Refreshing ADF Data Controls After Modifying Business Services

After you have already created the data control definition for your Model project, you may decide to update the data control after modifying your business services. Refreshing the data control definition makes the latest business service changes available to the ADF application.

The action you take to refresh the data control definition depends upon the type of change to the model project:

To refresh a data control definition for business services you have modified:

  1. In the model project, define the new properties of the bean or other business service you want to create.

  2. Compile the .java file to regenerate the business service's metadata in its corresponding .xml file.

  3. If the modified business service is bean-based (such as a TopLink object or EJB Session bean), right-click the bean's .xml file and choose Refresh.

    Note: In the case of ADF Business Components, the data control definition is automatically updated whenever you make changes to your ADF BC project files.

To remove a data control definition for business services you have removed:

  1. In the view project, select the DataBindings.dcx file.

  2. Choose View | Structure to display the Structure window for the file.

  3. In the Structure window, select the data control node that represents the business service that no longer appears in your Model project.

  4. Right-click the data control node and choose Delete.

JDeveloper updates the data control definition file ( DataBindings.dcx) in the Model project. The DataBindings.dcx file identifies the Oracle ADF model layer adapter classes that facilitate the interaction between the client and the available business services.

To view the modified data controls in the Data Control Palette:

To update a data control after renaming or moving the business service:

  1. In the model project, if you rename your business service or move it to a new package, you must update the reference to the model project in the client's data control definition.

  2. In the view project, select the DataBindings.dcx file.

  3. Choose View | Structure to display the Structure window for the file.

  4. In the Structure window, select the data control node that represents the moved business service.

  5. In the Property Inspector, edit the Package attribute to supply the new package name.

To work with the Data Control Palette:

Inserting UI Components Using the Data Control Palette

For information about the Oracle ADF data controls:

About Oracle ADF Data Controls


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