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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database System Tables and Views Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2.2)

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2 Replication Tables 

TimesTen stores metadata about replication in replication tables in your database.

Your applications can read the replication tables, but it cannot update them. If your application defines a table with the same name as a replication table, then your application can read a replication table by prefixing the replication table name with TTREP. For example, SELECT * FROM TTREP.REPTABLES selects rows from the REPTABLES replication table.

Information specific to replication tables:

Replication tables reserved for internal or future use

The TTREP.CLIENTFAILOVER table is reserved for internal or future use.

Required privileges to access replication tables

By default PUBLIC has SELECT privileges on various system and replication tables and EXECUTE privileges on various PL/SQL objects. You can see the list of objects by using this query:

SELECT * FROM sys.dba_tab_privs WHERE grantee='PUBLIC';

The ADMIN or SELECT ANY TABLE privilege is required to access other system and replication tables and views.


The REPELEMENTS table describes elements in a replication scheme.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name for a replication scheme
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication scheme's owner
ELEMENT_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication name for this element

This is logically different from the DS_OBJ_NAME of the underlying data base object. For example, the ELEMENT_NAME for a replicated table may differ from the table name. This name must be unique in a replication scheme.

ELEMENT_TYPE TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL The type of this replication element

'T' – table

'D' – database

'S' – sequence

OWNED_BY_SYSTEM BINARY(1) NOT NULL 0x01 - if element is maintained by the system and cannot be directly referenced by SQL statements

0x00 - if element is defined and maintained by a user

MASTER_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL The TT_STORE_ID for the master or propagator of this element
OLD_MASTER_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL The TT_STORE_ID for the immediately preceding MASTER for this element

-1 if none


0 - The MASTER_ID identifies a true MASTER database.

1 - The MASTER_ID identifies a PROPAGATOR.

DS_OBJ_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL If this replication refers to a single, underlying data base object: name of the object

Specifically, it is the name of the replicated table if ELEMENT_TYPE = 'T'.


DS_OBJ_OWNER.DS_OBJ_NAME need not be unique in a replication scheme, but each occurrence must be associated with a distinct ELEMENT_NAME.

DS_OBJ_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The owner of the replication element – if defined

NULL otherwise

This is always the owner of the table. DS_OBJ_OWNER.DS_OBJ_NAME need not be unique in a replication scheme, but each occurrence must be associated with a distinct ELEMENT_NAME.

DS_OBJ_ID TT_INTEGER for 32-bit systems

TT_BIGINT for 64 bit systems

Object ID or flag

If the ELEMENT_TYPE = 'T':

Table ID - If the table is in the owning (master or propagator) database, then this is the table ID.

1 - Table is in the subscriber database.

If the ELEMENT_TYPE = 'D':

0 - Database is a master or propagator.

1 - Database is a subscriber.

NULL - Database has been migrated, restored, or upgraded from an earlier version.

DURABLE_TRANSMIT BINARY(1) NOT NULL Durable transaction status

0 - Transactions are not made durable before they are transmitted.

1 - Transactions are made durable before they are transmitted (default).

CONFLICT_CHECKS BINARY(8) NOT NULL A bit map indicating which conflict detectors are enabled

0x0000000000000000 - no configured conflict detector (default)

0x0000000000000001 - ROW TIMESTAMP conflict detector

TS_COLUMN_NAME TT_CHAR(31) The name of the timestamp column specified in the CHECK CONFLICTS clause of a CREATE REPLICATION statement

This column must be of type BINARY(8) and permit NULL values.

TS_EXCEPTION_ACTION TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL The action to take upon detecting a conflict by a timestamp-based detector

The action is specified by the ON EXCEPTION clause in the CHECK CONFLICTS clause of a CREATE REPLICATION statement. They appear in this column as:

'\0' - action not defined


'R' - roll back transaction (default)

TS_UPDATE_RULE TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL The rule for maintaining the timestamp for a timestamp-based conflict detector

'\0' - rule not defined

'U' - by user

'S' - by system (default)

TS_REPORT_FILE TT_VARCHAR(1000) NOT INLINE The name of the file to which the replication agent reports timestamp conflicts

This file is specified by the REPORT TO clause in the CHECK CONFLICTS clause of a CREATE REPLICATION statement.

IS_MASTER_PROPAGATOR BINARY(1) Indication of whether the database is both a master and a propagator
EXTERNAL_DB TT_CHAR(1) Indication of replication to a database that is not TimesTen

NULL - no replication to another kind of database

O - replication to Oracle database, which occurs in a TimesTen database with an AWT cache group

REPORT_FORMAT TT_CHAR(1) The report format for the replication conflict file

'S' - standard format

'X' - XML format

NULL - no report file specified, therefore no format


The REPLICATIONS table collects together general information about all replication schemes in which the local database participates. The table indicates whether a replication scheme was created by ttRepAdmin -upgrade or by a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name for a replication scheme
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication scheme's owner
REPLICATION_ORIGIN TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL How replication was created

'U' - for ttRepAdmin -upgrade

'C' - for CREATE REPLICATION (or a ttRepAdmin command that was translated into CREATE REPLICATION)

REPLICATION_VERSION TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The number of ALTER REPLICATION commands applied to this replication scheme after its initial creation
SOURCE_STORE_ID_ALIGN TT_INTEGER NOT NULL Internal use, to properly align the SOURCE_STORE_ID column
SOURCE_STORE_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL If this replication scheme was created by restoring it from a backup: the database ID of the database from which this replication scheme was backed up and restored

Otherwise -1 (the invalid database ID)

CHECKSUM TT_BIGINT Indication of whether the replication scheme has been updated


The REPNETWORK table stores information on interfaces used by the replication agent when two peers communicate. Each row represents a communication path between master and subscriber and describes either the sending or receiving interface used.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name of the replication scheme
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The owner of the replication scheme
TT_STORE_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL Unique, system-generated identifier for a HOST_NAME/TT_STORE_NAME pair
SUBSCRIBER_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL The identifier for a database that subscribes to at least one replication element owned by TT_STORE_ID
HOST_NAME TT_VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL NOT INLINE Name associated with the network interface
PRIORITY TT_INTEGER NOT NULL Integer from 1-99 that denotes the priority of the IP address
INTERFACE TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL 'S' if HOST_NAME refers to an interface on the sending side

'R' if HOST_NAME refers to an interface on the receiving side


The REPPEERS table displays status information about the stores in a replication scheme. After the initial upgrade, the REPPEERS table contains peer information only about the local database and other databases that it transmits updates to.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name for a replication scheme
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication scheme's owner
TT_STORE_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL Unique, system-generated identifier for a HOST_NAME/TT_STORE_NAME pair
SUBSCRIBER_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL The identifier for a database that subscribes to at least one replication element owned by TT_STORE_ID

If a valid ID then this record describes the status of TT_STORE_ID/SUBSCRIBER_ID as a sender/subscriber pair.


TT_BIGINT for 64-bit systems

Commit timestamp

This field and COMMIT_SEQNUM together store the value of the Commit Ticket Number of the refreshed transaction that the subscriber has just committed.

COMMIT_SEQNUM TT_INTEGER for 32-bit systems

TT_BIGINT for 64-bit systems

Commit sequence number

This field and COMMIT_TIMESTAMP together store the value of the Commit Ticket Number of the refreshed transaction that the subscriber has just committed.

SENDLSNHIGH TT_INTEGER for 32-bit systems

TT_BIGINT for 64-bit systems

The log file number of the highest TT_STORE_ID log sequence number sent to and acknowledged by SUBSCRIBER_ID
SENDLSNLOW TT_INTEGER for 32-bit systems

TT_BIGINT for 64-bit systems

The log file offset of the highest TT_STORE_ID log sequence number sent to and acknowledged by SUBSCRIBER_ID

TT_BIGINT for 64-bit systems

For TimesTen internal use

TT_BIGINT for 64-bit systems

For TimesTen internal use
STATE TT_INTEGER The state of replication kept by TT_STORE_ID with respect to this SUBSCRIBER_ID

0 - START: Replication is in the active state and all log updates are retained until they have been applied at SUBSCRIBER_ID.

1 - PAUSE: Replication is not in the active state but all log updates are retained until they have been applied at SUBSCRIBER_ID.

2 - STOP: Replication is not in the active state and log updates are not retained.

4 - FAILED: Replication is not in the active state, log updates are not retained, and the log updates that need to be retained exceed the user defined threshold (TTREP.REPSTORES.FAIL_THRESHOLD). When this state has been communicated to SUBSCRIBER_ID it is changed to STOP.

TIMESEND TT_INTEGER The timestamp (in seconds) for the time of the last known successful transmission from TT_STORE_ID to SUBSCRIBER_ID
TIMERECV TT_INTEGER The timestamp (in seconds) for the time TT_STORE_ID last received a transmission from SUBSCRIBER_ID
PROTOCOL TT_INTEGER A number in the range 0 to 5 indicating the protocol level that replication uses for communication between TT_STORE_ID and SUBSCRIBER_ID

A higher number indicates a newer protocol.

LATENCY BINARY_DOUBLE An estimate of the time interval (in seconds) from the commit of a transaction on TT_STORE_ID to its receipt of acknowledgement that it has been applied at the subscriber identified by SUBSCRIBER_ID
TPS TT_INTEGER An estimate of the number of transactions per second that are committed on TT_STORE_ID and successfully received by the subscriber identified by SUBSCRIBER_ID
RECSPERSEC TT_INTEGER An estimate of the number of records per second retrieved by the subscriber identified by SUBSCRIBER_ID from the database TT_STORE_ID
TRACK_ID TT_TINYINT ID of replication track used in user-specified parallel replication
CTNLISTINDEX TT_INTEGER For internal use by the replication agent


The REPSTORES table lists the replication attributes of databases that participate in every TimesTen replication scheme in which the local database participates. Each database is identified by a unique TT_STORE_ID that TimesTen replication assigns to it. A TT_STORE_ID may appear at most once for a given replication scheme, but may appear multiple times in the REPSTORES table. Various replication schemes may define different replication attributes for the same database.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name for a replication scheme  
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication scheme's owner  
TT_STORE_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL Unique, system-generated identifier for a HOST_NAME/TT_STORE_NAME pair  
PEER_TIMEOUT TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The number of seconds for this database to wait for a subscriber response before trying to reconnect  
FAIL_THRESHOLD TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The number of log files whose accumulation makes this database, in this replication scheme, mark subscribers "failed"

(See the STATE field in TTREP.REPPEERS.)

HEARTBEAT_FACTOR BINARY_DOUBLE A multiplier of the current heartbeat frequency  


The REPSBUBSCRIPTIONS table registers each subscribing database that maintains a secondary copy of a replication element.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name for a replication scheme
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication scheme's owner
ELEMENT_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication name for this element, logically distinct from the name of an underlying database object
SUBSCRIBER_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL The TT_STORE_ID for a subscriber to this element

A subscriber may not subscribe more than once to a replication element in a replication scheme.

RETURN_SERVICE TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL Return service for this subscriber with respect to this replication element



'\0' - no return services


RETURN_BY_REQUEST BINARY(1) NOT NULL The type of return services for this element

0 - Return services are provided unconditionally.

1 - Return services are provided only by request.

This field is ignored if RETURN_SERVICES = '\0'.

PRIVILEGES TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL Privileges for this subscriber with respect to this replication element

'\0' - no special subscriber privileges


The REPTABLES table contains subscriber-relative information about each of the columns in each table transmitted to a subscriber. This information appears in REPTABLES in the owner (transmitter) database but not in REPTABLES in the subscriber database.


Column name Type Description
REPLICATION_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL Name for a replication scheme
REPLICATION_OWNER TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication scheme's owner
ELEMENT_NAME TT_CHAR(31) NOT NULL The replication name for this element, logically different from the REF_NAME of the underlying data base object

For example, the ELEMENT_NAME for a replicated table may differ from the table name. This name must be unique in a replication scheme.

SUBSCRIBER_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL The TT_STORE_ID for a subscriber to this element

A subscriber may not subscribe more than once to a replication element in a replication scheme.

COLNUM TT_SMALLINT NOT NULL Ordinal number of column in table (starting at 1)
COLOPTIONS BINARY(1) NOT NULL Column specification flags

0x01 - Column is in a primary key.

0x02 - Column value is varying length data type (VARCHAR[2], NVARCHAR[2], VARBINARY).

0x04 - Column value can be NULL.

0x08 - Column values are unique.

 1     TT_CHAR
 9     TT_DATE
10     TIME
13     DATE
15     NUMBER
16     CHAR
17     VARCHAR2
18     NCHAR
19     NVARCHAR2
2     BINARY
7     BIT
8     WCHAR
COLLEN TT_INTEGER NOT NULL for 32-bit systems

TT_BIGINT NOT NULL for 64-bit systems

Length of the column (maximum length for varying-length columns)

This is the number of digits in a fixed-point number, or the number of digits in the mantissa of a floating point number.

COLSCALE TT_INTEGER NOT NULL Scale of column data (non-negative number)

A scale of 0 indicates an integer with no digits to the right of a decimal point. For a scale of S, the exact numeric value is the integer value of the significant digits multiplied by:

10 (exp -S).

PTNNUM TT_SMALLINT NOT NULL The table partition that contains the column

TT_BIGINT NOT NULL for 64-bit systems

The offset of the column within the partition

TT_BIGINT NOT NULL for 64-bit systems

The offset to the null byte within the partition
REPKEYPOSITION TT_SMALLINT NOT NULL The ordinal position of this column in the replication key described by the REPKEYCOLS
TS_EXCEPTION_ACTION TT_CHAR(1) NOT NULL The action to take upon detecting a conflict by a timestamp-based detector

The action is specified by the ON EXCEPTION clause in the CHECK CONFLICTS of a CREATE REPLICATION statement. They appear in this column as:

\0' - Undefined action


'R' - ROLLBACK (default)

PNBOFF TT_INTEGER For internal use only
NULLMASK TT_TINYINT For internal use only
COLNAME TT_CHAR(31) Column name


The TTSTORES table maps the host name and database name to a unique TT_STORE_ID. The TT_STORE_ID is a foreign key for all other replication schema tables that refer to a database in a replication scheme.


Column name Type Description
TT_STORE_ID TT_BIGINT NOT NULL Unique, system-generated identifier for a HOST_NAME/TT_STORE_NAME pair
HOST_NAME TT_VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL NOT INLINE Name of the participating host node
TT_STORE_NAME TT_VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL NOT INLINE The name for this database
IS_LOCAL_STORE BINARY(1) NOT NULL 1 if this TT_STORE_ID represents the local database

0 otherwise

MAJOR_RELEASE TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The major release part of this database's TimesTen release number

0 indicates the current release.

MINOR_RELEASE TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The minor release part of this store's TimesTen release number
REP_SCHEMA_VERSION TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The version of the replication schema in this database
REP_PORT_NUMBER TT_INTEGER NOT NULL The port number that replication uses to communicate with this database

This is 0 if automatically assigned.

RRPOLICY TT_CHAR(1) Subscribers affected by return service failure policy

Legal values are:

'S' - single subscriber

'A' - all subscribers

'N' - no policy

RRTRIGGER TT_INTEGER Number of timeouts before the return service failure policy is triggered
RRRESUME_LATENCY TT_INTEGER Resume latency in milliseconds
RRDURABLE BINARY(1) Durable commits on RETURN RECEIPT failure

Legal values are:

1 - true

0 - false

RET_LOCAL_ACTION TT_CHAR(1) Default commit behavior for RETURN TWOSAFE transactions



RET_WAIT_TIME TT_INTEGER The defaulted timeout value for RETURN TWOSAFE transactions
RET_WHEN_STOPPED BINARY(1) Return service status

If either the replication agent for the database is stopped or if the database is used as master and the replication agent for the database is set to STOP, then if the value of the column is a non-zero value, return services for the database are suspended.

COMPRESSION TT_CHAR(1) Y if all data from the database is compressed
MASTER TT_CHAR(1) Active or standby database or subscriber database

Values are:

'Y' - active or standby database

'N' - subscriber database

NULL - all other cases


'A' - active

'S' - standby

NULL - all other cases

TS TT_BIGINT The timestamp at which the specified role change was made
CONFLICT_REPORT_STOP TT_INTEGER The threshold at which conflict reporting is stopped
CONFLICT_REPORT_RESTART TT_INTEGER The rate at which conflict reporting is resumed
TABLECHECK TT_CHAR(1) Indication of exact or relaxed replication

E (exact) - The table structures on the master and subscriber databases must be identical for replication to occur.

R (relaxed) - Replication can occur between master and subscriber if a relaxed table check has been passed. This means that the number of columns and column data types match for the tables in the master and subscriber databases.

NULL (default) - This is the value for all other cases.