Oracle Messages 'Cause and Action'
Note that only error messages with cause and actions go in .msg/.msb files; other information messages stay in the resources of the components concerned and are displayed with a standard AfxMessageBox call, rather than using the full rmum error stack.
CDD-22000,1, "%0!s %1!s is checked in and cannot be modified. Check it out and continue?"
Cause : The specified object is currently checked in.
As a result the object cannot be updated
and/or child objects cannot be created/deleted.
Action : Click 'OK' to attempt to check the object out.
Click 'Cancel' to stop the current operation.
CDD-22001,1, "You do not have update and/or insert access rights for %0!s %1!s. Continue ?"
Cause : You do not have either insert or update access rights on the
specified object. These access rights are likely to be needed
for the operation you are attempting to be successful.
Action : Modify your access rights on the specified object
using the Repository Object Navigator.
Alternatively, contact your administrator.
/ 22050 .. 22149 Design Editor - Server Modeler and DD
CDD-22054,0, "The Design Capture results have not been saved. The diagram will be removed."
Cause : You have chosen not to save the results of a Design Capture
operation. The diagram will be removed because the objects it
is showing no longer exist.
Action : No further action required
CDD-22057,0, "The connection to Oracle has been lost. Unsaved changes will be lost."
Cause : The connection to the database cannot be maintained.
The database or listener has been shutdown.
Action : Contact the Database Administrator.
CDD-22058,0, "An internal error has occurred from which the application cannot recover."
Cause : This is an internal error from which the Server Modeler
cannot recover.
Action : Restart the Server Modeler
CDD-22059,0, "The foreign key connector cannot be created as the system is out of memory."
Cause : There are not enough system resources to create the foreign key
Action : Try closing other applications.
CDD-22060,0, "The node cannot be created as the system is out of memory."
Cause : There are not enough system resources to create the node.
Action : Try closing other applications.
CDD-22061,0, "The object cannot be inserted as the object is out of memory."
Cause : There are not enough system resources to insert the OLE object
Action : Try closing other applications.
CDD-22062,0, "All foreign keys being added or removed have been locked or deleted."
Cause : All of the foreign keys being added or removed from an arc were
locked by other users, or had been deleted. No updates could
be performed.
Action : If the foreign keys were locked, try repeating the operation
CDD-22063,0, "Could not create object. Ensure the object is entered in system registry."
Cause : The Server Modeler was unable to insert an OLE object.
Action : Ensure that the OLE server for the object is installed correctly.
CDD-22064,0, "The foreign key %0!s no longer exists. Ignore this and continue?"
Cause : A foreign key being added to or removed from an arc, no longer
exists in the Repository, because another user has deleted it.
Action : Choose 'OK' to skip the operation on the foreign key. Choose
'Cancel' to to revert your changes and abort the operation.
CDD-22065,0, "The foreign key %0!s cannot be locked. Ignore this and continue?"
Cause : A foreign key being added to or removed from an arc, cannot be
locked because it is being edited by another user.
Action : Choose 'OK' to skip the operation on the foreign key. Choose
'Cancel' to to revert your changes and abort the operation.
CDD-22068,0, "The foreign key %0!s is in a different arc now. Continue changing it anyway?"
Cause : A foreign key being added to or removed from an arc has been found
to be in a different arc on the Repository.
Action : Choose 'Yes' to make the change, regardless of the state of the
Repository. Chose 'No' to skip this foreign key. Choose 'Cancel'
to revert your changes and abort the operation.
CDD-22070,0, "%0!s cannot be included as the system is out of memory."
Cause : There are not enough system resources to include the element.
Action : Try closing other applications.
CDD-22071,0, "%0!s cannot be included as the system is out of memory."
Cause : There are not enough system resources to include the element.
Action : Try closing other applications.
CDD-22072,0, "AutoLayout could not position the connectors. Accept the default routing?"
Cause : AutoLayout could not position the selected connectors.
Action : Choose 'Yes' to see the default positioning, or 'No' to remove
the connectors.
CDD-22076,0, "The summary information dialog can not be invoked."
Cause : The diagram you are currently editing does not have a print legend
Action : This is an internal error which should be reported to
Customer Support.
CDD-22080,0, "The diagram item has been deleted."
Cause : During the loading of a diagram, or paste from the clipboard, a
diagram item was found, whose references to other diagram items
could not be resolved. The diagram item will be removed from the
Action : No further action is required.
/ 22150 .. 22199 Design Editor - Module Diagrams
CDD-22153,0, "The MD / MCE has been passed an object which it is unable to diagram."
Cause : This is an internal error. The MD / MCE has been passed an object
which is not in the cache, and is therefore unable to diagram it.
Action : Save any outstanding changes and then restart the Design Editor.
CDD-22156,0, "The Master-Detail relationship was not created."
Cause : It is not possible to create a new base table usage from a
non-base table usage other than one directly linked to an existing
base table usage.
Action : Try creating the Master-Detail relationship using an immediate
usage of the base table usage.
CDD-22158,0, "The OLE object could not be created. "
Cause : No further information is available.
Action : Ensure the OLE object type is entered in the system registry.
CDD-22159,0, "OLE 2.0 initialization failed."
Cause : OLE 2.0 initialization failed.
Action : Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
CDD-22161,0, "A problem occurred during generation."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action :
/ 22200 .. 22249 Design Editor - Logic Editor
CDD-22200,0, "An unspecified error has occurred. "
Cause : Internal Logic Editor error.
Action : Save your data immediately and contact Customer Support
with details of this error.
CDD-22201,0, "Invalid font name."
Cause :
Action : Error only occurs in Testing mode
CDD-22202,0, "An error occurred trying to store text."
Cause : The logic was not saved to the Repository. The database could be
down or you could have lost your network connection.
Action : Export the logic to a file and try to save it again later.
CDD-22203,0, "Could not install language rules %0!s. Do you want to select another file?"
Cause : There was an error when trying to install the language rules
from the specified file.
Action : If you want to install language rules from a different file, click
Yes. Otherwise click No.
CDD-22204,0, "The constructs for the language %0!s could not be created."
Cause : A generic language could not be initialized.
Action : The construct tree will be empty.
Check the file system and the Repository for corrupt data.
CDD-22205,0, "An error occurred trying to retrieve text."
Cause : An unrecognized code segment is being edited by the Logic Editor
Action : Close down the Logic Editor and try again
CDD-22206,0, "An unexpected internal failure has occurred. Save data immediately."
Cause : Internal Logic Editor error.
Action : Save your data immediately and contact Customer Support
with details of this error.
CDD-22207,0, "Language mismatch during drag and drop operation."
Cause : A code construct from one language has been dropped on to the
Logic Editor representing code in another language.
Action : Use the construct tree only for those code editing windows of
the same language.
CDD-22208,0, "Could not find text."
Cause : Internal Logic Editor error.
Action : Save your data immediately and contact Customer Support
with details of this error.
CDD-22209,0, "No current construct is available for insertion."
Cause : Internal Logic Editor error.
Action : Save your data immediately and contact Customer Support
with details of this error.
CDD-22214,0, "The import text is too large for current memory."
Cause : The selected file is too large for its contents to be imported
into the Logic Editor in a single step.
Action : Section the file text into different files and import
these files into the Logic Editor separately.
CDD-22215,0, "File %0!s could not be read."
Cause : A file specified for importing text could not be read.
Action : Check that the file and file system (or network path)
are not corrupt.
CDD-22217,0, "File %0!s could not be written."
Cause : An attempt to write export text to an external file failed.
Action : Check that the pathname is valid, that correct permissions
are available and that the network path is working.
Check that a valid filename is entered.
CDD-22218,0, "The %0!s has been deleted. The Logic Editor will close. "
Cause : Another user has deleted the code segment that you were viewing.
The Logic Editor will close down.
Action : None
CDD-22219,0, "The %0!s has been updated. Would you like to re-load the logic?"
Cause : Another user has updated the code segment you were viewing.
Action : If you want to edit the logic, you must select Yes to obtain
the latest update to the code.
CDD-22220,0, "Could not create pathname %0!s. Do you want to specify a new pathname?"
Cause : The logic could not be saved to the path and/or filename given,
either because the path is invalid or there are inadequate
Action : To choose a new pathname, select Yes. To continue editing,
select No.
/ 22250 .. 22299 Design Editor - MSD
/ 22300 .. 22324 Design Editor - Server Generator Boxes
CDD-22300,0, "An internal application error occurred. Contact Customer Support."
Cause : An internal application error occurred.
Action : Contact Customer Support.
CDD-22301,2, "There is a problem with the destination for Design Generation."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action : Check the destination is valid.
CDD-22302,0, "There is a problem with the source of the Design Capture."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action : Check the source is valid.
CDD-22303,2, "Default username feature not supported; logon denied"
Cause : The username field has been left blank
Action : Enter a valid username
CDD-22304,0, "Only definition objects can be selected on their own for generation."
Cause : You have selected an implementation object for generation without
selecting a context database user.
Action : Alter your selection to include a database user and try again.
CDD-22307,0, "Only a database object can be passed as context."
Cause : You have called the Generate database dialog but given an
object other than a database for context.
Action : Select a database or reset the selection before calling this
CDD-22309,0, "The directory \"%0!s\" could not be created."
Cause : You have entered an invalid name for the new directory
Action : Enter a new name consisting of alphanumeric characters and
backslashes "\" as separators.
CDD-22310,0, "The Server Generator preferences could not be updated."
Cause : An internal error occurred while trying to save the Server
Generator options
Action : Close the dialog and try again.
CDD-22321,0, "A file prefix has not been given. Generation cannot proceed."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action :
CDD-22322,0, "No DDL can be generated from the given data. "
Cause : The Server Generator cannot create any DDL because the
Transformer did not create a server model from the type model.
Action : Consult the Messages Window for more information on why the
Transformer failed.
CDD-22323,0, "No data was recovered from the database. "
Cause : Object Designer could not recover the Object Types because the
Server Generator did not recover any data from the database
Action : Consult the Messages Window for more information on why the Server
Generator failed
/ 22325 .. 22360 Design Editor - High End Generator Boxes
/ 22361 .. 22399 Design Editor - Low End Generator Boxes
CDD-22366,0, "The DLL couldn't be loaded or doesn't exist."
Cause : A component has failed to load for some reason. This could be
due to the fact that it is not correctly defined in the system
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. Also check the product installation.
If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-22368,0, "The library cvvbs61.dll could not be loaded"
Cause : A component has failed to load for some reason. This could be due
to the fact that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-22369,0, "The Registry does not have the required information. "
Cause : A component has failed to load for some reason. This could be due
to the fact that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-22370,0, "You are using an out-of-date DLL, or the Registry contains an error."
Cause : A component has failed to load for some reason. This could be due
to the fact that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-22371,0, "A problem occurred while trying to load the Generator. Contact Support."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action : Contact Customer Support.
/ 22400 .. 22499 Design Editor - Spare Range
CDD-22400,1, "Attempt to view or modify an object outside of the current workarea."
Cause : An object within the workarea refers to an object
outside of the workarea.
Action : Use the 'External References' utility to include any
referenced objects outside of the current Workarea.
/ 23000 .. 23499 Design Editor - Property Dialogs
CDD-23000,1, "The %0!s definition could not be parsed to determine column names. Continue?"
Cause : The SELECT statement is parsed in order to derive the names of the
columns in the view. These columns are then automatically created
for the view.
However, the specified SELECT statement contains syntax which could
not be parsed successfully. The SELECT statement may contain invalid
SQL or a complex expression.
Action : Either correct or modify the SELECT statement so that it can
be parsed or create the columns manually.
CDD-23001,1, "A FROM clause was not specified for the %0!s definition."
Cause : A SELECT statement must have a FROM clause specified.
Action : Specify a FROM clause for your SELECT statement.
CDD-23002,1, "The single quote characters could not be matched within %0!s definition."
Cause : Literals within a SELECT statement are defined within single quotes
e.g. SELECT 'Mr. ' || surname FROM emp.
These single quote characters do not match within the specified
SELECT statement.
Action : Modify the SELECT statement to ensure each single quote
character is matched.
CDD-23003,1, "The brackets within the SELECT statement could not be matched."
Cause : Functions can be used as part of a SELECT statement
e.g. SELECT INITCAP( surname ) from emp.
The brackets used to surround the parameters of these function
calls must match.
The specified SELECT statement contains unmatched brackets.
Action : Modify the SELECT statement to ensure the brackets are
CDD-23004,1, "The columns of the %0!s do not match the SELECT clause. Create new columns?"
Cause : The names of the view definition columns are expected to match the
names of the columns specified in the SELECT statement.
In this case, the column names parsed from the SELECT statement
do not match the columns currently associated with the view
Action : To modify the columns of the view to match the SELECT statement,
click "YES".
To retain the existing set of columns, click "NO".
CDD-23005,1, "An asterix cannot be used as a column name."
Cause : The SELECT statement specifies a column name as '*'. This is an
invalid column name and a corresponding column will not be
This warning should be ignored where an asterix is used to imply
'all columns' e.g. 'SELECT * FROM emp'.
Action : Remove the '*' and specify a valid column name.
No action required if the asterix is used to imply 'all columns'.
CDD-23006,1, "Expression %0!s must have an alias specified so that it can be referenced."
Cause : The SELECT statement contains an expression without an alias.
e.g. select decode(1, 2, 3), col2 etc.
An expression must be given an alias so that it can be referenced.
Action : Specify an alias for the expression
e.g. select decode(1, 2, 3) col1, col2 etc.
CDD-23007,1, "The %0!s %1!s could not be locked for modification."
Cause : The object is checked in, or is being modified by
another user.
Action : If the object is checked in, it can be checked out
individually, or the Auto Checkout option can be
enabled in the Options->General Settings Dialog.
Otherwise, wait until the other user has released
the lock and try the operation again.
CDD-23008,1, "The Display Sequence property is NULL for one or more columns. Default it ?"
Cause : The 'Display' dialog shows the sequence of columns which
are to be displayed. However, if the Display Sequence value
of the column is not set ( is NULL ) then the sequence
shown by this dialog is just a possible ordering.
The Display Sequence value should be set for all columns
which are displayed.
Action : Click YES to attempt to default the Display Sequence value of
each column to a suitable value.
Click NO to retain the existing Display Sequence values.
CDD-23062,0, "The selected table does not have a primary key or any unique keys."
Cause : The join table you have selected does not have a primary key
constraint or a unique key constraint.
Action : This will not prevent the foreign key constraint from being
created. However, you may like to select a different join table
or create a primary key constraint or unique key constraint in
the selected join table.
CDD-23066,0, "The selected table has no columns."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action :
CDD-23071,0, "You are about to define a foreign key between two FACT tables."
Cause : It is unusual to put FACT tables in relation to each other.
Action : If it is your intention to put a relation between these FACT tables,
be aware that they could restrict functionality (e.g. moving from
one time instance to another).
CDD-23099,0, "Only arguments defined by domains or datatypes are shown for the module."
Cause : It is unusual to define arguments of a general module against
a datastructure, table, column or Oracle object type.
This is usually done for arguments of a PL/SQL definition.
Action : Either set the arguments to be defined by a domain or a datatype,
or ignore this warning.
CDD-23242,0, "You have defined a BITMAP index for a DIMENSION table."
Cause : BITMAP Index access could slow down access and therefore
should not be used to access DIMENSION tables.
Action : Don't BITMAP them or be aware of possible performance problems.
CDD-23243,0, "This index is not optimized for data warehousing."
Cause : The index uses at least one column in the primary key of the
Fact table, but the index is not of type BITMAP.
This may result in queries using this index not performing
Action : Change the index type to BITMAP, or be aware of possible
performance problems.
/ 23500 .. 23550 ODD - Type Modeller
CDD-23500,0, "The ATD is unable to diagram this object."
Cause : This is an internal error.
The ATD has been passed an object which is not in the cache.
Action : Save any outstanding changes and then restart Object Designer.
CDD-23504,0, "The object could not be created. "
Cause : No further information is available.
Action : Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
CDD-23507,0, "A problem occurred during Generation."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action :
CDD-23509,0, "The elements are already represented on the diagram. "
Cause : You have attempted to add (via the clipboard or by dragging and
dropping), an Object Type or Value Type which is already shown on
the diagram. This functionality is not supported.
Action : No further action required.
/ 23551 .. 23600 ODD - Common Messages
CDD-23551,0, "The %0!s %1!s is out of date. Do you want to requery?"
Cause : This may be caused by another user modifying this element.
Alternatively the tool may not have requeried all the correct
set of elements.
Action : Requery the database so that the most up to date information is
being presented in the tool.
CDD-23553,0, "The Property Palette could not be initialized."
Cause : The Property Palette could not be loaded.
Action : Check that the palette has been installed correctly and
that has been installed in a directory in your PATH
CDD-23554,0, "%0!s could not be loaded. Check that this DLL is installed correctly."
Cause : A component has failed to load. This could be due to the fact
that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-23558,0, "The application system could not be initialized."
Cause : The Repository data for the selected Application System is
Action : Check that you have installed compatible versions of client
and server software.
CDD-23559,0, "Check that your PATH contains a valid copy of %0!s."
Cause : The component could not be loaded.
Action : Check that this component has been installed correctly and
that has been installed in a directory in your PATH.
CDD-23560,0, "Oracle Developer is not installed or there is a missing dll. "
Cause : A component has failed to load. This could be due to the fact
that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. Also check the product has been installed correctly.
If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-23561,0, "You are using an out-of-date DLL, or the Registry is in error."
Cause : A component has failed to load. This could be due to the fact
that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. Also check the product has been installed correctly.
If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-23562,0, "Variable %0!s is not set correctly in the [%1!s] section of your Registry."
Cause : A component has failed to load. This could be due to the fact
that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Alternatively, a part of the product may not have been
For example, the registry variable DOM_OLG.GENERATE.DLL
may not have been set if the library generator has not been
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. If necessary, try reinstalling and/or installing
any components which have not been installed.
CDD-23563,0, "A problem occurred while trying to load the Generator."
Cause : A component has failed to load. This could be due to the fact
that it is not correctly defined in the system registry.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
component. If necessary, try reinstalling or
contact Customer Support.
CDD-23564,0, "The file \"%0!s\" could not be loaded or does not exist. "
Cause : The specified file or one its dependent files could not be loaded.
This may be because a file has not been installed, or is not
correctly defined in the system registry.
As an example dependency, the Forms Generator files require the
Form Builder files installed as part of Developer.
Action : Check the registry settings for the location of the required
file. Also check the product and any required dependencies
e.g.Developer have been installed correctly.
If necessary, try reinstalling.
CDD-23572,0, "The connection to Oracle has been lost. Unsaved changes will be lost."
Cause : Connection to the database has been lost
Action : Contact the Database Administrator.
CDD-23573,0, "The item groups cannot be displayed because they are recursively nested."
Cause : The parent of one of the item groups is the same as one of its
nested item groups.
Action : Change the Parent Item Group.
CDD-23574,0, "Unable to set the Parent Item Group as this is recursively nested."
Cause : The Parent Item Group is the same as a nested item group.
Action : Change the Parent Item Group.
/ 23601 .. 23999 ODD - Spare Range
CDD-23904,0, "System privileges granted through other roles will not be removed."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action :
/ 24000 .. 24499 Design Editor and ODD misc.
CDD-24051,0, "The SQL statement could not be parsed."
Cause :
Action :
CDD-24059,0, "At least one Dimension table does not relate to the Fact table."
Cause : At least one Dimension table in the selection list does not
relate to the Fact table in the selection list.
Action : Check that foreign key relationships exist between the
Dimension tables and the
Fact table.
CDD-24060,0, "You are attempting to create a view based on more than one Fact table."
Cause : The basic star query model does not support relationships between
Fact tables.
Action : Do not define foreign keys between Fact tables.
CDD-24150,0, "The temporary file for the serialized data could not be created."
Cause : There is no space left on the disk in the path specified by
TEMP environment variable
Action : Delete unused temporary files in the path specified by
TEMP environment variable to create space.
CDD-24151,0, "Could not get the path for temporary files."
Cause : The TEMP environment variable is not set, or points to a
non-existent path.
Action : Give the TEMP environment variable value for a valid path
in the file system.
CDD-24154,0, "The Commit operation failed. The new objects could not be created."
Cause : The new database or database user could not be created in the
Action : Contact the Database Administrator.
CDD-24156,0, "Problems initializing common component."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action : Contact Customer Support.
CDD-24215,0, "This column is in the primary key and will be removed."
Cause : No further information is available.
Action :
CDD-24218,0, "You are creating a foreign key between two FACT tables."
Cause : In typical data warehouse models, relationships are not defined
between Fact tables.
Action : The Server Generator will issue a warning during generation.