Oracle Messages 'Cause and Action'

Note that only error messages with cause and actions go in .msg/.msb files; other information messages stay in the resources of the components concerned and are displayed with a standard AfxMessageBox call, rather than using the full rmum error stack.
RME-00009,0, "Invalid %0!s reference (%1!s)"
Cause :  Internal software error.  This generally indicates that 1) an
           element ID has been allocated and used *before* the referenced
           element has been inserted or 2) an element was deleted and
           delete secondary updates didn't properly cascade.  Both cases
           indicate a software problem.
Action :

RME-00010,0, "The element %0!s of type = %1!s is locked by another session"
Cause :  Another user has a Repository element locked.  This generally
           indicates that another user is editing an element that needs
            to be updated indirectly as a result of the current action
           (i.e. as a 'secondary update'.)
Action : Cancel and try again.  If that fails, kick other users off
           the API and try again.

RME-00011,0, "Operation '%0!s' on %1!s has failed"
Cause :  An API operation request has failed for some reason.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00020,0, "Internal API error - %0!s"
Cause :  The API has detected an internal inconsistency.
Action : Check the detail of the associated Oracle Server error message
           (ORA-xxxxx) and resolve it.
/ 00101 .. 00199 CRMParameter/CRMProperty errors.

RME-00101,0, "Unknown RM data type %0!s"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid property or parameter
           datatype was passed to the CRMParameter or CRMProperty classes.
Action :

RME-00102,0, "Unknown RM passing direction %0!s"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid passing direction
           was passed to the CRMParameter or CRMProperty classes.
Action :

RME-00103,0, "Property name too long (%0!s specified, %1!s maximum)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  The specified property name is too long.
Action :

RME-00104,0, "Property name is missing"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  A property's name was not specified
           where required.
Action :

RME-00105,0, "Invalid maximum storage length %0!s for Repository data type %1!s"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  The specified data storage size
           is invalid (e.g. varchar2(-20))
Action :

RME-00106,0, "NULL property list specified"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An operation was requested with
           an empty property list.
Action :

RME-00107,0, "Property values cannot be property lists"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  Properties in a property list
           can only have scalar values (structured value was specified.)
Action :

RME-00108,0, "Property %0!s not found (must be between 1 and %1!s)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid property index
           within a property list was specified.
Action :

RME-00109,0, "Property '%0!s' not found in property list"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  A named property was not
           found in a property list.
Action :

RME-00110,0, "Invalid parameter/property conversion requested"
Cause :  Internal software problem. The requested parameter/property
           datatype conversion is not supported.
Action :

RME-00111,0, "Parameter %0!s not found (must be between 1 and %1!s)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid parameter index
           within a parameter list was specified.
Action :

RME-00120,0, "Failed to define parameter"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  A parameter definition
           request failed.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.
/ 00201 .. 00299 These errors are raised by the CRMConnection class.

RME-00201,0, "Already connected to a Repository"
Cause :  Repository request denied because no Repository connection
           has yet been established.
Action : Connect to a Repository and re-issue the request.

RME-00202,0, "Not connected to a Repository"
Cause :  Repository request denied because no Repository connection
           has yet been established.
Action : Connect to a Repository and re-issue the request.

RME-00203,0, "Missing product code"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An operation was requested
           without specifying the product code (RM, CI)
Action :

RME-00204,0, "Missing element type name"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An operation was requested
           without specifying the element type name.
Action :

RME-00205,0, "Missing operation name"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An operation was requested
           without specifying the operation name.
Action :

RME-00206,0, "Missing parameter list"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An operation was requested
           without specifying the operation name.
Action :

RME-00207,0, "Too many open activities (%0!s maximum)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  Too many nested activities
           open at once.  This is generally caused by not closing
           previously open activities.
Action :

RME-00208,0, "No current activity"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An operation was requested
           without an open activity.
Action :

RME-00209,0, "Current activity has outstanding violations"
Cause :  Could not 'commit' the data because of outstanding
           data integrity violations.
Action : Examine violations, fix the invalid data, and try again.

RME-00220,0, "Failed to connect to Repository"
Cause :  Failed to connect to the requested Repository.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00221,0, "Failed to disconnect from Repository"
Cause :  Failed to disconnect from a Repository.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00222,0, "Failed to dispatch operation to Repository"
Cause :  Requested operation failed because of other errors.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00223,0, "Failed to open new activity"
Cause :  Could not open a new activity because of other errors.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00224,0, "Failed to close activity"
Cause :  Could not close ('commit') an activity.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00225,0, "Failed to abort activity"
Cause :  Could not abort ('rollback') an open activity
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00226,0, "Failed to validate activity"
Cause :  Data validation failed.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00227,0, "Failed to abort all open activities (activity %0!s of %1!s)"
Cause :  Failed to abort ('rollback') all open activities.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.
/ 00301 .. 00399 CRMConnection multi-line text errors

RME-00301,0, "No text found for element %0!s text type '%1!s'"
Cause :  Expected text not found for the given element.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00302,0, "Text size %0!s is too big (%1!s maximum bytes)"
Cause :  Multi-line text is too big to read or write.  This
           error should only occur on platforms (such as MS-Windows)
           where a limit is imposed on the size of contiguous
           memory allocation (generally 64k)
Action : Reduce size of multi-line text and try again.  If the error occurred
           when READING the text, contact Oracle Repository support.

RME-00303,0, "Invalid text type '%0!s' specified"
Cause :  A multi-line text type was specified that is not supported
           by the element type.  If this occurs it tends to suggest
           an internal software problem.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details
/ 00501 .. 00599 CRMCache errors


RME-00501,0, "Element with ID %0!s not found in cache"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  One part of the element caching
           code said that the element was there but another part of the
           code couldn't find it!
Action :

RME-00502,0, "'%0!s' named '%1!s' not found in cache"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  A named element could not be
           found in the cache.
Action :

RME-00503,0, "Failed to pre-load element type '%0!s' into the cache"
Cause :  Error occurred when trying to load an element type's
           definition into the client-side cache.
Action :

RME-00504,0, "Failed to lock '%0!s' with ID '%1!s'"
Cause :  Element lock request failed.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00505,0, "Failed to load text types from Repository"
Cause :  An error occurred trying to load the repository text types
           into the client-side cache.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00506,0, "Failed to find text type '%0!s' in cache"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  A text type was used that
           is not defined in the Repository and, hence, was not
           found in the client-side cache.
Action :

RME-00507,0, "Failed to load text types for element type '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred trying to load the multi-line text
           types supported by the indicated element type into the
           client-side cache.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00508,0, "Failed to get text types for element type '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred trying to find the multi-line
            text types supported for an element type.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00511,0, "Operation not implemented for this element type"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  A request was made to perform
           an unsupported operation on an element.
Action :

RME-00512,0, "Cache load by ID %0!s failed"
Cause :  An error occurred trying to load an element into the
           client-side element type cache.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00513,0, "Cache load by NAME '%0!s' failed"
Cause :  An error occurred trying to load an element into the
           client-side element type cache.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.

RME-00514,0, "Element does not exist"
Cause :  Internal software error.  An attempt was made to load
           a non-existent element into the client-side element type cache.
           This *can* be caused by improperly installed repository
            table data.
Action :

RME-00521,0, "String property '%0!s' does not exist"
Cause :  An attempt to load a property value into the
           client-side element type cache has failed.  This
           *can* be caused by improperly installed Repository table
Action :

RME-00522,0, "Reference property '%0!s' does not exist"
Cause :  An attempt to load a property value into the
           client-side element type cache has failed.  This
            *can* be caused by improperly installed Repository table
Action :

RME-00523,0, "Number property '%0!s' does not exist"
Cause :  An attempt to load a property value into the
           client-side element type cache has failed.  This
           *can* be caused by improperly installed Repository table
Action :

RME-00524,0, "Date property '%0!s' does not exist"
Cause :  An attempt to load a property value into the
           client-side element type cache has failed.  This
           *can* be caused by improperly installed Repository table
Action :

RME-00531,0, "Lock failed: Element does not exist"
Cause :  An attempt was made to lock an element that was
           deleted by another user.
Action : Cancel and retry operation.

RME-00532,0, "Lock failed: Another user has locked this element"
Cause :  An attempt was made to lock an element that another
           user has already locked.
Action : Cancel and retry.  If that fails wait until the
           other user has released the lock.

RME-00533,0, "Lock failed: Another user has modified the element"
Cause :  An attempt was made to lock an element that another
           user has changed.  This is generally caused by
           another user changing the element between the time
           a dialog was entered and the first modification
           you requested.
Action : Cancel and retry.  This will reload the changed data.

RME-00534,0, "Lock failed: More than one element with the same ID"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  More than one element
           in the Repository has the same ID.
Action :

RME-00541,0, "Text type '%0!s' is not defined"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  The requested text type
           is not supported by the Repository.
Action :

RME-00542,0, "Failed to lock '%0!s' with ID '%1!s' and Name '%2!s'"
Cause :  Element lock request failed.
Action : Examine other reported errors for specific details.
/ 00801 .. 00899 Activity errors (server side packages)

RME-00803,0, "Open transaction(s) exist"
Cause :  An attempt was made to close/abort an activity
           which has opened sub-activities.
           This should only occur if the API is being used
           by third party applications.
Action : Fix the third party application code (if using third party code.)
           If you are not using Oracle code only, contact Oracle Repository

RME-00851,0, "No current activity"
Cause :  A request was made to perform an operation without having
           first established an open activity.
           This should only occur if the API is being used
           by third party applications.
Action : Fix the third party application code (if using third party code.)
           If you are not using Oracle code only, contact Oracle Repository

RME-00852,0, "Activity %0!s is not the current activity (current activity is %1!s)"
Cause :  A request was made to close/abort an activity that is not
            the current activity.
           This should only occur if the API is being used
           by third party applications.
Action : Fix the third party application code (if using third party code.)
           If you are not using Oracle code only, contact Oracle Repository

RME-00853,0, "Activity rollback detection failed (operation=%0!s, status=%1!s)"
Cause :  The activity rollback/commit detection code in the API
           has determined that someone, using the same connection,
           has quite wrongly performed a commit or rollback without
           using the proper activity abort/close API calls.
           This should only occur if the API is being used
           by third party applications.
Action : Fix the third party application code (if using third party code.)
           If you are not using Oracle code only, contact Oracle Repository

RME-00854,0, "Activity package initialization failed"
Cause :  Internal software error.  An error occurred while the
           API activity package was first invoked.
Action :
/ 01301 .. 01399 General constraint violation errors

RME-01301,0, "Element %0!s property '%1!s' must not be NULL"
Cause :  The indicated element property must not be NULL.
Action : Change the property to contain a non-NULL value.

RME-01302,0, "Invalid value for element %0!s property '%1!s'"
Cause :  The indicated element property has been set to an invalid
           value.  This generally occurs as a result of putting a
           value in a property that is not in the property's list of
           valid values.
Action : Put a valid value in the property.

RME-01303,0, "Expression constraint violation for element type '%0!s'"
Cause :  A combination of property values does not pass the internal
           Repository integrity checks.
Action : Fix the values and retry.

RME-01304,0, "Arc %0!s violation for element type '%1!s'"
Cause :  More than one foreign key value in an exclusive set of
           foreign keys has been specified.  This should not normally
Action : If you are using third party software to populate the API
           data contact the supplier of the software.  If you are using
           exclusively Oracle products contact Oracle Repository

RME-01305,0, "UID %1!s violation for element type '%0!s'"
Cause :  Uniqueness constraint rules have been violated.
Action : Change the data you entered so that the constraint is not violated.

RME-01306,0, "Element %0!s references a non-existent element"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  This indicates that referential
           integrity rules have been violated.
           This should only occur if the API is being used
           by third party applications.
Action : Fix the third party application code (if using third party code.)
           If you are using Oracle code only, contact Oracle Repository
/ 01401 .. 01499 General RM package errors

RME-01401,0, "Operation request '%0!sO%1!s.%2!s failed: Outstanding constraint violations"
Cause :  The requested operation has failed because of another error.
Action : Examine the reported errors for specific details.
/ 01501 .. 01599 Multiline text errors

RME-01501,0, "Invalid multiline text handle %0!s was found"
Cause :  Internal software problem.
Action :

RME-01502,0, "Invalid open mode '%0!s' requested for text type '%1!s'"
Cause :  Internal software problem.
Action :

RME-01503,0, "Operation not allowed when text has been opened with mode '%0!s'"
Cause :  Internal software problem.
Action :

RME-01504,0, "Text buffer is too small for the text to be read"
Cause :  Internal software problem.
Action :

RME-01505,0, "Invalid text type '%0!s' specified"
Cause :  Internal software problem.
Action :
/ 02001 .. 02099 CSqlConnection errors

RME-02001,0, "Out of memory allocating %0!s bytes"
Cause :  Insufficient memory.
Action : Exit NOW!  Try again.  If you have the same problem, you probably
           need more memory (virtual or physical) in your machine.

RME-02002,0, "Connect string too long (%0!s bytes maximum)"
Cause :  The specified database connect string was too long.
Action : Use a shorter connect string.  If you did not enter a connect
           string directly then contact Oracle Repository support.

RME-02003,0, "User name in connect string is too long (%0!s bytes maximum)"
Cause :  The indicated user name is too long (database limitation).
Action : Specify a shorter (and correct) user name.

RME-02004,0, "Password in connect string is too long (%0!s bytes maximum)"
Cause :  The indicated password is too long (database limitation).
Action : Specify a shorter (and correct) password.

RME-02005,0, "Host name in connect string is too long (%0!s bytes maximum)"
Cause :  The indicated host name is too long.
Action : Try specifying a shorter host name.

RME-02006,0, "Missing user name in connect string"
Cause :  You did not specify a user name when connecting to a Repository.
Action : Specify a user name (it is required)

RME-02007,0, "Missing password in connect string"
Cause :  You did not specify the password when connecting to a Repository.
Action : Specify a password (they are required!)

RME-02008,0, "Missing host name in connect string"
Cause :  You did not specify a host to connect to and no default host is
Action : Specify the host (you need specify 'where' you are connecting!)

RME-02010,0, "Unknown oracle error (%0!s) received from UPI call"
Cause :  An unknown and unhandled oracle error received from low level
           database connection software.  This generally tends to indicate
           that Oracle is not properly installed or you have a
           hardware/software problem with your machine.
Action :

RME-02011,0, "Cannot connect - Already connected!"
Cause :  Internal software problem.
Action : Exit application and try again.

RME-02012,0, "Not connected to a database"
Cause :  You attempted to perform an operation that requires a database
           connection.  If you were connected and didn't request to be
           disconnected it is possible that the database connection
           was lost.  In this case it is possible that 1) the database
           was shutdown, 2) an internal database problem has occurred,
           or 3) you have a software or hardware configuration problem.
Action : Connect to a database.  If you cannot, contact your systems

RME-02013,0, "Commit/rollback has been disabled on this database connection"
Cause :  You are using a 'read only' connection and attempted to
           commit or rollback changes to the database.
Action : Use a 'read/write' connection.

RME-02014,0, "Database connection lost"
Cause :  Your established connection to the database was lost.  It is
           possible that 1) the database was shutdown, 2) an internal
           database problem has occurred, or 3) you have a software or
           hardware configuration problem.
Action : Contact your systems administrator.

RME-02020,0, "Failed to connect to Oracle database"
Cause :  A error occurred while attempting to connect to an Oracle database.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02021,0, "Failed to disconnect from Oracle database"
Cause :  A error occurred while attempting to connect to an Oracle database.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02022,0, "Failed to commit"
Cause :  A error occurred attempting to commit data to the database.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02023,0, "Failed to rollback"
Cause :  A error occurred attempting to rollback data on the database.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.
/ 02101 .. 02199 CSqlCursor errors

RME-02101,0, "Cursor is not open"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to use
           a cursor that was not open.
Action :

RME-02102,0, "Not connected to a database"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to use
           a cursor without associating it with a connection.
Action :

RME-02103,0, "No SQL statement specified"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to
           execute a cursor without having a SQL statement specified.
Action :

RME-02104,0, "No database connect string specified"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to
           connect a cursor without specifying a connect string.
Action :

RME-02105,0, "Oracle error occurred...\n%0!s"
Cause :  An unhandled oracle error has occurred.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02106,0, "Cannot execute because 'select' AND 'into' variables are defined"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to
           execute a cursor with both SELECT and INTO variables specified.
Action :

RME-02107,0, "Cannot fetch without 'select' variables defined"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to
           fetch from a cursor without any SELECT variable defined.
Action :

RME-02108,0, "No bind buffer specified"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to
           fetch from a cursor without any bind buffer to fetch the
           data into.
Action :

RME-02109,0, "Invalid SQL datatype (ESqlDataType) '%0!s'"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid SQL datatype was
           specified for a SELECT, INTO, or BIND variable.
Action :

RME-02110,0, "Variable '%0!s' is not in the SQL statement's INTO clause"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An INTO variable was specified
           that is not in the SQL statement's INTO clause.
Action :

RME-02111,0, "Variable '%0!s' is not in the SQL statement's select list"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to bind
           a SELECT variable that was not specified in the SELECT
Action :

RME-02112,0, "Invalid 'into' position %0!s (must be between 1 and %1!s)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to bind
           a SELECT variable that was not specified in the SELECT
Action :

RME-02113,0, "Invalid 'select' position %0!s (must be between 1 and %1!s)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to define
           a SELECT variable by position and an invalid position
           was specified.
Action :

RME-02114,0, "Multiple 'into' variables defined at position %0!s"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to define
           multiple INTO variables, by position, and more than
           one has the same name.
Action :

RME-02115,0, "Multiple 'select' variables defined at position %0!s"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to define
           multiple SELECT variables, by position, and more than
           one has the same name.
Action :

RME-02116,0, "Bind variable '%0!s' not found"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An attempt was made to
           locate a named bind variable that wasn't defined.
Action :

RME-02117,0, "Bad arraysize: %0!s (%1!s maximum)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid BIND/SELECT/INTO
           variable array size was specified (e.g. -10, 128000, etc.)
Action :

RME-02120,0, "Failed to connect cursor to database"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to connect a cursor to a database.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02121,0, "Failed to open cursor"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to open a cursor.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02122,0, "Failed to close cursor"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to open a cursor.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02123,0, "Failed to parse SQL statement"
Cause :  An error occurred while parsing a SQL statement.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02124,0, "Failed to execute SQL statement: %0!s"
Cause :  An error occurred while executing a SQL statement.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02125,0, "Failed to fetch next row(s)"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to fetch the next row(s)
           in an open cursor.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02126,0, "Failed to bind cursor variables"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to bind cursor variables.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02127,0, "Failed to define 'bind' variable '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to define a cursor BIND variable.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02128,0, "Failed to define 'into' variable '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to define a cursor INTO variable.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02129,0, "Failed to define 'select' variable '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to define a cursor SELECT
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02130,0, "Failed to retrieve 'describe' information"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to retrieve DESCRIBE information
           about a SQL statement.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02131,0, "Failed to set bind indicator for bind variable '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to set the indicator for a
           BIND variable.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02132,0, "Failed to cancel fetches"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to cancel outstanding
           unfetched rows.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.
/ 02201 .. 02299 CSqlBind errors

RME-02201,0, "Variable name '%0!s' is too long (%1!s maximum)"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  The indicated BIND/SELECT/INTO variable
           name is too long.
Action :

RME-02202,0, "Unknown SQL datatype (ESqlDataType) '%0!s'"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  The indicated SQL datatype is invalid.
Action :

RME-02203,0, "Invalid bind array size '%0!s'"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  The indicated BIND/SELECT/INTO variable
           array size is invalid (e.g. -20, 128000).
Action :

RME-02204,0, "Out of memory allocating bind variable buffers"
Cause :  Failed to allocate enough memory for bind variable buffers.
Action : Try exiting and try again.  If that still fails then contact
           Oracle Repository support after you have checked
           to make sure your machine has the minimum memory required
           for the application.

RME-02205,0, "Invalid array subscript '%0!s'"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid subscript was specified
           for a BIND/SELECT/INTO variable.
Action :

RME-02206,0, "Invalid buffer length %0!s"
Cause :  Internal software problem.  An invalid buffer length was
           specified for a BIND/SELECT/INTO variable.
Action :

RME-02220,0, "Failed to create new bind variable"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to create a new BIND/SELECT/INTO
           variable in an internal cursor.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02221,0, "Failed to bind variable '%0!s'"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to bind a BIND/SELECT/INTO
            variable into a SQL statement.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.
/ 02301 .. 02399 CSqlDate errors

RME-02301,0, "Invalid date"
Cause :  Something about the date you entered was invalid.  Commonly
           this is because the date you entered was in a different format
           than the expected NLS date format.
Action : Check documentation/settings for the proper date format
           and re-enter a valid string.  You should also check for
           things like February 30, etc.

RME-02302,0, "Invalid year %0!s (must be between -4712 and 4712)"
Cause :  An invalid year was specified for a date.
Action : Enter a year between -4712 and 4712.

RME-02303,0, "Invalid month %0!s of year (must be between 1 and 12)"
Cause :  An invalid month of year was specified.
Action : Enter a month between 1 and 12.

RME-02304,0, "Invalid day %0!s of month (must be between 1 and 31)"
Cause :  An invalid day of month was specified.
Action : Enter a day between 1 and 31 (watch out for February 29, etc.)

RME-02305,0, "Invalid hour %0!s (must be between 0 and 23)"
Cause :  You entered an invalid hour of the day.
Action : Enter a valid hour of day.

RME-02306,0, "Invalid minute %0!s (must be between 0 and 59)"
Cause :  You entered an invalid minute.
Action : Enter a valid minute.

RME-02307,0, "Invalid second %0!s (must be between 0 and 59)"
Cause :  You entered an invalid second.
Action : Enter a valid second.

RME-02308,0, "Format string length (%0!s) too long (must be between 0 and %1!s)"
Cause :  The date format string was too long.
Action : Use a shorter date format string.

RME-02309,0, "Invalid date format string '%0!s'"
Cause :  The date format string was invalid.
Action : Use a valid date format string (check documentation.)

RME-02320,0, "Failed to set Julian date %0!s"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to set a Julian date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02321,0, "Failed to set date's year"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to set a date's year.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02322,0, "Failed to set date's month"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to set a date's month.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02323,0, "Failed to set date's day"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to set the day of the month in a date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02324,0, "Failed to set date's hour"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to set the hour of the day in a date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02325,0, "Failed to set date's minute"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to set the minute of the hour in
           a date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02326,0, "Failed to set date's second"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to set the second in the minute
           of a date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02327,0, "Failed to set date from SYSDATE"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to get the current system date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02328,0, "Failed to convert string to date"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to convert a string to a date.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.
/ 02401 .. 02499 CSqlNumber errors

RME-02401,0, "Number is too big"
Cause :  The specified number is too big (e.g. 1e999).
Action : Enter a smaller number.

RME-02402,0, "Number is too small"
Cause :  The specified number is too small (e.g. 1e-999)
Action : Enter a larger number.

RME-02403,0, "Invalid number format string"
Cause :  An invalid number format string was used.
Action :

RME-02404,0, "to_char buffer size %0!s is too small"
Cause :  Internal software error.  The number to string conversion buffer
            is too small.
Action :

RME-02420,0, "Failed to cast CSqlNumber to (int)"
Cause :  An error occurred attempting to convert a number.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02421,0, "Failed to cast CSqlNumber to (long)"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to convert a number.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02422,0, "Failed to cast CSqlNumber to (size_t)"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to convert a number.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02423,0, "Failed to cast CSqlNumber to (ub2)"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to convert a number.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02424,0, "Failed to cast CSqlNumber to (ub4)"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to convert a number.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02425,0, "Failed to convert string to CSqlNumber"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to convert a string to a number.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.

RME-02426,0, "Failed to convert CSqlNumber to string"
Cause :  An error occurred while attempting to convert a number to a string.
Action : Examine reported errors for specific details.