Note: This is an archival copy of Security Sun Alert 200688 as previously published on Latest version of this security advisory is available from as Sun Alert 1000543.1. |
Category Security Release Phase Resolved Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition Bug Id 6277246, 6316316, 6316314, 6316322, 6343309, 6343350, 6343342 Date of Resolved Release 07-FEB-2006 Impact Seven (7) vulnerabilities with the use of "reflection" APIs in the Java Runtime Environment may independently allow an untrusted applet to elevate its privileges. For example an applet may grant itself permissions to read and write local files or execute local applications that are accessible to the user running the untrusted applet. Sun acknowledges, with thanks, Adam Gowdiak, for bringing five of the seven issues to our attention. Contributing Factors The first issue can occur in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris and Linux):
The second and third issues can occur in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
Note: SDK and JRE 1.3.x are not affected. The fourth issue can occur in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
Note: SDK and JRE 1.4.x and 1.3.x are not affected. The fifth, sixth, and seventh issues can occur in the following releases (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux):
Note: SDK and JRE 1.4.x and 1.3.x are not affected. To determine the default version of the JRE on a system: For Windows:
For Solaris and Linux: % java -fullversion java full version "1.5.0_02-b09" Note: The above command only determines the default version. Other versions may also be installed on the system. Symptoms There are no reliable symptoms that would show the described issues have been exploited. Workaround There is no workaround. Please see the "Resolution" section below. Resolution The first issue is addressed in the following releases:
The second and third issues are addressed in the following releases:
The fourth issue is addressed in the following releases:
The fifth, sixth, and seventh issues are addressed in the following releases:
J2SE 5.0 is available for download at: J2SE 1.4.2 is available for download at: Note: It is recommended that affected versions be removed from your system. For more information, please see the installation notes on the respective download pages. Attachments This solution has no attachment |