UIX XML is an XML language for defining the user interface of a web
application using a rich set of Oracle ADF UIX components. A UIX XML
document has the file extension .uix
, and the file contains
a declarative description of the UIX components that define the layout,
navigation, and content of a single web application page. At runtime,
the UIX servlet interprets the UIX XML documents and renders the
appropriate output for the browser or device that requested the page.
In JDeveloper you can use the UIX Visual Editor to visually create your UIX web pages by adding and arranging UIX user interface components, and then test and run your application. JDeveloper also provides wizards to help you build individual UIX pages, and UIX XML template (UIT) files for quicker development. Additionally, because UIX is part of Oracle ADF, it supports data binding of diverse business sources.
If you are interested in creating UIX XML applications, see Creating UIX XML Pages.
JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology is based on Java servlets and, like Java servlets, JSP is a server-side technology. A key difference between JSP pages and servlets is that JSP pages keep static page presentation and dynamic content generation separate. JSP web page designers use:
HTML tags to design and format the dynamically generated web page
JSP standard tags or Java-based scriptlets to call other components that generate the dynamic content on the page
JSP tags from custom tag libraries that generate the dynamic content on the page
UIX JSP provides a tag library that invokes UIX components via a set of tags from a JSP 1.2&ndashcompliant tag library. The JSP tags generate the HTML to render tabs, buttons, tables, headers, and other layout and navigational components.
A JSP page has the extension .jsp
. This extension notifies
the web server that the page should be processed by a JSP container. The
JSP container interprets the JSP tags and scriptlets, generates the
content required, and sends the results back to the client as an HTML or
XML page.
If you are interested in creating JSP applications, see Working with JSP Pages.
JDeveloper provides data binding, tag insight, and other editing features for both technologies. Integration with External Technologies in the ADF UIX Developer's Guide can help you decide which best meets your development needs.
Some of the key differences are:
About UIX XML Elements
About UIX JSP Tags
About JavaServer
Inserting UI Components Using the Data Control Palette
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