Creating a Databound Web Page from the Struts Page Flow Diagram

When you create a Struts-based web application you can create and design the web pages while you lay out your page flow in the Struts Page Flow Diagram. For guidelines to follow when creating a page flow, see Choosing a Page Design Approach for the Struts Page Flow Diagram.

To layout the page flow and create web pages interactively:

  1. Open the Struts Page Flow Diagram.

  2. Lay out the page flow and create a page forward element to specify the destination of the data action.

  3. Double-click the new /page1 page forward element in the diagram and use the dialog to edit the name. The name by default shows the name of the page forward element. It is recommended that you keep the page forward element and the name of your web page the same.

    Note: Before you complete the page flow, it is important that you rename your page forward element to reflect the name of the web page to which it forwards. Renaming the page forward after you have inserted a forward transition will result in a mismatch between the pageNameUIModel.xml file (referenced by the data action at runtime) and the corresponding web page for which the .xml file specifies the ADF control bindings definition.

  4. Specify the type of web page you want to create ( JSP page or Oracle ADF UIX page) by providing one of these filename extensions:

    The design time immediately adds the file to your project and opens it in the Visual Editor .

  5. You can proceed to design the web page using the Data Control Palette.

You can return to the Struts Page Flow Diagram anytime while designing the web page.

For further information on these design time tools


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