About Control Hints for Business Components Clients

Applications that interact with business components rely on the Oracle ADF Business Components technology to access the database. The Business Components tier of this type of data-access application provides mechanisms for retrieving data from the database and converting the database types to Java types for consumption by the client application tier. The Business Component tier also provides a centralized mechanism for any Business Components data item to be rendered in a consistent manner across all client types. This mechanism, known as control hints, permits Business Components developers to:

JDeveloper supports these specific client applications with the built-in capability to interact with the Business Components and utilize control hints:

About the Control Hints Mechanism in Business Components

The Business Components tier is an assemblage of cooperative objects which work together to provide a transactional environment for client applications that access the database. Business Components clients interact with the Oracle ADF Business Components technology through the high-level application module object. To initiate database access, the client obtains an instance of the application module, which defines the state of the application data and provides a connection to the database. For each application module, the Business Components developer creates these objects in the Business Components project:

In addition to the basic functions these Business Components provide, the Business Components provide numerous other functions that serve the Business Components tier. One of these functions is to store control hint information to define how a client UI should render particular attribute values.

The important point about the usage of control hints in the Business Components project is that control hints are properties of the defining object and as such can be inherited by other Business Components. For example, any control hint property the developer sets on the entity object level will be propagated to any view object that references the entity object. On the other hand, it is also possible to set up control hints at the view object level to override entity-level control hint property definitions. The ability to inherit and override control hint properties by view objects allows the Business Components developer to:

About Control Hint Properties

The control hints mechanism supports these control hint properties:

About Design-time Support for Control Hints

Design-time support for control hints is provided at two levels:

The Business Components design-time wizards provide the mechanisms for setting and editing control hints on the attributes of both entity objects and view objects. To edit controls hints for an attribute, you display the attributes of the desired entity or view object displayed in the Structure window and right-click to open the attribute in the attribute editor.

In the Entity Attribute and View Attribute Editor control hints are visible as properties of the current attribute. You can use the Control Hints tab to easily edit the control hints properties. Once set in the Control Hints tab, you can click the Properties tab to view which hints are added for the attribute.

The following table lists the control hints and whether the various Business Components clients pick them up.

Hint Name JSP Pages (see note) ADF UIX Pages ADF JClient Java UI
Label Text




Tooltip Text



yes (see Note2)

Formatter and Format Mask




Display Hint




Control Type




Display Width and Height




Form Type

Not applicable.

Not applicable.


Note1: Control hints are not supported on input form pages that rely on the Struts tag libraries and JSTL tags to evaluate expressions. See the following section for details.

Note2: ADF JClient applications ignore any tooltip text that has been entered for an underlying entity object attribute or view object attribute. To workaround this issue you can set the tooltip text in your client code. This example shows how to set the tooltip text for the Deptno attribute:


About Runtime Support for Control Hints

Currently, JSTL tags which appear in a Struts form cannot be used to supply the value for the attribute of another tag. This limitation of JSP 1.2 prevents control hints from being used to set input element's display properties in a Struts input form. For example, currently the following construction is not supported:

<html:text property="EmpName"
    size='<c:out value="${bindings.EmpName.displayWidth}"/>'

When working with JSP pages and the ADF bindings, it is possible to specify control hints with HTML tags like this:

<textarea name="<c:out value='${bindings.Dname.path}'/>"
          cols="<c:out value='${bindings.Dname.displayWidth}' />"
          rows="<c:out value='${bindings.Dname.displayHeight}' />">
   <c:out value='${bindings.Dname}'/>

In the case of an ADF UIX page, the date pattern you specify for a UIX component (such as messageDateField) must match the date formatting specified in the control hint. If you don't use the same pattern, you will get a runtime error Cannot create an object of type:oracle.jbo.domain.Date.

Runtime support for control hints is provided at two levels:

During runtime, Business Components clients automatically make use of the control hints to determine how to render the attribute value. If the control hint property is supported for your particular Business Components client (see above table), no further action is required to customize the UI. Customization of the UI, in this case, takes place in the centralized control hints of the business components themselves.

In the case of JClient (Java UI) clients, the control hints API gives the UI developer direct access to the control hint definitions. Although control hints are properties of the attribute object, it is not recommended to use the getProperty() method to retrieve a particular control hint. Instead, it is recommended to use the convenience methods of the control hints API. For example, the UI developer accesses labels, tooltips, and control types by these methods of the AttributeHints interface:

import oracle.jbo.*

ViewObject vo = am.findViewObject("DeptView");
AttributeDef aDef = vo.findAttribute("DeptNo");
LocaleContext locale = am.getSession().getLocaleContext();

String sLabel = aDef.getUIHelper().getLabel(locale);
String sTooltip = aDef.getUIHelper().getTooltip(locale);
Int nControlType = aDef.getUIHelper().getControlType(locale);

About the Format Type Control Hint

The formatting control hints Format Type and Format give the Business Components developer the ability to make use of attribute formatters through Business Components domain classes. In the Business Components project, developers can map their formatter to a Business Components domain when they want to:

Each domain class can have any number of formatters. A formatter can support any number of masks. In the attribute editor, you will be presented with lists of available formatters and their corresponding value masks from which to choose. The mapping of the domain type to its available formatters is maintained in the <jdev_install >/system###/formatinfo.xml file. The Business Components developer uses the Domain wizard to create the domain, but currently JDeveloper does not support autogeneration of domain formatter and masks in the formatinfo.xml file. Developers who create a new domain type and want to add the format to the list of available formatters must hand edit the contents of this file.

Working with Display Metadata in ADF Business Components Clients
Customizing the Business Components Client UI
Defining a Formatter and Format Masks for Business Components Clients


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