Searching for Web Services by Category

You can search a UDDI registry for a web service by selecting one or more categories of web service.

You must have an appropriate connection from your machine so that JDeveloper can make a connection to the UDDI registry you select, for example, a connection to the internet if you want to search a public UDDI registry.

If you want to generate a stub at the end of this procedure, you must have at least one workspace and project in the navigator. If these do not exist, a warning message is displayed and you can choose to continue without creating one, or to cancel the wizard so that you can first create a workspace and project. Also, you can only generate a stub to a web service that has a tick in the Is WSDL? column.

To search for a web service by name:

  1. If you need to create a new connection to a UDDI registry first see Creating New UDDI Registry Connections.
  2. In the Connections Navigator launch the Find Web Services wizard by either:
  3. If the Welcome page is displayed read the summary on it, then click Next.
  4. The next page depends on whether you have already selected the UDDI registry you want to use.
  5. Select Category and click Next to display the Categories page.
  6. You can base your search on more than one taxonomy and category. Select the first Taxonomy, then expand the category nodes and select the category or categories you want to use by clicking on them and clicking the right arrow to move them to the right pane. You can select more than one category by holding down the Ctrl key.
    If you want to use another taxonomy, select it and then select more categories to add to your search criteria. Click Next to display the tModel page.
  7. A list of the tModels that fit your search criteria is displayed. When the web service uses WSDL, there is a tick in Is WSDL? Click on the service you want, and click Next to display the Service page.
  8. A list of web services that implement the tModel you selected is displayed. Click on the service you one, and click Next to display the Finish page.
  9. A description of the web service is displayed.

The Find Web Services wizard dialog allows you to choose what to do with the web service you have found:

Configuring UDDI Registry Connections
About UDDI
About UDDI Registries


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