package com.timesten.tptbmas; import java.util.Iterator; import; import org.hibernate.*; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; /* Implements a Hibernate client that uses the Hibernate native Session * interface for persistence. */ public class HIBClient extends CommonClient { // native interfaces for Hibernate persistence private static SessionFactory m_sessionFactory = null; private Session m_session = null; private Transaction m_txn = null; // the configuration file for the Hibernate SessionFactory private String m_hibernateCfg = "META-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml"; // keep track of the number of HIBClients using the global SessionFactory private static int m_factoryUseCount = 0; public HIBClient (PrintWriter writer, int keyCount, int numXacts, int numThreads, int threadId, int percentReads, int percentInserts, boolean verbose) { super (writer, keyCount, numXacts, numThreads, threadId, percentReads, percentInserts, verbose); return; } public CommonClient createNewInstance (PrintWriter writer, int keyCount, int numXacts, int numThreads, int threadId, int percentReads, int percentInserts, boolean verbose) { return new HIBClient (writer, keyCount, numXacts, numThreads, threadId, percentReads, percentInserts, verbose); } // Runs the benchmark from the command line. public static void main (String[] args) { HIBClient client = null; // read and validate command line args if (!processArgs (args)) { System.exit (1); } System.out.println ("Beginning HIBClient..."); // instantiate a new client with threadId = 0 client = new HIBClient (new PrintWriter (System.out, true), m_keyCount, m_numXacts, m_numThreads, 0, m_percentReads, m_percentInserts, m_verbose); try { client.runMain (); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace (); } System.out.println ("End HIBClient."); } // validate and assign command line arguments public static boolean processArgs (String[] args) { // locals boolean status = true; // read the common client command line args if (status) { status = CommonClient.processArgs (args); } if (!status) { System.out.println ("Usage: com.timesten.tptbmas.HIBClient " + "[-keyCount num_keys**2] " + "[-numXacts num_xacts_per_thread] " + "[-numThreads num_threads] " + "[-percentReads percent_reads] " + "[-percentInserts percent_inserts] " + "[-seed random_seed] " + "[-debug] " + "[-quiet] "); } return status; } public synchronized void open () throws Exception { // open a single Hibernate session factory to be shared among all threads if (m_sessionFactory == null) { m_sessionFactory = new Configuration ().configure (m_hibernateCfg).buildSessionFactory (); } m_factoryUseCount ++; // open a dedicated Session for this thread m_session = m_sessionFactory.openSession (); } public synchronized void close () throws Exception { // close this thread's Session m_session.close (); m_session = null; // if no other threads are using the factory then close it m_factoryUseCount --; if (m_factoryUseCount == 0) { m_sessionFactory.close (); m_sessionFactory = null; } } public void txnBegin () throws Exception { // begin a new transaction associated with the Hibernate session m_txn = m_session.beginTransaction (); } public void txnCommit () throws Exception { // commit the current transaction associated with the Hibernate Session // (note that this operation automatically flushes the Session) m_txn.commit (); m_txn = null; // clear the session level cache m_session.clear (); } public void txnRollback () throws Exception { // rollback the current transaction associated with the Hibernate Session m_txn.rollback (); m_txn = null; // clear the session level cache m_session.clear (); } public void read () throws Exception { Tptbm tptbm = null; TptbmPKey key = getRandomKey (); log ("Reading Tptbm " + key.toString () + "..."); // this method will return a Tptbm object from the TPTBM table // based on the primary key tptbm = (Tptbm) m_session.get (Tptbm.class, key); if (m_debug) { logVerbose (tptbm.toString ()); } } public void insert () throws Exception { // create and persist a new Tptbm instance Tptbm newTptbm = new Tptbm (); TptbmPKey pkey = new TptbmPKey (m_keyCount + m_threadId, m_insertOpCount); String last_calling_party = "" + pkey.getVpn_id () + "x" + pkey.getVpn_nb (); String directory_nb = "55" + pkey.getVpn_id () + "" + pkey.getVpn_nb (); String descr = ""; newTptbm.setKey (pkey); newTptbm.setDirectory_nb (directory_nb); newTptbm.setLast_calling_party (last_calling_party); newTptbm.setDescr (descr); log ("Inserting Tptbm " + pkey.toString () + "..."); (newTptbm); if (m_debug) { logVerbose (newTptbm.toString ()); } return; } public void update () throws Exception { Tptbm tptbm = null; TptbmPKey key = getRandomKey (); log ("Updating Tptbm " + key.toString () + "..."); // load the record ... tptbm = (Tptbm) m_session.load (Tptbm.class, key); // update the record tptbm.setLast_calling_party (key.getVpn_id () + "x" + key.getVpn_nb ()); if (m_debug) { logVerbose (tptbm.toString ()); } } public void populate () throws Exception { TptbmPKey pkey; String directory_nb; String last_calling_party = "0000000000"; String descr; int cacheCount = 0; long startTime, endTime; logVerbose ("Populating TPTBM table ..."); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); // VPN_ID & VPN_NB are 1-based indexes for (int id = 1; id <= m_keyCount; id ++) { for (int nb = 1; nb <= m_keyCount; nb ++) { pkey = new TptbmPKey (id, nb); directory_nb = "55" + id + "" + nb; descr = ""; // create and persist the instance Tptbm newTptbm = new Tptbm (); newTptbm.setKey (pkey); newTptbm.setDirectory_nb (directory_nb); newTptbm.setLast_calling_party (last_calling_party); newTptbm.setDescr (descr); (newTptbm); cacheCount ++; if (m_debug) { logVerbose (newTptbm.toString ()); } if (cacheCount % m_maxEntitiesInCache == 0) { m_session.flush (); } } } endTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); logVerbose ("TPTBM table populated with " + (m_keyCount * m_keyCount) + " rows in " + ((double)(endTime - startTime) / (double)1000) + " seconds."); return; } public void deleteAll () throws Exception { int cacheCount = 0; long startTime, endTime; Iterator tptbms = null; Tptbm tptbm; logVerbose ("Deleting all rows from TPTBM table..."); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); tptbms = m_session.createQuery ("FROM Tptbm").list ().iterator (); while (tptbms.hasNext ()) { tptbm = (Tptbm) (); if (m_debug) { logVerbose (tptbm.toString ()); } m_session.delete (tptbm); cacheCount ++; if (cacheCount % m_maxEntitiesInCache == 0) { m_session.flush (); } } endTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); logVerbose (cacheCount + " rows in TPTBM table deleted in " + ((double)(endTime - startTime) / (double)1000) + " seconds."); return; } }