By setting up the debugger start option, you are specifying how you would like the debugger to behave when you start a new debugging session. Specifically, decide if you want the debugger to execute until a breakpoint is reached, or if you want the debugger to stop when it reaches your project's code (for example, at the beginning of your application's main method).
To set the debugger start option:
The start debugger setting is a project property which you can set in either of the following ways:
From the toolbar, click the Set Start Debugging Option to Run Until a Breakpoint Occurs icon.
From the main menu choose T ools Preferences and open the Debugger page
Next, choose one of the available Start Debugging Options:
Set Start Debugging Option to Run Until a Breakpoint Occurs
When you start debugging, the debugger will let the program you are debugging execute until a breakpoint is reached.
Set Start Debugging Option to Step Over
When you start debugging, the debugger will let the program you are debugging execute until a method in a tracing-enabled class is reached, but it will not stop in class static initializer method.
Set Start Debugging Option to Step Into
When you start debugging, the debugger will let the program you are debugging execute until any method, including a class static initializer method.
Note: Unlike previous releases of JDeveloper, you cannot start debugging by pressing the Step Over or Step Into buttons. Step over and step into will only cause stepping on an already-started debugging process.
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