Release Notes for Oracle Designer and Oracle Designer Repository

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Appendix A

Known Restrictions to Keyboard Controls

This appendix documents known restrictions to keyboard controls, and is organized in the following sections:

General Keyboard Control Restrictions

This section documents general keyboard control restrictions in this release.

Dependency Manager

When the Dependency Manager is started from the Repository Object Navigator, keyboard focus may be unreliable. Therefore, the Dependency Manager must always be started from the Command Line Tool to make full use of the keyboard controls.

Version Event Viewer

When the Version Event Viewer is started from the Repository Object Navigator, keyboard focus may be unreliable. Therefore, the Version Event Viewer must always be started from the Command Line Tool to make full use of the keyboard controls.

Version History Viewer

When the Version History Viewer is started from the Repository Object Navigator, keyboard focus may be unreliable. Therefore, the Version History Viewer must always be started from the Command Line Tool to make full use of the keyboard controls.

Non-Standard Keyboard Controls

This section documents areas of the user interface for which standard keyboard controls are not implemented.

Dependency Manager

This section documents the parts of the Dependency Manager for which non-standard keyboard controls exist, but for which alternative keyboard controls are available.

Build Dependencies Dialog Box

The Build Dependencies dialog box contains a table and a number of controls. To navigate between the cells in the table, use the Tab key. To navigate from the table to the other controls in the dialog box, first navigate to the last cell in the table, then use Ctrl+Tab. To navigate between controls outside of the table, use the Tab key.

Change Workarea Dialog Box

To choose OK from the Change Workarea dialog box, focus must be on the OK button before activating the Return key. If focus is on the list of workareas field when the Return key is pressed, the dialog box is canceled without changing the workarea.

Search for Out of Workarea Objects Dialog Box

To navigate between the cells of the Configurations table, use the Tab key. To move focus out of the Configurations table, press Ctrl+Tab.

Selection Drop-Down Lists

A number of selection drop-down lists exist within the Dependency Manager. When using selection drop-down lists, use the following keyboard controls:


To change focus from the Toolbar to the Navigator, press Shift+Tab, then use the Up and Down arrows to move within the Navigator tree.

Repository Administration Utility

This section documents the parts of the Repository Administration Utility for which non-standard keyboard controls exist.

Main RAU Panel

The Repository Administration Utility (RAU) panel comprises a number of buttons that provide access to administration features. To use the keyboard controls to access a feature from its associated RAU button, first navigate to the appropriate button (using the Tab key) and then press the spacebar.

User Maintenance Screen

On the User Maintenance screen, the options are Add Users, Delete Users, Expand Nodes, Collapse Nodes and View Properties. To use the keyboard to perform these tasks, use the Windows Menu key to display the context menu, then use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose the required option from the menu.

Repository Object Navigator

This section documents the parts of the Repository Object Navigator for which non-standard keyboard controls exist.

Navigator Window

Each time the Repository Object Navigator is started a Navigator window and a Property Palette are displayed by default. To use keyboard controls to navigate through the Navigator window immediately after the Repository Object Navigator has been started, press F4 to switch context to the Property Palette, then press F3 to return to the Navigator window.

Color Dialog Box

Color can be used to distinguish text items in the Repository Object Navigator, the Property Palette and the TextPad. To use the keyboard to change the color of text, invoke the Color dialog box (as described in the online help system) and use the Up, Down, Left and Right arrow keys to pick the required color.

Property Palette

For some repository elements it is possible to specify reference properties, that is, references to repository elements that already exist. A reference property can be chosen from the Select Objects dialog box. To display the Select Objects dialog box from a Property Palette, position the cursor in the appropriate reference property field and press the Return key.

Configuration Wizard

To invoke any button in the Configuration Wizard dialogs, first navigate to the button using the Tab key and then use the spacebar to choose that button.

Dialog Boxes with Grid Controls

A number of dialog boxes in the Repository Object Navigator contain grid controls, for example, the Customize Navigator Groups dialog box. When using dialog boxes with grid controls, use the following keyboard controls:

Dialog Boxes with Query Windows

A number of dialog boxes in the Repository Object Navigator (for example, the Customize Navigator Views dialog box) contain query windows that contain buttons for actions, such as grouping conditions.

When using dialog boxes with query windows, use the following keyboard controls:

General Restrictions for Java Tools

This section documents general keyboard controls required to use the Version History Viewer, Version Event Viewer and Dependency Manager.

Known Problems and Workarounds

This section documents known problems and workarounds for keyboard controls:

Merge Window

Repository Object Navigator

Other Known Problems and Restrictions

Merge Window

JAWS does not read Merge window

This is an issue for users of the JAWS screen reader.

When the Merge window has been invoked from the Command Line Tool, JAWS reads either blank, unavailable or nothing at all when the user navigates through the merge document. However, this problem will not occur if the Merge window is invoked from the Version History Viewer.

The following workarounds are available:

One of these workarounds will also need to be applied when the user navigates from the merge document to the toolbar and then back to the merge document.

Repository Object Navigator

JAWS repeats last visible entry with each entry in 'View Copied Properties' dialog (bug 1930763)

This is an issue for users of the JAWS screen reader.

This problem occurs when properties copied via 'Copy Properties' are being viewed via 'View Copied Properties', and the down arrow key is being used to trigger JAWS to read out the visible information for each property.  When more than five properties have been copied, the reading for each property is preceded by a reading of the last property visible in the 'View Copied Properties' dialog.

If five or fewer properties can be copied, this problem will not occur.  However, if it is necessary to copy more than five properties, the audible duplication in the reading for each entry should be ignored.

Other Known Problems and Restrictions

Issue for JAWS users invoking VEV, VHV or Compare utilities.

When invoking the Version Event Viewer, Version History Viewer or Compare utility from the Repository Object Navigator JAWS will read the name of the dialog window as it is created, but it will then read the text of the Repository Object Navigator main window once the dialog has been established. This may suggest incorrectly that the invoked dialog has failed (and disappeared).

To verify that the dialog has been correctly created: Press the TAB key. This will highlight (focus on) the first control/menu item in the dialog, which JAWS will read.

Disabled tabs

It may be possible for a user to navigate via the keyboard to disabled tabs that would not be accessible to a user navigating with a mouse.

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle Corporation is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For additional information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Command Line Tool Output

For JAWS to read output from the Command Line Tool correctly, users should download a set of scripts from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at For the location of these scripts within OTN, see the Oracle Developer Suite Release Notes.

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