1. Set up sample database and user accounts
The following build_sampledb script should be run once to set up the sample database and user accounts
Windows: > cd quickstart\sample_scripts\createdb
> build_sampledb.bat2. Set up environment to compile and run the sample programs
The following script must be run for each of the terminal session:
Windows: > quickstart\ttquickstartenv.bat
How to compile the sample ODP.NET program
The ODP.NET sample program runs on Windows platforms only.
To compile the sample program in the sample_code\ directory, perform the following steps in a .NET 2.x or 4.0 environment. Remember that for .NET 4.0 you must install Visual Studio 2010 and work in Visual Studio Command Prompt 2010.
To build a sample program in the sample_code/ directory, open a Visual Studio Command Prompt then execute the following command:
[Windows] | > csc /out:<program-name>.exe /reference:<path\to\Oracle.DataAccess.dll> <program-name>.cs | |
where <program-name> is the program you want to compile. The program must also reference the Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly located in your ODP.NET installation. |
For example, to compile the DemoODP program using ODP.NET, you do something like:
[Windows] | > csc /out:DemoODP.exe /reference:C:\path\Oracle.DataAccess.dll DemoODP.cs |
How to run the sample ODP.NET program
DemoODP |
This program illustrates the following functionality: - Executing a plain SQL statement - Executing a PLSQL block, using IN parameters - Executing an SQL statement using IN parameters - Array binding (batch insert) - Executing a database procedure using IN and OUT parameters - Using REF CURSOR |
(run the program specifying the default DSN sampledb_1122, username appuser and password)
DemoODP -db sampledb_1122 -user appuser -passwd <mypassword>
(run the program using the default DSN, username and password, and direct the output to a log file)
DemoODP -db sampledb_1122 -user appuser -passwd <mypassword> -log test.out
For full syntax of the program, try "DemoODP -help".
The expected test output looks similar to this:
Start Test
The employee who got the 10% pay raise was CLARK
Employees in department #50:
7944, ITMGR, MANAGER, 7839, 10/08/2010 10:34:20 AM, 2500,
7945, DVLPR1, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7946, DVLPR2, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7947, DVLPR3, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7948, DVLPR4, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7949, DVLPR5, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7950, DVLPR6, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7951, DVLPR7, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7952, DVLPR8, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7953, DVLPR9, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
7954, DVLPR10, DEVELOPER, 7944, 10/08/2010 12:00:00 AM, 2000,
Test finished
For more information on .NET programming with Oracle TimesTen, refer to the Oracle Data Provider for .NET TimesTen In-Memory Database Support User's Guide.