Note that only error messages with cause and actions go in .msg/.msb files; other information messages stay in the resources of the components concerned and are displayed with a standard AfxMessageBox call, rather than using the full rmum error stack.
CDR-00100,0, "Workarea context has not been set."
Cause : This operation must be performed in the context
of a workarea. No workarea context has been
set for this session.
Action : Use the method jr_context.set_workarea() to
set the workarea context.
CDR-00101,0, "Could not find repository object with IVID=%0!s."
Cause : No repository object with the
specified IVID could be found.
Action : Make sure that the specified IVID
is correct.
CDR-00102,0, "Workarea with IRID = %0!s does not exist."
Cause : The unique identifier for
the workarea is not valid.
Action : Make sure the specified IRID
is correct.
CDR-00103,0, "Workarea sequence %0!s does not exist in workarea %1!s."
Cause : No workarea spec entry exists
with the specified seq in the
given workarea.
Action : Ensure that the specified seq
and workarea IRID are correct.
CDR-00104,0, "Configuration with IVID = %0!s does not exist."
Cause : No configuration exists with
the specified unique identifier.
Action : Check that the specified
unique identifier is correct.
CDR-00105,0, "Rule with IRID = %0!s does not exist."
Cause : No rule exists with the
specified unique identifier.
Action : Check that the specified
unique identifier is correct.
CDR-00106,0, "Rule: %0!s. Error parsing SQL: %1!s."
Cause : The SQL statement for the specified rule
could not be parsed.
Action : Check the SQL statement for the specified rule.
CDR-00107,0, "Rule: %0!s. Error binding variables: %1!s."
Cause : Could not bind the variables for the
SQL statement for the specified rule.
Action : Check that the parameter names for
the specified rule match those used
in the SQL statement.
CDR-00108,0, "Error occurred whilst executing rule %0!s %1!s"
Cause : An error prevented the specified rule
being executed.
Action : Check any other errors in the stack
for details.
CDR-00109,0, "Branch with ID = %0!s does not exist."
Cause : No branch exists with specified
unique identifier.
Action : Check that the specified
unique identifier is correct.
CDR-00110,0, "No registered handler for object with IRID = %0!s."
Cause : No version registry entry exists for the
type of the specified object.
Action : It is likely that the registration process
did not complete successfully for this
object. Call customer support.
CDR-00111,0, "No workarea spec entry for workarea (%0!s) with config (%0!s)."
Cause : The workarea specified does not contain
a configuration with the specified IVID.
The workarea or configuration unique
identifiers may be incorrect.
Action : Check that the correct configuration
is being referred to.
Check that the workarea and
configuration unique identifiers are
CDR-00112,0, "No such object exists in configuration %1!s."
Cause : The object specified is not a
member of the configuration.
Action : Check that you are referring
to the correct object.
CDR-00113,0, "No versionable object with IRID: %0!s and IVID: %1!s."
Cause : An attempt was made to perform a versioning
operation on a non-versionable object.
Alternatively, the supplied IRID and IVID
are invalid.
Action : If you are attempting to version a secondary object
(for example, a COLUMN), you should version the
primary object instead (for example, a TABLE).
Otherwise, ensure that the supplied IRID and
IVID are correct.
CDR-00114,0, "Container context has not been set."
Cause : This operation must be performed in the context
of a container, but no container context
has been set for the operation.
Action : Choose a container for this operation.
If using the API, use the method jr_context.set_working_folder() to
set the container context.
CDR-00115,0, "Cannot find Table which implements Type with %0!s = %1!s."
Cause : An irid or short_name of an Element Type was specified which
does not exist or is not mapped to a Table in the meta data.
Action : Check that the irid or short_name is correct and valid for an
Element Type and is mapped to a Table in the meta data.
CDR-00116,0, "Failed to query parent details from Table %0!s where irid = %1!s."
Cause : Could not find a row in the specified Table with the
given irid value.
Action : Check that the irid is valid and exists in the specified Table.
CDR-00117,0, "Must supply a value for new owning container"
Cause : When changing the owning container
for an object, the IRID for the new owning
container must be specified.
Action : Supply a value for the new owning container
IRID in calls to
CDR-00118,0, "Workarea names cannot be null"
Cause : A null value was specified for
the name of a workarea. Workarea
name is a mandatory property, and
a value must always be supplied.
Action : Specify a value for the workarea
/ 01000 .. 01999 Java PL/SQL General Errors
CDR-01000,0, "Unable to locate object with path %0!s."
Cause : No repository object matches the specified path.
Action : Check that the specified path name is correct.
CDR-01001,0, "The path %0!s contains an invalid name."
Cause : The specified path contains a common repository name
in an invalid format.
Action : Valid formats are: NAME;BRANCH;VERSION,
and in the context of a workarea:
CDR-01002,0, "The path %0!s could not be parsed correctly."
Cause : The specified path contains invalid
characters, or has missing elements.
Action : Check the specified path.
CDR-01003,0, "The path %0!s is not valid outside the context of a workarea."
Cause : If no workarea context is set, then
path members must be qualified by
Action : Either set a workarea context,
or qualify the path members.
CDR-01004,0, "The path %0!s contains an invalid branch name."
Cause : The path contains a reference to a
branch that does not exist in the
Action : Check that all branch names used in the
path are correct.
CDR-01005,0, "Workarea compilation failed: %0!s."
Cause : Compilation errors prevented the
workarea being compiled.
Action : Check other messages in this error stack
for more details.
CDR-01006,0, "Failed to process rule specification."
Cause : The rule specification could
not be processed due to errors
in the supplied specification.
Action : Check other errors in the
stack for details.
CDR-01007,0, "Workarea named %0!s already exists."
Cause : The specified name is already used
for a workarea in the repository.
Action : Use a different name for
the workarea.
CDR-01008,0, "Invalid format for workarea spec entry %0!s."
Cause : The workarea specification contains an
entry in an invalid format, or invalid characters.
The valid format is:
Action : Correct the invalid spec entry.
CDR-01009,0, "Incorrect number of parameters for rule: %0!s."
Cause : The spec entry contains an incorrect
number of parameters for the rule.
Different rules accept different numbers
of parameters.
Action : Check how many parameters
should be supplied to the rule
used in this spec entry.
CDR-01010,0, "Rule named %0!s does not exist."
Cause : No rule with the specified name
exists in the repository.
Action : Check that the rule name
is correct.
CDR-01011,0, "%0!s is locked on branch %1!s by user %2!s with checkout to workarea %3!s"
Cause : Cannot check in object because another
version of the object has been checked
out with a lock on the current branch.
Action : Ensure that the locked object version
is checked in, or unlocked, before
attempting to check in this object version.
CDR-01012,0, "%1!s %0!s not checked out"
Cause : Cannot check in an object that
has not been checked out.
Action : Make sure you are trying to
check in the correct object.
CDR-01013,0, "%1!s %0!s never checked in"
Cause : Cannot branch an object that
has never been checked in.
First checkin of any object must
be to MAIN branch.
Action : Perform a normal checkin operation on
the object, which will place it on the main
Subsequent versions of the object can
be branched.
CDR-01014,0, "%1!s %0!s already on branch %2!s"
Cause : Cannot branch an object onto a branch where
it already exists.
Action : Branch the object to a different branch,
or create a new branch for the object.
CDR-01015,0, "%0!s already locked by user %1!s in workarea %2!s"
Cause : Cannot check out object with a lock
because the object has already been
Action : Ensure that the locked object is
checked in, or unlocked, before
attempting to check out with lock.
CDR-01016,0, "%1!s %0!s not checked in"
Cause : An attempt was made to check out
a new or checked out object.
Cannot check out an object that
is not checked in.
Action : Ensure that you are trying to
check out the correct object.
CDR-01017,0, "No checkout of %1! %0!s to undo"
Cause : Cannot revoke check out on
object version, as the object
version is not checked out.
Action : Ensure that you are
trying to revoke checkout
on the correct object.
CDR-01018,0, "%1!s %0!s not checked in"
Cause : This branch operation can only
be performed on checked in
Action : Perform check in on branch operation
CDR-01019,0, "Source version %0!s not checked in"
Cause : The source node for the
merge must be checked in
when performing a merge.
Action : Check in the source node
before performing merge.
CDR-01020,0, "Target version %0!s not checked out"
Cause : The target (merge) node must be
checked out before a merge can
be performed.
Action : Check out the target node
before performing the merge.
CDR-01021,0, "Branch with name %0!s already exists."
Cause : Cannot create a branch with the specified
name because a branch with that name already
Branch names must be unique.
Action : Specify a different branch name.
CDR-01022,0, "No branch exists with name \"%0!s\"."
Cause : No branch could be found that matches
the specified name.
Action : Check that the specified name
is correct.
CDR-01023,0, "Rule with name %0!s already exists."
Cause : You have specified a rule name
that is already being used.
Rule names must be unique.
Action : Use a unique rule name.
CDR-01024,0, "Rule %0!s is not a user defined rule."
Cause : Only user defined rules may
be altered or deleted.
Action : Ensure you are amending the
correct rule, or create a new
user defined rule with
the properties you require.
CDR-01025,0, "Invalid SQL statement for rule: %0!s."
Cause : The SQL statement specified for this
rule is invalid and may contain syntax
errors, or mismatches, between bind variables
and rule parameters.
Action : Check other errors in the stack and
amend the SQL statement accordingly.
CDR-01026,0, "Could not parse rule SQL, Oracle error: %0!s."
Cause : Parsing the specified rule SQL
will result in the given Oracle error.
Causes could be syntax errors or
references to invalid database objects.
Action : Amend the SQL statement for
the rule and try again.
CDR-01027,0, "Invalid columns defined in rule SQL select statement."
Cause : A rule SQL select statement should select only
two columns and these must be the IRID
and IVID of the object versions being returned
by the rule.
Action : Check the SQL statement for
the rule and amend it accordingly.
CDR-01028,0, "Could not bind :config_ivid variable in rule SQL procedure call."
Cause : Rule SQL statements which call
procedures to implement the rule
must contain a :config_ivid bind
variable to pass the IVID of the
configuration being populated
by the rule.
Action : Check the rule SQL statement
and amend accordingly.
CDR-01029,0, "Could not bind parameter %0!s in rule SQL statement."
Cause : There is no bind variable in
the rule SQL statement which
corresponds to the given
rule parameter name.
Action : Check the rule SQL statement
and parameter name
and amend accordingly.
CDR-01030,0, "Cannot delete a branch label (%0!s) that is being used"
Cause : An attempt was made to delete a branch
which contains object versions.
Only empty branches may be deleted.
Action : Object versions may be purged using the wastebasket utility.
All versions of all objects on the branch must be purged before
the branch may be deleted.
CDR-01031,0, "Invalid wildcards in path: %!0s."
Cause : Wildcards can only be used in the NAME part
of a common repository name.
Action : If elements of the path contain the wildcard
character as part of a version label or
branch name, then precede the wildcard character
with an escape character.
CDR-01032,0, "Cannot check in %0!s. Object already on branch %1!s."
Cause : An automatic branch on checkin could not
be performed. The object you are trying to
check in already exists on the default
checkin branch for this workarea. An object
may only be branched once to any given branch.
Action : Ensure that the default check in branch for
the workarea is correct.
Otherwise, you must merge the current
object version onto the default check in branch.
CDR-01033,0, "The version label %1!s is already in use for %2!s %0!s"
Cause : Version labels must be unique for
all versions of an object.
Action : Repeat the operation, specifying
a different version label.
CDR-01034,0, "Invalid element type specified in path: %0!s."
Cause : The element type specified in this path is not recognized
as a valid type for this repository.
Action : Check the element type you have
specified is correct.
CDR-01035,0, "More than one object located using path: %0!s."
Cause : The path you specified resulted in
more than one object version being
found, when only one was expected.
This may have been caused by the use
of wildcards in the path, or because
elements of different types have the
same path.
Action : Remove wildcards from the path.
Include a type specifier ('=Type') to indicate
the type of element the path is identifying.
CDR-01036,0, "Checkin of %1!s %0!s by %2!s requires that merge of changes is performed"
Cause : Another user has performed a checkin
of this object on the current branch,
and you must merge your changes
with theirs before proceeding.
Action : Merge your changes to
prevent the other users
changes being overwritten.
CDR-01037,0, "Cannot rename a branch label (%0!s) that is being used"
Cause : A branch label cannot be changed if any
object versions are using the branch.
Action : Either create a new branch label, or
purge all object versions currently on
the branch.
CDR-01038,0, "Cannot delete workarea %0!s. Workarea contains new or checked out objects."
Cause : Deleting this workarea would
mean all the non-versioned or
checked out objects it contains
would be lost.
Action : Check in all objects before
deleting the workarea.
Alternatively, delete new
objects then undo checkout
for checked out objects.
CDR-01039,0, "Configuration %0!s is not checked in."
Cause : Cannot add non-versioned or
checked-out configurations
to a workarea.
Action : Check in the configuration
before trying to add it to
the workarea.
CDR-01040,0, "Rule %1!s has an invalid date value (0%!s) for %2!s parameter "
Cause : Values for date parameters must
be in one of the following formats:
or the current database default
Action : Use a valid date format
when specifying the rule parameter
CDR-01041,0, "Configuration %0!s is checked in."
Cause : Cannot change the properties or
contents of a configuration if it is
checked in.
Action : Check out the configuration.
CDR-01042,0, "Cannot add %0!s to configuration. Version not checked in."
Cause : Can only add checked in object
versions to configurations.
Action : Check in the object version
before adding it to the configuration.
CDR-01043,0, "Nested configurations are illegal."
Cause : Cannot make a configuration
a member of another configuration.
Action : Add a different element
type to the configuration.
CDR-01044,0, "Configuration with name %0!s already exists."
Cause : You have specified a configuration name that is already in use.
Configuration names must be unique.
Action : Use a unique name for the configuration.
CDR-01045,0, "Object %0!s is already in configuration %1!s."
Cause : Configurations can only contain one
version of an object.
Action : To add this version of the object,
first remove the version currently in
the configuration.
CDR-01046,0, "%1!s %0!s already checked out to this workarea"
Cause : Cannot check out an object
if it is already checked out in
the current workarea.
Action : Check in or undo the
previous checkout before
attempting operation.
CDR-01047,0, "Another user is already performing a checkin on %1!s %0!s. Try again later."
Cause : Could not perform checkin operation
because another user was performing an update
or checkin operation on the same object at the
same time as you.
Action : Repeat the operation.
If the problem persists, another user may have
performed a checkin or update on this object
in an uncommitted transaction.
They must commit the transaction before
further checkins can be made.
CDR-01048,0, "Only the workarea owner (%0!s) can update workarea to PRIVATE/SHARED."
Cause : Only the owner of a workarea may
update it to be PRIVATE or SHARED.
Action : Operation must be performed
by the workarea owner.
CDR-01049,0, "Configuration names cannot be NULL."
Cause : The name of a configuration is a mandatory
property. A NULL value cannot be specified.
Action : Specify a value for the configuration name.
CDR-01050,0, "Checkout currently in progress for %0!s on branch %1!s."
Cause : Could not perform the operation because
another checkout or lock checkout operation
is currently in progress on this element.
Action : Repeat the operation. If the problem persists, a checkout
may have been performed in an uncommitted transaction
by another user. This transaction must be committed
before other operations can be performed.
CDR-01051,0, "%0!s %1!s is referenced by %2!s %3!s."
Cause : The update operation was blocked because
the object you are updating is referenced
by other objects.
Action : Delete the referencing objects first.
CDR-01052,0, "%0!s %1!s is referencing invalid %2!s (ref = %3!s)."
Cause : This object references another object
which does not exist in the workarea.
Action : Correct the reference or make sure the
referenced object is in the workarea.
CDR-01053,0, "Cannot perform versioning operations in a non-versioned repository"
Cause : The operation that was attempted can
only be performed on a repository instance
that supports versioning.
Action : You may not perform the action on this
non-versioned repository instance. The
repository may be altered to support
versioning operations by the repository
CDR-01054,0, "Error reattaching %0!s %1!s"
Cause : An error occurred whilst attempting to reattach the specified
orphaned object.
Action : Check other errors in the stack for details.
CDR-01055,0, "%0!s %1!s is not orphaned"
Cause : The element you are attempting to reattach
to a new container is not an orphan.
Orphaned elements are elements with no owning
container in the repository.
Action : Do not attempt to reattach this element.
CDR-01056,0, "Cannot reattach %0!s. Name uniqueness conflict with %1!s %2!s"
Cause : Reattaching the specified element would result
in name uniqueness violations in the specified
Action : Reattach the element to a different container,
or rename the conflicting element in the specified
container before attempting to reattach the
specified element.
CDR-01057,0, "No workarea exists with name %0!s"
Cause : The specified workarea name is invalid.
Action : Check that the specified workarea name is correct.
CDR-01058,0, "Unable to undo checkout for %1!s %0!s"
Cause : An error has occurred which
prevented the undo checkout
of the specified object.
Action : Check other errors in
the stack for details.
CDR-01059,0, "Rule %1!s has an invalid path (%0!s) for %2!s parameter "
Cause : The specified path is invalid
and does not identify a repository
Action : Use a valid repository path
when specifying the parameter
CDR-01060,0, "Rule %1!s has an invalid branch label(%0!s) for %2!s parameter "
Cause : The specified branch label is not
a valid repository branch label.
Action : Use a valid repository branch label
when specifying the parameter value.
CDR-01061,0, "Cannot exclude container %0!s. It contains checked-out/non-versioned %1!s %2"
Cause : A rule is trying to exclude a container
which has a checked-out or non-versioned
member. This objects would be lost
if the container was excluded.
Action : Either check-in the object, or do not
exclude the container.
CDR-01062,0, "Compilation leaves %1!s %2!s orphaned. Need to include container %0!s "
Cause : Compilation of the workarea would
leave the specified checked out or
non-versioned object without its
context container.
Action : The workarea specification should be
altered to include an appropriate version
of the context container into the compiled
CDR-01063,0, "%0!s is not checked in"
Cause : A rule parameter value specified an
object version that is not checked in.
Only checked-in object versions
can be used with repository rules.
Action : Update the parameter value so
as not to specify checked-out
or non-versioned elements.
CDR-01064,0, "Cannot checkout configuration %0!s, user %1!s has version %2!s checked out"
Cause : Another user already has a version
of this configuration checked out.
Only one version of a configuration
can be checked out at any one time.
Action : Wait for the other user to check in
the version of the configuration
before attempting the operation.
CDR-01065,0, "Value for parameter %0!s on rule %1!s is too long"
Cause : The value given for the specified
parameter and rule is longer than
the maximum permissible length
of 300 bytes.
Action : Use a shorter parameter value.
CDR-01066,0, "Workarea %0!s is currently being updated in another transaction"
Cause : Could not perform action as
the current workarea is currently
being updated by a separate transaction.
Action : Ensure any other transactions for this
workarea are committed before
attempting operation.
CDR-01067,0, "%1!s %0!s is checked out in workarea %2!s, not the current workarea (%3!s)"
Cause : Versioning operations on checked-out
objects can only be performed in the
context of the workarea they are
checked out into.
Action : Change the context workarea to the
workarea that the object is checked out
into before attempting operation.
CDR-01068,0, "Checking out container %0!s will leave %1!s %2!s orphaned"
Cause : Checking out this version of the container will
replace the version currently in the workarea,
resulting in the specified checked-out or
non-versioned object becoming orphaned.
(The object is not a member of the version of
the container you are checking out.) The
object could potentially become lost
from the workarea.
Action : Check in the specified object, or choose
to check out a version of the container
that does not leave the object orphaned.
CDR-01069,0, "Insufficient privileges to reattach %0!s."
Cause : You do not have select access on the object.
Action : Make sure you have select access to the object
/ 02000 .. 02499 Delete and Wastebasket Errors
CDR-02000,0, "Cannot delete %0!s %1!s"
Cause : An error prevented the
deletion of this element.
Action : See other errors in the
stack to determine the
CDR-02001,0, "%0!s %1!s is referenced by %2!s %3!s."
Cause : The deletion operation was blocked because the object
you are deleting is referenced by other objects.
Action : Either delete the referencing objects first, or perform a
force deletion to override the blocking constraints.
CDR-02002,0, "Cannot delete %0!s. Object version is checked in."
Cause : A purge operation must be performed
to delete checked in object versions.
Action : Perform a purge operation on
this object version.
CDR-02003,0, "Cannot delete %1!s %0!s as owning %2!s %3!s is checked in"
Cause : The parent element for this secondary
element is checked in, which prevents
the element being deleted.
Action : Check out the parent element
before performing delete.
CDR-02004,0, "Cannot delete %0!s. Object version is used in other workareas."
Cause : Object versions cannot be
deleted if they are used
Action : Ensure object version is removed
from all other workareas before
performing deletion operation.
CDR-02005,0, "Cannot delete %0!s. Object version is used in configuration(s)."
Cause : Object versions cannot be
deleted if they are used
in configurations.
Action : Ensure that object version
is removed from all configurations,
or perform a force purge operation
CDR-02006,0, "Purge operation blocked by checked in referencing %0!s %1!s."
Cause : Purge operations are blocked if
the element being purged is
referenced by checked in elements.
Action : Purge the referencing elements
before purging this element.
Alternatively, perform a
force purge operation.
CDR-02007,0, "Object version %0!s is source node for branch %1!s."
Cause : Cannot delete object versions which
are the source for a branch.
Action : Delete all versions of this object
on the branch before deleting
this object version.
CDR-02008,0, "Object version %0!s is the source for checkout(s)."
Cause : Cannot delete object versions
from which checkouts have
been made.
Action : Check in or undo any
checkouts made from
this object version before
deleting it.
CDR-02009,0, "Object version %0!s is the root node for branch %1!s."
Cause : Cannot delete the root node of a branch
if subsequent object versions exist.
Action : Delete all subsequent versions of
this object on the branch before
deleting this object version.
CDR-02010,0, "Cannot purge %0!s. Version(s) of object currently used in workarea(s)."
Cause : Cannot purge an object
if any version of it is used
in a workarea.
Action : Ensure that all versions of
the object are removed from
workareas before purging
the object.
CDR-02011,0, "Cannot purge %0!s. Versions of object currently used in configuration(s)."
Cause : Cannot purge an object
if any version of it is used
in a configuration.
Action : Ensure that all versions of
the object are removed from
configurations before purging
the object.
CDR-02012,0, "Cannot purge %0!s. %1!s is not empty."
Cause : Only empty containers can be purged from a workarea
Action : Delete or purge all objects in this container before
attempting operation.
CDR-02013,0, "Cannot delete %0!s. %1!s is not empty."
Cause : Only empty containers
can be deleted.
Action : Delete all objects
in this container before
attempting operation.
CDR-02014,0, "Root container %0!s must be purged."
Cause : A root container can only be removed by a purge operation.
Action : Purge all versions of the root container to remove it.
CDR-02015,0, "Cannot remove %0!s from checked in container %1!s."
Cause : Objects cannot be removed from
checked in containers.
Action : Check out the container before
attempting operation.
CDR-02016,0, "Cannot delete system folder."
Cause : The SYSTEM FOLDER cannot
be deleted or purged.
Action : Do not attempt to delete
CDR-02017,0, "Cannot delete %0!s from checked-in container %1!s"
Cause : Objects cannot be deleted if
they are in a checked-in container.
Action : Check out the container before
performing delete operation.
CDR-02018,0, "Configuration %0!s is used to define Workarea %1!s"
Cause : A configuration version cannot be
purged if it is used to define a
Action : Remove this configuration from
the definition of the specified
workarea before attempting
purge operation.
CDR-02019,0, "%1!s %0!s is referenced into %2!s %3!"
Cause : An element cannot be deleted
if it is referenced into containers
in the current workarea.
Action : Ensure that the element is
not referenced into any
containers before attempting
to delete or purge it.
CDR-02020,0, "Cannot delete system element %0!s"
Cause : The specified element is a
system element, installed by
Oracle as part of Oracle
Repository. Such an element
cannot be deleted or purged.
Action : Do not attempt to remove
this element from the repository.
CDR-02021,0, "Cannot purge %0!s as it is the only remaining version that owns %1!s %2!s"
Cause : The version of the container you are
attempting to purge is the last version
that owns the specified element. Purging
this version would result in the element
being left with no owning container.
Action : Move the specified element into a different
container. If you wish to remove the element
as well, then purge all versions of the specified
element. Alternatively you can perform a force
purge on the container, which will automatically
purge the specified element.
CDR-02022,0, "Cannot delete checked-in Configuration %0!s"
Cause : The specified configuration could not be
deleted, as it is checked-in. Checked-in
configurations must be purged.
Action : Use a purge operation to remove
the checked-in version of the
CDR-02023,0, "Cannot remove root version as object is referenced by checked in %1!s %0!s"
Cause : An attempt was made to delete or purge the last
remaining version of an object which is referenced
by checked in objects versions.
This object cannot be removed from the repository,
as it will invalidate the checked-in referencing objects.
Action : In order to remove this object from the repository,
all object versions wich reference the object
must first be purged.
CDR-02050,0, "Object not visible in current wastebasket context."
Cause : The object you are trying
to restore is not in the
current wastebasket context.
Action : Ensure that you have the
correct workarea context set.
CDR-02051,0, "Cannot restore, first version on branch %0!s has been deleted."
Cause : The root node for this
branch has been deleted.
Subsequent nodes cannot be
Action : If it is possible, restore the
root node for this branch
before restoring this version.
Otherwise, this version cannot
be restored.
CDR-02052,0, "Cannot restore, the source node for branch %0!s has been deleted."
Cause : The version of this object which is the
source for this branch has been
deleted. No versions of the object
on this branch may be restored.
Action : If it is possible, restore the
source node for this branch
before restoring this version.
Otherwise, this version cannot
be restored.
CDR-02053,0, "Cannot restore into checked-in container %0!s"
Cause : Cannot restore object versions if their
parent container is checked in.
Action : Check out the container before
attempting restore operation.
CDR-02054,0, "No context container to restore to"
Cause : There is no container for this object in
the current context. In order to restore
an object, its container must be available.
The container for this object may have also
been deleted.
Action : If the objects container has also been deleted,
restore the container from the wastebasket
before restoring the object.
CDR-02055,0, "Cannot restore %0!s. Name uniqueness conflict with %1!s %2!s."
Cause : This element cannot be restored because another
element, with the same name, already exists.
Action : Either rename or remove the conflicting element
before performing the restore operation.
CDR-02056,0, "Cannot restore %1!s %0!s as branch %2!s is now occupied by version %3!s"
Cause : Cannot restore the specified version
as the branch it was on is now being
utilized by a different version of the
same object.
Action : Before attempting to restore this version,
the versions of the object currently
occupying the branch must be purged.
/ 02500 .. 02999 Access Control Errors
CDR-02500,0, "Insufficient privileges to manage users."
Cause : The MANGE_USERS system privilege is
required to be able to create, update or
delete repository users.
Action : To be able to perform this operation,
you must be granted the MANAGE_USERS
system privilege by a user who can update
user privileges.
CDR-02501,0, "%0!s is not a repository user."
Cause : The specified username is not
a valid repository user.
Action : Specify a valid repository user.
CDR-02502,0, "%0!s is not an Oracle user on the repository database."
Cause : Repository users must be existing Oracle
database users on the database used
to store the repository instance.
Action : Create a user with the required username on the
database used to store the Repository Instance.
CDR-02503,0, "%0!s is already a repository user."
Cause : Repository usernames must be unique.
Action : Use a unique username.
CDR-02504,0, "Cannot remove PUBLIC repository role."
Cause : The PUBLIC repository role can
never be removed, only updated.
Action : Do not attempt to remove PUBLIC
repository role.
CDR-02505,0, "Cannot remove repository owner (%0!s)."
Cause : The repository user who owns
the repository tables cannot
be removed.
Action : Do not attempt to remove the
repository owner.
CDR-02506,0, "No such privilege as %0!s."
Cause : The specified privilege is not
a valid repository user
system privilege.
Action : Check the specified
system privilege is correct.
CDR-02507,0, "No privileges defined for managing %0!s."
Cause : There is no system privilege
related to managing the
specified repository object
Action : Check the specified object
type is correct.
CDR-02508,0, "%0!s has insufficient privileges to %1!s."
Cause : Repository user does not have sufficient
system privileges to manage object.
Action : User must be granted appropriate
CDR-02509,0, "Context container not set."
Cause : Context container has not been defined.
Action : Programming Error
Call jr_context.set_working_folder to define context container.
CDR-02510,0, "System privilege %0!s cannot be granted on non-versioned repositories"
Cause : The system privilege you are attempting
to grant can never be granted on a
non-versioned repository instance.
Action : Do not attempt to grant the system privilege
on the current repository instance.
The repository may be converted to a
versioned repository by the repository administrator.
CDR-02511,0, "Only the repository owner (%0!s) can enable versioning operations"
Cause : Only the repository owner may upgrade
a non-versioned repository to a repository
that supports versioning operations.
Action : This operation should only be performed
when connected as the repository owner.
CDR-02512,0, "Database user %0!s is a repository user on another repository instance"
Cause : Cannot create a repository user for the specified
Oracle database user, as the specified database user
is already a repository user on another repository instance.
Action : A different database user must be specified.
CDR-02513,0, "Cannot move object %0!s; Insufficient delete privilege on container %1!s."
Cause : User needs Delete privilege
on the container the object
is moving from.
Action : Grant Delete privilege
on the container the object
is moving from.
CDR-02550,0, "No access rights defined for %0!s on object."
Cause : No access rights have been granted
for specified user on object.
Action : Check specified user is
correct, or grant access
rights to user on object.
CDR-02551,0, "Insufficient privileges to grant or update access to other users."
Cause : You must either be the owner of
the object, or have the ADMINISTRATE
access right on the object to grant or update
access to other users.
Action : Ask the object owner to
grant you the ADMINISTRATE
access right.
CDR-02552,0, "Access rights may only be updated or revoked by grantor (%0!s)."
Cause : Only the user who granted the access
rights may update or revoke them.
Action : Access rights must be
updated or revoked by
the granting user.
CDR-02553,0, "Cannot grant access rights on %1s that you do not have (%0!s)"
Cause : You cannot grant access rights,
which you do not have, to other
Action : Ask the owner of the object
to grant the required access
rights to the user.
CDR-02554,0, "Only the owner (%0!s) of the object can transfer ownership."
Cause : The ownership of an object can only be
transferred by the current owner of the
Action : Operation must be performed by the
owner of the object.
CDR-02555,0, "Cannot remove access rights for owner of object (%0!s)."
Cause : Objects must always have an owning
user with access rights defined.
Action : Transfer ownership of object
to a different user before
removing access rights.
CDR-02556,0, "No such access privilege as %0!s."
Cause : The specified access right is
not a valid repository access
Action : Check the specified access
CDR-02558,0, "Select access cannot be revoked for the object's owner."
Cause : The owner of an object must always
be able to SELECT the object.
Action : In order to remove all access rights
for the owner of an object, the
ownership of the object should first be
transferred to a different user.
CDR-02559,0, "Cannot grant SELECT access on %0!s without SELECT access on parent (%1!s)"
Cause : Users must be granted
SELECT access on a container's
parent before SELECT access
can be granted on the container
Action : Ensure that SELECT access is granted
on the container's parent container before
performing operation.
CDR-02560,0, "Cannot grant or revoke access to the system folder."
Cause : The system folder is read only, and
and has the Select access right granted
to PUBLIC. Its access rights cannot be
Action : Do not attempt to grant access to
or revoke access from the system folder.
CDR-02561,0, "Cannot update access privileges for the system folder."
Cause : The system folder is read-only and is
created as part of the install process. It has
the SELECT privilege granted to PUBLIC.
No other access rights can be granted to it.
Action : Do not attempt to alter the
access privileges on the
system folder.
CDR-02562,0, "Cannot change owning container for %0!s, it is not referenced into %1!s"
Cause : A container cannot be made the owning
container for an object unless it contains
a reference to the object.
Action : Reference the object into the target
container before changing the
owning container of the object.
CDR-02563,0, "Objects in %0!s can only be transferred by the owning user (%1!s)"
Cause : Only the owner of a container can
transfer the ownership of its contents
to a new container.
Action : The action should be performed
by the owning user of the container.
CDR-02564,0, "Access privilege %0!s cannot be granted on non-versioned repositories"
Cause : The access privilege you are attempting to
grant can never be granted on a non-versioned
repository instance.
Action : Do not attempt to grant the access right
on the current repository instance.
The repository may be converted to a
versioned repository by the repository
CDR-02565,0, "Administrate access cannot be revoked for the object's owner"
Cause : The owner of an object must always
be able to ADMINISTRATE the object.
Action : In order to remove all access rights
for the owner of an object, the
ownership of the object should first be
transferred to a different user.
CDR-02600,0, "Insufficient access rights to connect to workarea."
Cause : You must have select access rights
on a workarea to be able to connect
to it.
Action : Workarea owner must grant
select access rights to current user
to allow them to connect.
CDR-02601,0, "Insufficient access rights to set container context."
Cause : Select access rights are required on
a container in order to set the current
context to the container.
Action : The owner of the container
must grant select access to
the current user to enable them
to set the context to the container.
CDR-02602,0, "Insufficient access rights to delete workarea."
Cause : Current user does not have
the delete access right for
this workarea.
Action : Current user must be granted
the delete access right on this
workarea before attempting
CDR-02603,0, "Insufficient access rights to update workarea."
Cause : Current user does not
have the update access
right on this workarea.
Action : Current user must be granted
the update access right on this
workarea before attempting
CDR-02604,0, "Insufficient access rights to update workarea specification."
Cause : Current user does not
have the update specification
access right on this workarea.
Action : Current user must be granted
the update specification access
right on this workarea before
attempting operation.
CDR-02605,0, "Insufficient access rights to compile workarea."
Cause : Current user does not have
compile access right on
this workarea.
Action : Current user must be granted
compile access right on this
workarea before attempting
CDR-02606,0, "Insufficient access rights to version %1!s %0!s"
Cause : Current user does not have
version access rights on the
owning container and current
workarea for this object.
Action : Current user must be granted
version access rights on the
owning container for this
object and the current
workarea before attempting
CDR-02607,0, "Insufficient privileges to set repository policies."
Cause : Current user does not have
the SET_POLICY system privilege.
Action : Current user must be granted
the SET_POLICY system privilege
before performing action.
CDR-02608,0, "Insufficient access rights to update configuration."
Cause : Current user does not
have the update access
right on this configuration.
Action : Current user must be
granted the update
access right on this
configuration before
attempting operation.
CDR-02609,0, "Insufficient access rights to delete configuration."
Cause : Current user does not have
delete access rights on this
Action : Current user must be granted
delete access to this configuration
before attempting operation.
CDR-02610,0, "Insufficient access rights to delete %0!s."
Cause : Current user does not have
delete access rights on this
Action : Current user must be granted
delete access rights to this object
before performing action.
CDR-02611,0, "Insufficient privileges to perform force purge on %0!s."
Cause : Current user has not been granted the
FORCE and PURGE system privileges.
Action : Current user must be granted both the
FORCE and PURGE system privileges
before performing force purge.
CDR-02612,0, "Insufficient privileges to perform purge on %0!s."
Cause : Current user has not been granted
the PURGE system privilege.
Action : Current user must be granted
the PURGE system privilege
before performing purge.
CDR-02613,0, "Insufficient privileges to perform force delete on %0!s."
Cause : Current user has not been granted
the FORCE system privilege.
Action : Current user must be granted
the FORCE system privilege
before performing force delete.
CDR-02614,0, "Insufficient privileges to purge entire version history of object."
Cause : Current user has not been granted
system privileges.
Action : Current user must be granted both the
privileges before performing action.
CDR-02615,0, "Insufficient privileges to purge all insignificant versions of object."
Cause : Current user has not been granted
GLOBAL_PURGE system privilege.
Action : Current user must be granted
the GLOBAL_PURGE system
privilege before performing action.
CDR-02616,0, "Insufficient privileges to empty wastebasket."
Cause : User must have DELETE access rights
on a workarea in order to empty its
Action : User must be granted DELETE
access rights on workarea before
performing action.
CDR-02617,0, "Insufficient privileges to empty wastebasket outside a workarea context."
Cause : User must be granted the GLOBAL_PURGE
system privilege to be able to empty the
wastebasket outside of a workarea context.
Action : User must be granted GLOBAL_PURGE
system privilege before performing action.
CDR-02618,0, "Insufficient privileges to empty all wastebaskets."
Cause : Current user does not have
GLOBAL_PURGE system privilege.
Action : Current user must be granted
GLOBAL_PURGE system privilege
before performing action.
CDR-02619,0, "Insufficient privileges to purge objects outside of a workarea context."
Cause : User must be granted the GLOBAL_PURGE
system privilege to be able to purge objects
outside of a workarea context.
Action : User must be granted GLOBAL_PURGE
system privilege before performing action.
CDR-02620,0, "Insufficient access rights to insert in container %0!s."
Cause : Current user does not have
insert access rights for this
container and current
Action : Current user must be granted
insert access to this container
and the current workarea
before performing action.
CDR-02621,0, "Insufficient privileges to update in container %0!s."
Cause : Current user does not have
update access rights for this
container and the current
Action : Current user must be granted
update access rights to this container
and the current workarea
before performing action.
CDR-02622,0, "Cannot update checked in %0!s : %1!s."
Cause : Objects cannot be updated if they are currently checked in.
Action : Check out the object before performing action.
CDR-02623,0, "Cannot update - parent is checked in: %0!s."
Cause : Secondary objects cannot be updated if
their parent is checked in.
Action : Check out the parent object before performing action.
CDR-02624,0, "No update privileges on %0!s : %1!s"
Cause : Current user does not have
update access rights for the
container and current
workarea for this object.
Action : Current user must be granted
update access rights to the container
and the current workarea for this object
before performing action.
CDR-02625,0, "Insufficient access rights to insert in workarea %0!s."
Cause : Current user does not have
insert access rights for this
Action : Current user must be granted
insert access to the current
workarea before performing action.
/ 03000 .. 03099 FileService errors
CDR-03000,0, "RVI file %0!s could not be saved."
Cause : The ".rvi" file, created
by a synchronization
operation, could not
be saved to the mapped
file system location
Action : Ensure that the file system
is writeable / accessible
CDR-03001,0, "Error reading file system file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : Data could not be read from
the specified file system file
Action : Ensure that the file
exists and is not being
used by another process
CDR-03002,0, "Error renaming file %0!s to \".KEEP\" ."
Cause : The file system file could
not be renamed to
This occurs when a
repository and file system
file have both changed
and are being synchronized.
Action : Ensure that the mapped
file system is writeable /
CDR-03003,0, "Cannot determine folder mapping for element %0!s"
Cause : A repository
mapping could not be
determined for the
specified element
Action : Ensure that the
element is part of
a mapped repository
folder hierarchy
CDR-03004,0, "Error decompressing file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : The decompression algorithm
has signaled an error.
The file data is probably corrupt,
or there has been a connection /
network problem
Action : Try to download the
file again, or refresh
the file data (from backup
or by re-uploading the
CDR-03005,0, "Error compressing file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : The compression algorithm
has signaled an error.
Action : Try uploading the file
Also, ensure that the
specified file is accessible.
CDR-03006,1, "Unresolved file synchronization(s)"
Cause : Either the file(s) have been changed in both the
file system and the repository,
or there was no valid ".RVI" file entry for the file(s)
(and they are different)
Action : Determine which copy
of the file is required and delete
the other (renaming if
For example you could compare
the two files.
NOTE: The file system file
has been renamed to
".KEEP" and the
repository file has been
downloaded to your
file system as ""
CDR-03007,0, "Error writing to file system file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : Data could not be written
to the specified file system
Action : Ensure that the file
is not being used
by another process
CDR-03008,0, "Error setting time stamp for file system file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : The time stamp for
the specified file system
file could not be set
Action : Ensure that the file system
is accessible / writeable and
the file is not being
used by another process
CDR-03009,0, "Error opening file system file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : The specified file system file
is locked or does not
Action : Ensure that the file system
file exists and
is not being used by
another process
CDR-03010,0, "Unable to create file system path %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : The specified file system folder hierarchy
could not be found / created
Action : Ensure that the target
file system is writeable
CDR-03011,0, "Unable to set file permissions: %0!s %1!s"
Cause : The specified file's permissions
could not be altered
Action : Ensure that the file system
is writeable / accessible
and that the file is not
being used by another process
CDR-03012,0, "The file system path %0!s is invalid / does not exist"
Cause : The specified operating
system path is invalid
or does not exist
Action : Ensure that the path
is valid and re-try
CDR-03013,1, "Unable to synchronize, no mapped folders in the current workarea %0!s"
Cause : An attempt was made to
synchronize a workarea.
The synchronization could
not proceed as there are
no mapped folders in the
current workarea
Action : Ensure that the
current workarea is
the correct one
(to be synchronized) and
that there are folder
mappings between the
repository and the
file system.
CDR-03014,0, "The folder %0!s, mapped to %1!s is no longer in the workarea %2!s "
Cause : The specified file system
path is mapped to a
repository folder that is
no longer
in the current workarea.
Action : Check your workarea
specification to see
if the folder has been
excluded in some way,
or create a new mapping
for the file system
CDR-03015,1, "No folder mapping were found that included the path %0!s"
Cause : No folder mappings
were found that included
the file system path(s)
Action : Ensure that there
are folder mappings
which include the
specified path(s)
CDR-03016,1, "Unable to set file system permissions to read-write for %0!s"
Cause : The file system element
permissions (read/write/execute)
could not be altered
Action : Ensure the file system
element is modifiable,
and is not being used
by another process.
(I.e. the file could be
locked because it is
being used by another
process, or because its
physical media is
read-only, e.g. if
it is on a CD)
CDR-03017,0, "System (or internal) error %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-03018,0, "Error calculating CRC value for %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : An error occurred
when attempting to
read a file and
calculate its CRC
Action : Ensure the file can
be read by this process
(the file could have no read
permissions, be locked by
another process, or the
file/disc might be corrupted)
CDR-03019,1, "Cannot upload to checked-in file"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-03020,0, "Cannot rename %0!s to %1!s"
Cause : Synchronization failed
to rename the file system
The renaming was necessary
as the corresponding repository
file has been renamed
Action : Ensure that the file system
file can be renamed (i.e.
ensure that the file is not
locked by another process,
or that the disk is write-
CDR-03021,0, "Cannot resolve repository path %0!s"
Cause : There are two (or more)
folders in the repository
with the same name,
in the same folder (or
at the root level)
Action : Please rename/remove
folders so that there
is only one named instance
of the specified folder
and retry
CDR-03022,0, "Error decompressing file %0!s"
Cause : The decompression algorithm has signaled an error.
The file data is probably corrupt, or there has been a
connection / network problem
Action : Try to download the file again, or refresh
the file data (from backup or by re-uploading the file)
CDR-03023,0, "Error deleting file system file %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : An error occurred
when attempting to
delete an operating
system file
Action : Make sure the file is not being
used by any other processes
CDR-03024,0, "Path does not specify a directory"
Cause : The operating system
path does not specify
a directory
Action : Ensure that the path
specifies a valid
directory and re-try
CDR-03025,0, "Invalid mapping: Specified folder is subsumed by another mapping %0!s"
Cause : The specified operating
system folder is already
included in a folder
Action : Choose an alternative
operating system folder
to map to, or remove the
subsuming mapping
CDR-03026,0, "Invalid mapping: Specified folder subsumes another mapping %0!s"
Cause : The specified operating
system folder contains a
folder that is already mapped
Action : Select another folder
to map to, or remove
the subsumed mapping
CDR-03027,0, "The operating system folder has already been mapped %0!s"
Cause : The specified operating
system folder has already
been mapped to the
Action : Select another operating
system folder, or remove
the conflicting mapping
CDR-03028,0, "Error closing file system file %0!s"
Cause : There was an error
when attempting to
close the file system
Action : Ensure that the
file is not locked
by another process,
or that the physical
disk is not locked
or corrupt
CDR-03029,1, "Warning: Failed to get case preserved file system path"
Cause : The case preserved
file system path could not
be determined
Action : Ensure that the file system
path being used has the
correct case throughout.
CDR-03030,1, "Unable to synchronize: No folder mapping found for %0!s"
Cause : The file/folder is not mapped
to the file system
Action : Ensure that the root
folder in this hierarchy
is mapped and try again
CDR-03031,1, "File %0!s is a symbolic link"
Cause : The specified file
is a symbolic link
Action : Check file system path
(e.g. amend path to be
the link target)
NOTE: symbolic links are not
supported by the repository.
CDR-03032,0, "Folder %0!s is a symbolic link"
Cause : The specified folder
is a symbolic link
Action : Check file system path
(e.g. amend path to be
the link target)
NOTE: symbolic links are not
supported by the repository.
CDR-03033,0, "Error fetching file information for %0!s. %1!s"
Cause : There was an error reading
file system information
about the specified file/folder
Action : Check that the file exists
and you have access to
it and retry
CDR-03034,0, "Unable to lock repository file %0!s for update"
Cause : The repository file cannot be
locked for update. It is probably
already locked by another user
Action : Make sure any updates
on this file in other sessions
are closed and try again.
CDR-03035,0, "Repository file not found %0!s"
Cause : Unable to find specified
repository file
Action : Ensure that the file
ID is valid
/ 03100 .. 03499 Diff/Merge Errors
CDR-03100,0, "Diff/Merge internal error: %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-03101,0, "Internal Error - Version service call failure"
Cause : An error has occurred when trying establish
checkout status for object
Action : Contact your support representative
CDR-03102,0, "Internal Error - Version service failure."
Cause : An error has occurred when making a call to the
version service to get the common repository name for
an object.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03103,0, "Attempted Diff/Merge but ran out of memory."
Cause : Java fatal error 'Out of Memory' thrown whilst trying
to perform Diff/Merge operation.
Action : Set registry key JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE to a larger value and retry the
operation. JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE is located in :
CDR-03104,0, "%0!s has been changed by another user."
Cause : %0!s has been changed by another user since Merge began.
Data may be overwritten and lost if the Merge continues.
Action : Cancel the current Merge operation and restart.
CDR-03105,1, "%0!s has never been checked in."
Cause :
Action : Do you want to check it in and continue?
CDR-03106,1, "The following objects have been temporarily added to the workarea"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-03107,0, "%0!s cannot be found in any workarea."
Cause : The object cannot be found because the rules of the workarea,
in which it was created, have excluded it from the workarea.
Action : Close the merge window and edit the workarea
to make the object visible.
CDR-03108,0, "Insufficient privileges to update the owning container of %0!s."
Cause : Current user does not have
update access rights for the owning container.
Action : Current user must be granted
update access rights to this container
and the current workarea
before performing the check in
CDR-03109,0, "One of the comparison files references file '%0!s' which could not be found"
Cause : One of the files in the comparison references a file that could not
be found. The file is probably being referenced for subclassing
purposes. This file is required so that the file in the comparison
can be loaded correctly.
Action : To correct this problem you should put a copy of the missing
file into the repository, and then include the path of the
missing file in the inherited files dialog before doing the
CDR-03110,0, "Unable to load file as subclassed files could not be found"
Cause : One of the files involved in the comparison/merge could
not be loaded as a file that it subclasses from was not
Action : Copy any subclassed files into the repository and
ensure that those files are specified in the search
path on the inherited files dialog.
You must make sure that each of objects that
participate in a diff/merge operation have a path
entered in the inherited files dialog. This means
that all of the objects that participate in the
diff/merge operation are included in either a
Workarea or a Configuration.
CDR-03111,0, "Type Adapter load failure"
Cause : An error has occurred loading a type adapter class
to carry out this compare/merge operation.
Error: %0!s / %1!s
Action : Make sure that the Type Adapter classes
are available on the client machine.
CDR-03112,0, "Unable to save the result of the merge."
Cause : One or more referenced objects are not visible in your current
Action : Include all referenced objects in your current workarea.
CDR-03113,0, "The type of item cannot be compared or merged."
Cause : This type of item cannot be compared or merged in this release.
Action : Use a type of item that is supported.
CDR-03114,0, "Item %0!s could not be merged automatically."
Cause : The item could not be merged automatically due to conflicts
encountered by the utility. The merge window was not displayed
because the merge command was run as part of a script or in one-shot
Action : Merge the item manually by entering the merge command in an
interactive session using the -gui option to display the merge
window. Resolve any conflicts displayed in the merge window.
CDR-03115,0, "The operation could not be performed because the XML parser is missing."
Cause : The operation could not be performed because the XML parser required
for parsing XML files is missing.
Action : Check your installation and ensure that your XML parser is
compatible with the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP). Alternatively,
choose the free format option to perform a free format compare or
merge operation.
CDR-03116,0, "File %0!s cannot be read."
Cause : Data could not be read from the specified file.
Action : Check that the file exists, that it is not corrupt and that you have
access to the file. Then retry the operation.
CDR-03117,0, "An XML parsing error occurred at line %1!s of file %0!s: %2!s"
Cause : The operation could not be performed because the XML parser found an
error in the specified file.
Action : Correct the error in the XML file and then retry the operation.
Alternatively, choose the free format option to perform a free
format compare or merge operation.
CDR-03118,0, "File %0!s cannot be updated."
Cause : Data could not be written to the specified file.
Action : Check that the specified file is not write-protected, that no other
process is using the specified file, and that sufficient memory
space is available to write to the specified file.
CDR-03119,0, "The requested merge operation cannot be performed."
Cause : The requested merge operation cannot be performed as the target is
already being used in another merge operation.
Action : Close the merge window containing the target. Then try this merge
operation again.
CDR-03120,0, "Internal Error - Problem making a repository connection "
Cause : An internal Diff or Merge component has been
unable to make a repository connection.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03121,0, "Internal error - Unable to set active workarea"
Cause : An internal Diff or Merge component has been
unable to set the active workarea
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03122,0, "Internal error - Unable to reparent window"
Cause : An internal Diff or Merge component has been unable
to reparent its Java frame inside the given C++ window.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03123,0, "Internal Error - The Diff UI has failed"
Cause : An error has occurred when constructing the Diff
User Interface.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.
CDR-03124,0, "Internal Error - Wrong number of arguments to Java Main method"
Cause : The wrong number of arguments has been passed
to the main Java method for an embedded Diff or Merge.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03125,0, "Internal Error - Retrieving Delta Manager"
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to retrieve the
Delta Manager for the type of object that is being
Diffed or Merged.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03126,0, "Internal Error - Object Delta retrieval"
Cause : An error has occurred when retrieving the delta
table for an object in a Diff or Merge operation.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03127,0, "Internal Error - Getting delta between objects"
Cause : An error has occurred when calculating the delta list
between two of the objects that are to be Diffed
or Merged.
Action :
CDR-03128,0, "Internal Error - Heterogeneous operation not supported"
Cause : This operation can only be carried out between two
versions of the same object not between two different
Action : Only choose two versions of the same object for this operation.
CDR-03129,0, "The common ancestor could not be determined."
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to determine the common ancestor
of the two items that are to be merged.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03130,0, "Internal Error - Merge UI failure"
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to construct
the User Interface for the Merge operation.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03131,0, "The save operation to the merge target has failed."
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to save the results of the merge
operation to the merge target.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03132,0, "Internal Error - Consolidation failure."
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to carry out the
consolidation part of an automatic merge.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03133,0, "Internal Error - Insert Merge Association operation has failed"
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to insert a merge
association as a result of the merge operation.
Action : Contact your support representative.
CDR-03135,0, "The compare operation cannot be performed."
Cause : A compare operation cannot be performed on items that are of
different types.
Action : Specify two items that are of the same type.
/ 03500 .. 03700 Diff/Merge warnings
/ 06000 .. 06499 Dependencies - Errors
CDR-06000,0, "More than one owner found for object."
Cause : Possible meta data problem.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.
CDR-06001,0, "No owning object found."
Cause : Possible meta data problem.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.
CDR-06002,0, "No container found for primary access object, id: %0!s, name %1!s, type %2!s"
Cause : Possible meta data problem.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.
CDR-06003,0, "Incompatible handle type for node."
Cause : Internal error in application.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.
CDR-06004,0, "An error has occurred when attempting to set the Look and Feel"
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to set the
Look and Feel on this platform
Action : Check that this platform supports the System Look And Feel
CDR-06005,0, "An error has occurred when trying to set the initial frame size."
Cause : An error has occurred when trying to set the
initial frame size within the bounds of the screen.
This is achieved with a call to System.
Action : Check that Java is properly installed.
CDR-06006,0, "Unsupported Java UI component type"
Cause : An attempt has been made to use an unsupported Java UI component.
Action : Contact support.
CDR-06007,0, "%0! requires a value"
Cause : A required field has not been set
Action : Supply a value for the field
CDR-06008,0, "Invalid workarea for purging dependencies. Workarea: %0!s."
Cause : The workarea specified to purge dependencies from does not exist.
Action : Check the name of the workarea.
CDR-06009,0, "Dependency purging policy not found: %0!s."
Cause : Policy name not in sdd_dppu_control
Action : Correct name of dependency purging policy.
CDR-06010,0, "Internal error - memory manager not started."
Cause : Internal programming error - memory manger has not been created.
Action : Unrecoverable internal programming error - report error to support.
CDR-06011,0, "Internal error."
Cause : An unexpected internal error has occurred.
Action : Switch on diagnostics, and repeat the steps that caused the error.
CDR-06012,0, "File not found. File system: %0!s, Repository: %1!s."
Cause : File system and repository are not synchronized.
Action : Synchronize the filesystem and the repository.
CDR-06013,0, "No mapping exists for file type. File system: %0!s, Repository: %1!s."
Cause : There is no entry in the parser mapping file for the file type.
Action : Add an entry into the parser mapping file for the file type.
CDR-06014,0, "Cannot determine file type for file: File system: %0!s, Repository: %1!s."
Cause : The file name does not include an extension.
Action :
CDR-06015,0, "Incorrect format"
Cause : A TO_PARSE block in the XML file is invalid.
Action : If this is a user written parser you must change the parser
to output valid XML.
If this is a shipped parser than contact your support
representative with details of the generated XML file.
CDR-06016,0, "IO Problem"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06017,0, "Failed to create temporary file for XML output"
Cause : An attempt to create a temporary file failed. This could
possibly be caused by insufficent permissions to write
to the working directory.
Action : Ensure you have the sufficient permissions
to write to the working directory.
CDR-06018,0, "Must specify workarea name"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06019,0, "Must specify connect string"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06020,0, "Must specify username in connect string"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06021,0, "Must specify password in connect string"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06022,0, "Failed to parse connect string '%0!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06023,0, "No mapping file (.pmf) specified or in working directory"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06024,0, "Mapping file '%0!s' does not exist"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06025,0, "Parser class '%0!s' does not exist"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06026,0, "Failed to load dependency filter file '%0!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06027,0, "%0!s(%1!s) : Failed to parse filter file"
Cause : Could not parse the Dependency Analysis Filter file at
the specified location.
Action : Make sure the specified filter file conforms to the correct
syntax as defined in the file itself.
CDR-06028,0, "%0!s(%1!s) : Badly formatted quote name"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06029,0, "%0!s(%1!s) : Badly formatted regular expression"
Cause : A badly formatted regular expression was found in the
Dependency Analysis Filter file.
Action : Amend the regular expression to make it valid.
CDR-06030,0, "Failed to execute C Preprocessor using '%0!s'"
Cause : The C parser failed to call the C Preprocessor on your system
using the specified command.
Action : Make sure that you have a C compiler installed on your machine
and available on your PATH.
CDR-06031,0, "C Preprocessor (%0!s) failed with exit code '%1!s'"
Cause : An error occured whilst running the C Preprocessor.
Action : Correct the problem and rerun the parser.
CDR-06032,0, "Parser failed, returned with exit code '%0!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06033,0, "Must specify the XML DTD file (ia.dtd)"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06034,0, "%0!s is not an Oracle parser"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06035,0, "Error creating parser instance '%0!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06036,0, "Parser '%0!s' does not have a public constructor"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06037,0, "'%0!s' does not implement the FileParser interface"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06038,0, "'%0!s' does not implement the ReposParser interface"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06039,0, "'%0!s' does not implement the StreamParser interface"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06040,0, "Only Oracle structured parsers supported"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06041,0, "Import of XML dependency information failed"
Cause : An error occured whilst importing dependencies into
the Repository.
Action : Contact you support representative.
CDR-06042,0, "Forms libraries not found"
Cause : The runtime libraries for Oracle Forms have not been found.
Action : Install Oracle Forms on this machine.
CDR-06043,0, "Java Parser failed: %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06044,0, "Failed to convert binary PL/SQL Library '%0!s' to text format"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06045,0, "Failed to execute '%0!s', returned code '%1!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06046,0, "SQL Parser failed: %0!s"
Cause : The SQL parser has failed to recognize the SQL syntax
encountered during a parse.
Action : Locate the SQL fragment shown and verify its correctness.
CDR-06047,0, "Optimizer Hint parser failed: %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06048,0, "C Parser failed: %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06049,0, "C Preprocessor incorrectly configured"
Cause : In order to run the C Preprocessor you must have both
the includes and defines options set.
Action : Ensure you set both the include and defines command
line options before running the C parser.
CDR-06050,0, "Failed to prepare statement '%0!s'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06051,0, "Failed to close prepared statement '%0!s' for the following reason: '%1!s'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06052,0, "Failed to define String bind variable '%0!s' at index '%1!s'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06053,0, "Failed to define Int bind variable '%0!s' at index '%1!s'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06054,0, "Failed to execute query '%0!s' for the following reason: '%1!s'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06055,0, "Structured Parser cleanup failed"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06056,0, "Structured Parser failed"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06057,0, "Failed to lock version of object %0!s."
Cause : Another process may be analyzing object %0!s.
Action : Ensure that no other user is analyzing this object,
and then run the dependency analyzer again.
CDR-06058,0, "Parsing of Repository Object type %0!s not supported."
Cause : The structured analyser does not support parsing of
structured objects of this type.
Action :
CDR-06059,0, "Failed to analyze %0!s '%1!s': '%2!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06060,0, "Repository object not found, type: '%0!s' irid: '%1!s' ivid: '%2!s'"
Cause : An object with the given irid and ivid could
not be found in the Repository.
Action : Ensure the correct irid and ivid is passed to the
structured analyzer.
CDR-06061,0, "Failed to process result set from query '%0!s': '%1'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06062,0, "Failed to process result set from query '%0!s' - '%1!s': '%2!s'"
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06063,0, "Failed to get descriptor for element type short name '%0!s': '%1!s'."
Cause : This is an internal error.
Action : Please contact support representative.
CDR-06064,0, "Structured parser failed for the following reason: '%0!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06065,0, "Internal constructor not found for '%0!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06066,0, "Failed to create new instance of '%0!s' for the following reason: '%1!s'"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06067,0, "Failed to query current workarea from RepositoryCacheUser"
Cause : Examine earlier errors for cause of failure.
Action :
CDR-06068,0, "Unable to connect to Repository"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06069,0, "Applications Products Parser failed for the following reason %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06070,0, "Missing registry/property file setting: %0!s."
Cause : Registry / property file setting is missing.
Action : Contact support.
CDR-06071,0, "Failed to close java.sql.ResultSet for following reason, %0!s"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06072,0, "Failed to connect to repository using connection string: %0!s."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-06073,0, "User doesn't have enough privileges to analyze dependencies"
Cause : You do not have the Dependencies repository privilege,
which you need to perform dependency analysis.
Action : Contact the repository owner, who can assign you this privilege.
CDR-06074,0, "Cannot have more than one purge directive with the same branch name as %0!s"
Cause : A directive has been entered containing a branch name
which conflicts with an already existing directive's
branch name
Action : Remove the offending directive
CDR-06075,0, "Failed to define object bind variable '%0!s' at index '%1!s'"
Cause : An internal JDBC bind operation has failed.
Action : Contact Oracle Support.
CDR-06088,0, "SqlPlus Parser failed %0!s"
Cause : The SqlPlus parser has failed to recognize the SqlPlus syntax
encountered during a parse
Action : Locate the code fragment and verify the syntax.
/ 06500 .. 06999 Dependencies - Warnings
CDR-06500,1, "System is running out of memory."
Cause : Likely to be caused by saving too much history.
Action : History has been discarded, and activity aborted.
If problem persists, increase the size of the JVM heap via the key
/ 08500 .. 08999 Configuration errors
CDR-08502,0, "No configurations match pattern %0!s."
Cause : No configurations match the specified pattern.
Action : Use a different filter pattern or specify the full configuration
/ 14000 .. 14499 JRTOOL - Error messages
CDR-14000,1, "Folder %0!s does not exist on the file system."
Cause : The folder specified cannot be located on the local file system.
Action : Check spelling and use lsfolder -l to ensure that the
folder name exists where specified.
CDR-14001,1, "Invalid number of arguments specified."
Cause : The minimum or maximum argument count for
this command has been exceeded.
Action : Check the usage for this command and ensure that
all arguments that are required have been specified.
CDR-14002,1, "Invalid number of options specified."
Cause : The minimum or maximum option count for this
command has been exceeded.
Action : Check the usage for this command and ensure that
all options that are required have been specified.
CDR-14003,1, "Not connected to Oracle."
Cause : This command requires a connection to a valid repository.
Action : Use the connect command to connect to a
valid repository and reissue the command.
CDR-14004,1, "No context workarea has been set."
Cause : This command requires a context workarea to be set.
Action : Ensure that a valid repository connection is available
and use the set workarea command to
set context and then reissue this command.
CDR-14005,1, "Folder %0!s is not included in this workarea."
Cause : Either the folder specified cannot be located on the repository for
this workarea or a wildcard has been given and no matching folder
can be resolved.
Action : Check spelling and use lsfolder [-r] to ensure that the
folder name exists where specified.
CDR-14006,0, "Cannot resolve a mapping for this operation."
Cause : Either no mappings exist for the object specified or more
than one mapping exists.
Action : Use LSFM command to list all available mappings
and ensure that a valid mapping exists.
CDR-14007,1, "No %0!s matching %1!s exists."
Cause : A wildcard has been specified which has no matching results.
Action : Modify the filter to ensure that it can find the object
name that you require.
CDR-14008,1, "No checked out objects exist matching %0!s."
Cause : A name or wildcard has been specified and no matching
checked out objects exist.
Action : Ensure the objects you expect to find are checked
out or modify the filter if incorrect.
CDR-14009,0, "File %0!s does not exist."
Cause : An invalid file name has been specified.
Action : Ensure that the specified file name is valid.
CDR-14010,1, "File %0!s cannot be read."
Cause : The filename specified cannot be read.
Action : Ensure that the file is not being used by another application.
CDR-14011,1, "File %0!s is empty."
Cause : The specified filename is empty.
Action : Ensure that the file specified is correct.
CDR-14012,1, "File %0!s is too large."
Cause : The filename specified is too large to process.
Action : Ensure that the filename specified is correct.
CDR-14013,1, "Branch name %0!s cannot be located."
Cause : The branch label specified does not exist.
Action : Use lsbr to list all available branches.
CDR-14014,1, "No checked in objects exist matching %0!s."
Cause : A wildcard has been specified and no matching
checked in objects exist.
Action : Ensure the objects you expect to find are checked in
or modify the filter if incorrect.
CDR-14015,1, "Option %0!s is not valid to launch the command line tool."
Cause : An invalid option has been specified for the
command line executable.
Action : Only -c, -w or -da_classpath
can be specified on invoking the command line interface.
CDR-14016,1, "Unknown command %0!s. Rest of line ignored."
Cause : An unrecognized command has been entered.
Action : Check that the command name is valid. For a list
of valid commands type 'help'.
CDR-14017,1, "Option %0!s is not a valid option for this command. Rest of line ignored."
Cause : An invalid option label has been specified for this command.
Action : Check the usage for this command and ensure that
only options that are valid have been specified.
CDR-14018,1, "Option %0!s: %1!s is a duplicated option."
Cause : The option has been specified more than once
and as such correct usage cannot be resolved.
Action : Ensure that duplicate options are not
specified where inappropriate.
CDR-14019,1, "Option %0!s: %1!s requires a value."
Cause : The option label has been specified without a
corresponding value when required.
Action : Ensure that all options that require values have
them. Check usage for this command.
CDR-14020,1, "Option %0!s: %1!s does not require a value."
Cause : The option label has been specified with
a corresponding value when not required.
Action : Ensure that all options that do not require values
do not have them from usage for this command.
CDR-14021,1, "Unable to connect because of invalid connect parameters."
Cause : The parameters given are not a valid connect string.
Action : Ensure the connect string is in the form /[@sid].
CDR-14022,0, "The %0!s %1!s does not exist."
Cause : The specified item or version cannot be found.
Action : Ensure that the specified item or version is valid and that it
exists in the repository.
CDR-14023,0, "%0!s does not have a previous version for the compare operation."
Cause : A root version has been specified. A root version does not have a
previous version.
Action : To compare with another item specify a file system item or
repository item. To compare with a previous version specify a
version of the item other than the root version.
CDR-14024,0, "A compare operation cannot be performed on a single file system item."
Cause : Only one item on the file system has been specified.
Action : Specify another file system item or repository item to include in
the compare operation.
CDR-14025,1, "Cannot use %0!s command in non interactive mode."
Cause : This command is only available within the interactive session.
Action : Refer to user documentation for valid commands.
CDR-14026,1, "Cannot load library 'jrhostd'."
Cause : The library 'jrhostd' is not available to run this command.
Action : Consult installation documentation and ensure that
the library file exists in the right directory.
CDR-14027,1, "User %0!s does not exist."
Cause : The user specified is not valid.
Action : Ensure that the name given is valid and typed in the right case.
CDR-14028,1, "User %0!s does not exist."
Cause : The user specified is not valid.
Action : Ensure that the name given is valid and typed in the right case.
CDR-14029,1, "Workarea %0!s could not be found."
Cause : An operation has been performed using an invalid workarea name.
Action : Use lsworkarea to show workareas accessible and
ensure that the workarea name used matches a valid name.
CDR-14030,1, "Folder mapping could not be created."
Cause : An error occurred whilst trying to create mapping.
Action : Check further down the stack to ascertain reason for error.
CDR-14031,1, "Workarea %0!s could not be created."
Cause : An error occurred whilst trying to create workarea.
Action : Check further down the stack to ascertain reason for error.
CDR-14032,1, "Unable to define workarea spec contained in %0!s."
Cause : A workarea specification from a file or rule was not valid
and could not be applied to the workarea.
Action : Ensure that the rule syntax is correct in any rules
specified. See LSRULE command for available
valid rules
CDR-14033,1, "Command %0!s is not a valid SET subcommand."
Cause : The command specified is not a valid subcommand for SET.
Action : Ensure that a correct command has been entered.
Use help to see all valid SET subcommands.
CDR-14034,1, "No spool file has been specified."
Cause : A filename has not been specified with the SET SPOOL command.
Action : Use set spool to initialize a file for output.
CDR-14035,0, "Reading file %0!s failed."
Cause : An error has occurred during a file read.
Action : Reissue the command and check that the file is not corrupted.
CDR-14036,0, "The -f flag and '<' have both been specified."
Cause : Indirection can only be used without interaction with the file
system and contradicting arguments/options have been given.
Action : Clarify the operation by only choosing one of the above.
CDR-14037,0, "Merge is required and is not trivial. Checkin abandoned."
Cause : The checkin operation has detected that a merge is required
before checkin can be completed which is non trivial.
Action : Resolve conflicts and retry operation.
CDR-14038,0, "No connect string has been given with the -c option."
Cause : The -c option expects a connect string as a value.
Action : Reissue the command with a connect string.
CDR-14039,0, "No workarea name has been given with the -w option."
Cause : The -w option expects a workarea name as a value.
Action : Reissue the command with a valid workarea name.
CDR-14040,0, "File name has not been specified."
Cause : This command requires a file name from which to read from.
Action : Ensure that a valid file name is given.
CDR-14041,0, "More than one %0!s exists matching %1!s."
Cause : An operation that requires a single object has located more
than one object of the same name.
Action : Either rename, move or delete one of the objects to maintain
CDR-14042,0, "A folder mapping must be from a repository root container only."
Cause : A mapping operation has been attempted between a
container below a root container and the file system.
Action : Folder mapping can only be made from root containers i.e.
ones that do not have a parent container. Either utilize an
existing key or map from this container's root.
CDR-14043,0, "Synchronize command can only start below a mapped root folder."
Cause : The repository folder context is presently set below all
root folders and as such the selection given would include
the contents of more than one root folder.
Action : Ensure that synchronize is issued in a mapped root folder.
Use the LSFM command to view all valid
folder mappings for this workarea.
CDR-14044,0, "Set subcommand %0!s does not accept on/off toggling."
Cause : This set subcommand cannot be switched on or off.
Action : Ensure that this is the set subcommand that you required.
CDR-14045,0, "Set subcommand %0!s only accepts on or off arguments."
Cause : An argument other than on or off has been specified with
this set subcommand.
Action : Ensure that this is the set subcommand that you require
or that argument is correctly spelt.
CDR-14046,0, "Configuration %0!s does not exist in this repository."
Cause : The configuration specified cannot be located in the repository.
Action : Ensure that the configuration name given is correct.
Use LSCONFIG to list all available configurations.
CDR-14047,0, "Folder %0!s is not mapped to the repository."
Cause : The file system folder specified has no corresponding
folder mapped in the repository.
Action : Ensure that the file name given is correct and make
a folder mapping using mkfoldermap if necessary.
CDR-14048,0, "Context workarea contains no objects."
Cause : A FIND command has been invoked but no
objects exist to search.
Action : If the workarea should be populated make sure
the objects you intended to see are in a configuration
that makes up the workarea specification.
CDR-14049,0, "Savepoint %0!s already defined."
Cause : The savepoint name given already exists.
Action : Use a different name from the savepoints that already
exist, use the SAVEPOINTcommand to list all savepoints.
CDR-14050,0, "Savepoint not found."
Cause : The savepoint given cannot be located.
Action : Ensure that the name is valid, use the SAVEPOINT
command to list all available savepoints.
CDR-14051,0, "The %0!s command is not available on %1!s."
Cause : This command is not available on the present client platform.
Action : Check user documentation to see exactly which commands can
be used on the present operating system.
CDR-14052,0, "User %0!s does not have system privilege to connect to the command line tool"
Cause : The specified user does not have the required privilege
to use the command line tool.
Action : Contact your repository owner who can grant system privileges
if required
CDR-14053,0, "An illegal operation has occurred that has led to an unexpected error"
Cause : An unexpected error has occurred leading to the termination of
this command. This may be due to invalid or corrupted data or
an error in code
Action : Retry the command and if the error persists contact your Oracle
Repository support representative with a note of the events
that led to this error
CDR-14054,0, "Folder %0!s is checked out and cannot be deleted"
Cause : The object you are trying to delete is checked out
Action : Ensure that the object that you wish to delete is checked
in before attempting any delete operations.
CDR-14055,0, "Import command can only accept one of the following; -mrg, -rep and -div"
Cause : More than one of the options merge, replicate and diverge have
been specified. The import command can only apply one of these
modes when importing
Action : Ensure only one of the options is specified
CDR-14056,0, "No import mode option has been specified"
Cause : One of the options -mrg, -rep or -div is required to determine
how objects should be imported
Action : Ensure that one of these options is given with the command
CDR-14057,0, "Destination workarea %0!s exists and is not empty"
Cause : An existing workarea which contains objects has been specified and
the contents of the import file has been exported from an
unresolved workarea
Action : Please specify a new or empty workarea at the target
CDR-14058,0, "Configuration %0!s already exists in the destination repository "
Cause : The import data contains a configuration that already exists
at the target
Action : Please specify a configuration name that does not
exist in the target use LSCONFIG command to list all
configurations that already exist
CDR-14059,0, "Export command can only accept one of the following; -fol, -wa and -cfg"
Cause : More than one export mode option has been given. Export can only
export the given name as a folder, workarea or configuration
Action : Ensure the name you are exported is given a single
corresponding export mode option
CDR-14060,0, "The -s (recurse) option can only be used when exporting folders"
Cause : A workarea or configuration is being exported and the recurse
option has been specified
Action : Ensure that export of workarea or configuration is intended
and remove recurse option
CDR-14061,0, "Folder or configuration being exported and workarea mode option specified"
Cause : A folder or configuration is being exported and one of the workarea
mode options -res -unres -co or -all has been specified
Action : Ensure that export of a folder or configuration is intended and
remove workarea mode option as appropriate
CDR-14062,0, "Workarea option and more than one workarea mode has been specified"
Cause : Workarea option has been specified but more than one of the
workarea mode options (-res, -unres, -co and -all) have been
Action : Ensure that only one option mode is specified
CDR-14063,0, "Workarea option specified but no corresponding workarea mode has been given"
Cause : Workarea option has been specified but one of the
options -res, -unres, -co or -all has been given
Action : Ensure one of these options is used
CDR-14064,0, "Recurse option not allowed with purge in non resolved mode"
Cause : The -s option has been specified outside of the context
of a workarea
Action : Ensure that a context workarea is set if intending to
perform hierarchical options
CDR-14065,0, "A branch can only be specified with the all insignificant versions option"
Cause : A branch has been specified
Action :
CDR-14066,0, "Option %0!s is not allowed when connected to a non-versioned repository"
Cause : An option for this command that is only valid in
a versioned repository has been given when the
present connection is to a non-versioned
Action : Amend the command statement and reissue
with the option removed
CDR-14067,0, "Options -nonew or -vp cannot be specified when not synchronizing"
Cause : The nosync option has been given meaning synchronization
with the file system is disabled and one or more of the
synchronize options have been given
Action : Ensure that the options are correct for this command
CDR-14068,0, "Classpath option specified but no value given and no session variable set"
Cause : The -cpth option has been specified without a corresponding
value and no default has been set for this session
Action : Reissue the command providing a value for -cpth or
set the session value for DA_CLASSPATH and
this value will then be defaulted
CDR-14069,0, "The object has no version information associated with it."
Cause : The given object has no existing version information for the Version
Viewer to display.
Action : The Version Viewer can only be used to represent objects
that have valid version information. Start the Viewer
with a valid object or object reference.
CDR-14070,0, "The two versions cannot be merged."
Cause : The two versions are not versions of the same item. Only versions of
the same item can be merged.
Action : Ensure that the two versions are versions of the same item.
CDR-14071,0, "Object with %0!s %1!s does not exist in lost and found"
Cause : An invalid name or ivid has been specified for
an object in lost and found
Action : Ensure that the name or ivid given is correct use
LSLOSTANDFOUND (LSLAF) command to view all
valid objects in lost and found, use -iv option to also
view ivids
CDR-14072,0, "More than one object with name %0!s exists in lost and found"
Cause : The name given appears more than once in lost and found
Action : Try using the name with version label or branch sequence
if multiple versions exist in the lost and found list. Alternatively
filter by type or specify the version identifier (ivid)
directly along with the -iv option. Use the
LSLOSTANDFOUND(LSLAF) command with the -iv
option to get this value
CDR-14073,0, "Folder %0!s already exists at this level"
Cause : The folder name already exists at the level specified
Action : Use another name that is not included in the folder specified
CDR-14074,0, "Cannot resolve command option"
Cause : The option label and value given could relate to more than one
option for this command
Action : Refine the option by enclosing any option value in quotes to
remove ambiguity
CDR-14075,0, "Policy %0!s is not a valid policy variable"
Cause : The policy variable name given is not correct
Action : Ensure the policy variable given is correct use the
LSPOLICY command to see all available policies
CDR-14076,0, "Value %0!s is not a valid SETPOLICY variable value"
Cause : Only on/off or true/false can be used as policy set values
Action : Change the variable to a valid value and
reissue the command
CDR-14077,0, "The common ancestor version %0!s cannot be used in this operation."
Cause : The common ancestor version is not a version of the same item as the
source and target.
Action : Ensure that the common ancestor version is a version of the same
item as the source and target.
CDR-14078,0, "Cannot launch Version History Viewer for non-versioned object %0!s"
Cause : The Version History Viewer cannot
be used on objects which are
non-versioned (i.e. objects that have
never been checked in).
Action : Do not issue this command for
non-versioned objects.
CDR-14079,0, "Repository folder %0!s is already mapped to the file system"
Cause : The repository container you are
trying to create a mapping for
is already mapped to the file system.
Action : Specify a different repository container,
or specify the option -ow to overwrite
the existing file system mapping.
CDR-14080,0, "File system folder %0!s is already mapped"
Cause : The specified file system folder
has already been mapped to
a repository container.
Action : Specify a different file system folder.
CDR-14081,0, "The JVM has run out of memory"
Cause : The JVM has run out of memory before the command issued
could not be successfully completed
Action : Ensure that sensible commit frequencies are being used for
long running commands and increase the size of the JVM's
Heap size to avoid memory levels being exceeded. Consult
command line documentation for further details
CDR-14082,0, "Cannot write temporary files to temporary/present directory %0!s"
Cause : The DEPENDENCYANALYZE command writes temporary XML
import files by default to the temporary directory that is given by
the environment variable TEMP. If this does not exist then the
files are written to the context file system folder. This folder is
set to read-only and cannot be written to
Action : Either create a TEMP environment variable (consult
appropriate operating system documentation to see how)
and evaluate to a folder that is not read-only or change
file system folder to one that is not read-only using
CDR-14083,0, "%0!s is not a valid type name."
Cause : The type name specified is not a valid
NLS type name.
Action : Specify a valid NLS type name.
The NLS type name of an element
can be determined using the
'lsfolder' command with the '-ty'
CDR-14084,0, "A diagnostics file has not been set"
Cause : Diagnostic values can only be set if a valid diagnostics
file has been set
Action : Use LSDIAGNOSTIC command to see if a file
to set a diagnostics log file
CDR-14085,0, "Diagnostic setting %0!s is not available"
Cause : The registry/options value required for setting
diagnostics is not available
Action : Consult user documentation and ensure all relevant
diagnostic registry setting/properties are available
CDR-14086,0, "The value given is not a valid number"
Cause : A non number string as been given where a number
value is required
Action : Ensure that the set value is a valid number
CDR-14087,0, "Invalid trace level entered"
Cause : Trace level must be between 0 and 4
Action : Reissue the command and use a valid trace level
CDR-14088,0, "Value %0!s is not a valid diagnostic set value"
Cause : The diagnostic value given is not valid
Action : Consult HELP or LSDIAGNOSTIC command to see
valid diagnostic values
CDR-14089,0, "The target version %0!s is not checked out."
Cause : The target version must be checked out when performing a merge
Action : Ensure that the target version is checked out and then perform the
merge operation again.
CDR-14090,0, "Both comparing versions are not from the same object"
Cause : When merging/comparing forms, both versions
given must relate to the same object
Action : Ensure that both versions are for the same
object for the command to successfully compare
CDR-14091,0, "Comparing or merging forms requires a call to UI and prompting is not set"
Cause : When comparing or merging Oracle Forms versions, UI must
be called for additional information required for the compare
operation to complete
Action : Either issue the command SET PROMPTING ON to switch
prompting and UI on or issue the command with the -p option
CDR-14092,0, "Rollback segment %0!s is not valid"
Cause : The rollback segment given either does not
exist on this repository or is not on-line
Action : Ensure that a valid rollback segment is given
CDR-14093,0, "Cannot set rollback segment with oustanding transactions"
Cause : Transactions are outstanding and SET ROLLBACK_SEGMENT
requires all transactions to be committed before the
specified rollback segment can be applied
Action : Use COMMIT command and then reissue the
CDR-14094,0, "Value %0!s is not valid for ON_ERROR set command variable"
Cause : Set variable ON_ERROR only takes STOP or
CONTINUE as valid set values
Action : Reissue the command using the appropriate set
CDR-14095,0, "The source and target repository versions do not match"
Cause : The repository source version is not the same as the
repository version to which you are importing and
import can not proceed
Action : Ensure that the two repositories are the same
CDR-14096,0, "Cannot import multi versioned information to a non-versioned repository"
Cause : The exported data contains multiple versions of
objects and cannot be imported to a
non-versioned repository
Action : Ensure that only single versions are exported
from a versioned source if the intended target
repository is non-versioned.
CDR-14097,0, "Cannot merge or replicate multi versioned information or configurations "
Cause : Configurations or multiple version data can only
be imported using the diverge option (-div)
Action : Ensure that the diverge option is given
CDR-14098,0, "Mismatch in User Extensions between source and target repositories"
Cause : Import cannot proceed as a mismatch in the User
Extensions data from the source and that at the taget
Action : Resolve conflicts between the repository data using
the Repository Administration Utility (RAU)
CDR-14099,0, "Command argument/option contains unclosed quote"
Cause : An opening quote has been used in an option or
argument that does not have a corresponding
closing quote.
Action : Ensure that the command syntax is correct.
If using a single quote in an argument or
option value that is valid as part of the
descriptor, ensure that the argument/option
is enclosed in double quotes
CDR-14100,0, "Path %0!s includes a wildcard and this command does not support wildcards"
Cause : A wildcard character has been included in a container
path and the argument does not support wildcarding
Action : Ensure that only a valid container path is used
with this command
CDR-14101,0, "%0!s cannot be copied or moved to root "
Cause : A non-container object has been specified to be copied or
moved to the root but only containers can exist at root
Action : Choose a valid container to move or copy
any non-container objects to
CDR-14102,0, "Cannot move container %0!s into itself"
Cause : The destination container is the same as the
container specified for moving
Action : Ensure that the container is moved to
another valid container
CDR-14103,0, "More than one object matching %0!s exists when only one object was expected"
Cause : The path specified resulted in more than one object version being
found, when only one was expected. This may have been caused
because case matching has been switched off
Action : Set case matching back on using SET command with
MATCH_CASE set value if object versions exist with
the same name but have different cases
CDR-14104,0, "Cannot set default branch when autobranch policy is not set"
Cause : A default checkin branch cannot be applied when
the autobranch policy is not set
Action : To list policy settings use LSPOLICY command and
use SETPOLICY AUTOBRANCH ON to set autobranch
policy on
/ 14500 .. 14999 JRTOOL - Warning messages
/ 17000 .. 17499 RSJ - Errors
CDR-17000,0, "Failed to query meta data information."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to query meta data information.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17001,0, "Failed to set a property: '%0!s'."
Cause : The system failed to set a property for an object.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17002,0, "Attempt to walk association '%0!s' from wrong end."
Cause : An attempt was made to walk an association from the foreign key end.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17003,0, "Detected invalid association: '%0!s'."
Cause : Found an association with an invalid number of elements at one end.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17004,0, "No foreign key found for association '%0!s'."
Cause : The system detected an association without a foreign key.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17005,0, "Attempted to invoke an unknown DataElement operation: '%0!s'."
Cause : Invocation of unknown DataElement operation attempted..
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17006,0, "The system detected a missing or invalid meta data element."
Cause : A missing or invalid meta data element was detected.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17007,0, "Too many rows were returned by a query."
Cause : A query operation returned too many rows.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17008,0, "Unable to replace Data Element."
Cause : An attempt to replace a DataElement failed.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17009,0, "Failed to get property: '%0!s'."
Cause : The system was unexpectedly unable to access a property.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17010,0, "Could not find association element in association arc: '%0!s'.."
Cause : The association does not exist between the two data element types.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17011,0, "Could not find container for object."
Cause : No container could be found for an object.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17012,0, "Could not find DataElement."
Cause : The system was unexpectedly unable to find a DataElement.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17013,0, "Failed to load meta data element link properties."
Cause : The system was unexpectedly unable to load link properties.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17014,0, "Failed to find arc '%0!s' on meta data element."
Cause : The specified arc does not exist on the meta data element.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17015,0, "The property definition is not in an arc."
Cause : An illegal attempt was made to access the arc number.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17016,0, "Invalid index into domain ( '%0!s','%1!s')."
Cause : The index used exceeded the domain bounds.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17017,0, "No 'null' value is available for the property definition type '%0!s'."
Cause : There was no available null value for the type.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17018,0, "Could not construct a repository diagram from specified DataElement."
Cause : The specified DataElement was not a DIAGRAM.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17019,0, "Invalid operation type '%0!s'."
Cause : The specified type number was out of the valid type range.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17020,0, "Operation could not be performed on type '%0!s'."
Cause : An operation was attempted which was not valid for the type.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17021,0, "Failed to retrieve an object from the repository."
Cause : An unexpected exception occurred when trying to retrieve an object.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17022,0, "No username supplied for connection."
Cause : No username was supplied to open a repository connection.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17023,0, "No password supplied for connection."
Cause : No password was supplied to open a repository connection.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17024,0, "No driver supplied for connection."
Cause : No driver was supplied to open a repository connection.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17025,0, "Invalid user detected."
Cause : The specified username for a repository connection was not valid.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17026,0, "Not enough types were found."
Cause : Failed to find sufficient types when loading meta data Elements.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17027,0, "A set property operation failed due to the value and type being mismatched."
Cause : There was a mismatch between the value and type for a set Property.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17028,0, "An unknown SQL type name '%0!s' was encountered. "
Cause : The type name was not recognized.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17029,0, "An unsupported SQL type name '%0!s' was encountered. "
Cause : The SQL type is not supported.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17030,0, "Attempt to use non-Oracle database types."
Cause : An attempt was made to use non-Oracle database types.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17031,0, "Failed to dispatchBindByName, Anonymous block= '%0!s'."
Cause : An attempt to do a DispatchBindByName unexpectedly failed.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17032,0, "An attempt to bind names failed ( '%0!s', '%1!s', '%2!s' )."
Cause : An attempt to bind names failed.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17033,0, "Unable to find length of property '%0!s'."
Cause : Failed to obtain the column size for a property.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17034,0, "Unknown element type '%0!s' encountered."
Cause : An unknown element type was encountered.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17035,0, "Failed to consolidate element id = '%0!s'."
Cause : A consolidate query unexpectedly failed.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17036,0, "Missing bind variable."
Cause : An operation failed because of a missing bind variable.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17037,0, "Bind failed for element id = '%0!s'."
Cause : Could not bind the repository ID.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17038,0, "No open activities were detected."
Cause : An operation unexpectedly found no open activities.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17039,0, "Close activity (%0!s) failed."
Cause : The system failed to successfully close and activity.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-17040,0, "Failed to connect to Oracle"
Cause : Connection details wrong, Database or listener has been shutdown.
Action : Re-enter details or contact Database Administrator.
CDR-17041,0, "This user does not have an installed Repository"
Cause : Tried to connect to a user without an installed Repository.
Action : Change to a user with an installed Repository.
CDR-17042,0, "Failed to connect to the workarea"
Cause : Tried to connect to an invalid workarea.
Action : Check the workarea exists and try again.
CDR-17043,0, "Failed to execute : '%0!s'"
Cause : SQL statement caused a database error
Action : No action required
CDR-17044,0, "A database error occurred when trying to retrieve violations or error stack"
Cause : Failed to retrieve error messages from violations or error stack.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.
CDR-17045,0, "Maximum number of activities has been exceeded"
Cause : The maximum number of open activities has been exceeded.
The Java Object Layer only allows 10 open activities,
e.g. 1 activity and 9 nested activities
Action : Recode application to use less than 10 levels of activities
CDR-17046,0, "Property %0!s is not defined against element type %1!s in product %2!s"
Cause : Set property or get property has been called on a data element that
does not have that property type specified against it.
Action : Change code if a user application or connect customer support
if an Oracle product.
CDR-17047,0, "Property %0!s on element %1!s in product %2!s cannot be set to %3!s on %4!s"
Cause : Tried to set property to an invalid value.
Action :
CDR-17048,0, "Property %0!s on %1!s in product %2!s set to %3!s not in valid range on %4!s"
Cause : Tried to set property outside valid range.
Action :
CDR-17049,0, "Property %0!s on type %1!s in product %2!s cannot be set to null on %3!s"
Cause : Tried to set a property null that is mandatory.
Action :
CDR-17050,0, "Method needs an active work area to be set"
Cause : No work area has been set on the RepositoryConnection
Action : Make sure a work area is set before calling this method.
Call RepositoryCacheUser.changeWorkArea or
CDR-17051,0, "Property %0!s on type %1!s in product %2!s cannot be changed on %3!s"
Cause : Tried to change a read only property.
Action :
CDR-17052,0, "Property %0!s in type %1!s in product %2!s set to invalid type %3!s on %4!s"
Cause : Property cannot be set to that data type.
Action :
CDR-17053,0, "Association %0!s not defined against element type %1!s"
Cause : Tried to validate an association against an element type
and found it did not exist.
Action : Check that association description is correct for the element type.
Correct and try again.
CDR-17054,0, "JDBC dlls or classes incorrectly installed"
Cause : The JDBC dlls or classes are incorrectly installed.
Either they are not present, or do not match the version
expected by the tool.
Action : Check the registry settings to ensure
the correct java classes are being accessed,
and check the file dates of oci libraries being used.
CDR-17055,0, "Incorrect JDK installed"
Cause : The Java Development Kit (or Java Runtime Environment) installed
is not compatible with the tool.
Action : Check the JAVA_HOME registry (or environment)
setting to ensure that the correct java is being
used by the tool. Your system may have a number of
java systems installed in different places.
CDR-17056,0, "RON code mismatched with Java tools"
Cause : The Repository Object Navigator (RON) is expecting
a different version of the Java component then the
one installed.
Action : Ensure that the Repository tools have been
fully installed, and that the registry refers to the
correct repository java classes jar file in the classpath.
CDR-17057,0, "Failed in initialize JVM"
Cause : Either the Java system cannot be found
or the correct Java classes cannot be found.
Action : Check the CLASSPATH and JVM HOME
settings on your registry (or environment) settings. Ensure
that the correct version of java and its core classes jar
file are being accessed.
CDR-17058,0, "Failed to load JVM DLL"
Cause : The JVM library file could not be found.
Action : Check the JVM HOME
setting on your registry (or environment). Ensure
that the correct version of java is being accessed.
CDR-17059,0, "Failed to locate JVM entry points"
Cause :
Action : Check JVM version
CDR-17060,0, "Failed to load class %0!s"
Cause : The class could not be found.
Action : Check CLASSPATH registry (or environment) setting
and ensure the correct repository classes jar file is present.
CDR-17061,0, "Failed to register native methods"
Cause :
Action : Check JVM
CDR-17062,0, "Can't find CRSjInProcDispatch.setContext()"
Cause : Method cannot be found for class
Action : Check CLASSPATH registry (or environment) setting.
Ensure the correct repository java class jar file is present.
CDR-17063,0, "Failed to find entry class %0!s"
Cause : Java class could not be found.
Action : Check CLASSPATH registry (or environment)
setting. Ensure the correct repository java class
jar file is present.
CDR-17064,0, "Failed to find entry method %0!s"
Cause : The class method could not be found.
Action : Check CLASSPATH registry (or environment) setting.
CDR-17065,0, "RON cannot find repository Java classes"
Cause : The RON cannot find the java classes necessary to
run the Viewer tool.
Action : Check the repository registry (or environment) variables
that a valid path exists to the repository Java classes
or '.jar' file.
CDR-17066,0, "RON cannot find java EWT graphics classes"
Cause : The RON cannot find the java classes necessary to
run the Viewer tool.
Action : Check the repository registry (or environment) variables
Ensure that the string includes a valid path exists to
the correct EWTgraphic java classes or '.jar' files.
CDR-17067,0, "JVM_CLASSPATH or JVM_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT_THIN_JDBC registry variable is corrupted"
Cause : The registry variable JVM_CLASSPATH or
JVM_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT_THIN_JDBC cannot be read correctly.
Action : Remove extraneous white spaces in the string.
CDR-17068,0, "RON cannot find Java Swing Classes"
Cause : The RON cannot find the java classes necessary to
run the Viewer tool.
Action : Check the repository registry (or environment) variables
that a valid path exists to the correct Swing java classes
or 'swingall.jar' file.
CDR-17069,0, "Cannot check that client and server versions are compatible."
Cause : No server information available.
Action : Connect to Repository before trying to check version compatibility.
CDR-17070,0, "Cannot retrieve server version."
Cause : Cannot retrieve server version
Action :
CDR-17071,0, "This user has an outdated Repository."
Cause :
Action : Use the Repository Administrator Utility to upgrade the Repository
CDR-17072,0, "Server version should be %2!s, current version %0!s, nearest version %1!s."
Cause :
Action : Upgrade the server using the Repository Administration Utility.
CDR-17073,0, "Server version %0!s is newer than the client software. Cannot continue."
Cause :
Action : Upgrade the client software using the Installer
CDR-17074,0, "Server is an earlier version than the client."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-17075,0, "Client is an earlier version than the server."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-17076,0, "The server has the incorrect patch level."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-17077,0, "Cannot lock element %0!s as already locked on the repository by another user"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-17078,0, "Element %0!s has been deleted"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-17079,0, "Element %0!s cannot be seen inside current work area"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-17080,0, "Element %0!s of Type %1!s is locked by another user"
Cause : Element is locked by another session
Action : Wait till other user is finished with element. Try again later.
CDR-17081,0, "query failed because rows are locked in repository by another user"
Cause : Tried to lock rows in database but failed as rows are locked
by another user.
Action : Wait till user releases lock and try again
CDR-17082,0, "Failed to load repository property definition display details"
Cause : Property Definition Display Details load has failed.
Repository connection may to longer be present.
Action : Check message stack more detailed error message
/ 17500 .. 17999 RSJ - Warinings
/ 18000 .. 18499 RSJOL - Error messages
CDR-18000,0, "Association '%0!s' does not exist."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to find an association.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18001,0, "DataElement '%0!' does not exist."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to find a DataElement
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18002,0, "Property '%0!s' does not exist."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to find a property.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18003,0, "Invalid meta data encountered."
Cause : The system encountered invalid meta data.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18004,0, "Transaction not active."
Cause : A transaction operation was attempted without an open transaction.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18005,0, "Repository identifier class '%0!s' is not known."
Cause : The system failed to recognize the class type.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18006,0, "DataElement '%0!s' could not be consolidated."
Cause : The system could not consolidate the DataElement.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18007,0, "Association with foreign key '%0!s' could not be walked."
Cause : Attempted to walk from the end without a foreign key.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18008,0, "A sort operation failed."
Cause : An attempt to sort a list of objects unexpectedly failed.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18009,0, "Could not close a transaction."
Cause : The system was expectedly unable to close a transaction.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18010,0, "Could not perform a cache write-through."
Cause : The system was unexpectedly unable to perform a cache write-through.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18011,0, "An attempt to repopulate the cache failed."
Cause : Objects could not be queried back into the cache.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18012,0, "A notification event failed."
Cause : An attempt to notify observers unexpectedly failed.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18013,0, "Invalid listener detected."
Cause : The system encountered an invalid listener object.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18014,0, "An operation was attempted on a DataElement, '%0!s', marked for deletion."
Cause : An operation was attempted on a DataElement marked for deletion.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18015,0, "An invalid operation was attempted on a transient DataElement, '%0!s'."
Cause : An invalid operation was attempted on a transient DataElement.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18016,0, "The system unexpectedly failed to rollback a transaction."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to rollback a transaction.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18017,0, "Detected invalid metadata type, '%0!s'."
Cause : The system encountered an invalid meta data type.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18018,0, "Query operation failed."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to perform a query operation.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18019,0, "Failed to load a container."
Cause : The system unexpectedly failed to load a container.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18020,0, "Too many associations were detected at remote end using foreign key '%0!s'."
Cause : More than one association was detected at the remote end.
Action : If the error persists contact your support representative.
CDR-18021,0, "This DataElement has never been checked in."
Cause : Attempted to check out a DataElement that has never been checked in.
Action : Check in the DataElement.
CDR-18022,0, "Invalid operation on noncached object with id '%0!s'"
Cause : A cache operation has been called using an object
which is not found in the cache.
This may be caused by a number of scenarios:
1. A new object has been created, and the current
activity has been aborted, therefore the object no
longer exists in the cache and any operation on this
object is invalid.
2. The object has been brought from the database
without using RS noncached interface instead of
the JOL cache interface, therefore any cache
operation on this object will be invalid.
Action : Please review the operation you are performing.
If the operation is valid, add the object to the
cache using the method RepositoryCacheUser.addToCache.
CDR-18023,0, "This DataElement is checked in"
Cause : Attempted to modify a DataElement that is checked in.
Action : Check out the DataElement.
CDR-18024,0, "This DataElement is checked out"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-18025,0, "The DataElement has an invalid state"
Cause :
Action :
CDR-18026,0, "Elements of type %0!s cannot be copied."
Cause : 'Copy' operation supported only for element types
'Primary Access Elements', 'Secondary Access Elements'
or 'Containers'.
Action : Please check the type of element being copied
and modify accordingly.
CDR-18027,0, "Elements of type %0!s cannot be moved."
Cause : 'Move' operation supported only for element types
'Primary Access Elements' or 'Containers'
Action : Please check the type of the element being moved
and modify accordingly.
CDR-18028,0, "Tried to change a non-transferable association '%0!s' on '%1!s'"
Cause : Application is trying to change a non-transferable association
Action : Find problem code in the application.
/ 18500 .. 18999 RSJOL - Warning messages
/ 19000 .. 19999 Dependency data loader
CDR-19000,0, "Unable to delete existing dependency data for %0!s."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19001,0, "Object not found in the repository."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19002,0, "More than one type matching %0!s found in repository."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19003,0, "A fatal importer error has occurred."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19004,0, "Incomplete information for locating a repository object."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19005,0, "Error occurred while connecting."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19006,0, "no XML source specified."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19007,0, "No workarea specified in the XML."
Cause :
Action :
CDR-19008,0, "XML element