Oracle Messages 'Cause and Action'
Note that only error messages with cause and actions go in .msg/.msb files; other information messages stay in the resources of the components concerned and are displayed with a standard AfxMessageBox call, rather than using the full rmum error stack.
CDS-11001,0, "(SQL exececution eror) Could not open input file %1"
Cause: Could not open the specified DDL file for execution
Action: Check that the specified DDL file exists and is readable
CDS-11003,0, "(SQL execution error) line %1: End of file in multi-line comment"
Cause: End-of-file encountered in the middle of a comment
Action: Check DDL file comment delimiters
CDS-11004,0, "(SQL execution error) line %1: End of file in statement"
Cause: End-of-file encountered in the middle of a SQL statement
Action: Check DDL file syntax
CDS-11005,0, "(SQL execution error) line %1: End of line in string literal"
Cause: End-of-file encountered in the middle of a string definition
Action: Check DDL file string delimiters
CDS-11006,0, "%1 '%2' has namespace conflict with %3 '%4'"
Cause: The specified object cannot be processed as a different object with
the same name exists and both objects share the same namespace.
This message is typically issued where an object cannot be
generated as a different object with the same name exists in the
Action: Rename the first object
CDS-11007,0, "(SQL execution error %3) line %1: %2"
Cause: SQL statement execution failure, this message is normally preceeded
by a database error message.
Action: Check DDL file syntax. If this is not possible contact Oracle support
CDS-11008,0, "(SQL execution error) no ODBC host statement handles available"
Cause: Internal error on attempting to execute DDL
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-11010,0, "(Template expansion error) %1"
Cause: Internal error during template file expansion
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-11011,0, "Could not open output file %1"
Cause: Could not open the specified file for writing
Action: Check that the specified file can be created and written
CDS-11012,0, "Could not create journal table for '%1' - primary key problem"
Cause: Journalling has been enabled for a table that has no primary key or
which has a primary key that is missing a primary key column.
Action: Create the missing primary key for the specified table or create the
missing primary key columns. An object can be missing if it has COMPLETE
set to NO.
CDS-11013,0, "Cannot modify %1 '%2' in database as it has %3 dependent(s) (%4)"
Cause: Cannot drop or replace an object with dependencies, as dependencies
would become invalid. This message is typically issued where an
Oracle8 object type has been modified, but cannot be altered in the
database without first dropping dependent objects (e.g. object
tables based on the modified object type).
Action: The user must first drop the dependent objects before the specified
modification can be performed.
CDS-11014,0, "%1 '%2' property %3 ('%4') cannot be changed by an ALTER statement"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: The object must be dropped and re-generated.
CDS-11015,0, "%1 '%2' contains too many %3 objects"
Cause: The specified object has too many relationships of a particular
kind e.g. a table contains more than one primary key
Action: Reduce the number of specified relationships
CDS-11016,0, "of / for type %4"
Cause: Qualifying message appended to other messages as required
Action: No action required
CDS-11017,0, "%1 '%2' referencing %3 '%4' can only be validated in client"
Cause: A foreign key referencing a view can only be validated in
the client.
Action: Change the Validation property of the foreign key to Client
in the repository.
CDS-11018,0, "Incomplete or invalid PL/SQL statement"
Cause: The execution engine has detected either incomplete or invalid
PL/SQL syntax in the generated DDL and has not attempted to execute
the statement.
Action: Check PL/SQL syntax in the Design Editor
CDS-11019,0, "The OTHERS clause should be the last exception in procedure %1"
Cause: In a PL/SQL block there is a WHEN OTHERS exception which is not
the last in the list of the exceptions
Action: Move the WHEN OTHER exception to the bottom of the list
CDS-11020,0, "When %1 is an integer, %2 should be UNLIMITED in profile %3"
Cause: In a profile, when the either PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME or PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX
are defined as an integer, the other respectively should be UNLIMITED
Action: Modify the property as appropriate
CDS-11024,0, "Persistent Queue %1 must reference a Queue Table. The Persistent Queue cannot be generated."
Cause: The Queue Table property of the Persistent Queue is null.
Action: Assign a Queue Table to the Persistent Queue.
CDS-11025,0, "The PL/SQL within %1 %2 has syntax errors"
Cause: The PL/SQL does not contain valid syntax.
Action: Correct Syntax in PL/SQL
CDS-11026,0, "'%1' is an illegal file prefix"
Cause: The file prefix is a reserved word.
Action: Change the file prefix to an unreserved word.
CDS-11027,0, "Bad file prefix"
Cause: The file prefix contained a white space character.
Action: Remove the whitespace or replace it with an underscore.
CDS-11028,0, " '%1' is an Invalid directory"
Cause: The directory was not found.
Action: Make sure the directory exists and is specified correctly.
CDS-11301,1, "%1 '%2' is inconsistent with %3 '%4'"
Cause: The related object definitions are inconsistent (e.g. a foreign key
column datatype differs from that of the referenced table column)
Action: Re-generate both objects
CDS-11302,1, "%1 '%2' contains no %3 objects"
Cause: The specified object has no relationships of a particular kind
e.g. a table contains no columns
Action: Add the specified object relationships
CDS-11304,1, "%1 '%2' will not be dropped"
Cause: The specified database object is not defined in the repository,
however, because of potential data loss, it will not be dropped
Action: The specified object should either be dropped manually, or the
repository should be updated using the design capture utility.
CDS-11305,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 exceeds maximum length (%4) - Truncated"
Cause: The specified property value is too long and has been truncated in the generated DDL
Action: No action required
CDS-11306,1, "%1 '%2' not processed because dependent %3 '%4' not chosen for generation or does not exist in target database"
Cause: Object processing depends on another object
Action: Re-capture / re-generate both objects.
For generation, if generation of foreign keys is required without
generating the join table, then uncheck the "Foreign Key Requires
Join Table" check box in the Generate Database from Server Model
Options dialog. Also, for foreign keys check that the target constraint
is valid.
CDS-11307,1, "(compilation error in %1 '%2' at %3): %4"
Cause: A database PL/SQL compilation warning / error message was issued
Action: Check DDL file syntax, if this is not possible contact Oracle support
CDS-11308,1, "Dependent %1 '%2' (for %3 '%4') is invalid in the database and must be re-generated"
Cause: An object dependency has been changed in the repository. The object
that was originally dependent on the object being re-generated is
now invalid in the database and will need to be re-generated.
Action: Re-generate dependent object.
CDS-11309,1, "Dependent %1 '%2' (for %3 '%4') is being re-generated"
Cause: The object being generated has a dependent object which will also be generated.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11310,1, "%1 '%2' has relationships with more than one %3 %4"
Cause: The object has multiple relationships / references of the same type, this is unexpected.
Action: Verify object relationships
CDS-11311,1, "%1 '%2' has no relationship with %3 '%4'"
Cause: The two objects have no (foreign key) relationship, this is unexpected.
Action: Verify object relationships
CDS-11312,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 is '%4'"
Cause: The object property has an unexpected value
Action: Verify object property value
CDS-11313,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 has been set to '%4'"
Cause: The object property has an unexpected value, and has been modified
Action: No action required
CDS-11314,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 has not been set"
Cause: The object property is null / missing
Action: Set the specified property's value
CDS-11315,1, "in Datawarehouse Application"
Cause: (appended warning) - the error / warning is associated with a Datawarehouse
application object
Action: No action required
CDS-11316,1, "not supported by database"
Cause: (appended warning) - not supported for database type / version
Action: No action required
CDS-11317,1, "A unique index has been added to enforce the key constraint on table '%1'"
Cause: A primary or unique key must have a unique index defined on the
same columns as the key. (DB2/MVS) only
Action: No action required
CDS-11318,1, "The tablespace '%1' specified in %2 '%3' does not exist in the target database. The change will be ignored."
Cause: A tablespace change for the named object has been ignored because the tablespace
does not exist in the target database and has not been chosen for generation.
Action: Either generate the tablespace in question and regenerate the object or change
the table space n the repository.
CDS-11319,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 has not been changed"
Cause: The object property cannot be changed. The specified change will be ignored
Action: No action required
CDS-11320,1, "%1 '%2' is constant and is missing a default value"
Cause: No cause (appended message)
Action: No action required
CDS-11321,1, "The PL/SQL within %1 %2 has been modified for correct execution"
Cause: The PL/SQL may be missing a BEGIN or an END
Action: No action required
CDS-11322,1, "%1 '%2' will not be recreated"
Cause: The specified database object differs from its definition in
the repository but you have chosen not to change it.
Action: Regenerate the object and choose to recreate it or
update the repository using the design capture utility.
CDS-11323,1, "DETERMINISTIC ignored for private function %1 within package/type %2"
Cause: A private function has been specified as deterministic and included in a package/type.
Action: Exclude function from package/type or set scope to PUBLIC.
CDS-11324,1, "DETERMINISTIC ignored for function %1 within function/procedure %2"
Cause: A function has been specified as deterministic and included in another function or procedure.
Action: Exclude function from calling function/procedure or disable DETERMINISTIC.
CDS-11325,1, "Function based index entry '%1' in index %2 has been ignored"
Cause: The target database does not support function based indexes.
Action: Change the target database type or remove this entry from the index.
CDS-11326,1, "The mapping of columns from table/materialized view '%1' onto cluster '%2' is incorrect"
Cause: The number of clustered columns in the table/materialized view does not match the number of cluster columns.
Action: Assign exactly one column from the table/materialized view to each of the cluster's columns.
CDS-11327,1, "Free format text ignored for %1 '%2' source path used instead"
Cause: Free format is true and free format text has been provided but a source path has also been provided.
Action: Remove either the source path, the free format text or set free format to false.
CDS-11328,1, "Constraints and Indexes can not be generated for Materialized View '%1'"
Cause: The name of the Materialized View is too long to determine the name of the Materialized View Table in the target.
Action: Reduce the length of the name of the Materialized View to 20 characters or less.
CDS-11329,1, "Global Bitmap index not allowed in partitioned table %1"
Cause: The global bitmap index is not allowed in a partitioned table.
Action: The bitmap index should be a local index.
CDS-11330,1, "A GRANT to a role WITH GRANT OPTION is not allowed"
Cause: A grant to a role is not allowe with the grant option.
Action: Set the grant Option to No
CDS-11331,1, "Unique or primary key constraint %1 on %2 '%3' will be replaced by %4"
Cause: A key constraint exists on the same columns in the database and repository
with different names. The existing constraint will be dropped from the
database and replaced by the constraint specified in the repository.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11332,1, "A %1 already exists on %2 '%3' with the same name as index %4. The index will not be generated."
Cause: An index has been created in the repository with the same name aas a key constraint. The
index will not be generated.
Action: Rename the index.
CDS-11333,1, "Queue Table %1 has not been generated."
Cause: The payload (Oracle Type) property of the Queue Table references an Oracle Collection Type.
Action: Change the Oracle Type property to reference an Oracle Object Type or set the Datatype property to RAW and the Oracle Type property to null.
CDS-11334,1, "Cannot grant Enqueue or Dequeue privilege on %1 to %2."
Cause: An attempt was made to grant an Enqueue or Dequeue privilege on an object that is not a Queue.
Action: Remove the privilege.
CDS-11335,1, "Cannot grant privileges other than Enqueue, Dequeue or All on Queue %1 to %2."
Cause: An attempt was made to grant a privilege other than Enqueue, Dequeue or All on the Queue object.
Action: Remove the privilege.
CDS-11336,1, "%1 has been ignored during the generation of Exception Queue %2."
Cause: The property cannot be specified for Exception Queues.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11337,1, "System Privilege %1 is not allowed in database version %2."
Cause: The system privilege is not allowed in that version of database
Action: Change the version or the system privilege
CDS-11338,1, "Index-organized has been ignored during the generation of object table %1"
Cause: The ORGANIZATION INDEX clause cannot be used when creating object tables.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11339,1, "%1 has been ignored during the generation of Queue %2"
Cause: The named property cannot be specified for a Queue in a Multiple Consumer, 8.0 Compatible Queue Table.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11340,1, "Protocol will be ignored during the generation of Subscriber %1."
Cause: This property is reserved for future use (in Oracle 8.1 databases).
Action: No action required.
CDS-11341,1, "Subscriber %1 has not been added to Exception Queue %2."
Cause: Subscribers cannot be added to Exception Queues.
Action: Set the Queue Type property of the Queue to NORMAL or remove the Subscriber from the Queue.
CDS-11342,1, "Subscriber %1 has not been added to Persistent Queue %2."
Cause: Subscribers cannot be added to Queues that are not created in a Queue Table for multiple consumers.
Action: Assign the Subscriber to a multiple consumer Queue.
CDS-11343,1, "Subscriber %1 has not been added to Non-Persistent Queue %2."
Cause: Subscribers cannot be added to Non-Persistent Queues that are not created for multiple consumers.
Action: Assign the Subscriber to a multiple consumer Queue.
CDS-11344,1, "Rule based Subscriber %1 has not been added to Non-Persistent Queue %2."
Cause: Rule based Subscribers cannot be added to Non-Persistent Queues.
Action: Remove the rule or create a Persistent Queue for the Subscriber.
CDS-11345,1, "Allowable Value %1 for %2 %3 will not be inserted into the CG_REF_CODES table."
Cause: Values inserted into the CG_REF_CODES table must be literals.
Action: Change the Value Type and/or High Value Type properties of the Allowable Value to Literal.
CDS-11346,1, "%1 was created with the following errors: \n %2 "
Cause: The view was based on a bad select statement.
Action: Change the select text attribute.
CDS-11347,1, "Table API not generated for table %1 because %2 is an illegal file prefix."
Cause: The table name or table alias was a reserved word such as "con", "aux", "lpt1" etc.
Action: Change the table name and alias to an unreserved word.
CDS-11348,1, "Retention Time has been ignored during the generation of Persistent Queue %1."
Cause: Unlimited Retention Time was set to Yes and therefore overrides the value of Retention Time.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11349,1, "The %1 %2 cannot be generated."
Cause: The type must have at least one attribute.
Action: Add an attribute to the type and regenerate.
CDS-11350,1, "The %1 property value for the %2 implementation %3 will be ignored."
Cause: The property has been set but is not required to create this object.
Action: No action required
CDS-11351,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 cannot be changed by an ALTER statement"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: The object must be dropped and re-generated.
CDS-11352,1, "The %1 property of the %2 %3 of %4 %5 has been changed to %6."
Cause: The final partition of a global index partition clause must have this value.
Action: Specify 'MAXVALUE' in the Values Less Than property of the partition.
CDS-11353,1, "Uploading file %1 failed"
Cause: There is no folder mapping the target directory or there is a file system problem.
Action: Verify the there is a folder mapping the target directory, the good order of the file system
CDS-11354,1, "Cursor %1 has no SELECT statement in it's PL/SQL Block. It will not be generated."
Cause: There is no Select text within the Cursor's PL/SQL Block to generate. Not a valid Cursor.
Action: Place the cursor's SELECT text within it's PL/SQL Block property for it to be valid.
CDS-11355,1, "Java Definition %1 will not generate a valid statement without a Java Implementation"
Cause: The user has selected to Generate a Java Definition and no Implementation for it.
Action: Generate an Implementation of the Java Definition.
CDS-11356,1, "WHEN Condition will be ignored for INSTEAD OF Trigger %1"
Cause: You cannot specify trigger restrictions for INSTEAD OF Triggers.
Action: Remove the WHEN Condition specified for the Trigger.
CDS-11357,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 repository value(%4) differs from the database value(%5), but may be equivalent."
Cause: This property's value may be modified when it is loaded into an Oracle database.
Server Generator cannot determine if the repository and database values are equivalent.
Action: To change the value, enter a value for the property.
CDS-11358,1, "%1 '%2' property %3 repository value(%4) differs from the database value(%5), but cannot be changed."
Cause: This property's value may be modified when it is loaded into an Oracle database.
Server Generator cannot determine if the repository and database values are equivalent.
This property cannot be changed by an ALTER statement.
Action: To change the value, drop the object and re-generate.
CDS-11359,1, "The %1 cascade rule of %2 %3.%4 is incompatible with the constraint"
Cause: The Nullifies cascade rule is incompatible for a constraint that is mandatory or contains
mandatory columns. The Defaults cascade rule is incompatible when the default value of one
or more of the columns is null and the constraint is mandatory or contains mandatory columns.
Action: Use a different cascades rule or change the optionality of the constraint and/or its columns.
CDS-11360,1, "The database value of the %1 property of %2 %3 is not determinable."
Cause: The value of the property is not held in the database dictionary. Therefore, Server
Generator cannot determine its value. DDL may be generated to modify the property.
Action: No action required.
CDS-11501,2, "Created by Oracle Designer Server Generator %1"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11502,2, "Generation completed successfully"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11503,2, "Generation was unsuccessful"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11504,2, "CDS-11504: No DDL generated"
Cause: Either the object(s) chosen for generation already exist in the database
or they contain errors. View the reconcile report for more details.
Action: No action required
CDS-11506,2, "Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved."
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11508,2, "View %1 DDL File (%2)"
Cause: Actions dialog message
Action: No action required
CDS-11509,2, "View Reconcile Report (%1)"
Cause: Actions dialog message
Action: No action required
CDS-11510,2, "Executing generated DDL ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-11511,2, "DDL execution complete"
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-11512,2, "DBA Object Generation"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11513,2, "Module Component Generation"
Cause: No action (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11514,2, "Database Object Generation"
Cause: No action (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11515,2, "Table API Generation"
Cause: No action (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-11516,2, "Reconciling ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-11517,2, "Generating DDL ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-11518,2, "%1 ..."
Cause: Displayed SQL script prompt text
Action: No action required
CDS-11519,2, "DDL Execution aborted because of errors"
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-15002,0, "The %1 '%2' cannot be generated."
Cause: 'SYSTEM' is a reserved name for a Tablespace.
Action: Change the Tablespace name.
CDS-15005,0, "Datatype %1 not found"
Cause: The specified column datatype, detected during design capture
was not recognised
Action: No action required
CDS-15007,0, "(Oracle error) %1 %2"
Cause: A database error message was issued
Action: Check DDL file syntax, if this is not possible contact Oracle support
CDS-15008,0, "Could not find ODBC column type %1"
Cause: The specified column datatype, detected during design capture, was
not recognised
Action: No action required
CDS-15009,0, "(ODBC Error) %1 %2"
Cause: An ODBC connection error message was issued
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15012,0, "unexpected parent (%1) for %2"
Cause: Internal error - invalid parent relationship detected
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15013,0, "invalid %1 reference in %2 '%3'"
Cause: The specified object has an unexpected object relationship
Action: Check specified object's relationships. An object in a relationship
may not be in the repository.
CDS-15014,0, "invalid %1 reference ('%2') in %3 '%4'"
Cause: The specified object has an unexpected object relationship
Action: Check specified object relationship. An object in the relationship
may not be in the repository.
CDS-15015,0, "invalid %1 reference in %2 for '%3'"
Cause: The specified object has an unexpected object relationship
Action: Check specified object's relationships. An object in a relationship
may not be in the repository.
CDS-15016,0, "Could not find user '%1' identifier in database"
Cause: Internal error when attempting to read database user id
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15017,0, "%1 '%2' is inconsistent with %3 '%4'"
Cause: The related object definitions are inconsistent (e.g. a foreign key
column datatype differs from that of the referenced table column)
Action: Change one of the two objects definition
CDS-15018,0, "File '%1' does not exist"
Cause: The file could not be found
Action: Make sure the file to be captured is specified correctly
CDS-15019,0, "Cannot read '%1'"
Cause: Do not have read access to this file.
Action: Change the access privileges to this file.
CDS-15020,0, "invalid %1 reference ('%2') all referring objects will not be captured"
Cause: The specified object is referenced by another object. However, the
specified object has not been captured and is not present in the
Action: Capture the specified object or create the specified object in the
CDS-15021,0, "Private Synonym %1 cannot be design captured."
Cause: The Synonym refers to an object with the same name as the Synonym itself.
This cannot be modeled using Designer.
Action: Either rename the Synonym or make it public.
/ 15300 .. 15499 CDSR Warning Messages
CDS-15302,1, "%1 clause of %2 %3 is unsupported"
Cause: The statement or clause is not modelled. It will be ignored
Action: No action required
CDS-15303,1, "unsupported SQL found in view %1"
Cause: The specified view definition contains unrecognised SQL
Action: No action required
CDS-15304,1, "ODBC API call failed"
Cause: The ODBC driver does not support necessary functionality
Action: If possible try using a more up-to-date ODBC driver,
else contact Oracle support
CDS-15306,1, "Cannot read ODBC database information"
Cause: The ODBC driver does not support functionality necessary to read
database information
Action: If possible try using a more up-to-date ODBC driver,
else contact Oracle support
CDS-15307,1, "Cannot read ODBC schema information"
Cause: The ODBC driver does not support functionality necessary to read
schema information
Action: If possible try using a more up-to-date ODBC driver,
else contact Oracle support
CDS-15308,1, "Cannot execute SQL statement through ODBC connection"
Cause: The ODBC driver failed to execute a SQL statement
Action: If possible try using a more up-to-date ODBC driver,
else contact Oracle support
CDS-15309,1, "Unrecognised default value found in Domain '%1'"
Cause: The (encoded) object's default value could not be decoded
Action: No action required
CDS-15310,1, "Unrecognised default value found in Column '%1.%2'"
Cause: The (encoded) object's default value could not be decoded
Action: No action required
CDS-15311,1, "Unrecognised date / time"
Cause: The (encoded) date /time could not be decoded
Action: No action required
CDS-15312,1, "Error when fetching %1 '%2' (SQL code %3)"
Cause: Internal error on fetching SQL query results
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15313,1, "Error when attempting to execute SQL to retrieve %1 '%2'"
Cause: Internal error on executing SQL statement
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15314,1, "Error when attempting to execute SQL to retrieve %1 list"
Cause: Internal error on executing SQL statement
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15315,1, "Error when fetching list of %1"
Cause: Internal error on fetching SQL query results
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15316,1, "invalid %1 reference in %2 '%3' - ignored"
Cause: The specified object has an unexpected object relationship, the
referenced object may not be in the repository.
Action: No action required
CDS-15317,1, "invalid %1 reference ('%2') in %3 '%4' - ignored"
Cause: The specified object has an unexpected object relationship, the
referenced object may not be in the repository.
Action: No action required
CDS-15318,1, "%1 '%2' not processed - object already exists in %3 '%4'"
Cause: The specified object is not processed as an object of the same type
already exists
Action: No action required
CDS-15319,1, "invalid %1 reference ('%2') in %3 for '%4' - ignored"
Cause: The specified object has an unexpected object relationship, the
referenced object may not be in the repository.
Action: No action required
CDS-15321,1, "(ODBC warning) %1 %2 "
Cause: An ODBC connection warning message was issued
Action: No action required
CDS-15322,1, "%1 '%2' - datatype is undefined / not recognised, and has been defaulted"
Cause: The object's datatype property is not recognised. This message is
typically issued where the base table or column for a view or
materialized view column is invalid or does not exist.
Action:No action required
CDS-15323,1, "%1 '%2' already exists in the repository. The tables will be merged if differences are found."
Cause: A table with same name as specified already exists in the repository.
Any columns that exist in the recovered table but not in the repository
will be added to the version in the repository.
Action: No action required
CDS-15324,1, "Unable to recover optimal storage property of rollback segment %1"
Cause: Server generator can only recover the optimal storage property of
rollback segments if the rollback segment is online. The named rollback
segment is OFFLINE.
Action: Alter rollback segment status to ONLINE
CDS-15325,1, "Unable to capture %1 %2 in declarative mode. Reverting to free format"
Cause: The specified object has cannot be modeled completely in declarative mode
Action: Check for Invalid table and column references
CDS-15326,1, "Unable to set base column %1 for view column %2.%3"
Cause: The specified object has cannot be modeled completely in declarative mode
Action: Check for invalid table and column references
CDS-15327,1, "There is a mismatch in the number of view columns and base columns for view %1"
Cause: The number of view columns found within the view text is different than
the number of columns defined for this view in the data dictionary.
Action: Verify the status of the view
CDS-15328, 1, "The %1 %2 does not exist in the Repository. It will be added into the Repository"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-15329, 1, "The %1 %2 does not exist in the Repository. It will not be added into the Repository"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-15330, 1, "The %1 %2 already exists in the Repository. NO_ACTION Rule selected\n=> the %1 will not be Design Captured"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-15331, 1, "The %1 %2 already exists in the Repository. MERGE_AND_SAC Rule selected\n"
Cause: No cause (information only)
Action: No action required
CDS-15332, 1, "=> the captured property values will replace the existing property values in the repository"
Cause: No cause (appended message)
Action: No action required
CDS-15333, 1, "and the Rules for the Secondary Elements (SACs) will apply for their own update"
Cause: No cause (appended message)
Action: No action required
CDS-15334, 1, "The %1 %2 already exists in the Repository. NOMERGE_AND_SAC Rule selected\n"
Cause: No cause (appended message)
Action: No action required
CDS-15335, 1, "=> the captured property values will not replace the existing property values in the repository but"
Cause: No cause (appended message)
Action: No action required
CDS-15336, 1, "the Rules for the Secondary Elements (SACs) will apply for their own update"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15337, 1, "The %1 %2 already exists in the Repository. NEW_PAC Rule selected\n"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15338, 1, "=> a new %1 will be created with the name %3"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15339, 1, "The %1 Implementation %2 does not exist in the Repository. It will be added into the Repository"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15340, 1, "The %1 Implementation %2 does not exist in the Repository. It will not be added into the Repository"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15341, 1, "The %1 Definition %2 cannot be added to the repository."
Cause: A definition of the named object already exists.
Action: Remove or rename the existing object if its definition is to be replaced.
CDS-15342, 1, "The source code for Java Module %1 could not be captured"
Cause: Internal error on executing SQL statement
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-15343, 1, "The %1 named %2 cannot be design captured."
Cause: The object was either not checked out or was checked out with lock by another repository user and so could not be updated during the design capture process.
Action: The object must be checked out and updateable before it can be design captured from the database.
CDS-15344, 1, "The %1 granted to %2 on %3 cannot be design captured."
Cause: The object was either not checked out or was checked out with lock by another repository user and so could not be updated during the design capture process.
Action: The object must be checked out and updateable before it can be design captured from the database.
CDS-15345, 1, "The implementation of %1 %2 for user %3 cannot be design captured."
Cause: The database to which the user belongs, could not be updated during the design capture process. The database was either not checked out or was checked out with lock by another repository user.
Action: Before implementations can be design captured into a database, it must be checked out and updateable.
CDS-15346, 1, "%1(s) cannot be design captured into in %2 %3 ."
Cause: The database into which the objects would have been inserted, could not be updated during the design capture process. The database was either not checked out or was checked out with lock by another repository user.
Action: Before objects can be design captured into a database, it must be checked out and updateable.
CDS-15347, 1, "Auto-generated Check Constraint %1 owned by the Server Generator will not be design captured."
Cause: The table being captured contains an Auto-generated check constraint which will not be design captured.
Action: The Allowable Values contained within the Check Constraint will have to be re-created within the Repository
CDS-15348, 1, "The %1 %2 on %3 %4 cannot be design captured."
Cause: Synonym on synonym is not supported.
Action: No action required
CDS-15349, 1, "The %1 referenced by %2 %3 has no %4. The %2 will not be generated."
Cause: Attempting to create a foreign key without specifying the column(s) of the table being referenced when the table has no primary key.
Action: Specify the columns being referenced or add a primary key to the table being referenced.
CDS-15350, 1, "The %1 %2 referenced by %3 %4 could not be found."
Cause: Could not find the table being referenced in the application system search path provided.
Action: Widen the seach path or create the table being referenced.
CDS-15351, 1, "Mismatch between number of key components in %1 %2 and the %3 of %4 which it references. The %1 will not be generated."
Cause: The number of key components must match.
Action: Check that the correct table is being referenced and that the referenced columns are specified correctly.
CDS-15352, 1, "The %1 %2 references a base relation using %3 %4."
Cause: The view is referencing a table or view using a synonym.
Action: No action required
CDS-15353, 1, "View or Snapshot %1 has select text containing %2 clause."
Cause: The clause cannot be modelled declaratively.
Action: No action required
CDS-15354, 1, "Duplicate %1 %2 found for %3 - Discarding"
Cause: A duplicate SAC has been found in another schema for a PAC. It will not be captured.
Action: No action required
CDS-15355, 1, "Unable to determine from the source database if the NOSORT property has been set for index %1"
Cause: It isn't possible to determine from the Oracle data dictionary whether an index was created with the NOSORT clause.
Action: No action required
CDS-15356, 1, "%1 %2 formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle in %3"
Cause: Self and mutual references between Oracle Object Types is only allowed for attributes
declared as REF types. You will get 'ORA-04055: Aborted: "" formed a non-REF
mutually-dependent cycle' if you execute the generated DDL.
Action: Change the Object Type Inclusion property of the attribute to Reference
CDS-15357,1, "There are unmatched brackets in view %1"
Cause: The number of view opening brackets is not the same as the number of closing brackets
Action: Fix the syntax of the view
/ 15500 .. 15999 CDSR Information Messages
CDS-15501,2, "Table: %1, Column: %2"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15502,2, "reading check constraints for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15503,2, "reading database details"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15504,2, "reading default value information for %1.%2"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15505,2, "reading default value information for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15506,2, "reading domain information %1.%2"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15507,2, "reading foreign key for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15508,2, "reading foreign key columns for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15509,2, "reading unique key for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15510,2, "reading unique key columns for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15511,2, "reading index for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15512,2, "reading index columns for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15513,2, "reading null constraints for %1.%2"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15514,2, "reading columns for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15515,2, "reading definition of object %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15516,2, "reading list of accessible objects"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15517,2, "reading primary key for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15518,2, "reading primary key columns for %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15519,2, "reading schema information"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15520,2, "Table: %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15521,2, "View: %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15522,2, "reading SQL for view %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15523,2, "reading database trigger %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15524,2, "reading sequence %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15525,2, "reading synonym %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15526,2, "reading tablespace %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15527,2, "reading tablespaces used by table %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15528,2, "+++ Initialising database connection for reverse engineering"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15529,2, "+++ Fetching list of objects accessible to connected user"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15530,2, "+++ Completing definitions of selected objects"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15531,2, "Fetching Reading Rollback Segment details %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15532,2, "Fetching Profile details %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15533,2, "Fetching Role details %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15534,2, "Fetching User details %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15535,2, "Fetching Database Link details %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15536,2, "Fetching %1 list. Object: %2"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15537,2, "Reading SQL text for function procedure %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15538,2, "Reading definition of package spec %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15539,2, "Reading definition of cluster %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15540,2, "Reading definition of materialized view %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15541,2, "Design Recovery"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-15542,2, "%1 %2 added to Server Model"
Cause: List of new repository objects
Action: No action required
CDS-16018,0, "COMPUTED BY clause in Column '%1' is not supported"
Cause: The Rdb clause COMPUTED BY is not supported
Action: No action required
CDS-16019,0, "File not found"
Cause: The file was not found, or is locked for write by another application
Action: Check file exists and is readable
CDS-16020,0, "File not readable"
Cause: The file does not contain valid SQL
Action: Check file is a valid SQL file
CDS-16021,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting keyword %3 to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16022,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting one of the following keywords: %3 to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16023,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting a %3 to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16024,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting an %3 to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16025,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting one of the following: %3 to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16026,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid syntax"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16027,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Unknown datatype"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16028,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting identifier - found comma instead"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16029,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid truth value"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16030,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid general literal"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16031,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid table expression"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16032,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid drop behaviour"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16033,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 COMPUTED BY clause not handled to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16034,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Where clause exceeds maximum length"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16035,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 PL/SQL block exceeds maximum length"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16036,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid identifier to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16037,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Invalid number"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16038,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Expecting one of the Index with-clause keywords to follow %4"
Cause: Syntax error
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16039,0, "Syntax Error %1: %2 Unrecognised symbol '%3' following %4"
Cause: Unknown symbol or premature end of file found
Action: Correct SQL file syntax
CDS-16302,1, "%1 clause of %2 %3 is unsupported"
Cause: The statement or clause is not modelled. It will be ignored
Action: No action required
CDS-16303,1, "Cannot process an object from a pathname"
Cause: The SQL file contains an (Rdb) object based on an external file,
this is not supported
Action: Integrate external file contents into SQL file
CDS-16304,1, "%1 - statement ignored"
Cause: Specified SQL syntax is not supported
Action: No action required
CDS-16305,1, "AS SELECT clause not supported"
Cause: The "AS SELECT" clause is not supported
Action: If possible, try re-defining the View / Materialized View so as to remove
the AS SELECT clause
CDS-16306,1, "Temporary tables not supported"
Cause: SQL Server temporary tables are not supported
Action: No action required
CDS-16307,1, "Error formatting error message"
Cause: Internal error when formatting error message
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-16308,1, "Invalid Constraint base column '%1.%2'"
Cause: The specified constraint base column is invalid
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16309,1, "Invalid Foreign Key reference column '%1.%2'"
Cause: The specified foreign key reference column is invalid
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16310,1, "Constraint '%1' has no valid components"
Cause: The specified constraint is invalid as it contains no constraint
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16311,1, "Invalid Index Column '%1.%2'"
Cause: The specified index column is invalid
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16312,1, "Index '%1' has no valid components"
Cause: The specified index is invalid as it contains no index columns
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16313,1, "Column '%1' has invalid parent table '%2'"
Cause: The specified column is invalid as it does not have a valid parent
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16314,1, "Table '%1' has no valid components"
Cause: The specified table is invalid as it contains no columns
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16315,1, "Index '%1' has invalid parent table '%2'"
Cause: The specified index is invalid as it does not have a valid parent
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16316,1, "Synonym '%1'has invalid parent object '%2'"
Cause: The specified synonym is invalid as it does not have a valid parent
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16317,1, "Trigger '%1' has invalid parent table '%2"
Cause: The specified trigger is invalid as it does not have a valid parent
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16318,1, "Constraint '%1' has invalid parent table '%2'"
Cause: The specified constraint is invalid as it does not have a valid
parent table
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16319,1, "Foreign Key '%1' has invalid reference table '%2'"
Cause: The specified foreign key is invalid as it does not have a valid
reference table
Action: Correct SQL file
CDS-16320,1, "Foreign Key '%1' reference table '%2' has no Primary Key"
Cause: The specified foreign key is invalid as the reference table has no
primary key. If this message has been raised during the generation process
and the referenced primary key was selected for generation the key may
be defined as being validated in the application.
Action: For capture from file correct the SQL file. For generation check that
the primary key 'Validate In' property is to Server or Both.
CDS-16321,1, "LIKE clause not supported"
Cause: DB2 "CREATE TABLE LIKE" clause is not supported"
Action: No action required
CDS-16322,1, "Function or Procedure %1 External Library clause not supported"
Cause: (Oracle8) "EXTERNAL LIBRARY" clause is not supported
Action: No action required
CDS-16323,1, "Database Link %1 not supported"
Cause: Database Link syntax is not supported
Action: No action required
CDS-16324,1, "Sybase and SQL Server : Unsupported Column Domain in '%1.%2'"
Cause: Domain syntax is not supported for Sybase and SQL Server
Action: No action required
CDS-16501,2, "Parsing ALTER statement"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16502,2, "On Column : %1; On Table : %2"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16503,2, "Parsing COMMENT statement"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16504,2, "Comment completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16505,2, "Comment ignored"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16506,2, "Comment not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16507,2, "Comment text"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16508,2, "Parser completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16509,2, "On constraint %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16510,2, "Parsing CREATE statement"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16511,2, ""
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16512,2, "Domain : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16513,2, "Domain : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16514,2, "Domain completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16515,2, "Domain not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16516,2, "Unknown data type"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16517,2, "On domain %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16518,2, "Domain completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16519,2, "Domain not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16520,2, "Index : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16521,2, "Index : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16522,2, "Index completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16523,2, "Index not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16524,2, "On Cluster"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16525,2, "On Index %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16526,2, "Index completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16527,2, "On Table %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16528,2, "Index not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16529,2, "On Table"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16530,2, "No errors - parsed OK"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16531,2, ""
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16532,2, "Storage definition(s)"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16533,2, "Parallel clause"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16534,2, ""
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16535,2, "Table : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16536,2, "Table : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16537,2, "Add clause"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16538,2, "Alter clause"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16539,2, "Table completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16540,2, "Drop clause"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16541,2, "Table not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16542,2, "Modify clause"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16543,2, "Table elements"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16544,2, "In Table %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16545,2, "On Table %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16546,2, "Table completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16547,2, "Table not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16548,2, "On Tablespace %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16549,2, "On Trigger %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16550,2, "View : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16551,2, ""
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16552,2, "View columns"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16553,2, "View completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16554,2, "Horizontal partitioning clause: syntax not supported"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16555,2, "View not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16556,2, "Query expression"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16557,2, "With clause"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16558,2, "*** Filename: %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16559,2, "Column %1: unknown datatype"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16560,2, "Synonym : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16561,2, "Synonym completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16562,2, "Synonym not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16563,2, "Sequence : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16564,2, "Sequence completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16565,2, "Sequence not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16566,2, "Alter sequence completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16567,2, "Alter sequence not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16568,2, "Trigger : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16569,2, "Trigger PL/SQL block"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16570,2, "Trigger completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16571,2, "Trigger not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16572,2, "Alter trigger completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16573,2, "Alter trigger not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16574,2, "Tablespace : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16575,2, "Tablespace completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16576,2, "Tablespace not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16577,2, "Alter tablespace completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16578,2, "Alter tablespace not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16579,2, "Warning : Only one filespec can be reverse engineered"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16580,2, "Package : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16581,2, "Package PL/SQL block"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16582,2, "Package completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16583,2, "Package not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16584,2, "Procedure : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16585,2, "Procedure PL/SQL block"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16586,2, "Procedure completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16587,2, "Procedure not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16588,2, "Function : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16589,2, "Function PL/SQL block"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16590,2, "Function completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16591,2, "Function not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16592,2, "Materialized View : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16593,2, "Materialized View completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16594,2, "Materialized View not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16595,2, "Alter materialized view completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16596,2, "Alter materialized view not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16597,2, "Role : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16598,2, "Role completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16599,2, "Role not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16600,2, "Alter role completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16601,2, "Alter role not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16602,2, "Profile : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16603,2, "Profile completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16604,2, "Profile not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16605,2, "Alter profile completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16606,2, "Alter profile not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16607,2, "User : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16608,2, "User completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16609,2, "User not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16610,2, "Alter user completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16611,2, "Alter user not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16612,2, "Cluster : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16613,2, "Cluster completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16614,2, "Cluster not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16615,2, "Alter cluster completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16616,2, "Alter cluster not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16617,2, "Grant : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16618,2, "Grant completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16619,2, "Grant not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16620,2, "Rollback : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16621,2, "Rollback completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16622,2, "Rollback not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16623,2, "Alter rollback completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16624,2, "Alter Rollback not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16625,2, "Database : %1"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16626,2, "Database completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16627,2, "Database not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16628,2, "Alter database completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-16629,2, "Alter database not completed"
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-18001,0, "Invalid cluster column %1.%2 for %3.%4"
Cause: Column cannot be added to cluster, there is a mismatch between the
cluster defined for the column and that defined for its parent
Action: Check cluster column definitions
CDS-18002,0, "Invalid cluster column datatype: %1.%2 differs from %3.%4"
Cause: Column cannot be added to cluster as there is a datatype mismatch
Action: Check cluster column definitions
CDS-18004,0, "Duplicate %1 name '%2'. Table %3 conflicts with table %4"
Cause: Duplicate object name found
Action: Rename one of the duplicate objects
CDS-18006,0, "Tablespace '%1' contains no Datafile objects"
Cause: The specified object has no relationships of a particular kind
Action: Add the specified object relationships
CDS-18007,0, "Server Generator Internal Error"
Cause: Internal error
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18008,0, "An unexpected %1 exception '%2' was raised in %3"
Cause: Internal error
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18009,0, "An unexpected exception was caught in file %1 line %2"
Cause: Internal error
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18010,0, "A %1 and a %2 with the same name '%3' have been asked to be created"
Cause: In the objects to be created, two objects have got the same name.
Action: Change the name of one of the objects.
CDS-18011,0, "A %1 reference and a %2 with the same name '%3' have been asked to be created"
Cause: In the objects to be created, two objects have got the same name.
Action: Change the name of one of the objects.
CDS-18012,0, "A %1 and a %2 reference with the same name '%3' have been asked to be created"
Cause: In the objects to be created, two objects have got the same name.
Action: Change the name of one of the objects.
CDS-18013,0, "A %1 reference and a %2 reference with the same name '%3' have been asked to be created"
Cause: In the objects to be created, two objects have got the same name.
Action: Change the name of one of the objects.
CDS-18014,0, "%1 '%2' has"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18015,0, "a null %3 parameter '%4' in %5"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18016,0, "a missing %3 parameter '%4' in %5"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18017,0, "an invalid %3 parameter '%4' in %5"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18018,0, "an over long %3 parameter '%4' in %5"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18019,0, "a duplicate %3 parameter '%4' in %5"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18020,0, "An invalid %1 parameter '%2' is present in %3"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18025,0, "%1 '%2' will not be created as %3 '%4' is not created"
Cause: A primary object has a secondary object which will not be created.
Hence, the primary object will not be created.
Action: Fix the problem that has occured in the secondary object. The secondary
object may not have been created because it was a duplicate object.
Hence, even though an object of the same type and name has been generated
the primary object is not generated because this is still not the correct
secondary object.
CDS-18306,1, "Could not process Tablespace 'SYSTEM'"
Cause: The specified object breaks internal Server Generator rules and
cannot be processed
Action: Contact Oracle support
CDS-18307,1, "A %1 '%2' already exists in the repository with different properties. Any references to the domain will be ignored."
Cause: A domain exists in the repository with the same name as one in the source
but with differenet properties. If the domain is being captured it will not
be saved in the repository. Any references to the domain by columns being captured
will be ignored
Action: No action required
CDS-18308,1, "There is an inconsistency between the preferences %1 and %2."
Cause: The preferences have been set inconsistently which may cause unintended behaviour.
Action: Check that the preferences chosen will give the desired behaviour.
CDS-18309,1, "The body of %1 '%2' is empty."
Cause: The body of the indicated object is empty. The lack of a body indicates that the
object being captured is a declaration.
Action: Capture a definition of the object.
CDS-18310,1, "Designer Model datatype %1 cannot be converted to a %2 datatype. A datatype of %3 will be used%4"
Cause: The required conversion is not supported.
Action: No action required.
CDS-18311,1, "%1 datatype %2 cannot be converted to a Designer Model datatype. A datatype of %3 will be used%4"
Cause: The required conversion is not supported.
Action: No action required.
CDS-18501,2, "Processing Complete"
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-18502,2, ": %1 error(s), %2 warning(s)"
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-18503,2, "Processing Aborted"
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-18504,2, "Reading Server Model ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-18505,2, "Building Server Model ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-18506,2, "Reading Database ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-18507,2, "Executing DDL ..."
Cause: Status message
Action: No action required
CDS-19001,2, "Re-create Objects"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog title
Action: No action required
CDS-19002,2, "The following objects need to be dropped and re-created:"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog text
Action: No action required
CDS-19003,2, ""
Cause: No cause
Action: No action required
CDS-19004,2, "Do you want to:"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog text
Action: No action required
CDS-19005,2, "&Generate all DDL statements"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19006,2, "(including statements which drop the objects listed above)"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19007,2, "&Do not generate drop statements"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19008,2, "&Cancel generation operation"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19009,2, "&OK"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19010,2, "&Help"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19011,2, "DDL Generation Complete"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog title
Action: No action required
CDS-19012,2, "DDL generation is complete.\n"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog text
Action: No action required
CDS-19013,2, "Do you want to view the generated DDL, view the reconcile report or execute the DDL?"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog text
Action: No action required
CDS-19014,2, "View DDL"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19015,2, "View Report"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19016,2, "Execute DDL"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19017,2, "Cancel"
Cause: Generation Complete dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19018,2, "Text editor %1 could not be located...."
Cause: The chosen text editor cannot be located in the hard disk
Action: Use Menu Option->TestEditor to choose another one
CDS-19019,2, "The file \"%1\" could not be loaded or does not exist."
Cause : The specified file or one its dependent files could not be loaded.
This may be because a file has not been installed.
Action: Check your installation. If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDS-19020,2, "Drop Objects"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog title
Action: No action required
CDS-19021,2, "The following objects exist in the database but not in the repository and need to be dropped:"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog text
Action: No action required
CDS-19022,2, "Do you want to:"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog text
Action: No action required
CDS-19023,2, "&Generate all DDL statements"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19024,2, "(including statements which drop the objects listed above)"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19025,2, "Generate only DDL statements that will ¬ drop the"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19026,2, "objects listed above"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19027,2, "&Cancel generation operation"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog radio button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19028,2, "&OK"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19029,2, "&Help"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19030,0, "Alter Database Objects"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog title
Action: No action required
CDS-19031,0, "Objects exist in the database that do not match the repository definition."
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog text1. Split this message to three messages, because
6i support only 120 characters length message, if you pass longer then
6i automatically truncate to 120. So 19031, 19048, 19049 makes one message.
Action: No action required
CDS-19032,0, "Indexes not to be altered"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog, index tab tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19033,0, "Indexes to be altered"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog, index tab list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-19034,0, "&Stop Generation"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19035,0, "&Cancel"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19036,0, "Drop Database Objects"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog title
Action: No action required
CDS-19037,0, "Objects exist in the database that are not in the repository, and DDL can be generated to drop them."
Cause: Drop Objects dialog text1. Split this message to three messages, because
6i support only 120 characters length message, if you pass longer then
6i automatically truncate to 120. So 19037, 19050, 19051 makes one message.
Action: No action required
CDS-19038,0, "Columns not to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog column tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19039,0, "Columns to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-19040,0, "&Stop Generation"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19041,2, "&Cancel"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog button text
Action: No action required
CDS-19042,0, "Constraints not to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog column tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19043,0, "Constraints to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-19044,0, "Cascade Constraints"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog check box
Action: No action required
CDS-19045,0, "Checkpoint"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog edit box
Action: No action required
CDS-19046,0, "Columns"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog check box
Action: No action required
CDS-19047,0, "Constraints"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog edit box
Action: No action required
CDS-19048,0, "Use this dialog to choose the objects that will be altered to make them match, or"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog text2
Action: No action required
CDS-19049,0, "click Cancel to generate DDL that will not alter the objects."
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog text3
Action: No action required
CDS-19050,0, "Use this dialog to choose the objects that will be dropped, or click Cancel to generate DDL"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog text2
Action: No action required
CDS-19051,0, "that will not drop any of the objects."
Cause: Drop Objects dialog text3
Action: No action required
CDS-19052,0, "Constraints not to be altered"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog, Constraints tab tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19053,0, "Constraints to be altered"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog, Constraints tab list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-19054,0, "Indexes"
Cause: Re-create Database objects dialog index tab caption
Action: No action required
CDS-19055,0, "Constraints"
Cause: Re-create Database objects dialog Constraints tab caption
Action: No action required
CDS-19056,0, "Indexes"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog index tab caption
Action: No action required
CDS-19057,0, "Indexes not to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog column tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19058,0, "Indexes to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-19059,0, "Triggers"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog index tab caption
Action: No action required
CDS-19060,0, "Triggers not to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog column tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19061,0, "Triggers to be dropped"
Cause: Drop Objects dialog list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-19062,0, "Triggers"
Cause: Re-create Database objects dialog index tab caption
Action: No action required
CDS-19063,0, "Triggers not to be altered"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog, index tab tree label
Action: No action required
CDS-19064,0, "Triggers to be altered"
Cause: Re-create Objects dialog, index tab list box label
Action: No action required
CDS-65535,2, ""
Cause: This message was generated by the Server Generator Test Harness.
The remainder of the message stack is from Server Generator.
Action: No action required