You can produce a report of a web service that is listed in the Applications Navigator or System Navigator, or that you have located using a UDDI registry and that is listed in the Connections Navigator to see whether it conforms with WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 standards. Before you can do this you must have downloaded a WS-I compliant analyzer to your machine and registered it with JDeveloper.
The parts of the WS-I Basic Profile that check the content of messages sent between a web service and a client cannot be used until the client is run against the service. When invoked from the navigator, the WS-I analyzer can only analyze the description of the service in its WSDL document.
Note: When you test web services to find out whether they conform to the WS-I Basic Profile, only JAX-RPC web services are likely to be fully compliant. This is because web services developed for deployment on SOAP servers or as Oracle J2EE 1.3 compliant web services are generated to conform to earlier standards.
To analyze a web service:
is displayed in JDeveloper. The report may take
a few moments to appear, depending on whether you are analyzing a
local web service or one deployed elsewhere on the Web.
Analyzing Web Services
Using the WS-I Basic Profile
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