Oracle SCM Repository Installation Guide


Error Messages

Messages may appear in the log files from the installation or upgrade (see Appendix B, "Log Files"), or they may be displayed when users try to start the product or use one of its tools. This appendix gives details of some common error messages.

Error Messages for Installation

The following table gives details of error messages that may be displayed during installation of a new repository:

CDR-21244 : This process has been aborted

Cause: The previous process has failed or has been terminated.

Action: See Information for error CDR-21244 later in this section.

IMP-00010: not a valid export file, header failed verification

IMP-00021: operating system error - error code (dec 2, hex 0x2)

IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
Cause: You are using an earlier version of Oracle database Import and Export tools.

Action: Make sure you have installed the correct version of the Import and Export tools. You can obtain these by installing the External Dependencies product.
Detected "UNDEFINED" parameter variable(s)

Please check the parameter definition(s) for EXECUTE_IMPORT
Cause: Oracle database Import and Export tools have not been installed.

Action: Rerun the installer and install the External Dependencies product.
RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL statement: grant SELECT on RM_NLS_MESSAGES to CK_ORACLE_REPOS_OWNER

ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for '.'
Cause: The v$nls_parameters object is a public synonym to the view v_$nls_parameters. So, when you attempt to 'grant select' on the V$ object you will get an 'ORA-2030: can only select from fixed tables/views' error - which means, in turn, the GRANT SELECT on rm_nls_messages fails with an ORA-01720 error.

Action: Explicitly grant SELECT on sys.v_$nls_parameters to the repository owner with the grant option.
RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL statement... against JR_WORKAREA Cause: JR_WORKAREA package is invalid.

Action: Explicitly grant SELECT on V_$PARAMETER to the repository owner.

Information for error CDR-21244

Error CDR-21244 is a generic message that can be issued for a wide range of reasons during installation, migration or upgrade.

If you receive this message, check the log files for installation, migration or upgrade as appropriate, as described in Appendix B, "Log Files". For installation or upgrade, look for a file named CKPREREQ.LOG. For migration, look for CKMIGREQ.LOG. Note that in some cases file names are appended by the character set, for example CKPREREQWE8ISO8859P1.LOG.

If you locate the correct log file (there usually is one, though in some cases one is not created), carefully examine it for specific errors that may indicate the cause of the failure. See Examples of log file error messages later in this section.

If there is no log file matching the given description, check whether another error has been reported. For example, if during installation the executable for the Import utility cannot be found, no log file is created but error CDR-21207 is also reported (you may need to rerun the installation in order to see this other message).

If no other errors are reported, check that the registry variable LOG_DIRECTORY_RAU specified under registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\REPADM61\ exists and is writeable.

Other possible causes:

Examples of log file error messages

The following errors occur when the Import utility is incompatible with the database (for example, when an Oracle9i Import utility tries to import into an Oracle8i

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 942 encountered
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
IMP-00023: Import views not installed, please notify your DBA
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully

The following errors occur when the Import utility cannot find the net service name in the TNSNAMES.ORA file:

IMP-00058: ORACLE error 12154 encountered
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully

The following errors occur when the repository owner does not have quota on the repository owner's default tablespace:

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1950:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1950 encountered
ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'USERS'

Error Messages for Migration

There are three categories of error message that may be displayed during migration from a pre-6i repository:

Configuration Messages

These are error messages encountered during the initial stages of the migration and are related to setup of the source and target repositories.

The following table gives details of some common configuration messages:

Message Explanation
ERROR: The username/password connection details are incorrect. The migration process was unable to establish a connection. Cause: An invalid username/password has been specified for the source repository.

Action: Check the following:

a) The username/password are correct.

b) If the source repository and target repository reside on separate machines from the client, there should be an entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA file for the source repository that is the same as the entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA file for the machine on which the target repository resides.
ORA-12541: TNS no listener Cause: Listener for the source repository has not been started.

Action: Start the Listener on the machine where the source repository resides.

Purge Messages

These are error messages encountered during the pre-migration stage CKPURGE.

The following table gives details of some common purge messages:

Message Explanation
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

ORA-06512: at line 11

RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL statement: BEGIN BEGIN ckazanal.upgrd_purge ('USER_DATA');
Cause: The Repository Analyzer is trying to create temporary tables on the source repository but the system privilege CREATE TABLE has not been directly granted to the repository owner.

Action: Grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege directly to the repository owner on the source repository and then retry the operation.
ORA-20001:ERROR: Package body CIIUTL is missing or invalid

ORA-06512: at line 11

RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL statement: BEGIN BEGIN ckazanal.upgrd_purge ('USER_DATA');
Cause: There are some invalid packages in the source repository that the Repository Analyzer needs to use.

Action: Recompile objects on the source repository and retry the operation.

Migration Messages

These are error messages encountered during the actual migration of data from the source repository to the target repository.

The following table gives details of some common migration messages:

Message Explanation
CDR-21244 : This process has been aborted

Cause: The previous process has failed or has been terminated.

Action: See Information for error CDR-21244 earlier in this appendix.

ORA-01400: CANNOT INSERT NULL INTO ('repos_owner',table_name, :PAC_REF')

RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL stmt : INSERT into table_name(IRID, IVID, TYPE, PAC_REF..etc etc..)
Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.
ORA-01400: CANNOT INSERT NULL INTO ("REPOS", table_name, column )

RME-02124 : Failed to execute SQL stmt : INSERT into table_name(IRID, IVID, TYPE column..etc etc..)
Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from Rnnn
ORA-06512: at "REPOS9196I.CK_UPGRADE_MOD", line 646
ORA-06512: at line 1
RME-02124: Failed to execute SQL statement: begin ck_upgrade_mod.init(:b1,:b2); end;

Cause: Insufficient open cursors specified for target repository.

Action: Increase the value of the OPEN_CURSORS database initialization parameter.

ORA-00001: UNIQUE CONSTRAINT (.repos_owner.constraint_name) VIOLATED
ORA-06512: AT LINE 1
ORA-06512: AT LINE 1
Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.
ORA-01401: INSERTED VALUE TOO LARGE FOR COLUMN Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.
ORA-01403: NO DATA FOUND Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.
ORA-06502: PL/SQL NUMERIC OR VALUE ERROR WHEN INSERTING INTO table_name Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: Possible data-related issue in the source repository.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

Error Messages for Upgrade

The following table gives details of error messages that may be displayed during upgrade from a release 6i repository:

Message Explanation
CDR-21244 : This process has been aborted

Cause: The previous process has failed or has been terminated.

Action: See Information for error CDR-21244 earlier in this appendix.

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2248 encountered

ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION

IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
The server must be upgraded to Oracle9i release 9.0.1 or higher, or Oracle8i release 8.1.7 or higher, before commencing repository upgrade.

Error Messages When Creating Subordinate Users

The following table gives details of error messages that may be displayed during creation of subordinate users:

Message Explanation
ORA-01919: role 'CKR_repos_owner' does not exist

If you receive this error when trying to create a subordinate user, a possible cause is that the role does exist but was originally assigned to a user who has since been dropped. In this case the role is transferred to SYSTEM. Try the following:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect as SYSTEM (not SYS).
  2. Enter "drop role ckr_repos_owner;"
  3. In the Repository Administration Utility, click Recreate and run a Full Reconcile.
  4. Reattempt the creation of subordinate users.





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