Java Debug Interface

Interface AttachingConnector

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AttachingConnector
extends Connector

A connector which attaches to a previously running target VM.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
Connector.Argument, Connector.BooleanArgument, Connector.IntegerArgument, Connector.SelectedArgument, Connector.StringArgument
Method Summary
 VirtualMachine attach(Map arguments)
          Attaches to a running application and and returns a mirror of its VM.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
defaultArguments, description, name, transport

Method Detail


public VirtualMachine attach(Map arguments)
                      throws IOException,
Attaches to a running application and and returns a mirror of its VM.

The connector uses the given argument map in attaching the application. These arguments will include addressing information that identifies the VM. The argument map associates argument name strings to instances of Connector.Argument. The default argument map for a connector can be obtained through Connector.defaultArguments(). Argument map values can be changed, but map entries should not be added or deleted.

arguments - the argument map to be used in launching the VM.
the VirtualMachine mirror of the target VM.
IOException - when unable to attach. Specific exceptions are dependent on the Connector implementation in use.
IllegalConnectorArgumentsException - when one of the connector arguments is invalid.

Java Debug Interface