Dropping an Active Standby Pair Configuration

To remove an existing active standby pair configuration, you must stop the replication agents and drop the active standby pair replication scheme on each database.

This tutorial uses the pre-defined DSNs repdb1_1121 and repdb2_1121 shipped with TimesTen 11.2.1. The hostnames of the two machines are stacb12 and stach17. repdb2_1121 is the current active database on stach17, and repdb1_1121 on stacb12 is the standby database.

1. Stop the Replication Agent

a. In ttIsql, connect to repdb1_1121 as the replication administrator adm.
  connect "dsn=repdb1_1121;uid=adm";
b. Use the built-in procedure ttRepStop to stop the replication agent.
  call ttrepstop;
c. Repeat the above steps on repdb2_1121.

2. Remove the Active Standby Scheme

a. Remove the active standby pair schema by using the DROP ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR statement. Use the ttIsql command repschemes to verify that the replication scheme has been removed.
drop active standby pair;
b. Repeat the above step on repdb2_1121.

3. Destroy the Standby Database

a. Log in to server 1 (stacb12) as the instance administrator. Use the ttDestroy utility to remove the redundant standby database repdb1_1121.
  ttdestroy repdb1_1121