also be launched from the desktop icon or Start Menu if a shortcut was previously created for an application. Unknown applications should not be launched through the desktop icon or the Start Menu. Shortcuts can be removed by using the Java Web Start Application Manager through the "Application/Remove Shortcut" menu item. For more information, see: Note 2: It is also possible to launch applications through the command line in Windows, Solaris, and Linux. Unknown applications should not be launched through the command line. Sites may consider renaming the Java Web Start launcher ("javaws.exe" for Windows and "javaws" for Solaris and Linux) to prevent Java Web Start from launching. The launcher can be found at: Windows: JDK and JRE 6: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\javaws.exe JDK and JRE 5: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_13\bin\javaws.exe SDK and JRE 1.4.2: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_16\javaws\javaws.exe Solaris (if installed using pkg): /usr/bin/javaws Linux (if installed using rpm): /usr/java/jre1.5.0/bin/javaws Resolution [1] The first issue listed is addressed in the following releases (for Windows 32-bit platform):
[2] The next two issues listed are addressed in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
[3] The final three issues listed are addressed in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
JDK and JRE 6 Update 3 is available for download at the following links: JDK 6 Update 3 for Solaris is available in the following patches:
JDK and JRE 5.0 Update 13 is available for download at the following link: JDK 5.0 Update 13 for Solaris is available in the following patches:
SDK and JRE 1.4.2 for Solaris 8 is available for download at: Note: When installing a new version of the product from a source other than a Solaris patch, it is recommended that the old affected versions be removed from your system. To remove old affected versions on the Windows platform, please see: References125136-04125137-04 125138-04 125139-04 118666-14 118667-14 118668-14 118669-14 Attachments This solution has no attachment |