UIX Developer's Guide
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17. Media

This chapter discusses how UIX can be used to display various types of media in your web applications. Particular emphasis is given on how to use the Oracle interMedia and BC4J bindings to store your media content in a database. The chapter contains the following sections:

Displaying media content

At this point, you are probably already familiar with how to display static media in your UIX pages. Static media consists mostly of images which are inlined into your content, and they are easily displayed using the UIX <image> component. However, if your application calls for dynamic data such as audio or video to be displayed to the user, you will need to use the <media> component.

The purpose of the <media> component is to simplify the configuration of the wide array of media types available to developers. For instance, the Quicktime, Real, and Windows formats for video all have different mechanisms for rendering in a browser, as well as differences in sizing and control. the <media> component performs two useful functions for the developer: it helps choose which media player is most appropriate for a particular user, and it helps abstract the differences in configuration APIs for the developer.

Choosing the best player

The <media> component will render the appropriate output to suggest to the user's device which media player to use. In some cases, there really is no choice on which media player should be used because the type of content the developer has chosen may only be supported by one player. For instance, video files encoded in a Quicktime format may require that the user have a Quicktime player on his or her device. The following example shows how to specify that a movie called "trailed.mov" should be played with the Quicktime player:

  <media source="trailer.mov" player="quicktime"/>

However, audio encoded in the .mp3 format may be able to be played by multiple players. If the developer does not specify a specific player, UIX will attempt to choose the best one. If UIX encounters the following example:

  <media source="newSong.mp3"/>
it will use a set of rules to determine which media player to use for each user.
  1. If the contentType attribute is specified on the media tag, UIX will use this, in conjunction with information automatically sent as part of the user's request, to figure out a media player to use. If UIX can determine this information from the user's request, it will override even the player attribute.
  2. If UIX can determine which players the user has from his or her request, it will next try to pick among those players which one is best suited to display the type of media being presented.
  3. The next way UIX chooses a player is to fall back on the dominant player for the user's type of device, if it can be determined.
  4. If none of these rules allow UIX to determine which player to use, it will render a link in the output which allows the user's device to pick the player when the user follows the link.

Note that it is always possible for developers to simply use the <link> element as the mechanism for displaying media. this means that the media will not render inline, but will instead rely on the user to follow the link to see the media. This can be particularly useful for user devices with slower connections or less memory, where loading the media automatically may prove problematic.

Customizing the media display

Choosing the media player is only the first step, however, and a developer also has the ability to choose more advanced display options. UIX abstracts these choices into APIs that work across the various players. Note that many of these options are hints, and some may not work for a given player.

For sizing, the "width" and "height" attributes can be used to request a specific size that the content should take when shown to the user. However, various players display extra content around the media clip such as control buttons and borders, so if you choose to use those two attributes you might not be allocating enough space for a particular player. Since each player has different controls, it can be difficult to predict the size you need.

For this reason, UIX provides the "innerWidth" and "innerHeight" attributes. If a developer sets these two attributes to be the size of the actual media content, UIX will attempt to add the right amount of additional padding to this size to accommodate the controls of the player being used. This is generally the better choice. An example follows:

  <media src="trailer.mov" innerWidth="320" innerHeight="240"/>

In this case, the movie trailer to be shown is 320 pixels wide and 240 pixels high, and UIX will add additional space in the user's device to accommodate the player's controls.

UIX also provides attributes for more advanced settings such as: whether or not to start play without a user action; how many times to repeat the content; what types of controls to display on the player; and what messages to display to the user while content download is taking place. For more information on these advanced settings, consult the programming reference.

Now that you've seen how to display media in a UIX application, you may be interested in ways to store and update that media content. For this, Oracle provides a technology called interMedia.

Introducing Oracle interMedia

Oracle interMedia enables the Oracle database to manage multimedia content such as image, audio, video, and other digital media in an integrated fashion with enterprise information. This means that complex multimedia data can be stored, retrieved, and manipulated by an Oracle database in the same fashion as traditional relational data.

You will need a basic understanding of database storage concepts to utilize the remaining conten in this chapter. In addition, you will need knowledge of the Business Components for Java (BC4J) framework and the UIX bindings to it to proceed.

Overview of interMedia

Based on the object-relational extensions of Oracle database, interMedia uses database object types -- similar to Java or C++ classes -- to describe multimedia data. As of Oracle8i, the interMedia object types are created as a package at installation under the database user ORDSYS and consist of ORDAudio, ORDImage, and ORDVideo, describing digitized audio, image, and video, respectively. Oracle9i introduces one more object type: ORDDoc, for describing generic media content. An instance of these object types consists of attributes -- including metadata and the media data -- and methods. Media data is the actual audio, image, or video while the metadata is information about the media, such as its length, compression type, or format. The methods are procedures that can be performed on the media such as "setProperties", "process", "getDataInFile", etc.

For Java developers using JDBC, interMedia provides an "interMedia Java Classes" library to support retrieval of media content from interMedia database objects and upload of media content into interMedia database objects. It also supports invocation of interMedia database object methods to perform various media-related operations. For more information on using JDBC to access interMedia, consult the interMedia documentation distributed with your database.

For BC4J developers, interMedia provides an "interMedia BC4J Domain Classes" library, which is based on the "interMedia Java Classes". The BC4J framework helps developers by providing automatic mapping between the database object types and the domain classes. BC4J developers can use the interMedia BC4J domain classes to retrieve content from or upload content to an Oracle database. These domain classes also support the invocation of interMedia database object methods to perform various media related operations.

Integration of interMedia with UIX

The UIX BC4J bindings also provide the foundation for the UIX interMedia integration. When using the interMedia BC4J domain classes, the BC4J framework treats interMedia database object types in the same fashion as any other database types, such as VARCHAR2. The BC4J framework creates interMedia domain objects for interMedia database objects just as it creates String objects for those VARCHAR2 values. The interMedia BC4J domain classes work seamlessly in the BC4J framework with Row, ViewObject, ApplicationModule, and other BC4J objects.

Several existing UIX user interface components, including <image>, <media>, and <link>, can be used to represent multimedia content. The interMedia UIX integration uses these beans to display media content stored in interMedia. In addition, a few new uiXML elements have been created to bind interMedia database types to these components. The new interMedia uiXML elements are <bc4j:image>, <bc4j:media>, and <bc4j:link>.

For media content upload, two new uiXML elements, <bc4j:fileUpload> and <bc4j:messageFileUpload> are provided to generate file upload form fields.

Some existing uiXML elements are retrofitted to add support for interMedia. They are <bc4j:input> and <bc4j:messageInput>.

Users don't have to learn a new way of developing uiXML applications. Using interMedia in UIX just means using the new uiXML elements in the familiar BC4J uiXML application.

Retrieving and displaying interMedia content

Let's assume the EMP table (discussed in Business Components for Java Integration) has an additional column called "EmpPic" of type ORDSYS.ORDIMAGE. This "EmpPic" column is used to store employee pictures. We will use this new EMP table in the next examples.

The following SQL code shows how to create a database table with an interMedia ORDSYS.ORDIMAGE column:

create table MediaEmp (EMPNO number(4) primary key,
                       ENAME varchar2(10),
                       HIREDATE date,
                       SAL   number(7,2),
                       EMPPIC ordsys.ordimage);

The uiXML BC4J bindings currently allow developers to choose whether to explicitly specify data types of user interface components, known as "manual" mode, or allow the framework to automatically determine the types of components, known as "automatic" mode.

Automatic mode

In automatic mode, the <bc4j:keyStamp> and <bc4j:columnStamp> elements automatically pick up the interMedia column. The <bc4j:input> element automatically assigns an <image> to the interMedia attribute for rendering. So the sample code in the Business Components for Java Integration chapter doesn't even need to change to have the employee picture displayed in the browser.

<bc4j:rootAppModuleScope name="EmpAppModule">
  <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CurrentDeptEmpsVO">
    <bc4j:table name="emps" automatic="true">
      <bc4j:rowKey name="key" />
        <bc4j:sortableHeader />
        <bc4j:input readOnly="true" />

Manual mode

In manual mode, users need to explicitly specify the attributes that they wish to render. Users also need to manually specify the association between user interface components and attribute types.

<bc4j:rootAppModuleScope name="EmpAppModule">
  <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CurrentDeptEmpsVO">
    <bc4j:table name="emps" automatic="false">
      <bc4j:rowKey name="key" />

      <bc4j:column attrName="Empno">
        <bc4j:sortableHeader />
        <bc4j:textInput readOnly="true" />
      <!-- other columns -->
      <bc4j:column attrName="Emppic">
        <bc4j:sortableHeader />
        <bc4j:image readOnly="true" />


Uploading media content into interMedia

At runtime, it is often useful to allow users to upload media content into a database. Uploading content through a browser uses HTML's form file upload field to allow users to pick which media file on their local computer to upload to the server. The HTML form element needs to be configured to use the POST method (rather than GET) and enctype="multipart/form-data" so that the file content will be encoded correctly in HTTP Post request sent to the server. For example, the uiXML <form> element and the event handler to support it should be specified like this:

<form method="post" usesUpload="true">

Automatic mode

<form name="updateForm" usesUpload="true" method="post">
  <formParameter name="event"/>
  <!-- layout the fields in two columns -->
    <bc4j:rootAppModuleScope name="EmpAppModule">
      <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CurrentDeptEmpsVO">
        <bc4j:rowScope name="UpdateEmp">
          <bc4j:region automatic="true">

 <event name="apply">
  <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="EmpAppModule">
   <!-- establish the ViewObject scope -->
   <bc4j:findViewObject name="CurrentDeptEmpsVO">
    <!-- find the row by key, falling back on a new default
            row if the key is not found -->
    <bc4j:findRow name="UpdateEmp">
     <bc4j:setRegion automatic="true"/>
     <!-- forward to the summary page -->
     <ctrl:go name="showEmp" redirect="true"/>

Manual mode


<form name="updateForm" usesUpload="true" method="post">
  <formParameter name="event"/>
  <!-- layout the fields in two columns -->
    <bc4j:rootAppModuleScope name="EmpAppModule">
      <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CurrentDeptEmpsVO">
        <bc4j:rowScope name="UpdateEmp">
          <bc4j:messageInput attrName="Empno"/>
          <bc4j:messageInput attrName="Ename"/>
          <!-- other attributes -->
          <bc4j:messageFileUpload attrName="Emppic"/>


 <event name="apply">
  <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="EmpAppModule">
   <!-- establish the ViewObject scope -->
   <bc4j:findViewObject name="CurrentDeptEmpsVO">
    <!-- find the row by key, falling back on a new default
         row if the key is not found -->
    <bc4j:findRow name="UpdateEmp">
     <bc4j:setAttribute name="Empno" paramName="Empno"/>
     <bc4j:setAttribute name="Ename" paramName="Ename"/>
     <!-- other attributes -->
     <bc4j:setAttribute name="Emppic" paramName="Emppic"/>
     <!-- forward to the summary page -->
     <ctrl:go name="showEmp" redirect="true"/>

Configuring a UIX project for interMedia

Required entries in web.xml

If a uiXML application displays interMedia content, the web.xml file for that application needs to have the following configuration entries so that the J2EE container can run properly:


oracle.ord.html.OrdPlayMediaServlet is a pre-supplied Java servlet that delivers interMedia content from a database to a browser. "ordDeliverMedia" is its default servlet name and servlet mapping. "releaseMode" parameter is used to specify the release mode of the servlet. Its value could be one of "Stateful", "Stateless", or "Reserved". Please refer to BC4J documentation for more discussion about release mode.

If a uiXML application needs to upload files to update interMedia objects in the database, the web.xml needs the following extra entry for oracle.cabo.servlet.BajaServlet :


oracle.cabo.servlet.io.FileUploadManager parameter is used to specify a custom class to handle HTTP POST file upload. oracle.cabo.data.jbo.servlet.io.OrdFileUploadManager is the interMedia implementation of HTTP POST file upload handler. It parses the multipart stream and sets browser uploaded files to interMedia objects.

Optional entries in web.xml

When uploading content, it is important to manage both web server memory usage for browser file uploads and the temporary directory used to cache media content on the server during upload. This needs to be addressed because media files can often grow very large, and the server needs control over how to handle them.

The browser uploaded content will be cached in the server memory before the memory limit is reached. At that point, the content will be written to temporary files. These memory and file resources will be freed at the end of the upload operation, i.e. the HTTP request.

There are two servlet init parameters that specify the memory limit and the directory for these temporary files: oracle.cabo.data.jbo.servlet.ord.HttpMaxMemory and oracle.cabo.data.jbo.servlet.ord.HttpTempDir. They both belong to oracle.cabo.servlet.BajaServlet. These two parameters are optional. The default value for oracle.cabo.data.jbo.servlet.ord.HttpMaxMemory is 102400 bytes. The default value for oracle.cabo.data.jbo.servlet.ord.HttpTempDir is the java.io.tmpdir system property value.

For example:


This example specifies that, if the incoming uploaded content is bigger than 1024 bytes, the content will be stored as a temp file under the "D:/temp/ord" directory.

A complete web.xml example

Here is a complete sample listing of a properly configured UIX interMedia application.

  <description>Empty web.xml file for Web Application</description>





