Oracle Messages 'Cause and Action'

Note that only error messages with cause and actions go in .msg/.msb files; other information messages stay in the resources of the components concerned and are displayed with a standard AfxMessageBox call, rather than using the full rmum error stack.
CDG-01001,0, "maDom"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01002,0, "PD"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01003,0, "QD"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01004,0, "CG_"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01005,0, "CG_BB_INS"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01006,0, "CG_BB_UPD"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01007,0, "CG_BB_DEL"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01008,0, "CG_BB_QRY"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-01011,0, "CG_ZONE_FRAME"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01012,0, "CG_BUTTON_BAR"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-01015,0, "CG_BB_START"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01016,0, "CG_BB_NEXT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01017,0, "RO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01018,0, "Mand"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01019,0, "Capt"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01020,0, "CaptRO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01021,0, "CaptMand"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01022,0, "DfltCaption"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01023,0, "DfltCaptionRO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01024,0, "DfltCaptionMand"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01025,0, "%sInsert"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01026,0, "%sUpdate"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01027,0, "%sDelete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01028,0, "%sQuery"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01030,0, "P%s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01031,0, "P2%s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01032,0, "W%s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01033,0, "Choice"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01034,0, "ChoiceBtn"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01035,0, "CaptQD"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01036,0, "DfltCaptionQD"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01037,0, "Group"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01038,0, "lgCtrlRadioGetQD(Me, %s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01039,0, "lgCtrlRadioGet(Me, %s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01040,0, "Call lgCtrlRadioSet(Me, %s, %%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01041,0, "Call lgCtrlRadioSet(Me, %s, Null)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01042,0, "lgCtrlCheckBoxGetQD(%s, \"%s\", \"%s\")"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01043,0, "lgCtrlCheckBoxGet(%s, \"%s\", \"%s\")"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01044,0, "Call lgCtrlCheckBoxSet(%s, \"%s\", \"%s\", %%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01045,0, "Call lgCtrlCheckBoxSet(%s, \"%s\", \"%s\", Null)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01046,0, "lgCtrlDVListGetQD(%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01047,0, "lgCtrlDVListGet(%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01048,0, "Call lgCtrlDVListSet(%s, %%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01049,0, "Call lgCtrlDVListSet(%s, Null)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01050,0, "CG_PSD_OK"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01051,0, "CG_PSD_CANCEL"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01052,0, "CG_PSD_UNDO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01055,0, "CG_PSD_CLOSE"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01056,0, "ContextZoneControl"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01057,0, "ContextZoneLabel"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01058,0, "zsAction"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01059,0, "zsWhere"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01060,0, "CG_QD_OK"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01061,0, "CG_QD_CANCEL"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01062,0, "CG_QD_CLEAR"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01063,0, "BuildWhere"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01064,0, "CG_QD_NEW"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01065,0, "LOVBUT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01066,0, "gstrUserName"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01067,0, "lgNow(FALSE)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01068,0, "lgNow(TRUE)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01069,0, "zsZ"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01070,0, "dysFKVal"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01071,0, "frmLOVForm.RetVal(%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01073,0, "%s_ZCCoord"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01076,0, "mb%sCoord"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01077,0, "String"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01078,0, "Integer"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01079,0, "Long"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01080,0, "Single"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01081,0, "CG_ZN_LIST"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01082,0, "CG_ZN_LISTHDR"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01083,0, "CG_REC_NEXT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01084,0, "CG_REC_PREV"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01085,0, "CG_REC_FIRST"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01086,0, "CG_REC_LAST"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01087,0, "CG_REC_GOTO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01088,0, "CG_REC_STATUS"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01089,0, "%sReseqUp"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01090,0, "%sReseqDown"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01091,0, "%sSaveRecord"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01092,0, "%sUndoRecord"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01093,0, "CG_BB_RESEQ_UP"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-01095,0, "CG_BB_SAVE"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01096,0, "CG_BB_UNDO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01097,0, "Call %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01098,0, "CGTZFormDefault"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01099,0, "CGTZListFormDefault"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01100,0, "CGTCControls"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01101,0, "CGTZContextDefault"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01102,0, "CGTZListDefault"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01103,0, "CGTWQd"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01104,0, "CGTWPsd"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01105,0, "CGTWOthers"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01106,0, "CGTWFirst"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01107,0, "CGTGMainGroup"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01108,0, "CGTGStackedGroup"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01109,0, "CGTGStackSelector"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01110,0, "%sM"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01111,0, "CG_HINT_TEXT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01112,0, "Call lgCtrlDVMeaningSet(%s, %%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01113,0, "Call lgCtrlDVMeaningSet(%s, \"\")"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01114,0, "HintText"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01116,0, "ANY ZONE"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01119,0, "frm%s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01120,0, "str"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01121,0, "int"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01122,0, "lng"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01123,0, "dbl"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01124,0, "CGTGTabSelector"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01126,0, "CGTWMDIParent"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01127,0, "cvwsgin.log"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01128,0, "MDIParent"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01131,0, "Tab"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01132,0, "CGTZUnboundDefault"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01133,0, "CGTWLaunch"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01134,0, "MS Sans Serif"
Cause :
Action :
/ 01501 .. 01600 User Preference / Config file values

CDG-01502,0, "GENERIC"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01503,0, "APPSYS"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01504,0, "TABLE"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01506,0, "INT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01507,0, "REAL"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-01508,0, "DATE"
Cause :
Action :
/ 02001 .. 02250 Visual Basic file I/O parse objects

CDG-02001,2, "Version {version number}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02004,2, "Invalid link on table %s"
Cause :  The generator has detected that, in the application
	     being captured, there is a Select statement with a
	     Where clause which implies that tables in the Select
	     statement are to be joined via some key constraint.
	     However, there is no key constraint between the named
	     table and any other table in the Select statement that
	     makes use of the columns implied in the Where clause.
Action : Check that key constraint definitions exist for keys
	     used in the application, both from and to the named table.

CDG-02011,2, "Begin Form {form name}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02012,2, "{property} = {value}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02013,2, "Begin {control type} {control name}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02014,2, "Begin Menu {menu name}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02015,2, "Public|Private Sub|Function {name}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02016,2, "End"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02017,2, "End of file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02018,2, "Empty String"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02019,2, "Something else"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02050,1, "Generation Terminated At Users Request"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02052,1, "\nGeneration Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02053,0, "BeginProperty {property name}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02054,0, "EndProperty"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02055,0, "Attribute {attribute name} = {attribute value}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02056,0, "Public|Private Property Get|Let|Set {property name}"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02057,2, "Version {version number} Class"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02058,2, "END"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02063,1, "Generation of"
Cause :
Action :
/ 02251 .. 02500 Generate time messages/text

CDG-02251,0, "Template Expander"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02252,0, "Initialisation"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02253,0, "Loading Repository Definitions"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02254,0, "Generating Layout"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02255,0, "Building VB Application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02256,0, "Writing VB Application to File"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02257,0, "Analyzing Requirements"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02258,0, "CDUD Load Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02259,0, "CDUD Load Table"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02260,0, "Low Level Layout"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02261,0, "Lock Detailed Table/Column Usages"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02262,0, "Performing Clean Up"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02263,0, "Reporting Messages"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02264,0, "Saving Module Design Changes to the Repository"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02265,0, "Named Passed Value "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02266,0, "Argument Passed Value "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02267,0, "Dependency Analyzer"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02268,1, "Building Help System"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02269,1, "Module(s) Unsuccessful"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02270,1, "Generation of Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02271,1, "Unsuccessful"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02272,1, "Successful"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02273,1, "Generating Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02274,1, "of"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02275,0, "Install generated packages in %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02276,0, "Run generated application using browser %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02277,0, "Building Web PL/SQL Application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02278,0, "Error: Cannot start SQL*Plus\n"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02279,0, "Capture of"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02280,0, "Spooling to logfile '%s'."
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02281,1, "Capturing Module %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02282,0, "Current Task: %-45s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02283,1, "Top of Record List"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02284,1, "Bottom of Record List"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02285,1, "Top of Query Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02286,1, "Bottom of Query Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02287,1, "Top of View Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02288,1, "Bottom of View Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02289,1, "Top of Insert Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02290,1, "Bottom of Insert Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02291,1, "Top of Delete Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02292,1, "Bottom of Delete Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02293,1, "Top of First Page"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02294,1, "Bottom of First Page"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02295,1, "Top of About Page"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02296,1, "Bottom of About Page"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02297,1, "Default Text Area"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02298,0, "Visual Basic Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02299,0, "Web PL/SQL Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02300,0, "MS Help Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02301,0, "Summary Usage Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02302,0, "(Windows 98/NT/2000/XP)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02303,0, "Analysis Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02304,0, "Version"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02305,0, "Production"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02306,0, "Beta"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02307,0, "Alpha"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02308,0, "Development"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02309,0, "Limited Production"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02310,0, "Developer's Release"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02311,0, "on"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02312,0, "Copyright (c) 1995, 2004 Oracle Corporation"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02313,0, "All rights reserved"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02314,0, "Main Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02315,0, "Property Sheet Dialog"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02316,0, "Query Dialog"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02317,1, "as it contains unsupported SQL: '"
Cause :  This is the second part to messages 3712 and 3714 or 3517 and 3520
	     e.g. Validation code was not generated for Check Constraint ''
	     as it contains unsupported SQL: ''
Action :

CDG-02318,0, "Report Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02319,0, "Building Data Model"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02320,0, "Building Oracle Report Application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02321,0, "Summary Generation Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02322,0, "Installing Generated PL/SQL Web Application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02323,0, "Custom Action Item "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02324,0, "Generator Action Item "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02325,0, "No action"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02326,0, "Navigate to %s on %s %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02327,0, "Navigate to %s %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02328,0, "Start executable - %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02329,0, "Edit preference %s on %s %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02330,0, "Navigate to generator options %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02331,0, "Call Oracle Designer %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02332,0, "Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02333,0, "Navigation Action Item "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02334,0, "Invoking Forms Builder with %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02335,0, "Short Name"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02336,0, "Implementation Name '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02337,0, "There were no errors"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-02339,0, "PL/SQL source ..."
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02340,0, "Adjust property %s on %s to %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02341,1, "Preserving layout from .fmb file %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02342,0, "Pre Production"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02343,0, "Capturing Design "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02344,0, "Compile Help File (%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02345,0, "Run Help File (%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02346,0, "Loading Repository Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02347,0, "Form Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02348,0, "Analysing Requirements"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02349,0, "Visual Basic Design Capture Utility"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02350,0, "Merge application and module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02351,0, "Visual Basic Recover Application Logic Utility"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02352,0, "User Defined Code - '%s' Event"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02353,0, "User Defined Code - '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02354,0, "User Modified Generated Code - '%s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02355,0, "User Modified Generated Code - '%s' Event"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02356,0, "Captured by the '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02357,0, "By"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02358,0, "user"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02359,0, "at"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02360,0, "Report Design Capture"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-02362,0, "Recovering Application Logic For Module  '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02363,0, "Application Logic Recovery onto Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02364,0, "Application Logic Recovery Terminated At Users Request"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02365,0, "Application Logic Recovery Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02366,0, "Application Logic Recovery on "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02367,0, "Design Capture Terminated At Users Request"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02368,0, "Design Capture Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02369,0, "ERROR:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02370,0, "Server Module Component API Generator"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-02372,0, "WARNING:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02373,0, "SYSTEM ERROR:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02374,0, "View package specification file '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02375,0, "View package body file '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-02377,0, "Reading Report application file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02378,0, "Component "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02379,0, "Item "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02380,0, "Item Group "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02381,0, "Window "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02382,0, "Table Usage "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02383,0, "Check Constraint "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02384,0, "Argument "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02385,1, "Forms Help Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02386,1, "Building Oracle Forms Application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02387,0, "Application Logic Capture"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02388,0, "Run project with Visual Basic 4 %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02389,0, "Loading Form"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02390,0, "Saving the Report."
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02391,0, "Performing Pl\Sql compilation."
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02392,0, "Loading the module code from the repository."
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02393,1, "Forms Menu Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02394,0, "Library Generator"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02395,0, "Saving Application Logic"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02396,0, "Reading Visual Basic application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02397,0, "Recovering Design "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02398,0, "Creating Design Objects for application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02399,0, "Recovering Custom Code from application"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02400,0, "Capture"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02401,0, "vb32.exe"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02402,0, "vb5.exe"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02403,0, "Design and Application Logic Capture Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02404,1, "Validating Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02405,1, "Validation of Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02406,0, "Run project %s with Visual Basic"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02407,1, "\nValidation Complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02408,0, "Recovering Application Logic"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02409,0, "Compare Form Module Repository structures"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02410,0, "CVFA: DOM Load Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02411,0, "CVFA: DOM Load Window"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02412,0, "CVFA: DOM Load Window"
Cause :
Action :
/ 02501 .. 02800 Extra generate time messages/text

CDG-02677,0, "View application installation file '%s'"
Cause :
Action :
/ 03001 .. 03249 Messages transferred from CDU message file

CDG-03009,0, "Yes"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03010,0, "No"
Cause :
Action :
/ 03250 .. 03600 CVI Generic Code Error/Warnings

CDG-03250,2, "Error during expansion: %s "
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-03251,1, "Unknown Layout Style: '%s'; using default style"
Cause :  The layout style specified against the module component is not
	     in the list of styles supported by the generator.
Action : A default style will be used instead of the style requested.
	     To prevent the message from being issued in subsequent
	     generations. modify the layout style property on the module
	     component accordingly.

CDG-03252,1, "No valid values defined for checkbox item"
Cause :  A checkbox item must have a set of valid values to
	     source its checked/unchecked state values.
	     There are no such valid values defined.
	     For bound items, the valid values must be defined
	     against the underlying column or against the column's domain.
	     For unbound items, the valid values must be defined
	     against the item itself, or against the item's domain.
Action : Add the appropriate valid values, as described.

CDG-03253,1, "Too many valid values defined for checkbox item"
Cause :  A checkbox item that has been defined as optional
	     must have a single valid value defined to
	     source its checked state value.
	     There are however more than one valid values defined.
	     The first allowed value will be used.
	     For bound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the underlying column or against the column's domain.
	     For unbound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the item itself, or against the item's domain.
Action : Change the valid values, as described.

CDG-03254,2, "Not enough valid values defined for underlying column of checkbox item"
Cause :  The underlying column for a mandatory item used
	     to implement a checkbox is defined as NOT NULL
	     but has only a single valid value defined for it.
Action : Either make the both the column and item optional, or add
	     a second valid value to the underlying column definition
	     or its domain.

CDG-03255,2, "Not enough valid values defined for checkbox item"
Cause :  A checkbox item that has been defined as mandatory
	     must have two valid values to source its
	     checked/unchecked state values.  There is only one
	     such valid value defined.
	     For bound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the underlying column or against the column's domain.
	     For unbound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the item itself, or against the item's domain.
Action : Add a second valid value, or make the item optional.

CDG-03256,1, "Too many valid values defined for checkbox item"
Cause :  A checkbox item must have up to 2 valid values
	     defined to source its checked/unchecked state values.
	     There are more than 2 valid values defined; only
	     the first two will be used.
	     For bound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the underlying column or against the column's domain.
	     For unbound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the item itself, or against the item's domain.
Action : Reevaluate the choice of display style for the item given the set
	     of allowed values for the column.

CDG-03257,1, "Low/high range inappropriate for this item"
Cause :  The set of allowed values used for the item includes
	     one or more ranges.  The high value(s) will be ignored.
	     For bound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the underlying column or against the column's domain.
	     For unbound items, the valid values are defined
	     against the item itself, or against the item's domain.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03258,2, "No valid values defined for Radio Group item"
Cause :  A radio group item must have a set of valid values to
	     source the generation of its option buttons.
	     There are no such valid values defined.
	     For bound items, the valid values must be defined
	     against the underlying column or against the column's domain.
	     For unbound items, the valid values must be defined
	     against the item itself, or against the item's domain.
Action : Add the appropriate valid values, as described.

CDG-03259,2, "List/Radio Group '%s' chosen, but  no list of allowed values defined"
Cause :  A poplist or textlist must have a set of valid values. No such
	     set of valid values were found.
Action : A set of valid values can be defined in one of the following ways:
	     --- For a bound item, define a set of allowable values against the
	     underlying column
	     --- For an unbound item, define a set of allowable values against it
	     --- If the unbound item or column is in a domain then add
	     allowable values to the domain
	     --- If using a generator that supports explicit list of values
	     associate an LOV with the item

CDG-03260,1, "Invalid property '%s' in Control/Object definition file "
Cause :  The given entry in the Control/Object definition file has not been
	     recognized as a valid entry.
Action : Check the file for any incorrect spellings.

CDG-03261,2, "Component placed within master must have exactly one master"
Cause :  The required placement of 'STACKED' indicates that the
	     component is to be embedded within its master.  This
	     component either has zero, or more than one master.
Action : Use an alternative required position setting.

CDG-03262,1, "Constraint '%s' not validated"
Cause :  The constraint is marked as being validated in the application
	     only.  No code will be created in the generated application to
	     perform this validation.
Action : The constraint should be marked as either 'Validate in DBMS' or
	     'Validate in both application and DBMS'.

CDG-03263,2, "Lookup item that forms part of link cannot be made enterable."
Cause :  The lookup item forms part of the lookup's link to its
	     parent table usage.  Such items may not be made enterable; the
	     associated usage on the prior (parent) table usage should be
	     made enterable if required.
Action : Change the Item to unset its Display flag, and
	     instead make the associated Item visible and enterable.

CDG-03264,2, "Lookup may not be enterable; associated foreign key item is enterable."
Cause :  A lookup has been defined as enterable, but the base foreign key
	     item that is used to link to this lookup has also been
	     defined as enterable.  A foreign key value may either be entered
	     via the foreign key item, or the lookup item(s), but not
Action : Unset the Insert/Update flags on the lookup Item(s).

CDG-03265,2, "Items bound to RAW/LONG RAW columns not supported"
Cause :  Use of columns defined as RAW or LONG RAW is not supported in
	     this release.
Action : Remove the item based on this column from the module

CDG-03266,1, "Ambiguous source foreign key item for enterable lookup"
Cause :  If a lookup is made enterable, a search is made for a foreign key
	     column from an earlier table usage for this lookup to be matched
	     against.  This search resulted in more than one foreign key column
	     being found.  This often results from an unnormalized design.
Action : Although no action is required, it is likely that manual changes
	     will be required to the generated code.  Check that each column in
	     the multi-column foreign key used in the link to this lookup may be
	     mapped to a separate lookup table.

CDG-03267,1, "Control '%s' not suitable for data entry/display"
Cause :  The given control is, according to its properties read from the
	     Control/Object Definition File, is unsuitable for representing a
	     value mapped to a database column.
Action : Either the Control/Object Definition File is incorrect, or
	     the choice of control (e.g. CommandButton) is unsuitable.

CDG-03268,1, "Zones on window '%s' do not fit within template window size"
Cause :  The zones placed on the given generated window cannot fit within
	     the maximum window size allowed.  The maximum window size is
	     defined by the size of the template window that the generated
	     window is based on.
	     Generation of the module will continue, although some of the
	     generated controls may be positioned below the window height.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- Increase the size of the template window(s).
	     --- If the window contains more than one zone, consider placing
		each zone on its own window.
	     --- Make use of stacked display groups to reduce the space required
		by a FORM or LISTFORM style zone.
	     --- Modify the layout manually after generation.

CDG-03269,2, "Zone template is wider than template window"
Cause :  The template zone used for this module component is
	     wider than the layout area within the template window.
Action : Either reduce the size of the zone template, or increase the
	     size of the window template's layout area.

CDG-03270,2, "Template button '%s' not found in template form"
Cause :  The given button template cannot be located in the template
	     form.  This template button is to be used as the basis of a
	     button to be added to the zone or window's button bar.  This
	     button should be added either to the template zone form, or
	     the template controls form.
Action : Modify the template form and add the required button control.

CDG-03271,2, "Template window for property sheet dialog too narrow"
Cause :  The template window used as the basis for creating property
	     sheet dialog windows is not wide enough to fit necessary
Action : Increase the size of the template window.

CDG-03272,1, "Template window for property sheet dialog is too small"
Cause :  The controls placed on the Property Sheet Dialog cannot fit
	     within the maximum window size allowed.  The maximum window size
	     is defined by the size of the template window.  Generation will
	     continue, although some of the generated controls may be positioned
	     below the window height.
Action : You can either increase the size of the template window used as
	     the basis for creating property sheet dialogs, or make use of
	     stacked display groups to reduce the amount of space required.

CDG-03273,2, "Template window for query dialog too narrow."
Cause :  The template window used as the basis for creating query dialog
	     windows is not wide enough for the generated controls.
Action : Increase the size of the template window.

CDG-03274,1, "Template window for query dialog is too small"
Cause :  The controls placed on the query dialog cannot fit within the
	     maximum window size defined by the size of the template window
	     that the query dialog is based on.
	     Generation will continue, although some of the generated controls
	     may be positioned below the window height.
Action : Unset the Query flag on those Items that need not appear
	     in the Query Dialog, or make the template window larger.

CDG-03275,2, "File '%s' does not exist"
Cause :  A request was made to open the given file which is not
	     present on the file system.
Action : Ensure that the file is present and accessible.

CDG-03276,2, "Failed to open file '%s' for the following reason"
Cause :  An attempt was made to open a file which resulted in a failure.
Action : The following message will indicate the cause of failure.

CDG-03277,2, "Operating System Error: '%s'"
Cause :  The file named in the previous message could not be opened due
	     to an unanticipated O/S specific error.
Action : Contact your system administrator.

CDG-03278,1, "Table '%s' has no primary key"
Cause :  The table has no primary key defined for it.  It
	     is good design practice to ensure that each
	     table has an associated primary key defined.
Action : Add a primary key to the table.

CDG-03279,1, "Component allows Insert, but mandatory item not enterable"
Cause :  The module component has the Insert Flag set,
	     but the given item is one of the following:
	     --- based on a NOT NULL column
	     --- not enterable by the user
	     --- not automatically derived
Action : If the item's value is to be derived automatically, ensure
	     one of the following column properties is set:
	     --- Sequence
	     --- Auto Generation Type
	     --- Server Derived
	     --- Server Defaulted
	     --- Default Value
	     --- Denormalised
	     Alternatively, ensure that you add the required application logic to
	     perform the derivation.
	     Otherwise, set the Display and Insert flags on the Item to
	     make it enterable by the user.

CDG-03280,1, "Item Group '%s' contains no displayed items"
Cause :  The item group has neither any displayed items nor any
	     other item groups within it.
Action : Remove the item group if it is not required.

CDG-03281,1, "Cannot find template control '%s' (defined against the Item)"
Cause :  The given template control, defined against the Item, does
	     not exist in the Template Controls form.
Action : Correct the Template/Library Object Name setting on the Item.
	     Note that this setting can be left empty, to allow a default
	     control to be chosen.

CDG-03282,2, "Cannot find template control '%s' (defined via user preference value)"
Cause :  The given template control cannot be found in the Template
	     Controls form (CGTCControls).  Either the control has not been
	     created in the Template Controls form, or the value of the
	     corresponding user preference is incorrect.
Action : Add the missing control to the template form, or modify the
	     value of the user preference.

CDG-03283,1, "Quoted string not properly terminated in '%s'"
Cause :  The expression or condition contains a literal string that
	     has not been properly terminated.
Action : Correct the expression or condition by adding the missing quote.

CDG-03284,2, "Template control '%s' is not appropriate for radio groups."
Cause :  The given control does not contain an embedded option button
	     control and is therefore unsuitable for representing a radio
	     group.  A template control for a radio group should be a Frame
	     style control with an embedded option button.
Action : Modify the template control accordingly, or specify an
	     alternative control.

CDG-03285,2, "Missing template caption to use with control '%s'"
Cause :  The Template Controls Form is missing one or more of the
	     template captions:
	     --- DfltCaption  (template caption)
	     --- DfltCaptionRO	(template caption for read only controls)
	     --- DfltCaptionMand  (template caption for mandatory controls)
	     These controls must be present to define the appearance of
	     control prompt/captions created for those control types that do
	     not possess an integrated caption property.
Action : Add the missing control(s) to the Template Controls form.

CDG-03286,2, "Cannot find template form object '%s'"
Cause :  Generation requires that the named object be present in the
	     given template form, and no such object exists.
Action : Add the required object to the named template form.

CDG-03287,2, "Cannot find template form '%s'"
Cause :  Cannot find the given form within the given template
	     project or application.
Action : A form of the given name must be present in the template
	     project or application.  Items within this form will be used
	     as the basis for generated items.

CDG-03288,2, "Use of List style control '%s' for Foreign Key columns is not supported"
Cause :  The control chosen for data entry of foreign key values must be a
	     Text control.  The use of a ListBox/ComboBox style
	     control for foreign keys is not supported in this release.
	     Use of these controls IS however supported where the underlying
	     column is defined in the Repository as having a set of allowed
	     values, which can be defined as being dynamically loaded at runtime.
Action : Change the item's display type and/or template/library
	     object setting to use a text based control.

CDG-03289,2, "Missing button in stacking area template"
Cause :  The template radio button frame used for a Stacking Area
	     must contain an embedded option button.
	     No such option button can be found.
Action : Modify the template and add the option button.

CDG-03290,2, "Name of generated file '%s' is too long"
Cause :  The name of a generated file that is built up from a Repository
	     property is longer than the maximum file name length allowed.
	     The maximum length is dictated by an option set in the
	     Design Editor.
Action : Define a filename name that conforms to the maximum allowed length.
	     View the navigation action to know what name needs to be changed.

CDG-03291,2, "Failed to load Control/Object Definition file '%s'"
Cause :  The Control/Object Definition file could not be loaded.
Action : Check that this file can be opened from an editor such as Notepad.
	     Note that the user preference CTLDEF (VB Generator) or OBJDEF
	     (Power Objects Generator) defines the location of this file.

CDG-03292,2, "Control type '%s' unknown"
Cause :  There is no definition for the given control in the
	     Control/Object Definition File.
Action : Modify the Control/Object Definition File to add an entry for
	     this control.

CDG-03293,1, "Control type '%s' is not suitable for entry of optional values"
Cause :  The item or its underlying column has been defined as
	     optional but the Control/Object Definition File entry indicates
	     that the chosen control type cannot hold an empty value.
Action : Either remove the optional flag on the column or item, or
	     change the item's display type or template/library object
	     setting(s) to chose a more suitable template control.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Definition File entry
	     is in error.

CDG-03294,1, "Control type '%s' is not suitable for date values"
Cause :  The item is based on a Date column, but the
	     Control/Object Definition file indicates that the chosen
	     control type cannot be used to represent a Date value.
Action : Change the item's display type or template/library object
	     setting(s) to chose a more suitable template control.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Definition File entry
	     is in error.

CDG-03295,1, "Control type '%s' is not suitable for numeric values"
Cause :  The item is based on a Number column, but the
	     Control/Object Definition File entry indicates that the chosen
	     control type cannot be used to represent numeric values.
Action : Change the item's display type or template/library object
	     setting(s) to chose a more suitable template control.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Definition File entry
	     is in error.

CDG-03296,1, "Control type '%s' not suitable for binary values"
Cause :  The item is based on a (LONG) RAW column, but the
	     Control/Object Definition File entry indicates that the chosen
	     control type cannot be used to represent binary values.
Action : Remove the item, or change its display type or
	     template/library object setting(s) to chose a more
	     suitable template control.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Definition File entry
	     is in error.

CDG-03297,4, "%s has failed, please send the following information to your support person"
Cause :  An unexpected internal error has occurred.
Action : Please save the information messages written to the generation
	     dialog window by copying them to a file, and contact your customer
	     support representative.

CDG-03298,1, "Control type '%s' is read only and cannot support data entry"
Cause :  The item has the Insert or Update allowed flag(s)
	     set indicating that the user should be allowed to enter a value
	     for this item during the Insert or Update of records.  The
	     Control/Object Definition File indicates, however, that the
	     chosen control type is read only, i.e. it cannot be
	     set interactively.
Action : Change the item's display type or template/library object
	     setting(s) to chose a more suitable template control.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Definition File entry
	     is in error.

CDG-03299,1, "Column datatype '%s' unsuitable for use in Query WHERE clause"
Cause :  The item is based on a LONG column, and has the Query
	     flag set indicating that the user should be allowed to
	     enter search criteria against the column during queries.
	     This is not supported.
Action : Unset the query flag on the item.

CDG-03300,1, "Item derivation text '%s' references own item name"
Cause :  The item's derivation expression contains a reference to
	     its own item name.  This recursive reference is not permitted.
Action : Correct the derivation text.

CDG-03301,1, "Display height of 1 not appropriate for display type of Text List"
Cause :  The item has a display height set to one and a display type
	     of Text List. The height is not adequate to display the item as a
	     Text List
Action :  Either increase the display height to a minimum of three, or
	     make the display type a Pop List.

CDG-03302,1, "Valid values ignored because column is auto generated"
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as both having
	     a list of valid values (or being a domain so defined),
	     and as being derived either via a Sequence name
	     or an auto generate type.
	     In this situation, the valid values will be ignored.
Action : The column definition should be modified
	     to eliminate the inconsistency.
	     Ensure the column is not autogenerated
	     OR remove the valid values.

CDG-03303,2, "Failed to allocate windows device context"
Cause :  The attempt to allocate a windows device context has failed.
Action : Close down some other windows applications and try again.	Upon
	     repeated failure reboot windows and/or the PC.

CDG-03304,1, "Column defining sort order cannot be referenced by a foreign key"
Cause :  The column is defined in the Repository as being auto
	     generated as 'Sequence within Parent', and the column is referenced
	     by a foreign key within another table.  This column should not be
	     used to link tables together, as it may be frequently updated
	     during resequence operations.
Action : Use an alternative column to join the tables together.

CDG-03305,2, "Failed to release windows device context"
Cause :  Attempt to release a device context back to the Windows O/S has
Action : Upon repeated failure reboot windows and/or the PC.

CDG-03306,1, "Missing column usage for parent column '%s'"
Cause :  The column is defined in the Repository as being Sequenced
	     Within Parent, and a component of the primary or unique key that
	     it is a part of has not been defined as being used in the module.
	     No code for allocating sequence number within parent will be
Action : Add usages of the other columns in the same primary/unique key
	     if code to allocate this column's value is required.

CDG-03307,2, "File '%s' not found in the repository"
Cause :  The specified file is required during generation. However,
	     the file was not found on the repository search path.
Action : To use files from the repository during generation, you must
	     ensure they are in the repository search path.

CDG-03308,1, "Reference to item '%s' in derivation text is not allowed"
Cause :  The derivation text recorded against this SQL expression
	     or Server Function unbound item contains a reference to
	     another unbound item that is one of the following:
	     --- Computed
	     --- Custom
	     --- Client Function
	     --- Target Specific
	     References to these types of item are not permitted.
Action : Modify the derivation text accordingly.

CDG-03309,2, "Radio group cannot support a suggestion list"
Cause :  A radio group has been chosen for a column whose list
	     of allowed values has been defined as a suggestion list.  This
	     display type is not suitable for suggestion lists.
Action : Either clear the 'Suggestion List' property on the column
	     definition, or chose an alternative control type for this item.

CDG-03310,2, "List of allowed values for Radio group should be defined as static"
Cause :  A radio group has been chosen for a column whose
	     list of allowed values is defined as dynamic.  This display type
	     is not suitable for value lists that are to be loaded dynamically
	     at run time.
Action : Either the 'Dynamic LOV' flag on the column (or domain) should be
	     unset, or a different display type should be chosen.

CDG-03311,1, "Column '%s' defined as Seq within Parent in single column primary key"
Cause :  The column is defined as being auto-generated as Sequence
	     within Parent, but the column is in a single column primary
	     key, implying it should be unique across all rows.
Action : If the column is required to be unique across all rows,
	     then remove the Auto Generation setting of 'Sequence
	     in Parent' from column definition, and instead assign a
	     Sequence to the column.
	     Otherwise, correct the definition of the primary/unique key.

CDG-03312,2, "Check box cannot support a suggestion list"
Cause :  A checkbox has been chosen for a column whose list of
	     allowed values has been defined as a suggestion list.  This
	     display type is not suitable for suggestion lists.
Action : Either unset the 'suggestion list' property on column definition,
	     or chose an alternative control type.

CDG-03313,2, "List of allowed values for Check box should be defined as static"
Cause :  A checkbox has been chosen for a column whose list of
	     allowed values has been defined as dynamic.  This display type is
	     not suitable for representing a list of allowed values that is to
	     be dynamically loaded at runtime.
Action : Either unset the 'dynamic lov' flag on the column (or its domain),
	     or chose an alternative display type.

CDG-03314,2, "This control cannot be used for a suggestion list"
Cause :  A list style control has been chosen for a column whose list of
	     allowed values has been defined as a suggestion list, but the
	     Control/Object Definition File entry for this control indicates that
	     this control can only support a fixed set of values.
Action : Either unset the 'suggestion list' property on the column
	     definition, or choose an alternative control type.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Definition File entry
	     is in error.

CDG-03315,2, "File Access Denied"
Cause :  The file required is in use by another application,  however sole
	     access to this file is required.
Action : Ensure that no other application is using this file before
	     trying to generate the module again.

CDG-03316,2, "Too many open files"
Cause :  In an attempt to open a file, the maximum open files
	     that the operating system allows was exceeded.
Action : Close any files that are not currently needed or
	     increase the maximum number of files that the operating
	     system allows.

CDG-03317,1, "Column '%s' defined as Seq within Parent is not in a primary key"
Cause :  The column is defined in the Repository as being auto-generated
	     as Sequence within Parent, but does not form part of a primary key.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the database
	     design that does not seem correct.  It is likely that
	     the column should form part of a primary key.

CDG-03318,1, "Column '%s' defined as Seq within Parent should be numeric"
Cause :  The column is defined in the Repository as being
	     auto-generated as Sequence within Parent, but the
	     column is not defined as being of a numeric datatype.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the
	     database design that does not seem correct.

CDG-03319,1, "System Generated column is not in any primary or unique key"
Cause :  The item's underlying column is defined as having its
	     value derived from a unique source, but that column
	     is not included in any of its tables Unique or Primary keys.
Action : No action required, although it is likely that this
	     column should form the primary key of the table.

CDG-03320,1, "Set Query property to No because Sort Order column prevents restricted quer"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the module component includes an item based on a column
	     that defines the sorting order of the rows within the master
	     --- at least one item in the module component has its Query
	     property set to Yes
	     Restricted queries are not permitted in this situation.
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's Query property to
	     No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03321,1, "Item name '%s' ambiguously defined"
Cause :  The given item is referenced in the expression/condition
	     text, and more than one item exists with this name
	     within the module definition.
	     The item from the component which is most closely
	     related to this component will be mapped.
Action : To remove any possible ambiguities, change the names of
	     your items so that they are unique across the whole module.

CDG-03322,1, "Syntax error in check constraint condition text."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the check constraint condition
	     text.  The accompanying message(s) detail the nature
	     of the error.
Action : Check the condition text for syntax errors, and correct.

CDG-03323,1, "Column '%s' referenced in check constraint text has no corresponding item"
Cause :  The check constraint condition text references a column
	     for which there is no corresponding item defined.
Action : If you want this constraint to be validated by the generated
	     application, add an item based on the specified column.

CDG-03324,1, "Column reference '%s' ambiguously defined"
Cause :  The given column is referenced in the expression/condition
	     text, and more than one column exists with this name
	     within the tables used by this module component.
Action : To remove any possible ambiguities, qualify the
	     column references by the table usage name.  For
	     example, if you have base and lookup table usages
	     both based on EMP with names 'E' and 'MGR'
	     respectively, use 'MGR.ENAME' instead of 'ENAME'
	     to refer to the manager's name.

CDG-03325,1, "Missing change history item '%s' added automatically as non-displayed"
Cause :  The given item has been added automatically
	     during generation because it is required to maintain change
	     history information.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03326,1, "Valid value '%s' larger than column's maximum length"
Cause :  The valid value defined on the underlying column (or domain)
	     of this bound item is larger than the column's maximum
	     size permits.
Action : Increase the size of the column, or modify the allowed
	     value accordingly.

CDG-03327,2, "Assertion failure at %s"
Cause :  This is an internal message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your customer support representative.

CDG-03328,1, "Set Update property to No because item based on derived column"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is based on a column that has been defined as having
	     its value derived
	     --- the item also has the Update property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's Update property to
	     No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03329,1, "Control on which to add repository code could not be found"
Cause :  A piece of application logic has been defined against this
	     item with a target location of 'Property Sheet Dialog' or
	     'Query Dialog', but the component's layout style and the
	     item's usage flags are set such that no control has been
	     created in this location for this item.
Action : Change the location of the application logic to the main form,
	     or add  the required control to the 'Property Sheet Dialog' or
	     'Query Dialog' as required.

CDG-03330,1, "Set Width property to '%s' to display the meanings of allowable values"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- allowable values have been defined for the underlying column
	     --- the meaning of allowable values is to be displayed at runtime
	     instead of the value itself
	     --- the value specified for the Width property is not large
	     enough to display the longest meaning currently defined
	     Therefore, the Generator has increased the Width property
	     to the value indicated during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03331,1, "Reference to column '%s' from SQL expression text not permitted"
Cause :  The derivation text for this SQL Expression makes reference
	     to a column from a table that is used in this module component
	     as part of the requirement for one of the following:
	     --- a single row SQL aggregate
	     --- a subquery
	     As the table usage will not form part of the FROM clause of
	     the component's main query, a reference to any of its
	     columns from any SQL expressions is not permitted.
	     This message will be issued even where one of the component's
	     base or lookup table usages is based on the same table.
Action : If one of the base/lookup table usages is based on the
	     same column, qualify the column reference within the
	     SQL expression by the table usage name.

CDG-03332,2, "Duplicate usage of column '%s' ignored"
Cause :  A module component has been defined with more than one
	     item based on the same column.  This design is not supported
	     in this release.
Action : Remove the duplicate item.

CDG-03333,2, "Missing usage of primary key column '%s' "
Cause :  The given column is defined in the table's primary key, and there
	     is no item based on this column in the module definition.	The
	     module's base table usages must include items for all of the
	     table's primary key columns.
Action : Add items for the table's primary key columns.

CDG-03334,1, "Item used to link to master cannot have Query flag set"
Cause :  This item forms part of the link back to a master component, and
	     as such may have query criteria specified against it.  A query on a
	     detail component must always show records related to the current
	     master record.
Action : No action required.  The query flag will be automatically cleared
	     on the item.

CDG-03335,1, "Set Usage properties from non-displayed foreign key item '%s'"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that the lookup item:
	     --- has the Display property set to Yes
	     --- has the Insert Property and the Update Property set to No
	     --- is joined by a single column link to the specified
	     foreign key item which has the Display property set to No and
	     the Insert property or the Update property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the lookup item's
	     usage properties (the Insert, Update and
	     Optional properties) to the same values as the specified
	     foreign key item during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03336,1, "Set Insert, Update, and/or Optional properties to No as required"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has one or more of the Insert, Update,
	     and/or Optional properties set to Yes
	     --- the item is not displayed, or the item is an
	     unbound item containing a derived value
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's
	     Insert, Update, and/or Optional properties to No
	     during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03337,2, "Column '%s' is part of the primary key and cannot be updated"
Cause :  The Update flag is set of the item, and the
	     column is part of its table's primary key.  Updateable primary
	     keys are not supported.
Action : If there is a requirement to update primary key columns, consider
	     adding a hidden numeric primary key column derived from a sequence,
	     and create a unique key based on the columns currently in this
	     primary key.

CDG-03338,2, "Registry entry for '%s' not found"
Cause :  The given registry setting is either missing, or
	     has no value defined against it.
Action : This setting should be set up automatically as part of the
	     installation.  If there were problems with the installation then
	     reinstall Oracle Designer. Otherwise contact your Support

CDG-03339,1, "Column defined as Sequence in Parent should be NOT NULL"
Cause :  The column is defined in the Repository as being Autogenerated as
	     Sequence in Parent. It is recommended that the column is made
Action : No action required.

CDG-03340,2, "Preference '%s' not loaded"
Cause :  The specified preference is missing.  It is possible that the
	     Generator has not been installed correctly.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-03341,1, "Syntax error in column derivation expression text: '%s'."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the column derivation expression
	     text.  Parsing of the expression resulted in the specified
	     Oracle error.
Action : If the error is due to a syntax error in the derivation expression
	     text, correct it and generate again.
	     If it is due to database objects not being created in the account
	     (e.g. a table), ensure they are available before the application
	     is run.

CDG-03342,1, "Set the Width property to 255 because maximum supported width exceeded"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that the Width property is
	     greater than the maximum supported width of 255.
	     Therefore, the Generator has used a
	     value of 255 during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03343,1, "Display type of item '%s' not supported.  Defaulted to TEXT"
Cause :  The display type specified is not supported in this release.
	     The display type will be defaulted to TEXT.
Action : Change the display type accordingly.

CDG-03344,1, "First descriptor column is optional"
Cause :  For each module component, one or more of the items should
	     be marked 'Context', indicating that the values in these columns can
	     be used to identify the row.  The first of these columns should be a
	     mandatory column to ensure useful context information.
	     Note: If no items are marked 'Context' Primary Key columns
	     are used instead, together with any columns which are marked
	     as 'descriptors' within the column definition (Descriptor Seq).
Action : Re-assess which items in the component should be marked as
	     Descriptor/Context, and the order in which they appear.

CDG-03345,1, "Maximum length of control name prefix exceeded for control type '%s'"
Cause :  The length of the control name prefix is too long, maximum length
	     is 3 characters.
Action : Decrease the length of the control name prefix for this control type
	     The control name prefix is specified in the Control/Object
	     Definition File.

CDG-03346,1, "Reset Group '%s' not found in any component within this module"
Cause :  This item has a reset level of 'named group' but the
	     reset group defined does not exist in any of the
	     module components that make up this
	     module.  The reset group will be defaulted to be the
	     current group.
Action : Change the property setting to a valid group name.

CDG-03347,1, "Expression type set as none when column %s has derivation text defined"
Cause :  Column has derivation text defined to be generated
	     but the derivation text type is set to none.
Action : Set the derivation text type to either SQL Expression or
	     Function Call

CDG-03348,1, "The client function derivation text references items incorrectly - %s"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-03349,1, "Generator action item not required"
Cause :  A generator action item has been defined against
	     the module component, but (according to the
	     usage flags on the component) an action item of this
	     type is not required.
Action : Review the settings of the usage flags on the component,
	     or consider using a custom action item.

CDG-03350,1, "Set Display property to No because item linked to master is non-updateable"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has been used to link a module component back to
	     a previous component
	     --- the item has the Display property set to Yes
	     --- the item has the Update property set to No
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's
	     Display property to No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03351,1, "Cannot navigate to component '%s'"
Cause :  The layout requirements of components within the module are
	     such that it will not be possible to navigate to the specified
	     component, or any other component in the same window.
	     This is because there are no action items that navigate to the
Action : Add an action item to navigate to the component
	     from an earlier window.

CDG-03352,1, "Suggestion List and/or Dynamic List flags ignored"
Cause :  The column on which this item is based is in a Domain, or has
	     an allowed value defined against it, which defines a
	     range between a low and high limit.  This Domain, or Column,
	     has been marked as either Suggestion List or Soft LOV.
	     Both of these flags will be ignored and the control will be
	     generated to allow values in the range currently defined in the
Action : No action required.

CDG-03353,2, "Multiple ranges, or combination of ranges and discrete values not supported"
Cause :  The list of Allowable Values defined against this item, column,
	     or module argument, contains a number of entries of which one
	     or more is defined as a range.  This combination is not supported.
Action : Redefine the Domain (or list of Allowed Values against the
	     element) as a list of discrete values (with no ranges) or as a
	     single range.  If a combination of ranges and discrete
	     values is required then this could be validated using
	     application logic.

CDG-03354,1, "Item based on column '%s' not created: column is not marked 'Complete'"
Cause :  An item based on the column was not created as the
	     column's complete flag is set to 'No'. Bound items can
	     only be based on complete columns.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03355,1, "Lookup item marked for use in LoV has not been used"
Cause :  The given item forms part of a lookup table usage,
	     and has the 'Include in LoV' usage flag set, but does not have the
	     'Lookup Item' flag set.  The characteristics of the associated
	     foreign key control are such that no list of values has been
	     generated that uses this item.
Action : Ensure that the associated foreign key item is defined with
	     the Insert or Update usage flag set, or that one of the lookup
	     items has the 'Lookup Item' flag set.

CDG-03356,1, "No invocation code has been generated for the navigation item '%s'"
Cause :  There is an action item for navigating to another module via a
	     module network link, where the calling and called modules
	     are of different languages, and no command line has been specified,
	     in order to invoke the called module
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- Manually add the navigation code after generation.
	     --- Make both modules the same language then code will be
	     generated onto the navigation menu item.
	     --- Add the invocation code to the command line of the called

CDG-03357,2, "Recursion found traversing foreign keys between tables '%s' and '%s'"
Cause :  This error can occur when two foreign keys link the same
	     tables with the same columns e.g.
	     FK1 on table A links to table B using columns A:X and B:Y and
	     FK2 on table B links to table A using the same columns i.e.
	     B:Y and A:X
	     This design is not supported.
Action : Remove one of the foreign keys, or create the link between
	     different columns

CDG-03358,2, "Ranges not supported by the requested display type"
Cause :  An inappropriate display type or template/library object is
	     being used to represent a column which is defined to
	     be in a range.
Action : Change the Control Type or template/library object to
	     some other control which supports ranges.

CDG-03359,2, "No column usages within this module unit have been marked as displayed"
Cause :  None of the items defined against this module unit have been
	     marked as displayed.  A generated module unit must contain
	     at least one displayed item.
Action : Set the Display flag on one or more items.

CDG-03360,1, "Name %s is a reserved SQL or PL/SQL word"
Cause :
Action : Change the name.

CDG-03361,2, "Same column '%s' at both ends of foreign key constraint"
Cause :  A foreign key has been defined where the same column
	     is used at both ends of the foreign key.  This design
	     is not supported.
Action : Remove the foreign key.

CDG-03362,1, "No repository element found to map application logic on : '%s'"
Cause :  Application logic has been added against an object in the
	     generated application, which does not map to a
	     Repository element.  This code will be ignored by the
	     Application Logic Recovery.
Action : Change the location of the application logic to the main form,
	     or add  the required control to the 'Property Sheet Dialog' or
	     'Query Dialog' as required.

CDG-03363,1, "Datatype mismatch in columns used in foreign key constraint"
Cause :  The columns at either end of foreign key have different
	     datatypes.  It is good design to use consistent datatypes
	     and maximum sizes across columns used to join tables.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03364,1, "Read-only GUI items not supported"
Cause :  A GUI display type has been specified on the item,
	     and the item's Insert and update flags are unset.
	     The generator does not support read-only GUI items,
	     so a text display type will be used instead.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03365,1, "No help text defined"
Cause :  No Help text is defined for the module element and no substitute
	     text is available. Only a title or heading will appear in the
	     generated help output.
Action : Enter some Help text for the module element and then generate again.
	     If you have not done so already, try setting the 'No Text Entered
	     for Module Component' (DTUNHP) and 'No Text Entered for Item'
	     (DCUNHP) preferences.  These preferences let you make use of other
	     suitable text sources when help text is omitted.
	     If certain items do not have Help text to display, use the
	     'Display Prompts for Items with No Help Text' preference
	     (DCUCAP), to hide any associated heading and then generate the
	     Help again.

CDG-03366,1, "Module '%s' is already included in the menu hierarchy"
Cause :  When building the menu hierarchy from the module network,
	     the same module was found more than once.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03367,1, "No Query Dialog was created for zone '%s' on which to add repository code"
Cause :  A segment of code held in the Repository, has a destination window
	     of type Query Dialog, but no Query Dialog has been created for
	     this zone.  This indicates that the module definition has been
	     modified after this segment of code was loaded or entered into the
Action : No action is required; the segment of code is ignored.

CDG-03368,1, "No PSD was created for zone '%s' on which to add application logic"
Cause :  A segment of code held in the Repository, has a destination window
	     of type Property Sheet Dialog (PSD), but no PSD has been created for
	     this zone. This indicates that the module definition has been
	     modified after this segment of code was loaded or entered into the
	     This may have been caused by changing the zone style.
Action : No action is required; the segment of code will be ignored

CDG-03369,1, "Column '%s' not wide enough to hold username - maximum length is 30"
Cause :  The underlying column of this item is defined as being
	     auto derived as the User who Created/Modified the row,
	     but the maximum length of the column is less than 30
Action : Increase the size of the column to 30 characters.

CDG-03370,2, "Cannot generate module '%s'; it has no language"
Cause :  The given module has no language defined against it.
	     The language of a module must be specified before it
	     can be generated.
Action : Specify the required language against the module definition.

CDG-03371,1, "Parent break group not found; using current break group"
Cause :  The reset level of the item has been set to 'Parent Group',
	     but no parent break group can be found for this item.
	     The reset level will be defaulted to 'Current Group'.
Action : Review the break groups defined in the module against
	     the reset levels being used, and update the module

CDG-03372,2, "Query set must use at least one table"
Cause :  The generator has identified that the query set had no
	     module detail table usages.  This is not allowed as
	     the only purpose for a query set is to define a
	     SQL query within the overall set of queries.
Action : Add a module detail table usage to the query set.

CDG-03373,1, "PL/SQL Block text for item is invalid - %s"
Cause :  The unbound item is typed as a 'Custom', but the
	     associated PL/SQL	text is not in the expected syntax of
Action : Modify the PL/SQL text.

CDG-03374,2, "Cannot generate module '%s'; it is of type MENU"
Cause :  A MENU Module is not a valid module to choose as a start module.
Action : Remove the MENU setting from the module type, if this is
	     appropriate.  Otherwise create a dummy non-MENU
	     module and add this to the top of the module network
	     structure you wish to generate.

CDG-03375,2, "LOV usages must have matching query and data entry settings"
Cause :  The column usages which are used in building a List of Values to
	     populate the given control, do not have consistent data entry
	     (i.e. Insert and/or Update) and query (i.e. Select) usage settings.
	     As the same List of Values form will be used in both cases, the
	     usage flags must be set accordingly.
Action : Modify the data entry and/or select usage settings on the column
	     usage(s) used to populate the control.  These can be set as just
	     data entry, just select, or, if both data entry and select are
	     required, all such usages must have consistent flag settings.

CDG-03376,1, "Master/detail links ignored for Unbound Component"
Cause :  This component is an unbound component which means that it
	     cannot be involved in master/detail links.  Master/detail links were
	     detected and ignored.
Action : Remove any master/detail links for this component

CDG-03377,2, "Name is not a valid name; try '%s'"
Cause :  The name is not a valid name.  A valid name can only include
	     alphanumeric characters, plus underscore.	It also must not begin
	     with a digit.
Action : Amend the name in the Repository.

CDG-03378,2, "Name is too long; maximum of '%s' characters"
Cause :  The name is too long.
Action : Change the name so that it is no longer than the specified size.

CDG-03379,1, "Syntax error in item derivation expression text: '%s'."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the item derivation expression
	     text.  Parsing of the expression resulted in the specified
	     Oracle error.
	     For Web PL/SQL Generator, you will see this message
	     when an unbound item references a Named Routine,
	     because the routine is not visible during generation.
	     You do not need to take any action.
Action : If the error is due to a syntax error in the derivation expression
	     text, correct it and generate again.
	     If it is due to database objects not being created in the account
	     (e.g. a table), ensure they are available before the application
	     is run.

CDG-03380,1, "Unable to resolve all references in the derivation expression '%s'"
Cause :  A circular reference has been detected in the derivation
	     expression. This derived item is used in the derivation of an
	     item from which itself is derived.
Action : Remove the circular reference.

CDG-03381,2, "Failed to find registry setting: '%s'"
Cause :  The given registry setting is either missing, or
	     has no value defined against it.
	     This setting should be defined under a key of the same name.
Action : This setting should be set up automatically as part of the
	     installation. If there were problems with the installation then
	     reinstall Oracle Designer. Otherwise contact your Support

CDG-03382,1, "Unbound item type '%s' is not appropriate for Unbound Component"
Cause :  The unbound item type is not appropriate for unbound components.
	     The item will be ignored.
Action : Remove the item, or change its type to 'Custom' and
	     add the appropriate application logic to maintain its value.

CDG-03383,1, "Set all usage properties to No because component has no base table usage"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- at least one of the module component's
	     usage properties (the Query, Insert, Update, and Delete
	     properties) is set to Yes
	     --- the module component has no base table usage
	     Therefore, the Generator has set all of the module component's
	     usage properties to No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03384,1, "Do not have access rights to query repository object"
Cause :  Select rights have not been granted to the current
	     user for the container that owns the named
	     repository object.
Action : First determine the container that owns
	     the named repository object. This can be
	     done by looking at the 'Owning Folder' property
	     in the property palette for that object.
	     Next, reconnect as a user with Select access
	     rights for this container, or use the
	     Repository Object Navigator to grant the
	     current user Select access rights for this

CDG-03385,1, "Language differs from Save Language; repository definition not updated"
Cause :  This module has been generated as a language
	     different to the module language and therefore
	     cannot be saved in the generated language.
Action : Change the language in the module properties
	     to the language you wish to generate and save in.

CDG-03386,1, "Set the Display Type property to a default value of Text"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that the item's Display Type
	     property is unspecified. Therefore, the Generator has used a
	     default value of Text during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the named property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03387,1, "Missing link items in Master-Detail link"
Cause :  Items in the detail module component required to
	     link to the master are missing, and the generator
	     could not create them.
Action : Add the missing items to the detail module component.

CDG-03388,1, "No caption defined for data entry control"
Cause :  An item has been defined with the Insert/Update flags
	     set and without a prompt. In the generated application the
	     prompt of a data entry control may be required in a validation
	     message, to identify the item if a validation condition fails.
Action : Define an appropriate prompt for the column usage.

CDG-03389,1, "LOV button on '%s' created at co-ordinates (0,0)"
Cause :  The width of the specified item and it's associated
	     LOV button is greater than the width of the generated
	     Form.  When positioning generated controls, the
	     generator will endeavor to position both the LOV
	     button and its associated textbox control on the same
	     line.  The generator could not do this and therefore has
	     created the LOV button, at co-ordinates 0,0 (with
	     respect to it's container), and of size 1 grid unit.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- Decrease the Display Width associated with this item.
	     --- Increase the width of the template form so it can
		 accommodate the generated control and the LOV button
		 on the same line.
	     --- Manually reposition and resize the LOV button in the
		generated application.

CDG-03390,2, "Implementation Name '%s' used by more than one module"
Cause :  More than one module in the chosen network shares the
	     same generated file name. Names of generated files are
	     derived from the module's Implementation Name (or the
	     module's Short Name if an Implementation Name is not provided).
Action : Ensure that all the modules in the module network have
	     a unique Implementation Name. If a module's Implementation
	     Name is not defined, ensure that the Short Name does not
	     clash with the Implementation Name of any other modules
	     in the network.

CDG-03391,1, "Mnemonic character '%s' is also used by a top level template menu item"
Cause :  The specified mnemonic access character has been
	     added to the prompt of the given item, and is also
	     used by a top level menu item on the template form.
	     Mnemonic access characters which are used by
	     top level menu items cannot be shared.
Action : Either remove or change the mnemonic access
	     character on the prompt property of this item.

CDG-03392,1, "Logon to validation user (%s) failed. Using current connection."
Cause :  Logging onto the validation user has failed and so all SQL parsing
	     will be performed using the Repository User connection in use at
	     the time of generation.  This may result in parse errors and
	     warnings which are not relevant.
Action : Correct the specified validation user and generate again.

CDG-03393,2, "Enterable lookups have inconsistent usage flags"
Cause :  This item is populated by more than one lookup item.
	     These lookups do not have identical settings for Insert and/or
Action : Modify the Insert and/or Update settings for the
	     lookup items.

CDG-03394,2, "Dependent items have inconsistent usage flags"
Cause :  This item forms part of a foreign key link and there
	     is an inconsistency between the Insert and/or Update
	     flags with one or more of the enterable items which
	     define the other column(s) in that foreign key.
Action : Modify the Insert and/or Update settings of the
	     dependent controls.

CDG-03395,1, "Syntax error in check constraint condition text: '%s'."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the check constraint condition
	     text.  Parsing of the check constraint condition resulted
	     in the specified Oracle error.
Action : If the error is due to a syntax error in the check constraint
	     text, correct it and generate again.
	     If it is due to database objects not being created in the account
	     (e.g. a table), ensure they are available before the application
	     is run.

CDG-03396,2, "Cannot have multiple enterable items of base column"
Cause :  There are multiple items based on a particular column, more
	     than one of which has Update and/or Insert flags set.
	     This is not supported.
Action : Ensure only one item (based on the given column) has
	     Insert and Update flags set.

CDG-03397,1, "No source foreign key control for enterable lookup"
Cause :  If a lookup is made enterable, a search is made for a foreign key
	     column in an earlier table usage for this lookup to be matched
	     against.  This search resulted in no foreign key item being found.
Action : Add the missing item for the foreign key column.

CDG-03398,2, "List style control not allowed in this context"
Cause :  The display type for the specified item is defined as
	     Pop List or Text List.  This type of control is not supported
	     for foreign key data entry controls where there is more
	     than one enterable lookup defining a single foreign key column,
	     nor where the list of possible values are dependent on the value
	     of another column.
Action : Change the Display Type for the item to 'TEXT'.

CDG-03399,1, "Missing mandatory item '%s' added automatically"
Cause :  A mandatory item was missing from the module
	     component: the generator has automatically
	     added this item.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03400,1, "'Closed loop' of mandatory foreign keys found"
Cause :  A loop of mandatory foreign keys was found.
	     If this is the case then it is impossible to enter the first record.
	     For example if the EMP table has a mandatory foreign key to
	     itself for the manager id then it will be impossible to enter the
	     first record since no manager exists.
Action : Change the model so there is no 'closed loop'
	     of mandatory foreign keys.

CDG-03401,1, "Control type '%s' is not suitable for character values"
Cause :  The item is based on a Character column, but the
	     display type or template/library object indicates that the
	     chosen control type cannot be used to represent
	     character values.
Action : Chose an alternative control type for this item.
	     Note there is a possibility that the Control Definition File is
	     in error.

CDG-03402,1, "Generator Action Items at the window level are not supported"
Cause :  A generator action item has been added to the specified window.
	     Currently the use of this type of action item at the window level
	     is not supported.	This action item has been ignored and will not
	     be generated
Action : Remove the action item from the window

CDG-03403,1, "General syntax error in check constraint condition text."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the check constraint condition
	     text.  Parsing of the check constraint condition resulted
	     in the Oracle error 'FROM keyword not found when
Action : Check the condition text for syntax errors, and correct.

CDG-03404,1, "Display of meaning alongside of code is not supported"
Cause :  The display of meanings alongside the code value is
	     not supported in this release.   The meaning will be shown
	     instead of the code.
Action : To avoid this warning on subsequent generations change the
	     value of the 'Show Meaning' property to 'ALONGSIDE'

CDG-03405,1, "No datatype specified for unbound item."
Cause :  There was no datatype defined for the unbound item;
	     a default value will be assumed.
Action : To avoid this message on future generations enter a datatype
	      for the unbound item.

CDG-03406,2, "Usage Sequence greater than that of Component '%s'"
Cause :  The Module Component has a link to another Module Component
	     with a lesser Usage Sequence in the same module.
	     Such linking is not supported.
Action : Modify the Usage Sequences of one, or both, of the Module
	     Components, such that the link is from the Component with
	     the lesser Usage Sequence to the Component with the
	     higher Usage Sequence.

CDG-03407,2, "No derivation text defined on unbound item"
Cause :  This type of unbound item requires derivation text to
	     define how its value is to be derived.  No such text
	     has been defined.
Action : Add the missing derivation text for the item or change
	     the type of the unbound item to 'CUSTOM'

CDG-03408,1, "Syntax error in item derivation text."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the item derivation
	     text.  The accompanying message(s) detail the nature
	     of the error.
Action : Check the text for syntax errors, and correct.

CDG-03409,1, "General syntax error in the derivation expression text."
Cause :  There is a syntax error in the derivation expression
	     text.  Parsing of the expression resulted in the Oracle
	     error 'FROM keyword not found when expected'.
Action : Check the expression text for syntax errors, and correct.

CDG-03410,2, "Module '%s' not generated; prevent generation flag is set"
Cause :  The prevent generation flag is set to YES so the module
	     cannot be generated.
Action : If you wish to generate the module set the prevent
	     generation flag to NO

CDG-03411,1, "Do not have access rights to update repository object"
Cause :  Update rights have not been granted to the current
	     user for the container that owns the named
	     repository object.
Action : If you require the generator to be able to
	     update the named element, first determine
	     the container that owns the named
	     repository object. This can be done by
	     looking at the 'Owning Folder' property
	     in the property palette for that object.
	     Next, reconnect as a user with Update access
	     rights for this container, or use the
	     Repository Object Navigator to grant the
	     current user Update access rights for this

CDG-03412,2, "Unbound module components not supported"
Cause :  All of the items in this module component are unbound.
	     Generation of module components with no bound items
	     is not supported.
Action : Add table usages / bound items to the module component.

CDG-03413,1, "Module Component language '%s' differs from module language"
Cause :  Mixed language modules are not supported by
	     the generator.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03414,1, "DataSource type '%s' is not supported"
Cause :  The specified datasource type is not supported by
	     the generator.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03415,1, "DataTarget type '%s' is not supported"
Cause :  The specified datatarget type is not supported by
	     the generator.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03416,2, "The display group '%s' does not belong to a break group"
Cause :  The generator requires that all items and display
	     groups are nested within break groups.  This
	     display group has not been created within a
	     break group.
Action : Move the item group so it is part of a break group.

CDG-03417,1, "External links must be to the first module component in the module"
Cause :  The module component is the target (detail) of a
	     key based link sourced from another module.  Any
	     such links may only be defined on the first component
	     within the module.
Action : Remove the key based link, or resequence the
	     module component within the module.

CDG-03418,1, "Missing action item to navigate to '%s'"
Cause :  There is a key based link defined from this component
	     to another component placed on a different window,
	     but there is no action item defined to enable this
Action : No action required.

CDG-03419,2, "Key based link (to '%s') linked from lookup table not supported"
Cause :  There is a key based  link that links to a lookup
	     table usage at the detail end of the link.  This
	     design is not currently supported by the generator.
Action : Ensure that the detail ends of any key based
	     links are linked to base table usages.

CDG-03420,2, "Component contains one or more un-typed table usages"
Cause :  This component contains one or more table usages whose
	     type is unknown.
Action : Use the module diagrammer to specify the types of
	     table usages, and the links between them, prior to

CDG-03421,1, "Unbound item type 'SQL Expression' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'SQL Expression', which is
	     not supported by this generator in this release.  The
	     item will be ignored.
Action : Remove the item, or change its type to 'Custom' and
	     add the appropriate application logic to maintain its value.

CDG-03422,1, "Unbound item type 'SQL Aggregate' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'SQL Aggregate', which is
	     not supported by this generator in this release.  The
	     item will be ignored.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03423,1, "Unbound item type 'Computed' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'Computed', which is
	     not supported by this generator in this release.  The
	     item will be ignored.
Action : Remove the item, or change its type to 'Custom' and
	     add the appropriate application logic to maintain its value.

CDG-03424,1, "Unbound item type 'Client Function' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'Client side function', which is
	     not supported by this generator in this release.  The
	     item will be ignored.
Action : Remove the item, or change its type to 'Custom' and
	     add the appropriate application logic to maintain its value.

CDG-03425,1, "Unbound item type 'Server Function' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'Server side function', which is
	     not supported by this generator in this release.  The
	     item will be ignored.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03426,1, "Unbound item type 'Target Specific' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'Target specific', which is
	     not supported by this generator.  The item will be ignored.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03427,1, "Unbound item type 'Custom' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is 'Custom', which is
	     not supported by this generator.  The item will be ignored.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03428,1, "Unbound item type '%s' not supported"
Cause :  The unbound item type is not supported by this generator.
	     The item will be ignored.
Action : Remove the item, or change its type to one that is supported
	     and add the appropriate application logic
	     to mantain its value. Refer to the help system for more
	     information about supported unbound item types.

CDG-03429,2, "Missing base usage of foreign key column %s"
Cause :  No base table usage was defined for base table column, although
	     lookup control used in foreign key.
Action : Add item to base table usage for the foreign key columns.

CDG-03430,1, "No aggregate function in derivation text '%s'"
Cause :  The unbound item is typed as a SQL Aggregate, but the
	     derivation text does not reference any SQL aggregate
	     functions such as MAX, SUM, etc.
Action : If the item is not required to aggregate the data over
	     multiple rows, use a SQL Expression instead.

CDG-03431,1, "Item reference found in SQL Aggregate derivation text '%s'"
Cause :  One of the column references in the derivation text of the
	     SQL Aggregate item has a corresponding bound item
	     within the module component.  As bound items will
	     participate in the resulting group by, this derivation text
	     may not be correct.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03432,1, "Long item in lookup incompatible with Oracle Objects for OLE"
Cause :  OO4O v2 does not get the rowid (required when retrieving
	     a long) when a complex SQL expression is used i.e. one
	     involving column aliases, or joins across tables.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03433,1, "Incorrect syntax for client function derivation text '%s'"
Cause :  The unbound item is typed as a 'Client Function', but the
	     associated derivation text is not in the expected syntax of
Action : No action required.

CDG-03434,1, "Aggregate functions not allowed in SQL Expression"
Cause :  An aggregate function has been entered in the SQL Expression.
Action : Use a function from the drop down list in the
	     Edit Unbound Item dialog

CDG-03435,1, "Incorrect syntax for server function derivation text '%s'"
Cause :  The unbound item is typed as a 'Server Function', but the
	     associated derivation text is not in the expected syntax of
Action : No action required.

CDG-03436,2, "Detailed table usage %s has no valid linkage"
Cause :  The generator has detected that this detailed table usage
	     has no linkage. This could be because, for example:
	     --- the detailed table usage is not linked to another
	     detailed table usage
	     --- the via join constraint is invalid in some way, for
	     example, the Complete? property of the constraint is
	     set to No. In this case, you will have received a
	     previous message about this
Action : Correct the condition causing the error. For example, create a
	     foreign key link to the base table, or ensure that the Complete?
	     property of the constraint on which the constraint is defined is
	     set to Yes.

CDG-03437,1, "Incorrect syntax for computed item derivation text '%s'"
Cause :  The unbound item is typed as 'Computed', but the
	     associated derivation text is not in the expected syntax of
Action : No action required.

CDG-03438,1, "Checking out repository object for update"
Cause :  The generator required to update certain elements
	     within the named repository object, but the object was
	     found to be checked in. Because the 'Auto Check Out'
	     option has been selected, the object has been checked
	     out automatically so that the updates can still be made.
	     Note: If you launched the generator with the 'Browse/Edit'
	     option, the check out will be reverted along with any other
	     changes made during generation if you select 'Revert
	     Uncommited Data'.
Action : If you do not want the generator to attempt to check
	     out checked in objects, disable the 'Auto Check Out'
	     option in the 'General Settings' options dialog.

CDG-03439,1, "Failed to update repository element"
Cause :  An unknown error occurred when the generator
	     attempted to update the named repository
	     element. This means that no further changes to
	     the current module can be saved.
Action : Reconnect to the repository and try
	     generating the module again.

CDG-03440,1, "Tree walks on non-base table usages not supported"
Cause :  Tree walks are only supported on base table usages
Action : No action required

CDG-03441,1, "Check constraint '%s' has no condition text"
Cause :  The given check constraint is defined in the Repository without
	     any condition text.
Action : Change the constraint definition in the Repository accordingly.

CDG-03442,1, "Constraint '%s' has no key columns"
Cause :  The given constraint has no columns defined in it.
Action : Add key columns to the constraint.

CDG-03443,1, "No derivation text specified"
Cause :  The column has an expression type of either SQL expression
	     or client function but no expression has been entered
	     against the column
Action : Either add an expression or change the expression	type
	     to NULL

CDG-03444,1, "Inconsistency in mandatory values for foreign keys in arc '%s'"
Cause :  A set of foreign keys have been defined as belonging in the
	     same arc, and there is an inconsistency in the setting of the
	     arc mandatory flag across these foreign keys.
Action : Change the foreign key(s) so that the mandatory setting is the same
	     for all keys in the arc.

CDG-03445,1, "Foreign Key Arc number '%s' contains mandatory foreign key"
Cause :  The specified foreign key is defined as being both mandatory and
	     in an arc.  These conditions are mutually exclusive.
Action : Either make the foreign key optional or remove it from the arc.

CDG-03446,1, "Optional constraint '%s' contains mandatory column"
Cause :  You have specified that a unique or foreign key constraint is
	     optional (i.e., may contain all null values), but there is a column
	     within it which is mandatory (ie., cannot contain a null value).
Action : Either, change the unique/foreign key constraint definition to
	     mandatory, or ensure that all columns within the key can contain

CDG-03447,1, "Constraint '%s' contains a LONG/LONG RAW column"
Cause :  A LONG RAW column has been used as part of the
	     constraint.  This is not supported.
Action : Choose an alternative column for the key.

CDG-03448,2, "Name is not a valid Oracle name; try '%s'"
Cause :  The name is not a valid Oracle name.  An Oracle name can only
	     include alphanumeric characters, plus underscore, dollar and
	     hash (_ $ #).  It also must not begin with a digit.
Action : Amend the name in the Repository.

CDG-03449,1, "Set Query, Insert, and Delete properties to Yes because none are set to Yes"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that the module component has none
	     of the listed usage properties set to Yes.
	     Therefore, the Generator has set all of the module component's
	     listed properties to Yes
	     during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03450,1, "Duplicate name. Application will use name %s"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- A reusable component has been included within the
	     same module more than once, or
	     --- A subcomponent name is already used by another
	     To ensure that the application has uniquely named objects
	     the application will use the new name indicated.
Action : To prevent this message appearing, avoid including the
	     same reusable component more than once, and ensure that
	     subcomponent names within components and reusable components
	     do not conflict with each other.

CDG-03451,1, "Set Query property to Yes because no usage properties are set to Yes"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that all of the module component's
	     usage properties (the Query, Insert, Update, and Delete
	     properties) are set to No.
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the module component's
	     Query property to Yes during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03452,1, "Set Update property to No because all items have Update property set to No"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- all of the items in the module component have their
	     Update properties set to No
	     --- the module component has the Update property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the module component's
	     Update property to No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03453,1, "Set Query property to Yes because Update property already set to Yes"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the module component has the Update property set to Yes
	     --- the module component has the Query property set to No
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the module component's
	     Query property to Yes during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03454,1, "Set Query property to Yes because Delete property already set to Yes"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the module component has the Delete property set to Yes
	     --- the module component has the Query property set to No
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the module component's
	     Query property to Yes during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03455,1, "Module unit has no items"
Cause :  The module unit does not have any items.
Action : Check and amend the module unit as required
	     in the Repository.

CDG-03456,1, "Missing change history item '%s'"
Cause :  The change history item was missing from the base table usage
	     and the generator could not add it.
Action : Add the specified item to the base table usage.

CDG-03457,1, "Table '%s' is not of type Oracle"
Cause :  The table being used in this module is not of the Oracle database
	     type.  This release of the Generator only supports Oracle as the
	     target environment.
Action : No action is required.

CDG-03458,1, "Repository element deleted by another user: unable to update"
Cause :  The named element has been deleted by another
	     user since its definition was loaded from the repository into
	     memory. This means that the generator's view of the current
	     module is inconsistent with the repository, and therefore it
	     cannot save further changes until the repository is requeried.
Action : Select the 'Requery All' menu option and try
	     running the generator again. Note that the
	     named element will disappear from the module

CDG-03459,2, "Missing mandatory item '%s'"
Cause :  A mandatory item was missing from the module
	     component; the generator could not add this
Action : Add the mandatory item.

CDG-03460,1, "Validation specified for primary key column ignored"
Cause :  The underlying column of this item is defined as both forming
	     part of a Primary Key, and as being validated against a list of
	     known values.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the database design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     affected.	No action is required.

CDG-03461,1, "Validation specified for foreign key column; validation ignored"
Cause :  The underlying column of this item is defined in the Repository
	     both as being validated against a set of allowed values, and
	     as forming part of a foreign key.	In this situation the list of
	     valid values is ignored.
Action : Modify the column definition in the Repository to remove its
	     allowed values.

CDG-03462,1, "Column datatype '%s' unsuitable for unique id generated column"
Cause :  A LONG column datatype has been specified for a unique id generated
	     column.  This is not supported.
Action : Choose a different data type for the unique id generated column.

CDG-03463,1, "Column datatype '%s' unsuitable for auto-generated column"
Cause :  A LONG column datatype has been specified for an auto-generated
	     column.  This is not supported.
Action : Choose a different data type for the auto-generated column.

CDG-03464,1, "Column datatype '%s' unsuitable for Order By"
Cause :  This item is based on a LONG column datatype and has been specified
	     in an Order By Sequence.
	     This is not supported.
Action : Choose an alternative column for the Order By Sequence.

CDG-03465,1, "Repository element locked by another user: unable to update"
Cause :  The named element is currently locked for update by another
	     user, who may be editing or running a generator or utility on
	     the same element. This means that the generator cannot save
	     further changes to the current module until the element is released
	     by the other user.
Action : Wait until the other user has finished updating
	     the element, then select the 'Requery All' menu
	     option, and try running the generator again.

CDG-03466,1, "Set Insert property to No because item based on derived column"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is based on a column that has been defined as having
	     its value derived
	     --- the item also has the Insert property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's Insert property to
	     No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03467,1, "Set Update property to No because column is in a non-updateable constraint"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is based on a column that forms part of a non-
	     updateable unique or primary key
	     --- the item also has the Update property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's Update property to
	     No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03468,1, "Set Update property to No because column is in non-transferable foreign key"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is based on a column that forms part of a non-
	     transferable foreign key
	     --- the item also has the Update property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's Update property to
	     No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03469,1, "No valid values defined against column to display meaning, defaulting to use"
Cause :  The column the data bound item is based on has no valid
	     values defined or domain specified against it to allow the
	     meaning to be displayed.
Action : Specify valid values against the column the item is based on or
	     specify a domain against the column.  Or set the Repository
	     property 'Show Meaning' to .

CDG-03470,1, "Set Update property to No because module component does not allow updates"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Update property set to Yes
	     --- the module component has the Update property set to No
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's
	     Update property to No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03471,1, "Set Query property to No because module component does not allow queries"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Query property set to Yes
	     --- the module component has the Query property set to No
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's
	     Query property to No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03472,1, "Set Insert property to No because module component does not allow inserts"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Insert property set to Yes
	     --- the module component has the Insert property set to No
	     Therefore, the Generator has set the item's
	     Insert property to No during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03473,1, "Default value '%s' is not one of column's valid values"
Cause :  The default value (specified in the item or against the column)
	     is not one of the valid values defined for the column (either in
	     a domain or against the column).
	     The default value is ignored.
Action : If the default value is valid, add it to the list of valid values.
	     Otherwise, correct it.

CDG-03474,1, "Problem mapping navigation action item"
Cause :  The destination of the navigation action item could not
	     be found.
Action : Check that the navigation action item is specified correctly.

CDG-03475,1, "Repository object checked in: unable to update"
Cause :  The generator has attempted to update one or more
	     elements within the named repository object, but has
	     been unable to, because the object is currently
	     checked in.
	     This means that the generator cannot save further
	     changes to the current module until the appropriate
	     repository object is checked out.
Action : Either activate the 'Auto Check Out' option in the
	     'General Settings' dialog, so that further updates
	     attempted by the generator cause the appropriate
	     repository objects to be checked out automatically,
	     or manually check out the named repository object.

CDG-03476,1, "Item Prompt is invalid - Split Prompt Marker removed"
Cause :  It is not possible to generate with the arrangement of
	     Post Prompt and Split Prompt markers in the item prompt.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03477,2, "Base table usage required"
Cause :  No base table usage was defined.
Action : Add a base table usage.

CDG-03478,2, "The name %s is not permitted for this Developer application"
Cause :  The name of the element conflicts with a reserved name
	     in the Developer application that is being generated.
	     For example, an item  named CURRENCY is not
	     permitted on a Report application as it conflicts with a
	     system parameter that has the same name.
Action : Change the name to one that is not reserved by
	     the Developer application.
	     For example, in the case of an item called
	     CURRENCY in a Report Module, changing the
	     name to REP_CURRENCY creates a valid
	     item name.

CDG-03479,1, "No Start With clause defined against Tree Walk table usage"
Cause :  No Start With clause has been defined against Tree Walk table
	     usage. Note that a Start With cause may still have been added
	     to the generated SQL if a module argument item usage with an
	     operator of type 'START WITH' exists.
Action : Add a Start With clause to the Tree Walk table usage if

CDG-03480,1, "Derivation text '%s' for computed item must start with an aggregate function"
Cause :  The unbound item is typed as 'Computed', but the
	     associated derivation text is not in the expected syntax of
	     'function_name(item_name)' where function name is an
	     aggregate function.
Action : Check that the derivation text has the correct syntax

CDG-03481,1, "Source item in derivation text '%s' for computed item not found"
Cause :  The source item for the derivation text must be in the same
	     module component as the computed item or in a detail
	     module component.
Action : Check that the source item of the derivation text is in the same
	     module component as the computed item or in a detail module

CDG-03482,1, "Allowable values and Domain exist. Using Allowable Values"
Cause :  When an item has some allowable values and also a domain the
	     allowable values are used.
Action : To avoid this warning. Either remove  the allowable values
	     or remove the item/column from the domain.

CDG-03483,1, "Failed to check out repository object for update"
Cause :  The generator required to update certain elements
	     within the named repository object, but the object was
	     found to be checked in. Because the 'Auto Check Out'
	     option has been selected, the generator attempted to
	     check the object out so that the updates could still be
	     made. Unfortunately, the check out was not allowed by
	     the repository.
Action : If you do not want the generator to attempt to check
	     out checked in objects, disable the 'Auto Check Out'
	     option in the 'General Settings' options dialog.
	     If you want to be able to check out the named
	     object, make sure:
	     --- you have the correct access rights on the object
	     --- the object is not already checked out with a lock
	     by another user

CDG-03484,1, "Set the %s property to a default value"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that the named property is
	     invalid or unspecified. Therefore, the Generator has used a
	     default value during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the named property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03485,2, "Inconsistent item datatypes or wrong number of items in query set"
Cause :  Either the query set has a different number of items to the
	     module component, or the items are of different types.
Action : Ensure that the query set has the same number of items
	     as the module component, and that each query set item
	     has the same datatype as its corresponding item in the
	     module component.

CDG-03486,2, "Stacked module component must have parent component in same window"
Cause :  A module component has been defined as 'Stacked', but no parent
	     module component could be found in the same window.
Action : Ensure that both the master and the associated stacked detail zones
	     are placed in the same window, and that a key-based link is defined
	     between them.

CDG-03487,0, "Load Control Definition File"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03488,1, "Missing usage of primary key column '%s' added automatically"
Cause :  The given column is defined in the table's primary
	     key, and there is no item based on this column in
	     the module definition. The generator has automatically
	     created an item based on this column.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03489,0, "Load up Windows Explorer"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03490,0, "Run the WinNT 3.51 Registry"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03491,0, "Run the Win95/ NT 4 Registry"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03492,0, "Load Notepad File"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03493,1, "Domain or valid values on view column must be subset of those on table."
Cause :  A domain or list of valid values has been defined against a view
	     column that includes valid values not allowed on the underlying
	     table column.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03494,1, "No join columns in foreign key link to detail"
Cause :  The foreign key used for the key-based link to the detail
	     has no join columns defined.
Action : Specify the join columns for the foreign key

CDG-03495,1, "Library module '%s' not loaded - incompatible language"
Cause :  The attached library module was not loaded since its language
	     differs from that of the top level module, and it is not a common
Action : No action required.

CDG-03496,1, "Invalid datatype specified for module argument"
Cause :  An invalid datatype was specified for the module argument. The
	     datatype must be numeric, date or character based.
Action : Modify the module argument datatype.

CDG-03497,1, "Hidden properties updated"
Cause :  The Generator attempts to save adjustments
	     to properties that are not maintainable by the user.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment failed, make sure the
	     Generator has access to the named element,
	     and that changes are saved after generation. Note that
	     it is important to save changes to hidden properties.

CDG-03498,1, "Updated Hidden Property '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03499,1, "The Generator saved adjustments to invalid/unspecified properties"
Cause :  The Generator has detected invalid or unspecified properties
	     as detailed below this message.
	     Therefore, the Generator has used
	     default values during generation instead.
	     The Generator has saved the adjustments
	     to bring the module definition into line with the generated output.
Action : No action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the changes to the properties).

CDG-03500,1, "The Generator could not save adjustments to invalid/unspecified properties"
Cause :  The Generator has detected invalid or unspecified properties.
	     Therefore, the Generator has
	     used default values during generation instead.
	     The Generator does not have the
	     necessary access rights to save the adjustments to bring
	     the module definition into line with the generated output.
	     If you have set the Message window options to display
	     Information messages, the invalid or unspecified properties are
	     detailed below this message.
Action : No action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the changes to the properties).
	     If you want the Generator to save the adjustments
	     to bring the module definition into line with the generated output,
	     you must have the
	     necessary access rights to update the properties
	     before running the Generator. Note that the Generator
	     never saves adjustments to elements within
	     reusable module components and reusable LOVs.
	     If you do not want to display the Information messages listing
	     the invalid or unspecified properties, set the Message window
	     options accordingly.

CDG-03501,1, "You can browse/edit the following proposed adjustments to properties"
Cause :  The Generator has detected invalid or unspecified properties
	     as detailed below this message. Therefore, the Generator has
	     used default values during generation instead.
	     The Generator has proposed adjusting the properties to
	     bring the module definition into line with the generated output.
Action : Browse/edit the proposed changes
	     before saving or discarding them.

CDG-03502,1, "Set usage properties to Yes because some items are updateable"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that:
	     --- all of the module component's usage properties
	     (the Query, Insert, Update and Delete properties)
	     are set to No
	     --- the module component contains items which
	     have the Update property set to Yes
	     Therefore, the Generator has set all of the module component's
	     usage properties to Yes during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-03503,1, "Unable to synchronize %s for the following reason: "
Cause :  The Generator was unable to synchronize the specified file for
	     the reason shown.
Action : Rectify the problem and generate the module again.

CDG-03504,0, "Synchronized file %s with repository container %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03505,2, "Dependency global name entry not found for file %s"
Cause :  The specified file is required during generation. However,
	     there is no dependency global name entry for the file
	     in the repository. The global name enables the Generator to
	     locate the provider object for the file in the repository.
Action : The Generator will search for the specified file in the
	     repository directly rather than using dependency information. If
	     you want the Generator to use dependency information,
	     create the dependency global name entry for the
	     specified file by running the Dependency Analyzer on the file.

CDG-03506,2, "No file found in the repository for provider of global name '%s'"
Cause :  The specified file is required during generation. However,
	     there is no provider of the associated dependency global name entry
	     in the repository.
Action : The Generator will search for the specified file in the
	     repository directly rather than using dependency information.
	     If you want the Generator to use dependency information, first
	     run the Dependency Analyzer on those files.

CDG-03507,1, "Folder '%s' is not visible in current workarea"
Cause :  The named repository folder has been specified as a location
	     for files required during generation. However, this repository
	     folder is not visible in the current workarea.
Action : If the specified folder contains files required during generation,
	     change the workarea specification to make the folder visible.

CDG-03508,2, "No folders containing required files are visible in current workarea"
Cause :  None of the repository folders specified as locations for
	     files required during generation are visible in the current
Action : If the specified folders contain files required during generation,
	     change the workarea specification to make the folders visible.

CDG-03509,1, "Placement changed because no 'Right Of' component specified"
Cause :  Module component 'Placement' property set to
	     'Right Of', but no 'Right Of' component has
	     been selected.
Action : Change the placement of the module
	     component to a different placement, or
	     select a suitable 'Right Of' component

CDG-03510,1, "Default window created for module component %s"
Cause :  The generator detected that the module component
	     did not have an associated window specified.
Action : To prevent this message appearing either:
	     --- assign an existing window to this module component, or
	     --- create a new window and attach this module component
	     to it.

CDG-03511,1, "Format mask %s changed to be NLS compliant"
Cause :  The specified format mask contains group or decimal separator
	     characters that could cause problems if used with different NLS
Action : In the format mask, do either or both of the following as
	     --- change all group separator characters to G (e.g. change
	     9,999 to 9G999)
	     --- change all decimal separator characters to D (e.g. change
	     999.99 to 999D99)

CDG-03512,1, "The following files will be synchronized if changes are saved:"
Cause :  The files listed after this message will be synchronized if:
	     --- you specified that you wanted to save changes after generation
	     --- you specified that you wanted to browse/edit changes after
	     generation and you subsequently select Save.
Action : If you specified that you wanted to save changes after generation,
	     the files have been synchronized.
	     If you specified that you wanted to browse/edit changes after
	     generation and you want to synchronize the files, select Save.
	     Note that browse/edit will only be available if other changes have
	     also been proposed during generation.

CDG-03513,1, "The following files will not be synchronized:"
Cause :  You have chosen to upload the files listed after this message.
	     However, you specified that you wanted to revert changes after
	     generation.  Therefore, the files will not be synchronized.
Action : If you do want to synchronize the files, specify that you want
	     to save changes after generation and run the Generator again.

CDG-03514,1, "Join Key item(s) not insertable; those in this lookup not a unique key"
Cause :  The generator has detected that there is a lookup table
	     usage where the table to which it links back (usually
	     the base table) does not have a full set of insertable items
	     for the links columns to the lookup table usage.
	     Additionally, any insertable items from the lookup table
	     usage do not form a complete unique or primary key on
	     the lookup table usage.
	     This can give rise tounexpected results, because the
	     constraint validation code cannot identify a single record
	     from the lookup table usage.
Action : In order to prevent this message being displayed,
	     take one of the following actions:
	     --- Create a new unique key with key columns for all the
	     insertable items from this table.
	     --- Add additional insertable items for the lookup table
	     usage, or ones chained to it, or for columns in the
	     linking table used to join to this table. This ensures that
	     the expected row from the lookup table usage is
	     identified by the validation code built into the application
	     or the server.

CDG-03515,1, "Join Key item(s) not updateable; those in this lookup not a unique key"
Cause :  The generator has detected that there is a lookup table
	     usage where the table to which it links back (usually
	     the base table) does not have a full set ofupdateable items
	     for the links columns to the lookup table usage.
	     Additionally, any updateable items from the lookup table
	     usage do not form a complete unique or primary key on
	     the lookup table usage.
	     This can give rise tounexpected results, because the
	     constraint validation code cannot identify a single record
	     from the lookup table usage.
Action : In order to prevent this message being displayed,
	     take one of the following actions:
	     --- Create a new unique key with key columns for all the
	     updateable items from this table.
	     --- Add additional updateable items for the lookup table
	     usage, or ones chained to it, or for columns in the
	     linking table used to join to this table. This ensures that
	     the expected row from the lookup table usage is
	     identified by the validation code built into the application
	     or the server.

CDG-03516,2, "This module contains or references an object outside of the current workarea"
Cause :  An object used by this module refers to an object
	     outside of the workarea.  For example, there may
	     be a bound item based on a column that doesn't
	     exist in this workarea.
Action : Use the 'External References' utility to include
	     any referenced objects outside of the current

CDG-03517,1, "Module Argument doesn't have any usages set against it"
Cause :  The generator has detected that the
	     specified module argument is defined in
	     the repository for this module, but it doesn't
	     have any module argument usages set
	     against it.
Action : Create a module argument usage on the tab under
	     the specified module argument definition.

CDG-03522,0, "Initialising Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03527,0, "Dom - Building Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03528,0, "Dom - Building Window"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03529,0, "Dom - Building Module Component"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03531,0, "CG_PSD_APPLY"
Cause :
Action :
/ 03601 .. 03700 VBGen and Design Recovery Error/Warnings

CDG-03601,2, "File '%s'"
Cause :  This message indicates the file and position at which the
	     preceding error occurred.
Action : Try to load the application into the Visual Basic designer
	     to ensure that the file does not contain any corrupt

CDG-03602,2, "Unexpected end of file found when reading Visual Basic Form file."
Cause :  End of File found, but not expected during the load of a Visual
	     Basic Form file.
Action : The following error message will give the file name and
	     location of the problem. Ensure that the given file can be
	     loaded into the Visual Basic designer before attempting to
	     use it again. If it does load into the Visual Basic designer
	     without any errors being reported, contact your Customer Support

CDG-03603,2, "Missing OK/Cancel/Close buttons in template Property Sheet Dialog Form '%s'"
Cause :  One of the OK/Cancel or Close buttons is missing from the form being
	     used the template for a Property Sheet Dialog.
Action : Add the missing button(s).  Note that these buttons are identified
	     via the Tag property values:
	     --- CG_PSD_OK  (OK button)
	     --- CG_PSD_CANCEL	(Cancel button)
	     --- CG_PSD_CLOSE  (Close button)

CDG-03604,2, "Missing ListBox control in template List style Zone '%s'"
Cause :  The template zone for a LIST style zone must include a ListBox
	     for displaying the set of records (tag CG_ZN_LIST).  This template
	     control is missing.
Action : Add the required control to the template zone.

CDG-03605,2, "Missing OK/Cancel buttons in template Query Dialog Form '%s'"
Cause :  One of the OK/Cancel buttons is missing from the form being
	     used as the template for a Query Dialog.
Action : Add the missing buttons.  Note that these buttons are identified
	     via the Tag property values:
	     --- CG_QD_OK  (OK button)
	     --- CG_QD_CANCEL  (Cancel button)

CDG-03606,2, "Missing ListBox/Status control(s) in template Form style Zone '%s'"
Cause :  The template zone for a FORM style zone must include a ListBox
	     for displaying multiple records (tag CG_ZN_LIST) and a label for
	     displaying the record status (tag CG_REC_STATUS).
	     One or both of these template controls are missing.
Action : Add the required controls to the template zone.

CDG-03608,1, "No navigation control created for call to '%s'"
Cause :  There is a module network link to the given module, but no control
	     has been created to implement the link.  The template form used as
	     the basis of the first window should contain menu items as named
	     by the TFMNMN and TFMNZC preferences.  Menu items will then be
	     generated against these menus to implement the module network links.
Action : Add the appropriate menu items to the template form.

CDG-03609,2, "Failed to load template project '%s'"
Cause :  The template project could not be loaded successfully.  This
	     message should be accompanied by another message indicating the
	     cause of failure.
Action : Examine the accompanying message to find out why the load

CDG-03610,2, "Unsupported Tab control in template form '%s'"
Cause :  The Tab control in the template project is not supported.
Action : Use the template tab control that is shipped with the generator.

CDG-03611,2, "Failed to load merge project '%s'"
Cause :  The accompanying error message will indicate why the file could
	     not be loaded.
Action : Resolve the error indicated by the previous message before
	     trying to generate again.

CDG-03612,1, "Didn't generate the first module."
Cause :  The first module failed to generate for the reason(s) previously
	     given. However, since the first module could not be generated, the
	     project file was not created.
Action : Make the necessary change to the first module to remove the
	     situation that caused the error and then re-generate the module.

CDG-03613,1, "Did not generate the module."
Cause :  The module failed to generate for the reason(s) previously
	     given. Therefore the project file was not created as well.
Action : Make the necessary change to the first module to remove the
	     situation that caused the error and then re-generate the module.

CDG-03614,2, "The project file '%s' has NOT been created."
Cause :  The project file for the generated application has not been
	     created for the reasons given previously.
Action : Correct the problems that have caused the errors, and re-run
	     the generator.

CDG-03615,2, "Form '%s' has been saved using an older version of Visual Basic"
Cause :  The Generator has tried to load the given form during the
	     generation process. However, it was saved using a version of
	     Visual Basic prior to Version 4.00.
Action : Take the given form and upgrade it to Visual Basic Version
	     4.00 or 5.00.  This can simply be done by loading it into
	     the Visual Basic designer and re-saving the form.

CDG-03616,2, "File '%s' does not contain a Visual Basic form definition"
Cause :  When loading a Visual Basic project, an attempt was made to load
	     the associated Forms for the project. However, when loading the
	     Form, it was found NOT to contain a Form definition. For some
	     the project file has become corrupted.
Action : The project file needs to be corrected before another attempt to use
	     it is made. Therefore, try to load the Project into Visual
	     Basic since it will perform any necessary actions in order to
	     correct your corrupted project.

CDG-03617,2, "Unexpected data found during load of VB file"
Cause :  An unexpected entry was found during the load of a VB file.  This
	     may possibly be due to a corrupt file.
Action : Ensure that the file has been saved from VB in text format and
	     that it can be loaded successfully into Visual Basic.

CDG-03618,2, "Expected '%s'"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-03619,2, "Found '%s'"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-03620,2, "Failed to find any suitable forms in project '%s'"
Cause :  The Recover Application Logic Utility failed to find any suitable
	     forms in the given project.  This may be caused by the deletion
	     of the forms generated from the module we are currently trying
	     to recover.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03621,2, "Failed to load project to capture: '%s'"
Cause :  The given project could not be loaded.  The accompanying
	     error message will indicate why the file could not be loaded.
Action : Resolve the error indicated by the previous message before
	     trying to capture the project again.

CDG-03622,1, "Could not find definition for '%s'"
Cause :  When recovering the Visual Basic application the control type
	     definition was required to determine how to recovery the control.
	     No entry for this control was found in the control definition file.
Action : If the default settings are not appropriate, then a definition
	     for the control type will need to be specified in the control
	     definition file.

CDG-03623,2, "Cannot capture project '%s' since it has no Forms"
Cause :  The given project did not contain any Visual Basic Forms. Since
	     the design information that is capture into the Repository is
	     derived from the details of a Form definition, the given
	     project is unsuitable for capturing.
Action : Either select a project which contains Forms that can be captured
	     or supplement the given project with the Forms that are required
	     to be captured.
/ 03701 .. 03800 WSGen Errors/Warnings

CDG-03701,1, "Formatting '%s' not incorporated in generated application"
Cause :  One or more items within a module component have
	     the Formatting property defined. However, the formatting
	     will not appear within the generated application for the
	     following reasons:
	     --- a View Form has not been generated because the module
	       component is query-only, the Layout Style is List and
	       all the column usages are marked 'Context'. Also, if the module
	       component has any details, hyperlinks to the detail module
	       component have been incorporated within the Record List
	       using the Add Detail Hyperlinks to Record List preference
	     --- the Apply HTML Formatting preference (ZONLHF) is set to
	       No, indicating that any HTML formatting defined against
	       items should not be applied in the Record List.
	     Note: Setting the Display Type to 'IMAGE' is equivalent to
		      setting the Formatting property to 'IMAGE'.
Action : Depending on your requirements, do one of the following:
	     --- To display HTML formatting in the Record List, set the
		ZONLHF preference to Yes.
	     --- To display column usages with HTML formatting on a
		View Form, uncheck the 'Context' flag on one or more
		of the column usage(s).
	     --- To remove unwanted HTML formatting, clear the Formatting
		property on the column usage(s).

CDG-03702,1, "No List of Values created on Query Form"
Cause :  List Of Values are only supported in the Query form if the
	     LOV Style preference is 'WINDOW', or if, in the case of a
	     List/Form style module component, the Query form is not
	     on its own page.
Action : If you require List of Values in the Query Form, either modify
	     the preference LOVSTL to 'WINDOW', or, if the module
	     component is List/Form style, make sure the Query Form
	     is not on its own page.

CDG-03703,2, "No template frameset file specified"
Cause :  The Module Component is of List/Form Style, and the User Preference
	     LFCUST indicates that a custom frameset is being used.  However,
	     the template file for the custom frameset has not been defined.
Action : Specify a valid filename, including directory path, for the
	     frameset template file.

CDG-03704,1, "Combination of Module Implementation Name and DTU Alias too long"
Cause :  The module's Implementation Name and table usage Alias
	     are combined (with a separating character $) to name
	     generated packages.  The maximum length of a package name
	     is 30 characters and this has been exceeded.
	     The package name is truncated to 30 characters. However,
	     if the truncated name is not unique an error may occur when
	     the generated PL/SQL packages are installed.
Action : If the truncation causes a clash of package names,
	     reduce the length of the Table Usage name and/or the module
	     Implementation Name such that the generated package
	     name does not exceed 30 characters. Then, generate the
	     module again.
	     Otherwise, no action is required. However, reducing the
	     length of the Table Usage Name will prevent this warning from
	     being issued in the future.
	     Note:  Remember, if the module Implementation Name is
		      not defined the Short Name is used instead.

CDG-03705,1, "Null or invalid frame defined in user preference.  Assuming %s"
Cause :  A valid frame name has not been specified for the given user
Action : If the given default is not acceptable, enter the required frame
	     name for the given preference via the Preferences Navigator.

CDG-03706,1, "Preference ZONLTC ignored: only one record will be displayed per line"
Cause :  The module component contains break groups or
	     computed items. Only one record can be displayed
	     per row on the record list.
Action : No action is required.

CDG-03707,1, "Invalid syntax in User Help Text or Page Text for %s"
Cause :  Text defined within User Help Text (Startup Page, About Page)
	     or, Page Text (Query Form, Record List, View Form, Insert Form
	     or Delete Form) may contain a PL/SQL function call with a
	     syntax error. If an error is present, it will prevent successful
	     installation of the generated application.
Action : Check the syntax of the embedded PL/SQL function call
	     and ensure that all the custom packages defined within the
	     Package List Preference (PKGLST) are installed correctly.
	     Then, generate the module again.

CDG-03708,1, "Invalid color value specified for preference '%s'."
Cause :  The color value specified for the given preference is not a valid
Action : Enter a valid color value for the preference specified
	     and generate the module again.
	     Color values should be defined as XXYYZZ where:
	     --- XX is a hexadecimal value from 00 to FF for the degree
		of the red color component
	     --- YY for the green component
	     --- ZZ for the blue component.
	     For example, FFC000 (Yellow), 000080 (Dark Blue).

CDG-03709,1, "Unknown token '%s' in preference value ZONLBD"
Cause :  The value specified for the Record List Button Display Order
	     preference (ZONLBD) contains a token that is not recognized.
	     Therefore, the custom Record List buttons set you have defined
	     cannot be displayed correctly i.e. unrecognized tokens are ignored.
Action : Modify the ZONLBD preference, ensuring that the value
	     defined contains valid tokens separated by a full stop.
	     Valid tokens are:
	     --- P = Previous button
	     --- F = First button
	     --- N = Next button
	     --- L = Last button
	     --- R = Requery button
	     --- C = Count button
	     --- / = newline
	     For example, P.F./.N.L

CDG-03710,1, "Invalid syntax in preference %s"
Cause :  The preference specified was found to contain a PL/SQL
	     function call with a syntax error. This error will prevent
	     successful installation of the generated application.
Action : Check the syntax of the PL/SQL function call within this
	     preference and ensure that all the custom packages
	     defined within the Package List Preference (PKGLST)
	     are installed correctly. Then, generate the module again.

CDG-03711,1, "Cannot use Form style for this module component."
Cause :  The Layout Style for the module component
	     has been defined as 'Form' but this style is only
	     permitted when the module component is query-only.
	     The module component is generated using the 'List'
	     Layout Style instead.
Action : If the module component should be query-only, uncheck the
	     'Insert' or 'Update' flags on all the items and
	     generate the module again.
	     Otherwise, no action is necessary as the 'List' Layout
	     Style is used instead. However, to avoid this message being
	     issued again change the Layout Style to 'List', or
	     'Frames' if preferred.

CDG-03712,1, "Client-side validation code not generated for Check Constraint '%s"
Cause :  The check constraint contains one or more SQL commands
	     that cannot be translated into JavaScript by Web PL/SQL
	     Generator.  As a result, the check constraint cannot be
	     enforced on the client Browser using JavaScript.
	     If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Server or
	     Both, the check constraint will still be enforced on the
	     server using generated Server API code.
	     However, if the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is
	     Client, the check constraint will not be enforced.
Action : If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Both,
	     no action required. However, to avoid this message
	     being issued again change the 'Validate In' property
	     of the check constraint to 'Server'.
	     If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Client,
	     change the 'Validate In' property of the check constraint
	     to 'Server' and then run DDL Generator to add the
	     constraint to the table. Then, re-run the Server API
	     Generator to add the error message handling.

CDG-03713,1, "Cannot use this column as a hyperlink from the Record List"
Cause :  This column usage is used in the Record List to navigate to
	     a View Form, detail module component, or called module.
	     However, the column usage also has a Formatting property
	     that makes it an active link (e.g. MAILTO or URL).
Action : If Formatting is not required in the Record List, set the
	     Apply HTML Formatting preference (ZONLHF) to 'NO'.
	     Alternatively, remove the column usage from the Record List
	      by unchecking its 'Context' flag.

CDG-03714,1, "Client-side derivation code not generated %s"
Cause :  The Derivation Expression contains one or more SQL
	     commands that cannot be translated into JavaScript
	     by Web PL/SQL Generator.
	     As a result, JavaScript code cannot be used to calculate
	     and display the derived value dynamically during data
	     entry i.e. on the client Browser. However the Derivation
	     Expression will be performed on the server each time the
	     record is refreshed, using generated Server API code.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03715,1, "Client-side derivation code not generated for Item with Formatting property"
Cause :  The item has a 'Formatting' property defined,
	     which can only be applied to read-only text. As a result,
	     JavaScript code cannot be used to calculate and display
	     the derived value dynamically i.e. on the client Browser.
	     However, the Derivation Expression will be performed
	     on the server each time the record is refreshed, using
	     generated Server API code.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03716,1, "Client-side derivation code not generated on the Insert Form"
Cause :  One or more of the columns from which this item
	     is derived do not appear as enterable fields on the Insert Form.
	     As a result, JavaScript code cannot be used to calculate
	     and display the derived value dynamically during data entry
	     i.e. on the client Browser.
	     However, the Derivation Expression will be performed
	     on the server when the inserted record is refreshed,
	     using generated Server API code.
Action : For client-side validation to take place, ensure that
	     items are created for all of the columns
	     referenced within the Derivation Expression and that
	     they all appear on the Insert Form i.e. marked 'Ins'.
	     Then, generate the module again.
	     Otherwise, no action required.

CDG-03717,1, "Client-side derivation code not generated on the View Form"
Cause :  One or more of the columns from which this item
	     is derived do not appear as enterable fields on the View Form.
	     As a result, JavaScript code cannot be used to calculate
	     and display the derived value dynamically during data entry
	      i.e. on the client Browser.
	     However, the Derivation Expression will be performed on the
	     server when the record is refreshed, using generated
	     Server API code.
Action : For client-side validation to take place, ensure that
	     items are created for all of the columns
	     referenced within the Derivation Expression and that
	     they are all modifiable on the View Form i.e. marked 'Upd'.
	     Then, generate the module again.
	     Otherwise, no action required.

CDG-03718,1, "No client-side code generated in the Insert Form for Check Constraint '%s'"
Cause :  The check constraint contains one or more columns
	     that do not appear as enterable fields on the Insert Form.
	     As a result the check constraint cannot be enforced
	     on the client Browser, using JavaScript.
	     If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Server or
	     Both, then the check constraint will still be enforced on the
	     server, using generated Server API code.
	     If, however, the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is
	     Client, then the check constraint will not be enforced.
Action : For the check constraint to be enforced on the client,
	     ensure that items are created for all of the
	     columns referenced within the check constraint and
	     that they all appear on the Insert Form i.e. marked 'Ins'.
	     Then, generate the module again.
	     Alternatively, change the 'Validate In' property of the
	     check constraint to 'Server', and then run DDL Generator
	     to add the constraint to the table. Then re-run the Server API
	     Generator to add the error message handling.
	     Otherwise, no action required. However, to avoid this
	     message being issued again change the 'Validate In' property
	     of the check constraint from 'Both' to 'Server'.

CDG-03719,1, "No client-side code generated in the View Form for Check Constraint '%s'"
Cause :  The check constraint contains one or more columns
	     that do not appear as enterable field on the View Form.
	     As a result the check constraint cannot be enforced
	     on the client Browser, using JavaScript.
	     If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Server or
	     Both, then the check constraint will still be enforced on the
	     server, using generated Server API code.
	     If, however, the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is
	     Client, then the check constraint will not be enforced.
Action : For the check constraint to be enforced on the client,
	     ensure that items are created for all of the
	     columns referenced within the check constraint and
	     that they all appear on the View Form i.e. marked 'Upd'.
	     Then, generate the module again.
	     Alternatively, change the 'Validate In' property of the
	     check constraint to 'Server', and then run DDL Generator
	     to add the constraint to the table. Then re-run the Server API
	     Generator to add the error message handling.
	     Otherwise, no action required. However, to avoid this
	     message being issued again change the 'Validate In' property
	     of the check constraint from 'Both' to 'Server'.

CDG-03720,1, "Format mask '%s' ignored on data entry control"
Cause :  The format mask on this control cannot be used for data
	     entry and so will be ignored.
	     Note that the Roman Numeral format mask (RN) is not supported.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03721,1, "Query loses primary key information. No link to view form created."
Cause :  The query generated for the module component
	     includes a SELECT DISTINCT or a UNION, or the
	     module component is an MRSA. A row returned by
	     the query does not map directly onto a row in the
	     base table, therefore a link to the view form will not
	     be created from the record list.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03722,1, "Password missing from database user"
Cause :  A database user has been specified in the Generator
	     Options dialog but no password was supplied. The
	     generator may require this password to log on to the
	     database during generation.
Action : Add the password to the dialog box after the user name
	     (e.g. scott/tiger).

CDG-03723,2, "Cannot generate Matrix style module"
Cause :  The module contains a module component with more than one master.
	     This is not supported by Web PL/SQL Generator.
Action : Redesign the module such that no module component has more than
	     one master.

CDG-03724,1, "Suggestion Lists not supported"
Cause :  The specified item has a list of allowed values
	     which are marked as being a 'Suggestion List'.
	     Suggested lists of values are not supported by Web PL/SQL Generator.
	     The item is generated as an text box,
	     with no suggested values.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03725,1, "Invalid syntax in Formatting property: '%s'"
Cause :  The Formatting property of the specified item
	     contains an invalid PL/SQL function call.
Action : Correct the syntax defined within the Formatting property
	     and then generate the module again.

CDG-03726,2, "Implementation name '%s' not allowed"
Cause :  The specified Implementation name is not allowed in order to prevent
	     possible name clashes with Server API and Oracle Designer
	     Repository Management packages.
Action : Change the Implementation name.

CDG-03727,2, "JavaScript routine inappropriate at module level"
Cause :  JavaScipt named routines at module level
	     are not supported by the Web PL/SQL Generator.
Action : Write the routine in PL/SQL.

CDG-03728,1, "Client-side Derivation code not generated for date/time columns"
Cause :  One or more of the columns from which this item
	     is derived, have a Date or Time Datatype that cannot be
	     translated to JavaScript by Web PL/SQL Generator.
	     As a result, the derivation expression cannot be performed
	     using JavaScript on the client Browser.
	     However the derivation expression will still be performed
	     on the server each time the record is refreshed, using
	     generated Server API code.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03729,1, "No client-side code generated for date/time columns in Check Constraint '%s'"
Cause :  One or more of the columns in the check constraint have a
	     Date or Time Datatype that cannot be translated to JavaScript
	     by Web PL/SQL Generator. As a result, the check constraint
	     cannot be enforced using JavaScript on the client Browser.
	     If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Server or
	     Both, the check constraint will still be enforced on the
	     server using generated Server API code.
	     However, if the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is
	     Client, the check constraint will not be enforced.
Action : If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Both,
	     no action required. However, to avoid this message
	     being issued again change the 'Validate In' property
	     of the check constraint to 'Server'.
	     If the 'Validate In' property of the constraint is Client,
	     change the 'Validate In' property to 'Server' and then run
	     the DDL Generator to add the constraint to the table.
	     Then re-run the Server API Generator to add the
	     error message handling.

CDG-03730,2, "Named Routines are inappropriate at item level"
Cause :  The routine can be written in JavaScript or PLSQL at
	     module component level
Action : The named routine can be written in either PLSQL
	     or JavaScript at Module Component level.

CDG-03731,1, "Formatting '%s' not applied to data entry control(s)"
Cause :  The Formatting property has been defined for an item
	     which allows insert and/or update operations.
	     Additional HTML formatting can only be applied to read-only
	     text fields and therefore this property is ignored when the
	     associated form element is generated.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03732,1, "Server API package for table '%s' not installed"
Cause :  This module component requires the specified Server API
	     package in order to perform Database Manipulation on the
	     base table. Installation will fail as it cannot be found.
Action : First, check the Install User defined on the Options Tab
	     of the Generate Web PL/SQL dialog is correct. Then, generate
	     and install the Server API packages for the tables associated
	     with this module component.
	     Finally, re-install the generated Web  PL/SQL package(s).

CDG-03733,1, "Called module '%s' not installed"
Cause :  This module component has a hyperlink to a module and the
	     number of rows returned from that module is being displayed
	     within the hyperlink (controlled by the preference ZONLRL).
	     However, the called module has not been generated or installed yet,
	     hence the installation of the current module will fail.
Action : Generate and install the called module.
	     Alternatively, generate the current module with the
	     'Include the Module Network' check box set.

CDG-03734,1, "All records will be displayed on one page on the record list"
Cause :  Break groups or computed items have been defined
	     in the module, so all records will be displayed on one
	     page on the record list. Multiple page record lists are
	     not supported in conjunction with break groups or
	     computed items.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03735,2, "Subcomponent must have the same base table as Module Component %s"
Cause :  The subcomponent on which the error has been raised does not have
	     the same base table as the module component of which it is part.
Action : Modify the subcomponent to have the same base table as
	     the module component that it forms part of.

CDG-03736,1, "Subcomponent item renamed to %s"
Cause :  The original name of the item from a subcomponent conflicts with the
	     name of an item from the parent module component or one of the
	     other subcomponents for the same module component.
Action : Rename the item to have a unique name within all the subcomponents
	     of the module component and the module component itself.
	     Remember to rename any references to the item in expressions,
	     SQL clauses or application logic.

CDG-03737,1, "Inappropriate SQL clause requested. Using %s"
Cause :  The SQL clause property defined would lead to an error when
	     the application is run. The named clause will be used to avoid
	     the problem.
Action : Either change the SQL clause specified to the one suggested
	     or change it back to Default.

CDG-03738,1, "PRIOR not allowed in HAVING clauses"
Cause :  A reference to the keyword PRIOR was found in the join
	     condition as well as a reference to a SQL Aggregate item.
Action : Modify the join condition so as not to mix SQL Aggregates and
	     the keyword PRIOR.

CDG-03739,1, "PRIOR is only allowed when the component has a treewalk"
Cause :  A reference to the keyword PRIOR was found in the join condition,
	     but the component does not use a treewalk construct within its SQL
Action : Modify the join condition to remove the keyword PRIOR, or add a
	     treewalking constraint to the BASE table's usage.

CDG-03740,1, "Domain Constraint has no meaningful WHERE clause"
Cause :  The domain constraint has no WHERE clause defined for it.
Action : Add a WHERE clause to the domain constraint or use a foreign
	     key constraint.

CDG-03741,2, "Unknown token '%s' in preference value AILFRM"
Cause :  The value specified for the AILFRM (Forms To Display Action
	     Item On) preference contains a token that is not recognized.
	     Unrecognized tokens are ignored, therefore the action item is only
	     displayed on the forms specified by correct values entered for
Action : Modify the AILFRM preference and make sure that the value
	     you define contains valid values separated by a full stop.
	     Valid values are: S = Startup Page, Q = Query Form, R = Record List
	     V = View Form, I = Insert Form.
	     For example, S.Q.I

CDG-03742,2, "No custom code defined for this action item"
Cause :  A custom action item has been defined but the "OnClick" JavaScript
	     event has not been selected against it, and so the action item is
	     Therefore the action item has not been generated.
Action : Select the "OnClick" event for this action item and generate the
	     module again.

CDG-03743,2, "Can only navigate master to detail from master view form"
Cause :  The action item will only be displayed on the View Form in
	     the generated module.
	     This is because when navigating to a detail module component
	     from its master, you can only do this from the master's view form.
	     Therefore, regardless of the value entered for preference AILFRM,
	     the action item will only be displayed on the view form.
Action : You can either:
	     --- set AILFRM to V to avoid seeing this message.
	     --- change the target of the action item to reference another
	     module, or a  module  component which is not a detail
	     module component.

CDG-03744,2, "The two validating structures %s are mutually dependent"
Cause :  The structure created to validate either an LOV or a Foreign
	     Key has a dependency on another validating structure which
	     is itself dependent on the first one.
Action : From the name of the validation structures the actual objects
	     that cause the mutually dependency can be found.  Examine
	     these and adjust their definitions to remove the mutual
	     An example is two LOVs which each have a reference in their
	     SQL to an item sourced from the other LOV.  If both these LOVs
	     are used for validation then it is impossible to know which
	     one to validate first.

CDG-03745,1, "Displayed but non-updatable item populated by LOV"
Cause :  A non-updatable item that is displayed on the View Form
	     is populated by an LOV. This may be undesirable for two
	     --- The base item shown on the form will not necessarily
	     reflect the value that is to be entered into the database,
	     since the LOV will not be able to update this field on the form.
	     --- Any LOV that is dependent on this item will use the initial,
	     displayed value as the dependent value and not a value
	     that reflects what may have been chosen using an LOV.
Action : Consider changing the flags on this item to be either non-displayed
	     or updatable.

CDG-03746,2, "Dependent item %s is not available"
Cause :  The generator has detected that a SQL clause, other than
	     RESTRICT WHERE CLAUSE, of a module component
	     or list of values has made a reference to this item but the
	     item is not available when creating or updating a record,
	     and no means of obtaining a value for this item could be found.
	     This could be caused by one of the following:
	     CLAUSE or CONNECT BY CLAUSE on a Module Detail Table
	     Usage makes reference to the item.
	     --- Property WHERE CLAUSE on a Domain Constraint makes
	     reference to the item.
	     --- There is a Module Argument Usage for the item.
	     --- An unbound item in an LOV refers to the item.
Action : Remove the reference to the item from the clause(s) in
	     which it appears.

CDG-03747,2, "Subcomponent item renamed to %s"
Cause :  The original name of the item from a subcomponent conflicts with the
	     name of an item from the parent module component, or one of the
	     other subcomponents for the same module component.
Action : Rename the item to have a unique name within all the subcomponents
	     of the module component and the module component itself.  Remember
	     to rename any references to the item in expressions, SQL clauses or
	     application logic.

CDG-03748,2, "Change SQL clause because original SQL clause was inappropriate. Using %s"
Cause :  The Generator has detected that the original SQL clause
	     property would lead to an error when the application is run.
	     Therefore, the Generator has used the specified clause
	     during generation instead.
	     The Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (the Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (the Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: If you do not want to use the specified SQL clause, set the
	     property to Default.

CDG-03749,2, "PRIOR not allowed in HAVING clauses"
Cause :  A reference to the keyword PRIOR was found in the join condition
	     as well as a reference to a SQL Aggregate item.
Action : Modify the join condition so as not to mix SQL Aggregates and the
	     keyword PRIOR.

CDG-03750,2, "PRIOR is only allowed when the component has a treewalk"
Cause :  A reference to the keyword PRIOR was found in the join condition
	     but the component does not use a treewalk construct within its SQL
Action : Modify the join condition to remove the keyword PRIOR, or add
	     a treewalking constraint to the BASE table's usage.

CDG-03751,2, "Domain Constraint has no meaningful WHERE clause"
Cause :  The domain constraint has no WHERE clause defined for it.
Action : Add a WHERE clause to the domain constrain, or use a foreign key

CDG-03752,2, "Unmatch return item: %s Item will be ignored"
Cause :  The return list you entered on the LOV Inclusion had an unmatch
	     item entry in it around the given string
Action : Correct the mistake in the string.

CDG-03753,2, "Subcomponent must have the same base table as Module Component %s"
Cause :  The subcomponent on which the error has been raised does not
	     have the same base table as the module component of which it
	     forms part.
Action : Modify the subcomponent to have the same base table as the
	     module component of which it forms part.

CDG-03754,2, "Item not found: %s Item will be ignored"
Cause :  The return list you entered on the LOV Inclusion had a
	     reference to an item that could not be found.  When no
	     item can be found from the LOV module unit, the item
	     names from both sides of the "=" will be shown.
Action : Correct the mistake in the string.

CDG-03755,2, "No return items found"
Cause :  The return list you entered on the LOV Inclusion had no valid
	     pairs of items on it.
Action : Either clear the list completely so that default return list
	     items will be created, or enter valid pairs of items.
	     The correct syntax is:

CDG-03756,2, "Item data types differ. %s"
Cause :  The return item pair from the return list you entered, or a
	     defaulted pair, were found to have different data types.
	     That is, the item being returned does not have the same
	     data type as the receiving item.
Action : Either apply an appropriate data type conversion function to
	     the item from the LOV, or change the item being returned or
	     returned into.

CDG-03757,2, "Item %s can not be referenced outside its containing component"
Cause :  A reference was made to the named item from an expression
	     not in the same scope as the item. For example, in a PL/SQL
	     Web Generator module, LOVs may only make references to
	     items from themselves and the component to which they are
Action : Modify the expression text to remove the incorrect reference.

CDG-03758,2, "Reference to column %s prevents inclusion in the LOV query"
Cause :  A SQL clause, such as the "WHERE Clause of Query", on a module
	     detail table usage made reference to a column which has no
	     corresponding item.  When an attempt was made to merge this
	     clause into the List Of Values query, this reference could not be
	     resolved to a column reference from the List Of Values query.
Action : Modify the expression text to remove the incorrect reference, or
	     add a bound item to the module component for this column.

CDG-03759,2, "Range qualifier specified but no range available for item %s"
Cause :  In the return list of an LOV a range qualifier was specified, such
	     as MC1.DEPTNO.CG$RANGE_END, but this item does not have
	     a range when queried
Action : Either remove the qualifier or specify a range query on the item.

CDG-03760,2, "Return item used for data entry has a derived value"
Cause :  An LOV which is used for data entry returned a value into an
	     item that has its value derived by some other means.  This
	     may be because the item has:
	     --- a sequence defined.
	     --- an auto-generate type (such as DATE_CREATED).
	     ---an unbound item's expression.
Action : Either remove the item from the return list, or remove the means
	     of derivation.

CDG-03761,2, "Return item is not enterable in insert or update mode"
Cause :  The generator detected that there is:
	     --- an LOV that is set to be invoked in data entry mode
	     --- and that the return item for the LOV refers to a module
	     component item that has neither the update
	     nor insert flag set.
Action : Either:
	     --- remove the item from the return list
	     --- change the LOV usage to exclude data entry
	     --- enable insert or update of the item.
	     Note: Insert or update may have been turned off
	     because of some other reason for which a warning
	     will have been given. For example, the item may
	     be part of a non-transferable foreign key.

CDG-03762,2, "Conflicting modes of use between the LOV and Component"
Cause :  A use of an LOV specified a mode of use (Query and/or Data
	     Entry) that is incompatible with the usage flags on the module
	     component where it is being used.
Action : Modify the usage flag on the use of the LOV.

CDG-03763,1, "Conflicting modes of use between the LOV and its return item"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- an LOV specified a usage of  query,  insert or update
	     that is incompatible with the usage properties of the
	     return item's. For example, there may be an LOV used in query mode
	     which returns items none of which	have a query usage.
	     --- an LOV may reference an item in
	     WHERE clause that is not available in the Insert Form, View Form,
	     or Query Form where the LOV was requested. In this case, the
	     previous message tells you the type of form on which the error
Action : Either:
	     --- change the usage of the item.
	     --- remove the reference to the item from the property on
	     the form in the previous message.

CDG-03764,1, "Overlapping modes of use for LOVs on item %s"
Cause :  The mode of use of an LOV used by the item has already
	     been used by another LOV using the same item. There
	     cannot be two Query or two Data Entry uses of LOVs for
	     the same item.  The usage of an LOV where the error is
	     reported will not be used in the module.
Action : Modify the usage flag on one of the uses of the LOV.

CDG-03765,2, "Custom Links are not currently supported by this generator"
Cause :  The module has been defined using a custom module component
	     link but the generator you are using to generate the module does
	     not support the use of these links.
Action : Replace the custom link with a key based link, or remove it

CDG-03766,2, "FK Columns not unique within constraint when truncated to 28 characters"
Cause :  When a master module component is in a different module, Web PL/SQL
	     Generator needs to truncate the column names internally to create
	     PL/SQL parameter names for linking the master to the detail. In this
	     case, when the column names in the key were truncated they were no
	     longer unique.
Action : Either alter the column names in the constraint so that the first 28
	     characters are unique, or move the master and detail module
	     components into the same module.

CDG-03767,1, "Detail cannot be generated on the same window as the master"
Cause :  The generator has detected that the master
	     and detail module components have been
	     placed in the same window, and that one
	     or more conditions mean that this cannot be
Action : Either change the design of your module so that
	     the master and detail module components are not in
	     the same window, or change your design so that:
	     --- the detail has no query form, and
	     --- the detail layout style is list, and
	     --- the master is in the same module, and
	     --- the master view form is single row.

CDG-03768,1, "Parse errors in module (see warnings): Auto-install option ignored"
Cause :  No cause (for information only)
Action : No action required

CDG-03769,2, "The return list for an LOV can only return one item into the associated item"
Cause :  The generator detected that there is a usage of an LOV which
	     specifies a return list, however the item associated with the LOV
	     is a List/Radio Group, and either:
	     --- more than one item was returned, or
	     --- the return list did not return into the item that the LOV is
	     associated with
Action : Correct the return list so that either:
	     --- a single item is returned into the associated module
	     component item
	     --- the return list is removed completely

CDG-03770,1, "List/Radio Group cannot have an LOV and a set of allowed values"
Cause :  The generator has detected that there is a List/Radio Group
	     style item which has an LOV bound to it and either:
	     --- a domain defined
	     --- a set of allowable values defined
	     In this case, the LOV will be ignored and the set of allowed values
	     will be used instead
Action : Decide which of the following you want to use, then
	     remove the other two:
	     --- the association of the LOV to the item
	     --- the item from the domain
	     --- the allowable values for the item

CDG-03771,1, "Ambiguous interpretation for display type. Display type changed to '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has detected that there is a base table
	     List/Radio Group:
	     --- with no list of allowable values
	     --- and it is based on a column which is in multiple join
	     As a result, the generator cannot determine which constraint
	     should be used
Action : Decide which method  you want to use.
	     If you want to get a list of possible join key values
	     from one particular constraint:
	     --- consider defining an LOV for the item, or
	     --- add a lookup table usage that links via this
	     constraint, and move the List/Radio Group style control
	     to an item on it
	     If you want to show a regular set of allowed values,
	     add a domain or set of allowed values to the column or

CDG-03772,1, "Use of an LOV to populate List/Radio Group type control is not supported"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- a List/Radio Group with no list of allowable values
	     has an LOV bound to it
	     --- this generator does not support populating a list
	     from an LOV
Action : Either:
	     --- remove the association of the LOV to the item
	     --- change the display style to be other than a
	     List/Radio type control

CDG-03773,1, "List/Radio Group can not drive lookup item. Display type changed to '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- there is a base table List/Radio Group style control with
	     no list of allowable values based on a column which is part
	     of a join constraint
	     --- a bound item exists which is from a lookup table usage that
	     connects back to the base using the same constraint.
	     This is not allowed because the list control would then be doing
	     the same job as the lookup item
Action : Decide which of the following you want to use:
	     --- If you want to get a list of possible join key values, either
	     remove the lookup table usage or move the List/Radio
	     Group style control to an item in the lookup
	     --- If you want to show a regular set of allowed values, add
	     a domain or set of allowed values to the column or item

CDG-03774,1, "Multiple enterable items not allowed for List/Radio Group. Changed to '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- there is a base table List/Radio Group with no list of allowable
	     --- it is based on a column which is is in a compound key join
	     constraint with enterable controls for its other key columns
	     This is not allowed because the other enterable controls could
	     conflict with the value selected from the list.
Action : Decide which you want to do.
	     If you want to get a list of possible join key values, consider
	     defining an LOV for the item, or:
	     --- make only one of the base table items enterable and
	     move the List/Radio Group style control to an item from it
	     --- add a lookup table usage and move the List/Radio Group
	     style control to an item from it
	     If you want to show a regular set of allowed values, then
	     add a domain or set of allowed values to the column or item

CDG-03775,2, "Reference to out of scope item %s"
Cause :  The generator has detected that the value of a property,
	     such as a WHERE CLAUSE, made reference to an item
	     that is not available in the component where the property is used.
	     For example, some generators only allow references to items
	     from the module component logically owning the property.
Action : Remove the reference to the item from the property

CDG-03776,2, "Reference to item %s that is not available on the Query Form"
Cause :  The generator has detected that the  value of a property,
	     such as a WHERE CLAUSE, made reference to an item
	     that is not available in the Query Form.
	     For example the Web PL/SQL Generator could have
	     an LOV whose WHERE CLAUSE makes reference to
	     an item from the module component that is not queryable,
	     and therefore not present for use within the LOV.
Action : Remove the reference to the item from the property

CDG-03777,2, "Cannot have OnMouseOver/OnMouseOut code defined for a button action item"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- an action item has been created to be displayed as a button
	     --- and either the OnMouseOut or OnMouseOver JavaScript events
	     have been selected for this action item.
	     In HTML, buttons do not support these action items, therefore the
	     action item has been created, but the JavaScript events have been
Action : To prevent this message being displayed in future either:
	     --- Remove the JavaScript events for this action item
	     --- Define the action item as other than a button

CDG-03778,2, "Cannot use a window-level action item to navigate to detail module component"
Cause :  The generator has detected that an action item has been
	     created at window level to perform navigation to a detail
	     module component.
	     However, to navigate to a detail you must navigate from a
	     related module component (from the immediate master, from
	     itself or from a subordinate detail). Therefore the action
	     item must be defined against one of these types of module
	     This action item will not be generated.
Action : You should either:
	     --- define the navigation action item against the module
	     --- navigate to a non-detail module component

CDG-03779,2, "No displayed items in LOV. Treating '%s' as displayed"
Cause :  The generator detected that:
	     --- t he LOV that the message is issued for has items
	     --- none of them have the "displayed" property set
Action : Set the displayed property for the items that you
	     want to appear in the List

CDG-03780,1, "Action Items defined on module components cannot appear on Startup Page"
Cause :  The generator has detected that:
	     --- an action item is defined against a module component.
	     --- and the module component's AILFRM preference is set
	     to S indicating that it should appear on the Startup Page.
	     Only action items defined at window-level may
	     appear on the startup page. so this action item will
	     not be displayed on the startup page.
	     If AILFRM is also set to Q, R, V or I, the action item will
	     still appear on the Query Form, Record List, View Form or
	     Insert Form.
Action : To prevent this message appearing, either:
	     --- Change the value of the AILFRM preference.
	     --- Move the action item onto the parent window.

CDG-03781,1, "Cannot navigate to detail from an unrelated module component"
Cause :  The generator has detected that there is a
	     module component level action item that
	     is set to navigate to a detail module
	     However the module component from which
	     it is navigating is unrelated to the detail, that is,
	     the module component is not:
	     --- master of the detail
	     --- the detail itself
	     --- a subordinate detail.
	     The action item has not been generated.
Action : To prevent this message appearing:
	     --- move the action item onto a module
	     component that is related to the detail
	     --- set the action item to navigate to
	     a detail that is related by the module

CDG-03782,2, "Reference to column '%s' from SQL aggregate text not permitted"
Cause :  The derivation text for this SQL aggregate item
	     refers to a column or bound item from a table
	     that can not be included in the SQL that is
	     used to source the rest of the items's expression.
	     An example of an expression that would cause
	     this error message to be displayed is one where:
	     --- two Single Row SQL Aggregate (SRSA)  table
	      usages are connected back to a base table, i.e.
	     they are not chained to each other
	     --- and a SQL aggregate item refers to columns
	     from both these tables.
	     For example, consider a base table DEPT with
	     two SRSA usages, one for EMP (alias E) and
	     one for ASSETS (alias A). This error message
	     will be displayed if you use a SQL aggregate
	     item of SUM(E.SAL + A.RESIDUAL_VALUE).
	     Instead you should define two separate SQL
	     aggregate items, and then use a SQL expression
	      to combine them, as follows:
	     --- SQL aggregate: Name=SAL_BILL, expression=
	     --- SQL aggregate: Name=ASSET_TOT, expression=
	     --- SQL expression: Name=TOTAL, expression =
Action : Rewrite the expression text of the SQL
	     Aggregate to avoid the reference.

CDG-03783,2, "Repository element changed by another user: unable to update"
Cause :  The generator has detected that changes have been
	     made to the named element by another user since its
	     definition was loaded from the repository into memory.
	     This means that the generator's view of the current
	     module is inconsistent with the repository, and therefore
	     it cannot save further changes until the repository is
Action : Select Requery All from the Edit menu, and run
	     the generator again.

CDG-03784,1, "SQL Aggregate item does not reference a valid column"
Cause :  The derivation text of the SQL aggregate item
	     must reference a column using the syntax
	     The generator could not find a valid column
	     reference in the SQL aggregate text.
Action : Check the derivation text to ensure that it refers to
	     a valid table alias and column that are in scope.
	     Typically a SQL aggregate will refer to a column
	     from either an SRSA table usage within the module
	     component, or the module component base table.
	     An example of valid derivation text is:
	     In this example EMP is the table alias and SAL is
	     the column name.

CDG-03785,1, "Cannot use action item to navigate to menu module"
Cause :  The generator has detected that you have:
	     ---  created a navigation action item to another
	     module, and
	     --- set that module to be a menu module.
	     This is invalid because menu modules are not
	     generated as standalone modules, and therefore
	     they cannot be navigated to.
	     The action item has not been generated.
Action : To prevent this error appearing remove the action item, or change
	     what it navigates to.
	     Alternatively, to prevent the menu module being included on the
	     Startup Page remove it from Called Modules for the module you
	     are generating.

CDG-03786,2, "Module component with tree walk must be single row and not Form style"
Cause :  The generator has detected that the  module component
	     contains a tree walk query, and it has either a Form layout
	     style,  or a List/Form layout style displaying multiple rows
	     on the view form.
Action : Change the module component style to List or List/Form, and
	     ensure that the view form displays only a single row.

CDG-03787,1, "Unknown token '%s' in preference value ZONVBD"
Cause :  The value specified for the View Form Button Display Order
	     preference (ZONVBD) contains a token that is not recognized.
	     Therefore, the custom View Form buttons set you have defined
	     cannot be displayed correctly i.e. unrecognized tokens are ignored.
Action : Modify the ZONVBD preference, ensuring that the value
	     defined contains valid tokens separated by a full stop.
	     Valid tokens are:
	     --- P = Previous button
	     --- F = First button
	     --- N = Next button
	     --- L = Last button
	     --- R = Requery button
	     --- C = Count button
	     --- / = newline
	     For example, P.F./.N.L

CDG-03788,2, "Cannot have a Primary key based link to a zone in the same window."
Cause :  The generator has detected that there is a
	     Primary key based link from this module component that
	     is set to navigate to a zone in the same window.
	     The Primary key based links can only point to a zone in a
	     different window.
Action : To prevent this error appearing make the Primary key based link to
	     point a module component in a different window.
/ 03801 .. 03900 HelpGen Error/Warnings

CDG-03801,1, "The keyword '%s' contains a semicolon, so will be treated as two keywords."
Cause :  The keyword specified contains a semicolon, this is an invalid
	     keyword character.  The keyword will be split at the point of the
	     semicolon, resulting in two keywords.
Action : Remove the semicolon from the keyword.
	     Place each new keyword on a separate line.
	     Generate the Help again.

CDG-03802,1, "No prompt defined for group '%s' - name used instead for jump text"
Cause :  A 'prompt' property is not defined for this Item Group.
	     This property is normally used to derive the topic title
	     and jump text for the group, if omitted (and required for a jump),
	     the item group's 'name' property is used instead.
Action : Enter an appropriate 'prompt' for the specified group
	     and then generate the Help again.

CDG-03803,1, "Invalid Context ID Prefix for '%s'."
Cause :  The Context ID Prefix for this element is either missing or an
	     invalid number.  Context IDs cannot be generated for this element or
	     saved back to the Repository for inclusion within the generated
Action : To provide context sensitive Help, enter a valid Context ID Prefix
	     for the element and then generate the Help again. This value must
	     be greater than zero and unique within the module's repository

CDG-03804,1, "No Help File Name defined for module, temporary name has been assigned: '%s'"
Cause :  The module selected for generation has an undefined Help File Name
	     property. A temporary Help file is created with the name:
Action : If you chose to generate a Help file for testing purposes, no action
	     is required.  Review the temporary file, checking for errors and
	     omissions.  When you are ready to generate the final Help file
	     ensure you select the 'top-level module' where the Help File Name
	     property is defined.  However if the module selected for generation
	     should be a top-level module, enter a valid Help File Name property
	     for the module and then generate again.

CDG-03805,1, "No title defined; name used instead for jump text"
Cause :  A title has not been defined for this component  This property is
	     normally used to derive any title or jump text for the component;
	     if omitted, the component name is used instead.
Action : Enter an appropriate title for the component
	     and then generate the Help again.

CDG-03806,1, "No prompt defined for item '%s' - name used instead for jump text"
Cause :  A prompt is not defined for the item.  This property is normally
	     used to derive the jump text for the item, if omitted, the
	     item's name property is used instead.
Action : Enter an appropriate prompt for the specified item,
	     where required and then generate the Help again.
	     If the property was omitted intentionally, remove any Help text
	     assigned to this column usage and set the Display Empty item
	     Descriptions preference (DCUCAP) to hide the substitute name
	     property.	Generate the Help again.

CDG-03807,1, "Not all Context IDs saved to Repository. Context sensitivity incomplete."
Cause :  This message is a warning that Context IDs for one or more modules
	     were not saved back to the Repository at the end of Help generation.
	     If you generate the application at this point, no context sensitive
	     Help will be available for any application item generated from
	     these modules. This is due to a further problem that you will also
	     be warned about. For example:
	     "Invalid Context ID Prefix for this Module" or,
	     "Module design element locked by another user"
Action : After generation, read through the warnings to identify the cause
	     and then follow the appropriate action.

CDG-03808,1, "Help text defined against item '%s' but its display flag is set to false."
Cause :  The specified item will not be displayed in the generated
	     application because its display flag is set to false.  No help
	     will be generated for this item, even though there is help
	     text defined against it.
Action : Either remove the help text from the item or set its display flag to

CDG-03809,1, "Top-level module generation unsuccessful. No Help Project File created"
Cause :  The Help Project File (HPJ) could not be created because the
	     selected top-level module was not generated successfully.
	     This is due to a further problem that you will be warned about.
Action : After generation, read through the warnings to identify the cause
	     and then follow the appropriate action.

CDG-03810,1, "No help text defined for group and its items, topic page was not created"
Cause :  Help Text has not been defined for this Item Group
	     and any of its items.  A topic page will not be created
	     for this group.
Action : Enter Help Text for the specified group and/or its items
	     and then generate the Help again.

CDG-03811,1, "No Help Filename defined, Compile and Run actions will not be available."
Cause :  The Help File in which the current Module is to be included was
	     not specified and therefore the Compile and Run actions cannot be
	     made available following generation. You may be attempting to
	     update a module RTF file for a Help file previously generated with
	     a temporary name or, the Help File Name property may have
	     been deleted or omitted accidentally.
Action : First, specify the target Help file for the current module by
	     defining the Help File Name property against the top-level module
	     for the Help file. Next, 'Generate All the Help Source Files' for
	     the entire module network again.

CDG-03812,2, "Given project name contains invalid characters"
Cause :  The specified project name contains illegal characters,
	     such as \ or %.
Action : Remove these illegal characters and try again.

CDG-03813,1, "Duplicate context id suffixes have been reallocated."
Cause :  Duplicate context id suffixes were found.	This is due to previously
	     generated items being copied across modules components.
	     Any duplicate suffix values are reallocated, which means that
	     for the context sensitivity to work, the client application will
	     need to be generated again.
Action : Generate the Client Application again.

CDG-03814,1, "Help Text with no caption will appear directly under previous topic item"
Cause :  A 'prompt' property was not defined for this topic item.
	     The Help text will therefore appear directly under the
	     previous topic item.
Action : Enter an appropriate 'prompt' for the specified
	     topic item and then generate the Help again.

CDG-03815,2, "Could not allocate ID suffix."
Cause :  Too many help items have been defined.
Action : Remove some help items.
/ 03901 .. 04000 Generic Design Recovery Error/Warnings

CDG-03901,2, "Table definition '%s' not found in repository"
Cause :  The application to be captured was found to make
	     use of a table of the given name, but a definition of
	     a table of this name could not be found in the
Action : Make sure that you have entered (or captured) repository
	     definitions of all the tables on which the captured application
	     is based and that these are included in the current work area.
	     If any of these table definitions are in a different repository
	     container from that of the chosen destination module, you
	     must add the container path to the 'Additional Containers'
	     field of the capture dialog. Note that the order in which
	     containers are listed in this field is the order in which they
	     will be searched for a table of a particular name.

CDG-03902,1, "Column Definition for '%s' not found in repository"
Cause :  The given item in the application to be captured
	     was found to be bound to a column of the given
	     name, but a definition of a column of this name
	     could not be found in the repository. This suggests
	     that the repository table definition on which the
	     generator has chosen to base the item's table
	     usage may be incomplete.
Action : Make sure that you have entered (or captured) repository
	     definitions of all the tables on which the captured application
	     is based and that these are included in the current work area.
	     If any of these table definitions are in a different repository
	     container from that of the chosen destination module, you
	     must add the container path to the 'Additional Containers'
	     field of the capture dialog. Note that the order in which
	     containers are listed in this field is the order in which they
	     will be searched for a table of a particular name.

CDG-03903,1, "Foreign key constraint to link lookup table '%s' not found in repository"
Cause :  The application to be captured was found to require a
	     foreign key to link the given table usage to the given
	     lookup table, but a definition of such a foreign key could
	     not be found in the repository. This suggests that the
	     repository table definition on which the generator has
	     chosen to base the given table usage may be incomplete.
Action : Make sure that you have entered (or captured) repository
	     definitions of all the tables on which the captured application
	     is based and that these are included in the current work area.
	     If any of these table definitions are in a different repository
	     container from that of the chosen destination module, you
	     must add the container path to the 'Additional Containers'
	     field of the capture dialog. Note that the order in which
	     containers are listed in this field is the order in which they
	     will be searched for a table of a particular name.

CDG-03904,1, "Sequence '%s' not found in repository"
Cause :  The application to be captured was found to
	     make use of a sequence of the given name to
	     populate the given item, but the repository
	     column definition on which the generator has
	     chosen to base the captured item was found
	     to be populated by other means. This suggests
	     that the repository table definition on which the
	     generator has chosen to base the item's table
	     usage may be incomplete.
Action : Make sure that you have entered (or captured) repository
	     definitions of all the tables on which the captured application
	     is based and that these are included in the current work area.
	     If any of these table definitions are in a different repository
	     container from that of the chosen destination module, you
	     must add the container path to the 'Additional Containers'
	     field of the capture dialog. Note that the order in which
	     containers are listed in this field is the order in which they
	     will be searched for a table of a particular name.

CDG-03905,1, "Length of '%s' exceeds the maximum column length"
Cause :  The maximum value length allowed for this column by
	     the application being recovered exceeds the maximum
	     column length defined against the column definition
	     in the Repository.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03906,1, "Column '%s' must be in uppercase"
Cause :  The uppercase property held on the column definition, differs
	     from the captured controls uppercase property
Action : No action required.

CDG-03907,1, "Constraint not found in repository to link table '%s'"
Cause :  Design capture of applications requires that the definitions
	     of underlying tables, columns and foreign key constraints
	     have been entered (or captured) in the current
	     application system.
	     A relationship has been found in the application being
	     captured, but no foreign or primary key constraint to represent
	     the relationship can be found in the repository.
Action : The relationship has been ignored. If you
	     want to capture the application with the
	     correct relationships you should define or
	     capture these into the repository before
	     attempting to capture the application.

CDG-03908,1, "No modules captured from this application"
Cause :  No items to capture found in this application.
	     This may be due to incorrect settings in the control/
	     object definition file
Action : Review the settings in the control/object
	     definition file and access their applicability
	     to the application in question.

CDG-03909,1, "Captured Table Usage %s is derived from module with Journal Preference set."
Cause :  The Capture tool has captured a table usage
	     generated out by a module with Journaling
	     preferences set. It is presently not possible
	     to set preferences against a module.
Action : Set the Journal Preferences against this module.

CDG-03910,0, "Creating design objects for application"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-03911,1, "Captured Table Usage %s based on table %s in external container '%s'"
Cause :  The captured module was found to make use
	     of a table of the given name, but a definition of
	     a table of this name could not be found in the
	     repository container chosen for the captured
	     A corresponding table was instead found
	     in one of the 'Additional Containers' specified in
	     the capture dialog. The named table usage in
	     the captured module is now based on this
	     external table.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03912,1, "Attaching library module '%s' in container '%s'; matched by %s"
Cause :  The application to be captured was found to contain
	     an attachment to a library of the given name.
	     A network link to a corresponding library module
	     has been created in the destination module. The
	     module was found in the repository by searching
	     the container of the destination module and each
	     of the 'Additional Containers' specified in the
	     capture dialog until a library module was found
	     whose 'generated name' matches the library name,
	     i.e. a module for which either of the following holds:
	     ---- the module's Implementation Name matches the
	     library file name (with path and extension removed)
	     ---- the module's Short Name matches the library file
	     name (with path and extension removed) and its
	     Implementation Name is unspecified
Action : No action required.

CDG-03913,1, "Including Reusable Module Component %s from external container '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has detected that one of the data
	     blocks in the application to be captured was
	     originally generated from a repository Reusable
	     Module Component definition of the given name.
	     An existing Reusable Module Component of this
	     name was found in the repository in one of the
	     'Additional Containers' specified in the capture
	     dialog, and so has been included in the captured
Action : No action required.

CDG-03914,0, "View design capture report '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03915,0, "Capture Design Specification"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-03916,1, "Allowed value '%s' not in list defined in the repository"
Cause :  A list of allowed values against this control being captured
	     has been found in the Repository, but the underlying column
	     does not have the specified value as one of it's allowed
	     values or domain values.
Action : Check the column definition has the desired values

CDG-03917,1, "No allowed values defined in repository for this column"
Cause :  A list of allowed values against this control has been detected
	     during design capture.
	     However, the underlying column does not have any allowed
	     values or domains associated with it.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03918,1, "Range on control has different values from the range in the repository "
Cause :  A range has been detected against the control being captured.
	     The High, Low or both values do not match the values of
	     the range as defined against the underlying column in the
Action : Check the column definition in the Repository
	     for the controls underlying column

CDG-03919,1, "Including Reusable LOV %s from external container '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has detected that one of the lists
	     of values in the application to be captured was
	     originally generated from a repository Reusable
	     List of Values definition of the given name.
	     An existing Reusable List of Values of this
	     name was found in the repository in one of the
	     'Additional Containers' specified in the capture
	     dialog, and so has been included in the captured
Action : No action required.

CDG-03920,1, "Unable to update segments in event '%s': locked by another user"
Cause :  Custom application logic segments in the named event are
	     currently locked for update by another user, who may be editing
	     or running a generator or utility on the same event. This means
	     that the generator cannot write to the segments until they are
	     released by the other user.
Action : Wait until the other user has finished updating
	     the application logic segments in the named
	     event, select the 'Requery All' menu option,
	     and try running the generator again.

CDG-03921,1, "Unable to update named routine '%s': locked by another user"
Cause :  The given named routine is currently locked for update
	     by another user, who may be editing or running a generator
	     or utility on the same named routine. This means that the
	     generator cannot write to the named routine until it is
	     released by the other user.
Action : Wait until the other user has finished updating
	     the given named routine, select the 'Requery
	     All' menu option, and try running the generator

CDG-03922,1, "Unable to update segments in event '%s' : changed by another user"
Cause :  Changes have been made by another user to application
	     logic segments in the named event since they were loaded
	     from the repository into memory. This means that the
	     generator cannot update the application logic segments
	     until the repository is requeried.
Action : Select the 'Requery All' menu option and try
	     running the generator again.

CDG-03923,1, "Unable to update named routine '%s': updated by another user"
Cause :  Changes have been made by another user to the
	     given named routine since it was loaded from the
	     repository into memory. This means that the generator
	     cannot update the named routine until the repository
	     is requeried.
Action : Select the 'Requery All' menu option and try
	     running the generator again.

CDG-03924,2, "Unable to find language with internal name '%s' required by this generator"
Cause :  The modules and module components native
	     to this generator are distinguished by setting a
	     reference to a repository Language definition
	     with the given internal name. Such a language
	     could not be found in the repository, so capture
	     could not create any modules or module
Action : All the standard generator languages should be contained
	     in a repository container called "SYSTEM FOLDER". You
	     must make sure that this folder and all the language objects
	     within it are included in the current work area.

CDG-03925,1, "Captured table usage %s based on table %s with synonym '%s'"
Cause :  The captured module uses a table with a name that does
	     not match the name of a repository table definition
	     either in the destination container or in any of the
	     additional containers specified in the capture dialog.
	     However, there is a repository table definition with a
	     synonym that matches the table name, so a usage of
	     this table definition has been created.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03926,1, "Several modules in container '%s' have generated name matching '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has failed to locate a single module
	     in the repository with the given 'generated name'
	     due to more than one module in the given repository
	     container having a matching generated name, i.e.
	     modules for which either of the following holds:
	     ---- the module's Implementation Name matches the
	     application file name (with path and extension removed)
	     ---- the module's Short Name matches the application file
	     name (with path and extension removed) and its
	     Implementation Name is unspecified
Action : No action required.

CDG-03927,1, "No modules found in repository with generated name matching '%s'"
Cause :  The generator has failed to locate a single module
	     in the repository with the given 'generated name',
	     i.e. a module for which either of the following holds:
	     ---- the module's Implementation Name matches the
	     application file name (with path and extension removed)
	     ---- the module's Short Name matches the application file
	     name (with path and extension removed) and its
	     Implementation Name is unspecified
Action : No action required.

CDG-03928,2, "Unable to create new module; do not have the correct access rights"
Cause :  The generator attempted to create a new repository module
	     to hold the definition of the captured application, but found
	     that it did not have the necessary access rights to do so in
	     the destination repository container.
Action : Make sure that INSERT access rights have been
	     granted to the current user in the destination repository

CDG-03929,1, "Module Component %s is reusable so will not be updated by capture"
Cause :  The generator has detected that one of the data
	     blocks  in the application to be captured
	     corresponds to a repository Reusable Module
	     Component already included in the destination
	     repository module for merging.
	     Because the repository Reusable Module
	     Component is external to the destination module, it
	     will not be altered during the merge, but will still be
	     included in the destination module.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03930,1, "LOV %s is reusable so will not be updated by capture"
Cause :  The generator has detected that one of the lists
	     of values in the application to be captured
	     corresponds to a repository Reusable List of
	     Values already included in the destination
	     repository module for merging.
	     Because the repository Reusable List of Values
	     is external to the destination module, it will not be
	     altered during the merge, but will still be included
	     in the destination module.
Action : No action required.

CDG-03931,1, "Module '%s' chosen for merging; matched by %s"
Cause :  You have chosen to merge the captured application
	     definition with an existing repository module, but no
	     destination module has been specified. The generator has
	     therefore chosen the only module in the destination
	     repository container whose generated name matches the
	     application name, i.e. a module for which either of the
	     following holds:
	     ---- the module's Implementation Name matches the
	     application file name (with path and extension removed)
	     ---- the module's Short Name matches the application file
	     name (with path and extension removed) and its
	     Implementation Name is unspecified
Action : No action required.

CDG-03932,1, "Unable to merge; capturing to new module"
Cause :  You have chosen to merge the captured application
	     definition with an existing repository module, but you have
	     not specified a destination module.
	     The generator was unable to choose a module to merge
	     with, because a single module with matching 'generated
	     name' could not be found in the destination repository
	     container, i.e., a module for which either of the following
	     ---- the module's Implementation Name matches the
	     application file name (with path and extension removed)
	     ---- the module's Short Name matches the application file
	     name (with path and extension removed) and its
	     Implementation Name is unspecified
	     The application has instead been captured to a new
	     repository module.
Action : The warning message following this one should explain why
	     the generator was unable to find an appropriate module to
	     merge with.
	     If there is no particular repository module that you wish to
	     merge with the captured application, then no further action
	     is necessary.
	     Otherwise, make sure you launch capture with the repository
	     container of the appropriate module as the destination
	     container for capture.
	     If the module corresponds to the top-level application,
	     specified in the capture dialog, we recommend that you
	     also specify the module's Short Name in the capture
	     Otherwise, you should alter the modules in the destination
	     repository container so that there is only one with matching
	     'generated name'.

CDG-03933,1, "Unable to attach library '%s'"
Cause :  The application to be captured was found to contain
	     an attachment to a library of the given name, but an
	     appropriate library module could not be found in the
	     The generator must be able to find a library module
	     which is the only library module in its repository container
	     whose 'generated name' matches the library name, i.e.
	     the only library module for which either of the following
	     ---- the module's Implementation Name matches the
	     library file name (with path and extension removed)
	     ---- the module's Short Name matches the library file
	     name (with path and extension removed) and its
	     Implementation Name is unspecified
Action : The warning message following this one should explain why
	     the generator was unable to find an appropriate library module.
	     If the search failed due to no modules being found, first
	     make sure that you have defined (or captured) a
	     corresponding library module in the repository, and that it
	     is included in the current work area.
	     If the library module is in a different repository container
	     from that of the chosen destination module, you
	     must add the container path to the 'Additional Containers'
	     field of the capture dialog.
	     If the search failed due to multiple modules being found
	     in a single repository container, alter the library modules in
	     the container so that there is only one which has a matching
	     generated name

CDG-03934,1, "Format mask '%s' is not Year 2000 compliant"
Cause :  The format mask for the captured item is not Year 2000 compliant
	     because it does not include the century. This non-compliant format
	     mask will be used if you generate from the captured module.
Action : If you plan to generate an application from the captured module
	     and you want to make the format mask Year 2000 compliant,
	     change the format mask to include the century.

CDG-03935,2, "Truncating LOV title %s to 70 characters."
Cause :  Length of LOV title exceeding 70 characters.
Action : Ensure that the length of LOV title to less than or equal to 70
/ 04001 .. 04500 CASE Dictionary Values

CDG-04002,0, "USER"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04003,0, "$$DATE$$"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04004,0, "$$DBDATE$$"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04005,0, "SYSDATE"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04006,0, "$$DATETIME$$"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04007,0, "$$DBDATETIME$$"
Cause :
Action :
/ 04501 .. 05000 Reverse Engineering Log File Text

CDG-04501,0, "MODULE -"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04502,0, "WINDOW -"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-04504,0, "ITEM GROUP -"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04505,0, "TABLE USAGE -"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04506,0, "BASE ITEM -"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-04508,0, "ACTION ITEM -"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-04511,0, "Purpose:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04512,0, "Language:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04513,0, "Top Title:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04514,0, "Usage Type:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04515,0, "Title:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04516,0, "Insert:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04517,0, "Update:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04518,0, "Query:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04519,0, "Delete:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04520,0, "Title:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04521,0, "Prompt:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04522,0, "Parent Group:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04523,0, "Display:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04524,0, "Display Datatype:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04525,0, "Optional:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04526,0, "Format Mask:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04527,0, "Default Value:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04528,0, "Hint:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04529,0, "Item Group:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04530,0, "From Module:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04531,0, "To Module:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04533,0, "Yes"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04534,0, "No"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04535,0, "Width:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04536,0, "Height:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04537,0, "Alignment:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04538,0, "BASE"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04539,0, "LOOKUP"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04540,0, "Table/View/Snapshot:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04541,0, "Context:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04542,0, "Module Component"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04543,0, "Window"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04546,0, "From"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04548,0, "WHERE Clause of Query:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04550,0, "Derivation Text:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04551,0, "Order By Sequence:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04552,0, "Custom Code created for module -"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04553,0, "Added at module level"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04557,0, "UNKNOWN"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04558,0, "Column:"
Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

Cause :
Action :

CDG-04562,0, "Design Capture Report"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04563,0, "Detailed Information"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04564,0, "Scrollable:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04565,0, "Stacked:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04566,0, "LOOKUP ITEM -"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04567,0, "UNBOUND ITEM -"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04569,0, "Ascending"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04570,0, "Descending"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04571,0, "Left"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04572,0, "Right"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04573,0, "Center"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04574,0, "None"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04575,0, "Length:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04576,0, "From Module Component:"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04577,0, "To Module Component:"
Cause :
Action :
CDG-00001,1, "Item's Display Type property not set"
Cause :  You have not set the item's Display Type property.
	     Therefore, Form Generator will generate the item
	     as a text item.
Action : If you do not want the item generated as a text item,
	     set the item's Display
	     Type to a valid value. To find out which values are
	     valid for Form Generator,
	     refer to the help system.

CDG-00002,4, "Cannot allocate %u bytes of memory"
Cause :  memory has been exhausted. Form Generator is unable to allocate
	     any more memory.
Action : Check the memory available and the memory consumption of other
	     programs that may be running.
	     If the problem persists contact your Customer Support

CDG-00003,1, "Cannot find user named editor %s in form or object library"
Cause :  Form Generator cannot find the user-named editor specified
	     for this object in the object library.
Action : Make sure the name of the editor specified for the
	     source object is spelt correctly, and that
	     the object library contains an editor with this name.

CDG-00004,1, "Inclusion Object '%s' is not valid at Form level"
Cause :  The object (listed in the module's "Template/
	     Library Objects" list) is not of a type suitable for
	     attaching to the Form at Form level.
	     Not all Forms types can be attached at Form
	     level, e.g. Items can be attached to Blocks
	     but not to Forms, Block can be attached to
Action : Check that the type of the named object is
	     suitable for attaching to a Form (see the
	     documentation for a list of valid objects

CDG-00005,1, "Ignoring Forms Version 2 style trigger '%s.%s'"
Cause :  A Version 2 style trigger is contained in one of the following:
	     --- a template or object library used during generation
	     --- a form being captured
	     Form Generator does not support Version 2 style triggers, and
	     therefore ignores the trigger.
Action : No action required.
	     If you want to include the code associated
	     with the Version 2 style trigger, use Form Builder to
	     convert the trigger to a PL/SQL trigger.

CDG-00006,1, "Generatable code group overridden by empty object library code group"
Cause :  To override all occurrences of a generatable code group,
	     an object library object group called
	     CGOC$CODE_OVERRIDE_SOURCE must contain a code group
	     with the same name as the generatable code group.
	     Form Generator has located a suitable code group in the object
	     library object group. However, the code group is empty.
Action : No action required.

CDG-00007,1, "No triggers in object group overriding generatable application logic"
Cause :  To override all occurrences of generatable code groups,
	     the object library must contain an object group called
	     Form Generator has located this object group in the
	     object library. However, the object group does not contain
	     any triggers for use as a source of alternative application
Action : No action required.

CDG-00008,3, "Unable to find SDD_ELEMENT; EL_ID = %s"
Cause :  Form Generator cannot find the Repository element
	     indicated. The most likely cause is that another user has
	     deleted the element during this Form Generator session.
Action : Rerun the Form Generator. If the problem persists then
	     the Repository may be corrupted; contact your Customer
	     support representative.

CDG-00009,2, "Valid values are %s or %s to quit"
Cause :  You have supplied an invalid response to a question requiring a
	     "Yes" or "No" response.
Action : Enter one of the options in the list given.

CDG-00010,4, "cgfree: memory unallocated or previously freed"
Cause :  This is an internal error message and should not normally be
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00011,4, "%d bytes allocated and not freed"
Cause :  This is an internal error message and should not normally be
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00012,4, "Location %s - invalid argument"
Cause :  This is an internal error message and should not normally be
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00013,2, "Valid values are integers in the range %d to %d or %s to quit"
Cause :  You have entered a number which is not an integer or which is
	     outside the range of allowable values.
Action : Enter an integer in the range indicated.

CDG-00014,2, "Valid values are integers greater than %d or %s to quit"
Cause :  You have entered a number which is not an integer or which is
	     less than the minimum allowed.
Action : Enter an integer which is greater than or equal to the
	     minimum indicated.

CDG-00015,2, "Valid values are integers less than %d or %s to quit"
Cause :  You have entered a number which is not an integer or which is
	     greater than the maximum allowed.
Action : Enter an integer which is less than or equal to the maximum

CDG-00016,3, "Unable to open file %s"
Cause :  The file shown does not exist, or is not readable.
Action : Make sure the file exists and is readable. If the file does not
	     exist this may be due to lack of write permission in the current

CDG-00017,2, "Comment of object library code group %s does not match its application"
Cause :  The specified object library code group overrides all occurrences
	     of a generatable code group with the same name.
	     During generation, Form Generator has detected that the comment
	     inside the object library code group does
	     not match the name (and use) of the code group itself.
	     This could cause unexpected behaviour if you capture the
	     generated form.
Action : Change the comment for the object library code group as follows:
	     --- if you do not want the alternative code captured into
	     the repository during design capture, either do not include
	     a comment (recommended) or include the name of the
	     overridden code group as a comment
	     --- if you want the alternative code captured into the
	     repository as user-modified generated application logic,
	     include as a comment the name of the overridden code
	     group and add a unique suffix to the code group name

CDG-00018,4, "Invalid parameter to %s (%d)"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00019,4, "Code group id %d not found. Function = %s"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00020,4, "%s has failed, please send the following information to your support person"
Cause :  An unexpected internal failure has occurred.
Action : Please send the trace back information which was output after this
	     message to your support representative.

CDG-00021,1, "Program unit '%s' exists both in form and library. Using version in form."
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that the captured form has
	     been generated from a repository module with the PGULIB
	     preference set to Yes, and therefore that program units have
	     been generated to an attached library. Form Generator has
	     attempted to capture program units added to both the form
	     and the attached library. However a duplicate program
	     unit has been found in the form that also exists in the
	     attached library. For this reason, the program unit in the form
	     has been captured and the program unit in the library
	     has been discarded.
Action : No action necessary.

CDG-00022,1, "Floating scrollbar position adjusted for subcomponents with different sizes"
Cause :  The calculated scrollbar positions for two or more
	     subcomponents sharing a floating scrollbar are
	     different, so the forms generator has selected
	     a position suitable for both subcomponents.
Action : Accept the scrollbar position selected by the
	     forms generator, or adjust the layout of one
	     or more subcomponents to modify each
	     scrollbar position

CDG-00023,0, "Unable to initialize source control api for the following reason\n %s"
Cause :  The Source control has not been initialized.
Action : Refer to Source control system documentation regarding
	     the error message issued.

CDG-00024,2, "Source control action failed for the following reason\n %s"
Cause :  The Source control action has failed.
Action : Refer to Source control system documentation regarding
	     the error message issued.

CDG-00025,2, "Creation of forms text file failed.\n"
Cause :  Creation of the forms text file has failed prior to it
	     being put in source control.
Action : Check that you have sufficient privileges and space to create
	     files in the working directory.  Also check to see if the
	     generated binary file can be loaded into Form Builder
	     without error.

CDG-00026,2, "Creation of binary file failed\n."
Cause :  Creation of the forms binary file has failed after
	     the file has been taken out of source control.
Action : Check that you have sufficient privileges and space to create
	     files in the working directory.  Also make sure that the
	     archive file is stored in text format.

CDG-00027,6, "Checking in file %s.\n"
Cause :  File is being checked into source control.
Action : None.

CDG-00028,6, "Checking out the file %s to %s.\n"
Cause :  File is being checked out of source control.
Action : None.

CDG-00029,2, "An error occurred whilst writing the log file:-\n%s"
Cause :  The Generator was unable to write the log file.
Action : Check that the path and filename you entered are valid.

CDG-00030,2, "Failed to create executable library file '%s'"
Cause :  The attempt to create the executable library file failed.
Action : Make sure you have appropriate access rights to write
	     the file.
	     Check your Form Builder installation is working correctly.
	     If the problem still persists then contact your support

CDG-00031,1, "Unable to create log file"
Cause :  The environment variable DES2_CGENF45_TRACE_FILE is not set in the
	     oracle.ini file or is set in the wrong group.
	     It is also possible that the filename specified by the variable is
Action : Make sure these lines appear in the oracle.ini file, in the
	     [DESIGNER] group.
	     where  is the file to write diagnostics output to
	     and  is a number between 0 and 5 for the level of
	     diagnostic output.
	     Also check the filename specified by the environment variable is

CDG-00032,4, "FORMS90_PATH too long or invalid Form Builder installation"
Cause :  To read and write Oracle Forms
	     binary files, Form Generator accesses the Form
	     Builder component of Oracle Forms. However, Form
	     Generator was unable to locate the Form Builder
	     One possible cause might be that Form Builder
	     has not been installed.
	     Another possible cause might be the length of
	     the FORMS90_PATH Registry variable.
Action : Try reducing the length of the FORMS90_PATH
	     Registry variable. Alternatively, reinstall the
	     Form Builder component of Oracle Forms.

CDG-00033,0, "Unable to read configuration file %s for the following reason: %s"
Cause :  The generator was unable to read the configuration file
Action : Refer to Source control system documentation regarding
	     the error message issued.

CDG-00034,2, "Duplicate program unit name %s"
Cause :  A generated module cannot contain more than one
	     program unit with the same name.
	     However, Form Generator has detected
	     that the generated module will contain multiple program
	     units with the same name and has therefore halted
	     One possible cause might be because you have
	     defined a program unit as a named routine in the
	     repository and also included a
	     program unit with the same name in the template.
Action : Change one of the routine names so that they are no longer the same.

CDG-00035,2, "Invalid name (%s) for user named routine"
Cause :  The name you have specified for a named routine is invalid
	     for one or both the following reasons:
	     --- the specified name is greater than 30 characters
	     --- the specified name conflicts with names reserved for generated
	     routines (i.e. the name starts with the characters CG, followed by
	     two characters, followed by a $ sign)
Action : Change the name of the named routine either
	     by reducing the length of the name or by changing the first five

CDG-00036,1, "User modified logic ignored, generatable code not generated"
Cause :  The user has modified a generatable piece of event code which
	     would not have been generated this run.  The user modified code
	     has been ignored.
Action : Select help on the generatable event segment in the Design Editor
	     to tell you how this piece of logic is generated.

CDG-00037,1, "The scrollable window %s does not allow vertical scrollbars"
Cause :  The window is defined as scrollable,
	     (either by the window's Repository definition,
	     or by the preference WINSCR),
	     and the property 'Show Vertical Scrollbar' in the
	     object library is set to 'No'.
	     Consequently, parts of a canvas may be inaccessible.
Action : Set the 'Show Vertical Scrollbar' property to 'Yes' in the
	      object library for the window, or set the window to be
	      non-scrollable (either in the Repository or using the
	      preference WINSCR).

CDG-00038,1, "The scrollable window %s does not allow horizontal scrollbars"
Cause :  The window is defined as scrollable,
	     (either by the window's Repository definition,
	     or by the preference WINSCR),
	     and the property 'Show Horizontal Scrollbar' in the
	     object library is set to 'No'.
	     Consequently, parts of a canvas may be inaccessible.
Action : Set the 'Show Horizontal Scrollbar' property to 'Yes' in the
	      object library for the window, or set the window to be
	      non-scrollable (either in the Repository or using the
	      preference WINSCR).

CDG-00039,1, "Unsupported item display datatype '%s'"
Cause :  The item display datatype that is specified is not supported
	     by the Form Generator.
	     A text item will be generated instead.
Action : Set the display datatype for the item to one recognized by
	     the Form Generator.

CDG-00040,2, "Many-to-one relationships are not supported by this Generator"
Cause :  Two module components in the module are related by a
	     many-to-one relationship. This is an inverted master detail
	     This Generator does not support inverted master detail
Action : Re-structure the module to exclude
	     many-to-one inverted master detail relationships.

CDG-00041,2, "%s has no module components and/or table usages"
Cause :  The Repository definition of the module
	     contains no module components.
Action : Add at least one module component to the module
	     in the Design Editor/RON.

CDG-00042,2, "Same table relationships are not supported by this Generator"
Cause :  Two module components in this module are related by
	     a link between two usages of the same table, based
	     on a primary key constraint. This is a
	     same table relationship.
	     This Generator does not support same table
Action : Re-structure the module to exclude
	     same table relationships.

CDG-00043,2, "Constraint %s must have the column references defined"
Cause :  The correct column references for this table constraint
	     have not been defined properly. For example, a foreign
	     key must have both the 'column' and 'join column' properties
	     set to valid table columns.
Action : Ensure that the table's constraint definitions have the
	     table reference properties set to valid tables and
	     the appropriate column properties set to valid table columns.

CDG-00044,2, "Shared Data Links are not supported by this generator"
Cause :  The Repository definition of a module includes a
	     module component with a shared data link
Action : Remove the Shared Data Link from the
	     Module Component.

CDG-00045,1, "Unrecognized comment tag for event segment in '%s' template trigger"
Cause :  Form Generator is looking for one of the following
	     comment tags:
	     These tags indicate where to place template code
	     groups in relation to other code for the same trigger
	     in the generated form.
	     Form Generator has found a tag beginning with CGAP$TES.
	     However, the characters that follow do not match either of the
	     recognized tags.
Action : Change the spelling of the comment tag above the event segment
	     in the template trigger code to one of the following:

CDG-00046,1, "'%s' Action Item set to non-displayed because width is not greater than zero"
Cause :  The action item width in the Repository is set to zero/unset
	     or the AIBBWD preference is set to none and the
	     action item has not prompt.
Action : Set the action item width to greater than zero
	     in the Repository or change the value of the
	     preference AIBBWD.

CDG-00047,1, "'%s' Action Item set to non-displayed because height isn't greater than zero"
Cause :  The action item height in the Repository is set to zero/unset
	     or the sub-classed action item from the object library has a
	     height set to zero..
Action : Set the action item width to greater than zero
	     in the Repository or set the height of the sub-
	     classed action item in the object library to
	     a value of greater than zero.

CDG-00048,2, "Unable to capture the Form Module: '%s' to preserve layout."
Cause :  One of the following:
	     --- the form (fmb) cannot be retrieved because the
	     user specified form name and location are incorrect
	     --- the form (fmb) is corrupt
	     --- the form module bears no relation to the module
	     being generated.
Action : Ensure that the specified form name and
	     file location are correct and the form
	     relates to the same module as the module
	     currently being generated.

CDG-00049,2, "Transfer Canvas '%s' contains item(s), so it can not be removed."
Cause :  The source FMB file, used in the comparison
	     process for Generation Preserving Layout,
	     has an Overflow canvas containing items.
Action : Reposition the items onto a normal canvas
	     in the source FMB file, using Form Builder.
	     Overflow Canvases are only used as
	     temporary storage for new items when
	     Generating in Preserve Layout mode.

CDG-00050,2, "Failed to compile library, errors detailed in '%s'"
Cause :  The command to compile the .pll file into a .plx file has failed.
	     A possible cause is a problem in the .pll file that has
	     resulted in a compilation error.
	     Alternatively, there might be a problem with your environment
	     (e.g. you might have the wrong version of Form Builder
Action : If compilation errors occurred during generation, the Generator
	     creates a log file detailing the problem. For more information
	     about the compilation error, view the log file from
	     the Build Action dialog box.

CDG-00051,2, "'%s' Action Item name exceeds %d characters in length"
Cause :  Name of action item exceeds allowable
Action : Set the name property of the
	     action item to a smaller length

CDG-00052,1, "Increase Width property because window too small to fit canvases"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the window contains at least one canvas
	     with a width greater than the window's
	     Wdith property
	     --- the window has the Scrollable property set to No
	     Therefore, Form Generator has increased the window's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: If you do not want to increase the width of the window,
	     do one of the following:
	     --- set the window's Scrollable property to Yes
	     --- reduce the width of the canvases to be displayed in the

CDG-00053,1, "Increase Height property because window too small to fit canvases"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the window contains at least one canvas
	     with a height greater than the window's
	     Height property
	     --- the window has the Scrollable property set to No
	     Therefore, Form Generator has increased the window's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: If you do not want to increase the height of the window,
	     do one of the following:
	     --- set the window's Scrollable property to Yes
	     --- reduce the height of the canvases to be displayed in the

CDG-00054,1, "Cannot access registry key '%s'"
Cause :  The application tried to access the specified registry key but an
	     error occurred during the operation. The registry key may not exist.
Action : Check the key exists in the registry.

CDG-00055,1, "Using Form default Length for %s module argument length"
Cause :  The module argument's length property
	     is unset in the Repository definition or has
	     been set to zero.
Action : Set the module argument length
	     property to a value greater than
	     zero in the Repository.

CDG-00057,1, "Module Generated In Preserve Layout Mode"
Cause :  The Preserve Layout Option has
	     been chosen in the Generate Form
	     Dialog Box.
Action : To Generate the module normally,
	     ensure Preserve Layout checkbox
	     is 'unchecked' in the Generate Form
	     Dialog Box.

CDG-00058,3, "Unable to find Oracle Forms compiler"
Cause :  Library Generator uses the Oracle Forms
	     compiler to convert forms or common library files between text and
	     binary formats. Library Generator was unable to
	     locate the Oracle Forms compiler executable.
Action : Make sure the EXECUTE_FORMS_GENTIME registry variable
	     holds the path of the Oracle Forms compiler executable, and
	     reinstall if necessary.

CDG-00059,3, "Unable to find Oracle Reports compiler"
Cause :  Library Generator uses the Oracle Reports
	     compiler to convert Oracle Reports library files between text and
	     binary formats. Library Generator was unable to
	     locate the Oracle Reports compiler executable.
Action : Make sure the EXECUTE_REPORTS_GENTIME registry variable
	     holds the path of the Oracle Reports compiler executable, and
	     reinstall if necessary.

CDG-00060,4, "FORMS60_PATH too long or invalid Form Builder installation"
Cause :  To read and write Oracle Forms
	     binary files, Form Generator accesses the Form
	     Builder component of Oracle Forms. However, Form
	     Generator was unable to locate the Form Builder
	     One possible cause might be that Form Builder
	     has not been installed.
	     Another possible cause might be the length of
	     the FORMS60_PATH Registry variable.
Action : Try reducing the length of the FORMS60_PATH
	     Registry variable. Alternatively, reinstall the
	     Form Builder component of Oracle Forms.

CDG-00061,1, "Named routine '%s' with unrecognized generator comment ignored"
Cause :  The generator has encountered a named routine which is marked
	     with a generator comment, but the comment is badly formatted.
Action : If this is a user named routine then you will have to change the
	     comment at the start of the code to something which doesn't
	     conflict with generated code.  See the help system for details
	     on the rules for naming user named routines.
	     If this is a generated routine which you have modified, you
	     need to check the comment in the named routine code is
	     properly formatted.  It should be exactly the same as the named
	     routine name but with some extra characters appended.
	     For example, you might add _MODIFIED to the named
	     routine name as follows:

CDG-00062,1, "Ignoring unrecognized code group '/* %s */'"
Cause :  The generator has found a code group that it does not recognize.
	     There may be several reasons for this:
	     --- You are recovering a form generated by a previous version of
	     the generator and the code group is no long valid.
	     --- This is a user event segment which has been given a name
	     which is reserved by the generator.
	     --- This is a user modified code group but the comment has been
	     improperly modified.
Action : If you are recovering an old form then ignore this warning.
	     If this is a user event segment then make sure you do not
	     have a comment in your code which has a generator
	     reserved name. i.e CGXX$...
	     If this is a user modified event segment then check you
	     have only appended text to the comment and have not
	     altered the name of the code group.

CDG-00063,2, "Cannot find end line for procedure '%s'"
Cause :  The recovery tool cannot find the end line for the named
	     procedure.  This is most probably due to a syntax error in
	     the procedure text.
Action : Check the procedure code for syntax errors.

CDG-00064,2, "Cannot find end line for function '%s'"
Cause :  The recovery tool cannot find the end line for the named
	     function.	This is most probably due to a syntax error in
	     the function text.
Action : Check the function code for syntax errors.

CDG-00065,2, "Cannot find end line for package spec '%s'"
Cause :  The recovery tool cannot find the end line for the named
	     package spec.  This is most probably due to a syntax error in
	     the package spec text.
Action : Check the package spec code for syntax errors.

CDG-00066,2, "Cannot find end line for package body '%s'"
Cause :  The recovery tool cannot find the end line for the named
	     package body.  This is most probably due to a syntax error in
	     the package body text.
Action : Check the package body code for syntax errors.

CDG-00067,2, "Cannot capture trigger '%s.%s', error parsing trigger code"
Cause :  The recovery tool encountered an error whilst parsing the
	     trigger text.  This is most likely to be a syntax error in the
	     trigger text.
Action : Check the syntax of the trigger text by compiling it in
	     Form Builder.

CDG-00068,2, "Failed to create binary library file '%s'"
Cause :  The attempt to create the binary library file failed.
Action : Make sure you have appropriate access rights to write
	     the file.
	     Check your Form Builder installation is working correctly.
	     If the problem still persists then contact your support

CDG-00069,4, "Bad or missing Report Builder installation"
Cause :  To read and write Oracle Reports
	     binary files, Report Generator accesses the Report
	     Builder component of Oracle Reports. However,
	     Report Generator was unable to locate the Report Builder
Action : Reinstall the Report Builder component of Oracle Reports.

CDG-00070,2, "Unable to create text file '%s' from binary library file '%s'"
Cause :  To capture a library, Library Generator must first convert the
	     binary library file into a text file. However, Library Generator
	     is unable to convert the current library into a text file. The
	     library might have attached libraries that Library Generator
	     cannot locate, or Library Generator might be unable to write
	     the text file to the filesystem, or the library file might be
Action : If the library has attached libraries, check that
	     the locations of the attached libraries are included
	     in the appropriate path environment variables in the
	     Registry. To check the library binary file is not corrupt,
	     open it in Form Builder or Report Builder. Make sure that Library
	     Generator can save the text file to the filesystem by
	     removing any write-protected files that have the same
	     name as the file Library Generator will create, or by
	     making more space available. If the problem persists,
	     contact your support representative.

CDG-00071,4, "Failed to create Forms API context"
Cause :  To read and write Oracle Forms
	     binary files, Form Generator accesses the Form
	     Builder component of Oracle Forms. However, an error occurred
	     when Form Generator attempted to initialize the
	     Form Builder API.
Action : Reinstall the Form Builder component of Oracle Forms.

CDG-00074,3, "Form Calling Menu Not Permitted"
Cause :  An inter-module action item has been created
	     in the form with a navigate to property set
	     to a module of type Menu.
Action : Remove Action Item or change Action
	     Item's Navigate To property to reference
	     a valid module type.

CDG-00075,2, "Illegal value entered for preference AIBBWD for action item '%s'"
Cause :  The preference AIBBWD value for this action
	     item contains an illegal series of characters.
Action : This preference value must be either a number
	     of greater value than zero, or one of the valid
	     string values defined in the on-line help for this

CDG-00076,1, "Module Argument %s has an illegal item usage"
Cause :  A module arguments has an item usage to
	     a lookup item or an item which is not
	     in the first navigable block.
Action : Delete the item usage or reset the
	     item usage to a base table item
	     in the first navigable block.

CDG-00077,1, "Increasing length of bound module argument %s to match item %s."
Cause :  One of the following:
	     --- The argument has a length specified in the
	     Repository which is less than the length
	     of one of the items which uses this argument.
	     --- An item using the argument is of type date
	     and consequently the argument length needs
	     to be increased to accommodate a 'full date'
Action : Increase the length of the module
	     argument in the Repository to the
	     length of the parameter in the
	     generated form.

CDG-00078,2, "Badly formed named routine '%s'"
Cause :  The Repository definition of the specified named
	     routine does not have a recognizable beginning and
Action : Make sure that the code follows the correct syntax for
	     a package specification, package body, function or
	     procedure. In particular, make sure that each code
	     block after a BEGIN keyword is terminated properly with
	     "END;" or "END  ;".

CDG-00079,2, "Module component %s contains table usages but its Datasource property = NONE"
Cause :  The named module component contains table usages.
	     However, its Datasource Type property has been set to
	     NONE. This setting is only appropriate for generating
	     non-database control blocks from module components that
	     contain no table usages.
Action : If the module component is to be generated as a
	     non-database control block, remove the table usage(s).
	     If the module component is to be generated as a database
	     block, set the Datasource Type property to a value other than
	     NONE (refer to the help system to find out which datasource to use).

CDG-00080,1, "Query property of module component %s is set, but its Datasource = NONE"
Cause :  The Query property of the named module component has
	     been set to Yes. However, the module component's
	     Datasource Type property has been set to NONE, indicating
	     that it is to be generated as a non-database control block. It is
	     not possible to query non-database control blocks, so the setting of
	     the Query property is inappropriate.
Action : If the module component is to be generated
	     as a non-database control block, set the module
	     component's Query property to No.
	     If the module component is to be generated
	     as a queryable database block, select a value other
	     than NONE for the module component's Datasource
	     Type property (refer to the help system to find out
	     which datasource to use).

CDG-00081,2, "Module component %s contains table usages but its Datatarget property = NONE"
Cause :  The named module component contains table usages.
	     However, its Datatarget Type property has been set to
	     NONE. This setting is only appropriate for generating
	     non-database control blocks from module components that
	     contain no table usages.
Action : If the module component is to be generated as a non-database control
	     block, remove the table usage(s).
	     If the module component is to be generated as a database
	     block, set the Datatarget Type property to a value other than
	     NONE (refer to the help system to find out which datatarget to use).

CDG-00082,1, "Ins/Upd/Del properties of module component %s set, but its Datatarget = NONE"
Cause :  One or more of the Insert, Update, or Delete properties
	     of the named module component has
	     been set to Yes. However, the module component's Datatarget
	     Type property has been set to NONE, indicating that it is to be
	     generated as a non-database control block. It is not possible to
	     perform DML operations on non-database control blocks, so the
	     setting of the Insert/Update/Delete property is inappropriate.
Action : If the module component is to be generated
	     as a non-database control block, set the module
	     component's Insert, Update and Delete properties to No.
	     If the module component is to be generated
	     as a database block on which DML operations can be
	     performed, select a value other
	     than NONE for the module component's Datatarget
	     Type property (refer to the help system to find out
	     which datatarget to use).

CDG-00100,0, "ERROR"
Cause :  Text used in building up error messages.
Action : None.

CDG-00101,0, "WARNING"
Cause :  Text used in building up warning messages.
Action : None.

CDG-00102,0, "ERROR: SYSTEM"
Cause :  Text used in building up system error messages.
Action : None.

CDG-00104,3, "Error reading input file."
Cause :  The operating system detected an error while reading a file.
Action : Check disk for physical errors.

CDG-00105,3, "Error rewinding input file."
Cause :  The operating system detected an error while trying to reposition
	     the file pointer to the beginning of the file.
Action : Check the disk for physical errors since the file was opened.

CDG-00113,4, "Buffer overflow in %s"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00117,4, "Location %s,	invalid code %d"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00158,2, "Log file %s is empty"
Cause :  The log file, which should contain any errors or warnings issued
	     during generation, does not contain any non-space characters.
Action : Ensure that there is enough disk space available to write the

CDG-00160,4, "Assertion failed in %s, at %s:%d"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Please make a note of the full error stack following this
	     error message and contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-00162,0, "Call failed in %s, at %s:%d"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.
/ 00200 .. 00299 Generator User Preferences Errors and Warnings

CDG-00200,1, "BLKSBP value different for consecutive subcomponents"
Cause :  A floating scrollbar can only be in one
	     place for all the subcomponents which
	     share it, therefore all those subcomponents
	     should have the same BLKSBP value
Action : Set BLKSBP to the same value for all
	     subcomponents which share a floating

CDG-00228,4, "Invalid configuration: No registry key found for product"
Cause :  An unexpected internal error has been encountered
Action : Call your support representative
/ 01001 .. 02000 Forms generator Errors and Warnings

CDG-01001,1, "No PL/SQL block text for button item	%s.%s; Button has no functionality."
Cause :  an item has been defined having a display datatype
	     of 'BUTTON', but no PL/SQL has been defined that will determine
	     the generated buttons functionality.
Action : Define PL/SQL block text for button item.

CDG-01002,2, "Too many alternate regions"
Cause :  The Oracle Form Generator can only support one
	     alternate region per block
Action : Stack all the item groups into one alternate region

CDG-01003,1, "Set Placement property to New Tab Canvas Page because no preceding component"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the module component has the Placement property
	     set to Same Tab Canvas Page
	     --- there is no preceding module component with
	     its Placement property set to New Tab Canvas Page
	     Therefore, Form Generator has set the module component's
	     Placement property to New Tab Canvas Page during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01004,1, "Placement property ignored: Not enough tab pages can be generated"
Cause :  Form Generator only generates blocks onto
	     tab canvas pages when at least two module
	     components within the same content
	     canvas have Placement properties
	     set to New Tab Canvas Page.
Action : To generate blocks onto tab canvas pages,
	     set the Placement property of at least one other module
	     component within the same content canvas
	     to New Tab Canvas Page.

CDG-01005,1, "OCX/ActiveX Control Implementation %s for %s.%s not found"
Cause :  The given item has a Display Datatype of OCX but a Custom Item
	     of type OLE Container named as its Implementation cannot be
	     found in the template form.
Action : Ensure that the Implementation for the Repository Item is the
	     name of a Custom Item in the template form of type OCX Control.

CDG-01006,1, "Descriptive Flex name not defined, DFLEX usage ignored"
Cause :  The preference DFNAME has a null value in the context of the
	     given item, but a value is required.
Action : Specify the name of the required descriptive flex using the
	     preference DFNAME

CDG-01007,1, "No Implementation specified for OCX/ActiveX Control %s.%s"
Cause :  The specified Repository item is defined as display datatype OCX
	     but the 'Template/Library Object' property is not set.
Action : Set the 'Template/Library Object' property of the Repository
	     item to an OCX control in the template form.

CDG-01008,1, "Failed to change directory to %s"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-01009,1, "Application short name not defined, DFLEX usage ignored"
Cause :  The preference DFAPPL has a null value in the context of the given
	     item, but a value is required
Action : Specify the application short name using the preference DFAPPL

CDG-01010,1, "Lookup Validation WHERE clause is invalid:\n%s"
Cause :  The Lookup Validation where clause and any column ordering have
	     been built up into a WHERE clause for the block.
	     This has failed to parse.
Action : Correct the restrictive lookup validation condition held on the
	     detailed table usage in the module definition.

CDG-01011,1, "Block with name %s already exists in form, existing block has been deleted."
Cause :  One of the following:
	     --- The template contains a block with a name
	     that is also specified in the Repository
	     --- The Preserve Layout option has been chosen and
	     a block originally generated for a particular
	     window in the form, has been moved to a
	     different window in the form or the corresponding
	     module component has been moved to a different
	     window in the Repository.
Action : One of the following:
	     --- Change name of block
	     --- If preserving layout, ensure that the
	     block in the original form and the
	     equivalent module component in the
	     Repository are positioned in the same

CDG-01012,2, "Inter-module key based links are not supported by this generator"
Cause :  The Repository definition of a module includes a
	     module component with a key based link from
	     a module component belonging to a different
Action : Remove the Key Based Data Link from
	     the module component in the source
	     module. Use the 'called module' with
	     'passed parameters' functionality to
	     pass data from one module to another.

CDG-01013,1, "Module component %s has multiple multi-row layout regions with scrollbars"
Cause :  You have defined more than one scrollbar for
	     the specified primary module component and/or
	     its module subcomponents by setting their
	     Rows Displayed properties to values other than 1.
	     However, a multi-region block (like any other block
	     in a form) can only have one scrollbar.
	     Form Generator cannot determine
	     which layout
	     region is to have the scrollbar and therefore:
	     ---creates the scrollbar for
	     the first multi-row layout region
	     ---issues this warning
Action : Do one of the following:
	     ---set MRBVSB to Yes for the module
	     component from which the multi-row
	     layout region containing the scrollbar is generated, and
	     set MRBVSB to No for all other
	     multi-row module components generated
	     into the multi-region block
	     ---change the Rows Displayed properties of the primary
	     module component and its module sub-components so
	     that only one of them has its Rows Displayed
	     property set to a value not equal to 1

CDG-01014,1, "'Validate in LOV' for item %s.%s not available. Building trigger code."
Cause :  It has been requested that List of Values be used to perform the
	     validation of the specified item (by setting the preference
	     LOVVAL=Y). However this is not possible because the column on
	     which the item is based is:
	     --- part of a multi-column foreign key, or
	     --- within a domain which includes ranges as well as discrete values
	     Validation will therefore be performed by PL/SQL code built on
Action : No action required

CDG-01015,1, "Failed to load template form %s"
Cause :  Form Generator cannot find the template form you have specified.
Action : Make sure the template form exists either in the file system
	     or on the specified database.

CDG-01016,1, "Failed to extract PL/SQL Block Text property"
Cause :  To capture the PL/SQL Block Text property of this
	     Repository item, the corresponding form item's
	     WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger code must be
	     syntactically correct. However, Form Generator
	     detected a syntax error while parsing the trigger code
	     and was therefore unable to capture the PL/SQL
	     Block Text property.
Action : To locate the syntax error,
	     load the form into Form Builder and attempt
	     to compile the trigger.
	     When you have corrected the syntax error,
	     capture the form again.

CDG-01017,1, "Flag %s ignored on column with range"
Cause :  The column specified has been defined to have a range but also has
	     either the 'Suggested List' flag and/or the 'Dynamic List' flag set
	     against the column.  It is not considered sensible to have these
	     flags set AND ranges as well, therefore the flags will be ignored
	     and the column will be generated with validation against the range.
Action : You will need to decide which method of validation is appropriate
	     for the column in question and set the flags accordingly.

CDG-01018,1, "Flags %s and %s ignored on column with ranges"
Cause :  The column specified has been defined to have a range but also has
	     either the 'Suggested List' flag and/or the 'Dynamic List' flag set
	     against the column.  It is not considered sensible to have these
	     flags set AND ranges as well, therefore the flags will be ignored
	     and the column will be generated with validation against the range.
Action : You will need to decide which method of validation is appropriate
	     for the column in question and set the flags accordingly.

CDG-01019,1, "An equivalent relationship already exists between blocks '%s' and '%s'"
Cause :  During generation the generator has attempted to
	     create a relationship between two blocks which already
	     The existing relationship will be used.
Action : None.

CDG-01020,1, "Not generating help for module as help table not created"
Cause :  The CG_FORM_HELP table does not exist, therefore unable
	     to store help information.
Action : Create the CG_FORM_HELP table.

CDG-01021,1, "Inclusion Object '%s' can not be found in the Object Library"
Cause :  An object name has been entered in the module's
	     "Template/Library Objects" list that could not be
	     found in the Object Libraries used in this generation.
Action : Check that the object exists in the Object Libraries used
	     in generation.
	     Check that the Object Libraries required are being used
	     in generation.

CDG-01022,2, "No base canvas in window %s for stacked canvas %s"
Cause :  during generation, the Form Generator checks that a popup
	     canvas has a base canvas (named CG$PAGE_...) in the same window.
	     This error is flagged because no base canvas has been found.
Action : Check that the CG$PAGE... canvases have not been deleted or renamed
	     since the form was generated.

CDG-01023,1, "Value in item Help Context Id Prefix contains a negative value or is unset."
Cause :  The Help Context Id item is only allowed to have a positive number
	     specified.  It must contain a value for Help to work.
	     Help information will not be available at this level.
Action : Make sure it is set to a positive number

CDG-01024,2, "Underlying column with the prefix '%s' may cause problems in generated code"
Cause :  This is an integrity check on the Repository.
	     Because Form Generator creates parameters for form
	     level procedures with this prefix there may problems resolving
	     the names of the column and the PL/SQL parameter.
	     This is most likely to be a problem if the column is named
	     P_ROWID or the cascade delete rule is enforced in the form.
Action : Rename the column.

CDG-01025,1, "Help Generator has not been run or a new help item has been added since"
Cause :  The Help Context Id is null in the Repository.
	     Help information will not be available at this level.
Action : Run the Help Generator

CDG-01026,1, "'%s' is not a valid overflow action for block %s based on table %s"
Cause :  In the table layout, a block position of "NEW STACKED CANVAS
	     or "SAME STACKED CANVAS" has been chosen. In addition,
	     an overflow style of "SPREAD TABLE" has been set or
	     defaulted from the default block overflow action preference
	     The generator cannot build a spread table on a stacked canvas
	     since if the canvas view size is smaller than the canvas size,
	     the spread table will remain fixed when the popup scrolls. This is
	     because the spread table is implemented as a stacked canvas
	     which is anchored to the underlying content canvas, not the
	     stacked canvas.
Action : The generator created the block using the "WRAP LINE" overflow
	     style.  Set an overflow style of something other than "SPREAD TABLE"
	     to remove this warning.

CDG-01027,1, "Preference %s has invalid value, defaulted to zero"
Cause :  For a preference which can use real units, the generator cannot
	     read a valid number from the entered value, or the preference is
Action : Enter a valid value in the correct format, eg "0.25 in"

CDG-01028,1, "No implementation class specified for Bean Area"
Cause :  The Display Type of the specified Repository item is
	     set to Bean Area but its Template/Library Object
	     property is not set.
Action : Set the specified Repository item's Template/Library Object
	     property to the name of a Bean Area item in the object library.

CDG-01029,1, "Visual Attribute %s not found in template form"
Cause :  To generate current record indicator items the visual attributes
	     named CG$CURRENT_RECORD and CG$OTHER_RECORD should exist in the
	     template form.
Action : Create these visual attributes in the template form.

CDG-01030,2, "Parameter prefix %s not allowed; try %s instead"
Cause :  The preference PARAMP is used as a prefix for parameters in
	     generated PL/SQL.	It must start with a letter and
	     contain only those characters which are legal in PL/SQL variable
	     names; i.e. alpha-numeric, underscore and dollar sign.
Action : Correct the preference PARAMP.

CDG-01031,1, "Table names %s and %s are not unique within %s characters"
Cause :  The table names as entered in the Repository are not unique
	     within the specified number of characters. This may cause
	     problems during generation as they are used for naming and
	     identifying objects in the generated code.
Action : Rename the tables identified in the Repository.

CDG-01032,1, "Item groups are on stacked canvases not tab canvases"
Cause :  In the form being captured, a stacked
	      item group appears on
	     a stacked canvas that has the same dimensions as
	      another stacked
	     canvas.  Form Generator considers the stacked
	     canvases to be an
	     alternative implementation of a native Oracle Forms
	      tab canvas.
Action : If you generate a form from the captured module,
	     use CANNTC to control how Form Generator
	     generates the stacked item group:
	     --set CANNTC to No to generate the stacked
	     item group onto a stacked canvas
	     --set CANNTC to Yes to generate the stacked
	     item group onto a native Oracle Forms tab
	     canvas page

CDG-01033,1, "Form '%s' may not return the domain meaning."
Cause :  If the DVDSPM (display domain meaning) preference is set to 'Y'
	     and the DVLOVF preference is set to use a form.
Action : The list of values form specified with the DVLOVF preference must
	     assign the meaning item to the global variable
	     ':GLOBAL.CG$REF_MEANING' after the user has selected a value.

CDG-01034,2, "Column %s.%s is not allowed in an expression"
Cause :  A lookup table column that is part of a foreign key has been
	     used in an expression.
Action : Remove column reference from expression.  Use the base table column
	     of the foreign key.

CDG-01035,1, "OLBLST preference specifies object '%s'  that already exists in the form"
Cause :  The OLBLST preference specifies
	     the name of an object which is already
	     present in the form being generated. This may
	     have occurred because an object of the same
	     name and type is also present in the template
	     form being used for generation.
Action : Ensure the object of the same name and type is
	     not present in the original form being generated
	     (eg. if present in the template remove the
	     object from the template).
	     Otherwise, remove the name of the
	     object from the OLBLST preference

CDG-01036,1, "Block %s has the Current Record Visual Attribute property set"
Cause :  The block has the Current Record Visual Attribute Group property
Action : If you wish to achieve the same results as setting this property on
	     generation, set the CURREC preference against the captured
	     module component.

CDG-01037,1, "Cannot generate a block node for '%s'"
Cause :  The module component for this block has
	     a base table usage based on a table with
	     no primary key defined in the server model.
Action : Specify a primary key for the Server Model
	     table which the module component base
	     table is based.

CDG-01038,1, "Cannot add valid value '%s' to record group for item"
Cause :  A valid value has been specified for a
	     data/number column but the correct
	     format mask property for the column has
	     not been specified.
Action : Specifiy an appropriate format mask for the
	     repository column definition for this item and
	     ensure that all valid values for this column
	     are in a format which matches this format

CDG-01039,1, "Non-validated FK is ignored"
Cause :  The foreign key specified is has a "Validate In" property on "NONE".
	     as such it cannot be used in this table usage where
	     INSERT and/or UPDATE are allowed.
Action : None required.

CDG-01040,1, "Preference %s has invalid units - character cells selected"
Cause :  The specified preference value includes a string to
	     represent the units, but this cannot be understood
	     by Forms Generator
Action : Enter the units string correctly into the preference,
	     or simpy enter a numeric value for character cells.

CDG-01041,1, "Block %s cannot be placed to the right of block %s"
Cause :  The block being captured was originally generated
	     to the right of another block. However, that second
	     block no longer exists in the same window. Therefore,
	     the Right of Component property of the module
	     component created from the captured block cannot
	     be set.
Action : If appropriate, use the Right of Component property
	     of the module component created from the captured
	     block to specify the name of another module
	     component in the same window.

CDG-01042,1, "Could not find environment variable %s : Report cannot be run"
Cause :  The generator could not find the environment variable specified
	     in the registry and therefore cannot run the report.
Action : The report uses Oracle Reports runtime to show the logfile, you may
	     not have this installed.
	     If you have Oracle Reports installed then the environment variable
	     specified needs to be set in the registry.

CDG-01043,1, "Custom links are not supported by this generator."
Cause :  A custom link has been defined between two
	     module components in a module.
Action : No action required; Generator will just ignore any
	     custom links in the module. To avoid this message,
	     the custom link must be deleted from the module.

CDG-01044,2, "Return list of LOV '%s' does not include associated item (%s)"
Cause :  The LOVVAL preference is set to Yes
	     but the LOV being processed does not return a value to
	     the item that the LOV is associated with.	Therefore, it is
	     not possible to validate the item with this LOV.
Action : Do one of the following:?
	     --- do not specify a return list (for LOVs associated with bound
	     items) so that Form Generator creates a default return list
	     --- include the item with which the LOV is associated with in the
	     return list

CDG-01045,1, "Set Overflow property to %s because %s invalid with stacked item groups"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the module component contains items that
	     are in a stacked item group
	     --- the module component has the Overflow property
	     set to Spread Table
	     Therefore, Form Generator has set the module
	     component's Overflow property to Wrap Line
	     during generation instead.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01046,1, "Drilldown generated as current record indicator"
Cause :  You have defined a drilldown indicator in a block that has no
	     detail blocks. Therefore there is nothing to drilldown to and the
	     item will be generated as a normal current record indicator
Action : Define a detail block for the block containing the drilldown

CDG-01047,2, "Form template %s not on template path"
Cause :  The specified form template could not be found on the template
Action : Check your template path, form template name and if the form
	     template exists

CDG-01048,1, "Unable to process the following ORDER BY clause: <%s>"
Cause :  During the Design Capture operation a block's ORDER BY clause
	     was found to contain expressions that were not simple column names.
	     This type of information is not stored in the Repository, so
	     nothing can be extracted from the clause.
Action : Column usages resulting from this default ordering specification
	     must be entered manually, if desired.

CDG-01049,1, "Conflicting LOV usages defined.  Only using 'Query & Data Entry' usage."
Cause :  You have a 'Query & Data Entry' usage of a LOV
	     as well as a 'Query' or 'Data Entry' usage.
	     Form Generator will ignore the 'Query' or 'Data Entry'
	     usages since they	conflict with the 'Query & Data
	     Entry' usage.
Action : Delete one of the usages to remove the conflict.

CDG-01050,1, "Item(s) in block %s have the Current Record Visual Attribute property set "
Cause :  One or more items in the block has the Current Record Visual
	     Attribute Group property set.
Action : If you wish to achieve the same results as setting this property on
	     generation, either set the CURREC preference against the captured
	     module component to an appropriate value, or create an unbound
	     item of type "CURRENT RECORD" in the captured module component.

CDG-01051,1, "Preference PAGEXP ignored since canvas expansion required for %s  "
Cause :  The current content canvas needs to be expanded
	     to display the number of rows requested.
	     However, the user preference 'PAGEXP' is set to N
	     so this has been ignored.
Action : Set the user preference 'PAGEXP' to 'Y'

CDG-01052,1, "Failed to load referenced form %s"
Cause :  At least one object in the form you are capturing has
	     been subclasses from an object in another form that
	     cannot be located.
Action : Include the specified form in a directory in the
	     FORMS60_PATH Registry variable.

CDG-01053,1, "'%c' is used for ITMSPM and ITMFPS"
Cause :  The same character has been specified (via the preferences) to
	     indicate the optional item split prompt marker (ITMSPM) and the
	     mandatory item force prompt split marker (ITMFPS).
Action : Review why the same character has been chosen for each of these

CDG-01054,1, "'%c' is used for ITMFPS and ITMPPM"
Cause :  The same character has been specified (via the preferences) to
	     indicate the mandatory item force prompt split marker (ITMFPS) and
	     the item post prompt marker (ITMPPM).
Action : Review why the same character has been chosen for each of these

CDG-01055,2, "Unable to do %s of item %s in block %s"
Cause :  A summary item is based on an item which cannot be summarized.
Action : Either base the summary item on an item which can have
	     summaries performed on it or change the type of the summarized

CDG-01056,2, "Column %s.%s required for derivation expression not found"
Cause :  The derivation text references a column that has not been
	     included in the block which contains the derived column.
Action : Add the column to your module definition in the same
	     module component as the derived column. If the added
	     column belongs to a lookup table ensure that the
	     "Create Lookup Item?" property is set to "Yes"

CDG-01057,2, "Unable to do %s of item %s in block %s"
Cause :  The formula item summarized by the summary item contains
	     references to other formula items. This is not allowed when there
	     is more than one row in the master block containing the
	     summary item.
Action : Remove references to other formula items in the summarized
	     formula item.

CDG-01058,2, "Object library %s is not on template path"
Cause :  The specified object library could not be found on the template
Action : Check your template path, object library name and if the
	     object library exists.

CDG-01059,2, "Failed to load object library %s"
Cause :  Form Generator failed to load the object library
Action : Try loading the object library into
	     Form Builder to check the file is not corrupt.

CDG-01060,2, "Failed to load menu template %s"
Cause :  The menu failed to load.
Action : Try loading the menu into Form Builder to check
	     the file is not corrupt.

CDG-01061,2, "Invalid derivation expression '%s' for this item's type"
Cause :  The derivation expression is invalid for an item of this type.
Action : Amend the derivation expression so that it is valid
	     for the item type.

CDG-01062,2, "Required item %s used in derivation expression not found in module"
Cause :  An item referenced in a derivation expression recorded
	     against an item or column was not found in the
	     repository module definition.
Action : Add the missing item to the module definition or
	     change the derivation expression.

CDG-01063,1, "Failed to load object library %s"
Cause :  At least one object in the form you are capturing has
	     been subclasses from an object in an object library that
	     cannot be located.
Action : Include the specified object library in a directory in the
	     FORMS60_PATH Registry variable.

CDG-01064,1, "Action Item %s has illegal Source for CALL METHOD Named Passed Value"
Cause :  When using the Named Passed Value CALL METHOD, you
	     should only set it's source to be Value, not Item or Argument.
	     Otherwise the default CALL METHOD is used (OPEN FORM).
Action : Set the source of the Named Passed Value CALL METHOD
	     to be a Value, not an Item or Parameter.

CDG-01065,2, "Invalid PL/SQL Block text - '%s'"
Cause :  Invalid text was entered in the PL/SQL text for this item.
Action : Correct the text.

CDG-01066,1, "Dynamic list flag ignored for item with range"
Cause :  The item specified has been defined to have a range but also has
	     'Dynamic List' flag set against the domain being used.
	     It is not considered sensible to have this flag set AND ranges
	     as well, therefore the flags will be ignored and the column will
	     be generated with validation against the range.
Action : You will need to decide which method of validation is appropriate
	     for the item in question and set the flag accordingly.

CDG-01067,1, "%s is unsupported language for called modules from Forms"
Cause :  A Navigation Action Item was defined with a target module in
	     an unsupported language.
Action : Change the target of the Navigation Action Item to be
	     a module of a supported language.

CDG-01068,1, "is not supported"
Cause :  The Named Passed Value is not supported and so will be ignored.
Action : Use one of the supported Named Passed Values or remove
	     this one.

CDG-01069,1, "Object Library/Template %s does not exist in the Forms Path"
Cause :  The Forms Path registry variable does not
	     include the object library/template path.
	     With the current registry settings,
	     compilation errors may occur when
	     trying to compile and/or run the generated
Action : Modify the Forms Path registry variable
	     to include the template/object library

CDG-01070,1, "Skipping data block '%s' as it is not based on a table or view"
Cause :  A database block was found in the form that is not
	     based on either a table or view.
Action :

CDG-01071,1, "Path for Object Library/Template %s is inconsistent with Forms Path"
Cause :  The Forms Path registry variable includes
	     another directory	(of higher precedence) which
	     contains an object library/template with the same
	     name. If the generated form is compiled/run,
	     with the current registry settings, the object
	     library/template from a different directory
	     will take precedence and be used by the Forms
Action : Modify the Forms Path registry variable
	     to include the template/object library
	     path. Ensure this path has a higher
	     precedence than any other directories
	     which include an object library/template
	     of the same name.

CDG-01072,1, "Skipping item '%s' as it is displayed on a toolbar canvas"
Cause :  This control block item is displayed on a toolbar
	     canvas, which may cause problems on
Action : If you want to capture this item you should change
	     the canvas it is displayed on to something other than
	     a toolbar canvas.

CDG-01073,1, "Formula item '%s' has an invalid formula"
Cause :  This calculated formulan item either has an invalid formula
	     or the formula property for the item is empty.
	     This item will be marked as a custom unbound item.
Action : If you want to capture this item as the correct
	     type you should either change the formula to
	     make it valid or mark the item as non-calculated.

CDG-01074,1, "Summary item '%s' has an empty mandatory property"
Cause :  This calculated summary item has an empty
	     mandatory property on the form.
Action : To capture this item correctly set the empty
	     property on the form to a valid value. The
	     possible empty values are summary function,
	     summarized block name or summarized item

CDG-01075,2, "Failed to create HTML file for form module %s"
Cause :  The command to create the HTML file required to run
	     the form as a webform has failed.
	     There might be a problem with your environment.
Action :

CDG-01076,1, "Implementation source object specified (%s), but no Object Library loaded"
Cause :  An implementation source object was specified but no object
	     library is currently being used. Generation will continue, but the
	     implementation source object cannot be used.
Action : Specify an object library that contains the implementation
	     source object, or remove the implementation source object
	     from the definition of the Repository object.

CDG-01077,1, "Implementation source object %s of correct type not found in Object Library"
Cause :  An implementation source object was specified but an
	     object of that name and type does not exist in the
	     object library that is currently being used. Generation
	     will continue but the object will not be based on the
	     implementation source object.
Action : Add a definition of the named implementation source object
	     to the object library that is currently being used, or specify an
	     object library that contains a definition of the named object.

CDG-01078,1, "Invalid default value %s"
Cause :  The argument CG$STARTUP_MODE or named passed
	     value STARTUP_MODE is used to control the
	     default mode which this module starts in. The value you
	     enter was not a supported startup mode. The generator has
	     defaulted to use startup mode NORMAL.
Action : Change the default value of argument CG$STARTUP_MODE or
	     named passed value STARTUP_MODE to
	     be one of the supported values.

CDG-01079,3, "Cannot find a content canvas for stacked canvas %s"
Cause :  Form Generator is trying to generate canvas
	     management code to manage the stacked canvas.
	     It cannot find a base canvas (a canvas named CG$PAGE...)
	     for this stacked canvas.
	     The most likely cause is that the FMB file has been edited
	     and the content canvas has been renamed or deleted.
Action : Make sure that the names of CG$PAGE canvases
	     have not been changed.
	     If this error still occurs, please inform your support

CDG-01080,1, "Default value for item is greater than %s characters"
Cause :  The length of the default value for an item or
	     module argument is greater than the Repository
	     limit.  The default value will be ignored.
Action : Either change the default value in the form
	     and run the Design Capture tool again, or
	     amend the default value in the Repository to
	     a correct value.

CDG-01081,1, "Hint text for item is longer than %s characters"
Cause :  The length of the hint text for an item is
	     greater than the Repository limit.
	     The hint text will be truncated to be
	     within the limit.
Action : Either change the hint text for the item in
	     the form and run the Design Capture tool again, or
	     amend the hint text in the Repository.

CDG-01082,1, "Nested stacked groups not supported; stacked flag ignored"
Cause :  Tab canvases must be placed on a content canvas.
	     A tab canvas cannot be placed on another tab
	     canvas; there is no implementation of nested
	     tab canvases.
Action : To remove this warning, unset the item group
	     stacked flag.

CDG-01083,1, "Making item %s the first item in List of Values '%s'"
Cause :  The validate using LOV preference 'LOVVAL' is set to 'Y'
	     and the item being validated is currently not the first
	     item in the lookup table usage. This item needs
	     to be the first item in the list so that Forms can do the
Action : If you want this item to appear elsewhere in the
	     list you must set LOVVAL to 'N' so that validation
	     is carried out using triggers.

CDG-01084,1, "Library module '%s' not found in the Repository"
Cause :  An attached library in the form being captured has no corresponding
	     module in the Repository. Therefore no link will be created from the
	     form module.
Action : If you want to create a link from the form module you should
	     do  one of the following:
	     --- Create a library module in the Repository with the same name
	     as the attached library, and then re-run the Forms Design Capture
	     --- Use the Library Design Capture tool to capture the library, and
	     then re-run the Forms Design Capture tool.

CDG-01085,1, "Not extracting template from database, already exists on file system (%s)"
Cause :  Template with same name as template being extracted from the
	     database exists in the current directory.
Action : Remove template on file system.

CDG-01086,1, "Attached library '%s' not found in forms search path. Using full path name."
Cause :  Form Generator could not locate the library to attach
	     to the generated form in any of the paths specified by
	     the appropriate Oracle Forms Registry variables.
	     However, Form Generator did locate the library in the path
	     specified as the destination for generated library modules.
	     To ensure that the library is located at runtime, Form
	     Generator has hard coded that path into the generated form.
	     However, hard coding the path into the form makes the
	     generated application significantly less portable, and is
	     therefore not recommended.
Action : Add the path identifying the location of the attached library
	     module to the appropriate Oracle Forms Registry variable.
	     Consult the Oracle Forms documentation if you are not sure
	     which Registry variable to use.

CDG-01087,1, "'%s' Lookup list item not generated: other lookup items are also displayed"
Cause :  A lookup list item (Poplist or Textlist) has
	     been specified in a lookup table usage
	     where other lookup items are also set
	     as displayed.
Action : Ensure that the lookup list item is
	     the only lookup table usage item
	     with the 'display' property set to

CDG-01088,1, "'%s' Lookup list item not generated: foreign key item is set to displayed"
Cause :  At least one base table usage
	     foreign key item is specified as
Action : Ensure that all base table usage foreign
	     key columns have the 'display' property
	     set to 'no'.

CDG-01089,1, "'%s' Lookup list item not generated: source column is not unique"
Cause :  The table column which the
	     lookup list item is based upon
	     is not the only member column
	     of a unique key for the table.
Action : Set the lookup list item to be based
	     upon a table column where the
	     column is the only member column
	     of a unique key defined for the table.

CDG-01090,1, "Lookup item %s is enforced by a constraint that is not validated in the form"
Cause :  The form module created from this Repository
	     module definition would have a non-base table
	     item for the lookup item. However, this
	     lookup is enforced by a constraint that has its
	     Validate In property set to SERVER or NONE.
	     Form Generator will override this setting
	     and treat the constraint as a client
	     validated constraint
Action :

CDG-01091,2, "Cannot open user-specified HTML file"
Cause :  The forms generator was unable to open the HTML
	     file specified by preference WEBHTM.
	     The file may be missing or corrupted.
Action : Ensure that the value entered for WEBHTM points to
	     a valid HTML file.

CDG-01092,1, "Content canvas items may not be aligned with tab content canvas items"
Cause :  The preference CANNTC is set to Yes and there
	     are multi-record stacked item groups.
	     Items on the generated tab canvases may not
	     be aligned with items on the underlying content
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- Include all items in stacked item groups and
	     generate the form again.
	     --- Set CANNTC to No and generate the form
	     again to produce an alternative
	     implementation of tab canvases in which stacked
	     item groups are placed on different stacked canvases
	     and accessed via a poplist.
	     --- Set the item group's Layout property to Standard
	     and generate the form again to display a single
	     record on the tab canvases .
	     --- Use Form Builder to change the generated layout
	     and align the items on the tab canvases with the items on
	     the content canvas.
	     --- If the items are not aligned because of the offset caused
	     due to the width of tab page edge, you can alter it using
	     the x attribute of the CG$VIEW_OFFSET tag in the comment
	     property of tab canvas standard object. For more information,
	     refer to the help topic Aligning context items on tab canvases
	     with items on spreadtable blocks.

CDG-01093,1, "'%s' Lookup list item not generated: some foreign key items are not present"
Cause :  At least one base table
	     foreign key column has not
	     got an item defined for it.
Action : Ensure that all base table foreign
	     key columns have base table usage
	     items defined for them and that all the
	     items' display' properties are set to 'no'.

CDG-01094,1, "'%s' Lookup Table Usage contains illegal validation clause"
Cause :  The Lookup's 'Validation Where Clause Property'
	     contains a reference to a generated item in the
	     current block/module component, which means
	     that the lookup list item will not have its values
	     populated correctly in a running form.
Action : Remove part of the validation clause
	     which references an item in the current
	     block/module component.

CDG-01095,1, "Contains Hierarchical Tree Item - must not contain any other items"
Cause :  Module components containing Hierarchical Tree Items should
	     not have any other items, whether they be bound or unbound items.
Action :

CDG-01096,1, "Updateable item %s in non-updateable key; Update set to No"
Cause :  The Update Allowed propery of the specified Oracle Forms item
	     is set to Yes.  However, Form Generator has detected that the
	     item is based on a column that is part of a non-updateable
	     primary key or unique key.  During design capture, Form
	     Generator therefore sets the captured Repository item's
	     Update property to No.
Action :

CDG-01097,1, "Generation of more than two master module components is not supported "
Cause :  The module contains a module component which has
	     more than two master module components linked
	     to it.
Action : Remove excess links to the detail module component
	     so that only two master module components are linked
	     to the detail module component.

CDG-01098,2, "Table Usage contains no items"
Cause :  A table usage has been defined containing no items
Action : Either remove the table usage or add some items

CDG-01099,2, "Unable to pass value from item %s; item not included in generated form"
Cause :  The argument passed value or named passed
	     value is based on the specified repository item. However,
	     the repository item does not have a corresponding item in
	     the generated form. One reason for this might be that the
	     repository item is a lookup list item.
Action : Create a usage of the module argument definition by
	     a different repository item.

CDG-01100,1, "Ignoring unrecognized object %s attached as a called module"
Cause :  Form Generator does not recognize an object attached
	     to the module via the module network.  Therefore, Form
	     Generator has ignored the attachment.
	     For example, you might attach a function to a module
	     under Called Modules.  However, Form Generator does
	     not recognize such an attachment as valid and ignores it.
Action : No action required.  Form Generator ignores the attachment

CDG-01101,2, "Failed to insert some or all of the required help text into the help table"
Cause :  The Generator has failed to insert help text into
	     the help table (either directly or using a synonym)
	     for one or both of the following reasons:
	     --- the help table has an incorrect structure
	     --- you do not have INSERT access to the help table
Action : Make sure:
	     --- the help table has the correct structure (with the correct
	     columns and column sizes)
	     --- you have INSERT access to the help table
	     Note: Any help that was successfully inserted before this
	     error occurred will be updated next time help is generated
	     for this module.

CDG-01102,2, "Impossible prompt layout"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01103,1, "Item is not a text item so ignoring LOV attachment"
Cause :  There is a list-of-values attached to a repositiory
	     item that has its display type not set to Text.
	     This is not valid in Developer and therefore will
	     be ignored
Action : If you want a list-of-values for this item then
	     set the display type to text

CDG-01104,1, "Table Usage Where Clause cannot be included in Navigator: '%s'"
Cause :  Where Clause contains a reference to a form item.
Action : Remove item reference from Where Clause, if
	     Where Clause is required in the Navigator.

CDG-01105,1, "Display length of right justified item %s.%s has been truncated."
Cause :  This occurs when the generator has to truncate the display length
	     of the named item in order to fit it into the necessary width.
	     This may result in the whole or part of the item's value not
	     being visible when records are queried. However, the item will be
	     scrollable so that the whole of the value can eventually be seen.
Action : No action required.  To avoid this warning in future executions
	     of Form Generator, consider altering preference values so that
	     more width is available in order to layout the items of the form.

CDG-01106,3, "Corrupt information in Comment property of generated item %s"
Cause :  During generation, Form Generator adds information to the
	     Comment property of generated items to enable the items to
	     be captured correctly. However, during design capture
	     Form Generator has detected
	     that the information in the Comment property for the specified
	     generated item has been altered or corrupted in some way. Form
	     Generator is therefore unable to capture the item.
Action : Use Form Builder to do one of the following:
	     --- recreate the information in the
	     item's Comment property as it was generated
	     --- delete the contents of the item's Comment property
	     to enable Form Generator to capture the item without
	     using the information in the Comment property

CDG-01107,1, "%s can only be displayed as IMAGE or OLE CONTAINER"
Cause :  The only valid usage of a LONG RAW column is to display it as
Action : Use IMAGE or OLE CONTAINER as the Display Datatype of this Item
	     in the Repository.

CDG-01108,1, "ROWLOV preference ignored; LOV missing items for primary key columns"
Cause :  To generate row LOV functionality when ROWLOV is
	     set to Yes, the repository LOV definition must include
	     all primary key columns of the base table. Form Generator
	     has detected that not all primary key columns are included
	     as items in the repository LOV base table usage.
Action : Include the missing primary key columns as items
	     in the repository LOV base table usage.

CDG-01109,3, "No functions found for flavor %d"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01110,1, "Default value of column %s.%s not used because column is auto-generated."
Cause :  A column definition in the Repository has been defined as both
	     having a default value, and as having its value derived from a
	     unique source. In this situation, Form Generator ignores the
	     default value.
Action : No action required.  To avoid this warning in future executions
	     of Form Generator, remove the default value from the column
	     definition in the Repository.

CDG-01111,1, "Unique ID generated column %s.%s is not in any primary or unique keys."
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as having its value
	     derived from a unique source, but that column is not
	     included in any of its table's Unique or Primary keys.
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected.

CDG-01112,1, "ROWLOV preference ignored; cannot find corresponding module component"
Cause :  To generate row LOV functionality when ROWLOV is
	     set to Yes, both of the following conditions must be met:
	     --- the repository LOV definition must have the same
	     name as the queryable module component with which it is
	     to be associated
	     --- the repository LOV definition must have the same base table
	     usage as the module component with the same name
	     Form Generator cannot find a suitable module component to associate
	     with the repository LOV definition.
Action : Do the following:
	     --- make sure the repository LOV definition has the
	     same name as the module component it is to be
	     associated with
	     --- make sure the module component is queryable
	     and that the repository LOV has the same base table usage

CDG-01113,2, "Failed to create List-of-Values"
Cause :  Oracle Form Generator was unable to
	     create the list-of-values as defined within
	     Designer.	The most common reasons for
	     this are:
	     Invalid SQL in LOVs where clauses
	     The tables used by the LOV do not
	     exist in the schema Form Generator is
	     being run against.
Action : Either correct the SQL or create the tables in
	     the schema.

CDG-01114,2, "The .fmx file cannot be saved"
Cause :  The .fmx file may have been successfully compiled, but Form
	     Generator cannot save the compiled file. One possible
	     reason is that the form is already running.
Action : If an older version of the form is already running, close the
	     running form and generate the module again.
	     Otherwise, examine the drive for other reasons why Form
	     Generator cannot save the compiled file.

CDG-01115,1, "Format mask '%s' is not Year 2000 Compliant"
Cause :  The format mask you have specified is not Year 2000 compliant
	     because it does not include the century.
Action : To make the format mask Year 2000 compliant, change the format
	     mask to include the century.

CDG-01116,1, "OLBLST specifies object library objects but no object library is used"
Cause :  The OLBLST preference specifies objects
	     and/or object groups to subclass or copy into the generated form
	     from one or more object libraries. However, Form Generator is not
	     using any object libraries during generation. Therefore the
	     objects specified by OLBLST cannot be included in the
	     generated form.
Action : To subclass or copy objects and/or object groups specified by
	     OLBLST into the generated form, indicate the object libraries to use
	     during generation in one of the following ways:
	     --- by setting the STOOLB preference
	     --- by specifying object libraries on the Generate Form dialog box

CDG-01117,2, "Invalid display type used in LOV column %s.%s"
Cause :  The display type of the specified item is not a
	     valid type for use in LOVs. For example, the
	     display type is set to 'image'
Action : Either remove this item from the LOV, or change its
	     display type to a valid value.

CDG-01118,1, "List item %s, implied by program unit %s, not found in form"
Cause :  The name of the specified program unit implies
	     that there is a list item to be captured.
	     However, Form Generator cannot find the item
	     named in the program unit.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- if you wish to capture a list item and
	     associated LOV add an appropriately
	     named list item to the form.
	     --- if you do not wish to capture a list
	     item and LOV, then remove the
	     program unit and any references to it

CDG-01119,1, "Base table %s of block %s has no primary or unique keys"
Cause :  A table that has no Unique or Primary key is being used in this
	     module to create or update records.
Action : No action is required. This warning is highlighting an area
	     in the database design that does not seem correct.
	     Generation of the current module is not

CDG-01120,1, "Program unit %s does not contain SELECT statement for list item"
Cause :  The name of the specified program unit
	     implies that it is used for populating list
	     items. However, Form Generator cannot
	     find the expected SELECT statement in
	     the program unit.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- remove the program unit
	     and any references to it from the form
	     --- modify the format of the
	     program unit to match that of other
	     generated CGLL$ program units

CDG-01121,1, "LOV %s is a row LOV, so make sure ROWLOV=Yes"
Cause :  The name of the specified LOV implies
	     that it was generated to support row LOV
	     functionality. This type of functionality is
	     only generated when the ROWLOV
	     preference is set ot Yes.
Action : If you intend to generate from the
	     captured module, set the ROWLOV
	     preference to Yes for the captured LOV.

CDG-01122,1, "Item format mask %s cannot be validated against column definition"
Cause :  Form Generator cannot confirm that the specified item format
	     mask is valid because the repository column definition on
	     which this item is based does not have its Maximum Length
	     and Decimal Places properties set.
Action : Add values to the repository column definition's Maximum
	     Length and Decimal Places properties.

CDG-01123,2, "No Primary/Unique Key defined for Foreign Key %s of Table/View %s"
Cause :  A foreign key was defined to a
	     table usage in the module with
	     cascade update.  However the table
	     has no primary or unique key constraint
	     defined for the foreign key
Action : Create a unique key or a primary key for
	     the table which is referenced by the foreign key

CDG-01124,1, "Missing columns in key %s in table %s in insert/update block"
Cause :  There are missing usages for one or more columns in the given
	     unique or primary key, from a table usage in which Insert is
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected.

CDG-01125,3, "Connect string %s is not valid"
Cause :  The connect string specified on the Compile tab of the
	     Form Generator Options dialog is not valid for one of
	     the following reasons:
	     --- the username, password, and/or database name
		  are incorrect
	     --- the database is not currently available
Action : Depending on the cause, either correct the
	     connect string or start the database.

CDG-01126,4, "cflufl() called with no candidate items"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01127,2, "Named routine '%s' is not valid"
Cause :  The specified named routine does not start with the correct
	     PL/SQL keyword (i.e. FUNCTION, PROCEDURE,
	     PACKAGE) for the named routine's type. For example,
	     a named routine of type function must start with the
	     keyword FUNCTION.
Action : To include the specified named routine in the
	     generated module, add the correct PL/SQL keyword
	     (i.e. one of FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, or
	     If you do not want to include the specified named routine
	     in the generated module, do one of the following:
	     --- delete the named routine from the repository
	     --- exclude the named routine from generation

CDG-01128,1, "Ignoring CG$FF template item"
Cause :  CG$FF template items cause Form Generator to create
	     calls to program units that are only created
	     if the CALLFM preference is set to Yes.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- set the CALLFM preference to Yes
	     --- consider using navigation action items
	     for inter-form navigation instead of obsolete
	     CG$FF template items

CDG-01129,3, "Inverted master-detail key-based links are not supported"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected an inverted
	     master-detail key-based link between module
	     components. Inverted master-detail links
	     are not supported by this version
	     of Form Generator.
Action : Modify the structure of the module to remove
	     inverted master-detail key-based links.

CDG-01130,2, "Template form and form being preserved use different coordinate systems"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that the template form
	     and the form being preserved use different coordinate
	     system information. The layout of the generated form
	     will be unsatisfactory.
Action : Make the coordinate system information identical
	     by changing either the template form or the form being

CDG-01131,2, "Recursion found in referential integrity rules (foreign key %s on table %s)"
Cause :  The cascade delete/update rules specified on the foreign key
	     definition(s) in the Repository have an infinite loop.  You will
	     get this, for example if you have a foreign key from one table to
	     itself, where the cascade delete rule is set to Cascade.
Action : Redefine the foreign key definition(s) such that recursion does
	     not exist;  typically this will be changing the cascade
	     delete/update rule from Cascade to Restricted

CDG-01132,2, "Updateable view-based module component is missing primary key items"
Cause :  The named module component has been defined as updateable
	     or deleteable and based on a view. Since views do not necessarily
	     support ROWIDs, records to be updated or deleted within a view
	     must be identified by their primary key items. However, not all of
	     the view's primary key columns have repository items bound to them
	     in the base table usage. Form Generator is therefore unable to
	     proceed with generation.
Action : Make sure that an item exists in the base table usage
	     of the module component for every column in the
	     view's primary key.

CDG-01133,2, "Cannot journal table %s;  no usages for entire primary key"
Cause :  The table specified is defined in the Repository as being
	     journaled, but either the table has no primary key, or not all
	     columns in the primary key are being used in this module.
	     A journaled table must have a non-updateable primary key.
Action : Define a primary key for your table and/or ensure that the
	     module definition includes items for all columns
	     in the primary key.

CDG-01134,2, "Cannot journal table %s;  primary key item(s) updateable"
Cause :  The table specified is defined in the Repository as being
	     journaled, but its primary key is defined as being updateable.
	     Because the primary key identifies the row in the journal table,
	     it may not be updateable.
Action : Modify the primary key definition in the Repository to make it

CDG-01135,2, "Updateable module component is based on a view that has no primary key"
Cause :  The named module component has been defined as updateable
	     or deleteable and based on a view. Since views do not necessarily
	     support ROWIDs, records to be updated or deleted within a view
	     must be identified by their primary key items. However, no primary
	     key has been defined for the view on which the module component
	     is based. Form Generator is therefore unable to proceed with
Action : Perform the following steps:
	     1. Define a primary key for the view on which the
	     module component is based.
	     2. Make sure that an item exists in the base table usage
	     for every column in the view's primary key.

CDG-01136,1, "Unable to refresh server-derived items from view after insert operation"
Cause :  The named module component has been defined as insertable
	     and based on a view. Since views do not necessarily
	     support ROWIDs, records within a view must be identified by their
	     primary key items. However, Form Generator has determined that
	     primary key values of inserted records will not be available to the
	     generated form for one of the following reasons:
	     --- no primary key has been defined for the view
	     --- one or more of the view's primary key columns do not have
	     items bound to them in the module component
	     --- one or more of the items bound to the primary key columns of
	     the view have their Server Derived? property set to Yes.
	     This means that the generated form will be unable to retrieve
	     inserted records from the database, and that server derived items
	     in the record will remain unpopulated until the view is re-queried.
Action : If you want derived items to be populated
	     automatically on insert, perform the following steps:
	     1. Make sure a primary key is defined for the view
	     on which the module component is based.
	     2. Make sure that an item exists in the base table
	     usage for every column in the view's primary key.
	     3. Set the Server Derived? property to No on all items
	     bound to primary key columns in the view.

CDG-01137,1, "No valid format mask found for date item"
Cause :  None of the format masks supplied for this item
	     are valid.
Action : Provide a valid format mask in the item's format
	     mask property, or in an appropriate object library
	     item's format mask property, or in the appropriate
	     TXTDDF or TXTDTF preferences.

CDG-01138,1, "Format mask '%s' taken from the object library is invalid, mask ignored: %s"
Cause :  The object library object that the item is
	     subclassed/copied from has an invalid
	     format mask.
Action : No action is required. To prevent this warning
	     occuring in subsequent generation, ensure that
	     the object library object that the item is subclassed
	     from has a valid format mask.

CDG-01139,1, "No validation generated on partially specified foreign key %s.%s"
Cause :  The foreign key displayed has usages for some but not all of
	     its columns, within the given table usage. Form Generator has
	     not generated any code that will validate against this foreign
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected.
	     to avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator,
	     include usages in the module definition for those columns that
	     are missing.

CDG-01140,2, "Unable to layout form due to invalid relative tab stop settings"
Cause :  The generator has detected that there are inconsistent
	     relative tab stop settings.  This could be because:
	     --  end tab stops are set at a value less than the start tab
	     stops on the same item
	     -- items within item groups have relative	tab stops that
	     would place them outside of the item group
	     Therefore the canvas layout could not be determined
	     and the form has not been generated.
Action : Correct the relative tab stop setting that is causing the problem
	     and generate the form again.

CDG-01141,2, "Table usage %s requires primary key column for referential integrity"
Cause :  You have modelled a table usage which requires
	     referential integrity code to be generated for it,
	     but you have not included its primary key column.
Action : Add the primary key column to the table usage
	     (this column need not be displayed or enabled).

CDG-01142,1, "Item datatype LOB in not valid in Forms 9i"
Cause :  Item datatype LOB is obsolete in Forms 9i
Action : Designer has defaulted the item datatype to LONG.

CDG-01143,1, "Item datatype FILE in not valid in Forms 9i"
Cause :  Item datatype FILE is obsolete in Forms 9i
Action : Designer has defaulted the item datatype to ALPHA

CDG-01145,2, "Template form %s does not exist"
Cause :  The generator cannot load the template form whose name is defined
	     in the STFFMB preference.
Action : Log into Form Builder, and ensure that the form exists in
	     the Form Builder database. If the owner of the form is not yourself,
	     check that its owner has granted you access to it.
	     Or ensure the template form exists in the file system.

CDG-01153,1, "Cannot derive value for column %s.%s with default value"
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as both being derived
	     from an expression, and as having a default value.
Action : This warning is followed by a question asking if the default is
	     not to be used.  Form Generator will then either not use the
	     default value, or will not use the derivation expression.

CDG-01154,1, "Derivation expression ignored for unique id generated column %s.%s"
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as both being derived
	     from an expression, and as being derived from a Unique ID source.
Action : No action required; the derivation is ignored.
	     to avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator,
	     the column definition in the Repository should be amended

CDG-01156,2, "Table %s has no primary key"
Cause :  The table specified is defined in the Repository as being
	     journaled, but the table has no primary key.  Journaled tables
	     must be given primary keys.
Action : Define a primary key for your table in the Repository, and ensure
	     that there exists usages for all columns in the primary key in
	     your module definition.

CDG-01157,1, "Foreign key item(s) in %s not enterable; those in lookup not a unique key"
Cause :  Form Generator has found the need to validate a foreign key.
	     however, Form Generator has also determined from
	     the lookup table usage's properties that none of the items
	     forming part of the foreign key are to be generated as
	     enterable (regardless of their Insert/Update/Query properties).
	     Instead, validation code is to be generated for those lookup
	     items that form a unique or primary key in the lookup table.
	     If none of the lookup items form such a key, this message is issued
	     and Form Generator generates code to perform validation across
	     all the lookup items.
Action : No action is necessary. If this is not required
	     behavior, change the properties of the lookup table

CDG-01160,1, "Allowed value(s) of column bigger than item length"
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as having a list of valid
	     values, and one or more of such values are bigger than the
	     length of the corresponding item definition.
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected.
	     to avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator,
	     investigate the maximum and minimum allowed values.

CDG-01170,2, "Foreign key from %s (in block %s based on %s)  in same arc as link to parent"
Cause :  Form Generator has recognized the need for validation against
	     column(s) in a foreign key. However, the foreign key is in an arc
	     with a second foreign key that has already been used to link this
	     block back to a previous block, and this item is not updateable.
	     Updating this item will therefore invalidate the arc
	     unless the join to the parent is nullified
Action : Correct the module definition by removing the item(s) based
	     on one or other of the foreign keys or make the join to the parent
	     block updateable

CDG-01171,1, "Masters of block %s based on %s are linked via foreign keys in the same arc"
Cause :  This block is has two links back to previous blocks via two
	     foreign keys that are in the same arc.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the module design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     affected.	No action is required.

CDG-01173,1, "Display datatype of item is inappropriate for column datatype"
Cause :  The display datatype recorded against the column usage is
	     inappropriate for the column's actual datatype.  For example you
	     will get this warning if you have a HIREDATE column of type DATE,
	     which when used in a module has been given a display datatype of
Action : Change the display datatype of the Column Usage to be something that
	     corresponds to the actual datatype of the column.

CDG-01177,1, "No list of values form found for table %s"
Cause :  The user preference FKLOVT indicates that the list of values
	     processing for foreign keys in the given table is to be supplied
	     via modules defined in the Repository as being called by this
	     module, and being of format 'LOV'.  No such modules can be found.
Action : Define such a module, or change the preference value.

CDG-01178,1, "All table usage flags will be updated to query only"
Cause :  The format of the current module is defined as 'LOV' which indicates
	     that it is to be used to provide a list of valid values for a
	     foreign key in another module.  One or more of the detailed
	     table usages in the current module have usage flags other than
	     'Select' set.  A List of Values form should be query only.
Action : You will be asked whether or not you wish to continue.
	     If you choose to do so, Form Generator will update your detailed
	     table usages to make them query only.

CDG-01182,2, "Lookup usages for non-enterable foreign key must be displayed"
Cause :  The foreign key is not enterable, and a lookup exists, and none of
	     the lookup's items are displayed.
Action : Modify the module definition so that the foreign key is enterable,
	     or the lookup items are displayed. If Form Generator
	     has unset the Display properties of lookup items, and you have
	     also set the Display in LOV property of the lookup item based on the
	     primary key column(s) of the lookup table, unset the Display in LOV
	     properties and set them on foreign key items in the base table.

CDG-01195,2, "Failed to compile .fmb into .fmx file for form module %s"
Cause :  The command to compile the .fmb file into a .fmx file has failed.
	     Possible causes include:
	     --- a problem in the .fmb file that has
	     resulted in a compilation error
	     --- a problem with your environment
	     (e.g. you might have the wrong version of Form Builder
	     --- an object (e.g. a table or view) required by the form might
	     not exist in the database
Action : If compilation errors occurred during generation, Form Generator
	     creates a log file detailing the problem. For more information
	     about the	compilation error, view the log file from
	     the Build Action dialog box.

CDG-01196,1, "Item has display length %d but format of length %d"
Cause :  An item of type DATE has a format mask that
	     is of a different length to its display length.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the module design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     affected.	No action is required.

CDG-01197,1, "Item has an invalid date format '%s', mask ignored: %s"
Cause :  An item of type DATE has a format mask that
	     is invalid.
Action : No action is required. To avoid this warning during
	     further runs of Form Generator, change the mask on the item.

CDG-01198,1, "Auto-generated item %s.%s should not be enterable"
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as being auto-generated as
	     'sequence within parent', but the item indicates
	     that the resulting item should be made enterable.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the module design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     affected.	No action is required.	To avoid this warning in further
	     runs of Form Generator, update the item in
	     the Repository to unset the Insert and Update allowed flags.

CDG-01199,1, "Block based on table %s will have no queryable item"
Cause :  A table usage has the query allowed flag set, but none
	     of its items have the associated flag set.
Action : Navigate to the table usage and set the query flag on the items
	     you wish to allow the user to query in the form.

CDG-01203,1, "Invalid preference for date format %s"
Cause :  The preference for default mask for DATE items contains a value
	     that is not a valid date mask.
Action : Change the value of the preference to either a valid mask, or null.

CDG-01204,2, "Table %s used as first block in LOV form is not referenced by other tables"
Cause :  You have defined a list of values form, based on the given table
	     name, but there are no other tables that have foreign keys that
	     go to this table.	It therefore makes no sense to have a list of
	     values form based on this table, as no other tables will require
	     a list based on this table.
Action : Change the module format from LOV, or define foreign keys that
	     reference this table.

CDG-01223,4, "Message CGF-6815 must contain a '-'"
Cause :  The NLS message 6815 / utility CGF has been converted to a
	     string that does not contain a hyphen.
	     This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01224,2, "Column in key %s is optional"
Cause :  A column defined in the Repository as being optional is also
	     defined as being in a primary key.  Form Generator assumes
	     primary key columns are mandatory when generating SQL code that
	     validates uniqueness, etc.
Action :

CDG-01227,1, "Invalid default value '%s' for %s.%s; default ignored"
Cause :  The table usage has a numeric display datatype, but the
	     default value on the column definition is not numeric.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     affected.	No action is required.

CDG-01228,1, "Default value '%s' not in range %s to %s"
Cause :  A numeric column has a default value that is outside the range
	     specified in the allowed values/ranges for the column.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the database design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     affected.	No action is required.

CDG-01230,1, "Prompt for %s in %s is too long; truncated to 130 characters"
Cause :  The prompt specified against the item is longer
	     than that permitted in this version of Form Generator.
Action : No action required; Form Generator automatically truncates the

CDG-01231,1, "Generated parameter %s has been truncated to 30 characters"
Cause :  A parameter for a form level procedure has been generated whose
	     name is based on the name of an item in the module.  The
	     resulting parameter name is longer than that allowed in PL/SQL.
Action : If you don't want the parameter to be truncated,
	     rename the item so that when the value of the PARAMP preference is
	     prefixed to it, the number of characters is less than 30.

CDG-01235,1, "Item %s.%s maximum length %d, this is different to the column length %d"
Cause :  An item in the form being generated has a length that is
	     different from the maximum length of the column in the Repository.
Action : Modify the column definition so that the column maximum length
	     matches the item length, or modify the item definition in
	     Form Builder as appropriate.

CDG-01236,1, "Item %s.%s is %s, this is different to the column which is %s"
Cause :  An item in the form being generated is defined differently to
	     the corresponding column definition.
Action : Modify either the item in the form using Form Builder to match
	     the corresponding column definition or modify column definition
	     to match the item.

CDG-01239,1, "Item %s.%s of type DATE, but pref WHTIME indicates time should be recorded"
Cause :  An item has a display datatype of date, but that
	     column is used to record the Record Creation/Update date, and the
	     preference WHTIME indicates that the time should be recorded as
	     well as the date.
Action : Change the display datatype to DATETIME on the detailed column

CDG-01241,2, "Cascade upd/del rule on fk %s not consistent with column properties"
Cause :  The cascade delete or update rule for the foreign key
	     is either NULL or DEFAULT and a column in the key is mandatory.
Action : Either make the column optional or change the rule.

CDG-01242,1, "%s.%s enabled and navigable to allow scrolling on queried values"
Cause :  A column usage in a table usage that does not allow insert
	     has been defined such that the display length is less than the
	     actual length of the column. Form Generator has made the resultant
	     item enabled and navigable to allow the user to scroll the queried
Action : No action required.

CDG-01246,1, "Query property has invalid WHERE clause:\n%s"
Cause :  The query where clause and any column ordering have been built
	     into a WHERE clause for the block.  This has failed to parse.
Action : Correct the restrictive query condition held on the detailed
	     table usage in the module definition.

CDG-01247,1, "Hidden or non-insertable item %s.%s is mandatory"
Cause :  The item is not displayed and is mandatory.  It is not auto-
	     generated, that is it does not have a copy value, default,
	     sequence, it is not a formula item and it is not auto-generated
	     for journaling.
Action : Amend the item in the Repository to ensure
	     that the item is made displayed and enterable.

CDG-01250,1, "Default value removed/modified on audit item %s"
Cause :  An audit column (i.e. Date Created/User Created/Date modified
	     /User modified) is defined as having a default value.
	     Form Generator will ignore the default value. values for the
	     audit columns will be created during commit processing in the
	     generated form.
Action : Correct the Repository column definition of the column

CDG-01251,1, "Column %s.%s not wide enough to hold username; must be CHAR(30)."
Cause :  An audit column has been defined with a maximum length that is
	     insufficiently large to allow the storage of the audit data.
	     the Form Generator will continue processing.
Action : Correct the Repository column definition of the column
	     indicated. The column should have a minimum length of 30 characters.

CDG-01252,1, "Enterable audit item %s.%s updated to be non-enterable"
Cause :  An audit column has been defined as updateable in the current
	     module. Form Generator has updated it to be non-enterable.
	     Values for the audit columns will be created during commit
	     processing in the generated form.
Action : Correct the Repository module column usage definition for
	     the current module's usage of the column indicated.

CDG-01253,1, "Length of audit item %s.%s increased to %d"
Cause :  An audit column has been defined with a display length which is
	     less than 30. Form Generator has increased the display length
	     to the maximum length if the audit column.
Action : Correct the Repository column or module column usage
	     definition for the column indicated.

CDG-01254,1, "Check constraint %s in table %s ignored; no base usages for column(s) %s"
Cause :  Form Generator is processing a table usage for a
	     table that has a check constraint defined for it, and there
	     exists items for some but not all of the
	     columns mentioned in the constraint text.
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected. You may however wish to add usages for the
	     missing columns.

CDG-01258,1, "Missing mandatory column %s in usage of table"
Cause :  The Usage of the given table has the Insert Allowed usage flag set,
	     but there is no detailed usage of the given column, which is defined
	     as being mandatory in the Repository.
Action : Add a detailed data usage of this column to the module definition
	     in the Repository.

CDG-01261,1, "Module must be generated prior to loading help text"
Cause :  The utility to load up module level help text has been run for
	     a module that has yet to be generated.
Action : Run Form Generator for that module prior to loading its help text.

CDG-01263,2, "User-defined condition (%s) has an error: %s"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected an error in a validation
	     condition defined in the Repository against either
	     a check constraint or a column on the database. Either an
	     invalid condition has been entered in the Repository, or
	     one or more of the tables/columns
	     involved in the condition do not exist on the database.
Action : Correct the error in the Repository.

CDG-01264,2, "User-defined expression (%s) has an error: %s"
Cause :  A derivation expression defined in the Repository has a syntax
	     error in it.
Action : Correct the error in the Repository.

CDG-01277,1, "Set Insert, Update, and/or Optional properties to No for non-base table item"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is a non-base table item (either a
	     lookup item or a formula item)
	     --- the item has one or more of the Insert, Update,
	     and/or Optional properties set to Yes
	     Therefore, Form Generator has set the item's
	     Insert, Update, and/or Optional properties to No
	     during generation instead.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: Define allowed operations for foreign key lookup items
	     against the foreign key items in the base table usage
	     (regardless of whether the base table items are displayed).
	     Do not define allowed operations for formula items because
	     the generated items are not enterable.

CDG-01280,1, "display length = %d, item length = %d;"
Cause :  The display length on the item is bigger than
	     that which is computed to be used for the item length.
	     Note, the item length is based on the column maximum length.
	     If the underlying column type is numeric, the item length may
	     be increased to allow space for a sign and decimal point.
Action : No action necessary.

CDG-01281,2, "Oracle Forms binary file for %s has NOT been created"
Cause :  An error occurred during the generation process, and consequently
	     no Oracle Forms binary file has been created for this module.
Action : No action required.

CDG-01284,1, "Table %s doesn't exist \n"
Cause :  This message is used by the Form Generator utilities
	     when the required table does not exist in the database.
Action : A question follows this warning which, if answered positively, will
	     create the required table in the database. Answering negatively to
	     the question will stop execution of the utility.

CDG-01288,1, "Check constraint on column %s.%s contains references to other columns."
Cause :  Check constraints specified against a column should contain
	     only references to that column. Cross-column validation should be
	     specified at the table level.
Action : The generated form will enforce the constraint. However, to
	     prevent the warning appearing on subsequent generations of the
	     form, specify the constraint at the table level

CDG-01291,1, "Code is already present against KEY-LISTVAL for %s.%s"
Cause :  The KEY-LISTVAL trigger already has code present.
	     The new list of values code will be added as well.
Action : Check that the new list of values code does not duplicate the
	     functionality of the existing code.

CDG-01295,1, "Set Display property to No because this lookup item based on column in join"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is in a lookup table usage
	     --- the item is based on a column that forms part of the
	     join condition between the base table and the lookup table
	     --- the item has the Display property set to Yes
	     Therefore, Form Generator has set the item's
	     Display property to No during generation instead.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: To display the data from the lookup column, set the
	     the corresponding base table column's Display property
	     to Yes.

CDG-01298,2, "Primary/Unique key has a name that is not unique within %s chars"
Cause :  The primary or unique keys specified are not unique within
	     the number of characters.	They must be unique, because they are
	     used for naming and identifying objects in the generated code.
Action : Modify the Repository definitions to make them unique.

CDG-01299,2, "Table names %s and %s are not unique within %s characters"
Cause :  The table names as entered in the Repository are not unique
	     within the specified number of characters.  They must be unique
	     because they are used for naming and identifying objects
	     in the generated code.
Action : Modify the Repository definitions to make them unique.

CDG-01312,4, "Following PL/SQL line %d chars too long\n%s"
Cause :  The length of a line of generated PL/SQL is
	     greater than the value of the
	     MAXPLS preference.
Action : Either reduce the length of generated PL/SQL lines
	     to less than the value of MAXPLS, or increase the value of
	     MAXPLS to greater than the length of the
	     longest PL/SQL line to be generated.

CDG-01313,1, "Following PL/SQL statement cannot be split to fit onto a line\n%s"
Cause :  Form Generator cannot generate the form, because one of the
	     generated lines of PL/SQL is too long, and it cannot be split
	     sensibly into more than one line.
	     The normal cause for such an error is in the data defined in the
	     Repository or user preferences, such as a very long value for
	     the ONMES preference without any embedded spaces.
Action : The line of PL/SQL displayed should indicate the data that is
	     causing the problem.  This data should be modified appropriately.
	     If the cause is not that as described above, then make a note of
	     the exact text of the error message, and contact your Customer
	     Support representative.

CDG-01314,3, "No linked-in function list for flavor %d."
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
	     Form Generator cannot find a linked-in list of functions defining
	     the functionality of the given flavor.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01316,1, "Foreign key constraint %s in %s has no enterable items or lookups"
Cause :  Entry of the foreign value is required in this module,
	     but none of the items associated with the foreign key (i.e. the
	     base table items and associated lookup items) are enterable.
Action : Items should be added for the lookup table, to
	     allow entry of the foreign key value.

CDG-01318,1, "Set Width property to %d to show format %s"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has a format mask applied to it
	     --- the item's maximum length is not large enough
	     to display the specified format mask (and
	     possibly a minus sign as well)
	     --- the item's maximum length is derived from
	     the item's Width property
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: If you do not want to increase the width of the item, do
	     one of the following:
	     --- reduce the characters in the format mask applied to the item
	     --- if the format mask has exactly the same number of
	     characters as the width and the
	     column will only contain positive values, specify this by entering
	     a low value of '0' (and a high value) against the column in the
	     Repository. This will remove the possibility of the item
	     having to display a minus sign, allowing the format to fit.

CDG-01319,1, "Usage format %s is invalid, not applied"
Cause :  The format defined against the item cannot be
	     applied as an item format mask because it is invalid.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the module design that
	     does not seem correct. Form Generator has ignored the format this
	     run. To avoid the same warning in later runs, correct the format
	     defined against the item.

CDG-01322,1, "Check constraint on column %s.%s ignored; no base usages for column(s) %s"
Cause :  Form Generator is processing an item for a column
	     that has a check constraint defined for it, and there exists
	     items for some but not all of the columns
	     mentioned in the constraint text.
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected. You may however wish to add usages for this
	     missing columns. Constraints involving cross_column validation are
	     normally specified at table level rather than column level.

CDG-01325,1, "Form Builder module %s already exists"
Cause :  The Oracle Forms application being generated already exists in the
Action : You will be asked whether or not you wish to overwrite the existing
	     Oracle Forms module. If this form has previously been generated
	     and changes have been made via the Form Builder then these
	     changes will be lost if you choose to overwrite.
	     To avoid this question being asked on future runs of Form
	     Generator you may set the ANOVRW preference to the answer required.

CDG-01326,2, "User cannot access tablespace: %s\n"
Cause :  The user has requested that one of the utility tables should be
	     created in a tablespace to which the user has no resource
Action : Enter a tablespace to which the user has resource privileges or use
	     the default tablespace.

CDG-01327,8, "Existing Oracle Forms module %s not overwritten"
Cause :  The existing Oracle Forms application has not been overwritten
	     either because you answered 'No' when asked whether you wanted
	     to overwrite it, or because the value of the ANOVRW preference was
	     set to 'N'.
Action : No action is required.

CDG-01329,1, "Form Generator internal name %s not recognized"
Cause :  A PL/SQL comment line has been identified with an unknown
	     Form Generator keyword.
	     The most likely cause is that the text has been amended
	     using Form Builder.
Action : The offending comment line should be removed from the form
	     definition, or restored to its original state.

CDG-01333,1, "Usage format %s is shorter than max length %d"
Cause :  The format specified for the repository item produces a
	     generated item whose Maximum Length property
	     is less than the value specified for one of the following
	     (in order of precedence):
	     --- the repository column definition's Length property
	     --- an object library source object's Maximum Length property
	     --- the repository item's Display Length property
	     --- the TXTDNL preference
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the module design that
	     does not seem correct.
	     Form Generator has applied the format mask to the item, but to
	     avoid the same warnings in later runs, modify either the format
	     mask or one of the lengths mentioned above.
	     For more information about the Maximum Length property,
	     refer to the Designer online help system.

CDG-01334,1, "Set Query property to No because queries not allowed on LONG/LOB item"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item's Datatype property is set to LONG or LOB
	     --- the item has the Query property set to Yes
	     Therefore, Form Generator has set the item's
	     Query property to No during generation instead.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01337,2, "Unable to create forms object"
Cause :  The two most likely causes are that the memory has been exhausted
	     or that the DE environment has been installed incorrectly.
Action : Check the memory available and the memory consumption of the
	     other programs that may be running.
	     Also check your environment by invoking Form Builder
	     and verify that you can create and run forms.
	     If the problem persists contact your Customer Support representative

CDG-01338,2, "Failed to load form %s"
Cause :  The form module currently being processed does not exist.
Action : Ensure that the form module that is being processed exist either
	     in the file system or on the specified database.

CDG-01339,1, "Unable to generate check box; ranges exist in the valid values"
Cause :  The display datatype of the item is set to
	     CHECK BOX, and the underlying column or its domain does not possess
	     exactly one or two valid values.  If the column is mandatory, it
	     must have exactly two allowed values. Ranges are not permitted.
Action : Ensure that the column that the item is based
	     on (or its domain) has only one or two allowed values.  If only one
	     allowed value is specified, ensure that the column is not
	     mandatory, and that the nullify flag is set on the detailed
	     column usage.  Note that ranges are not allowed for a domain
	     when used as valid values for a check box.

CDG-01340,1, "Unable to generate radio group; valid values contain ranges."
Cause :  The display datatype of the item is set to
	     RADIO GROUP, and the underlying column usage or its domain
	     one or more ranges.
Action : Ensure that the column that the item is based
	     on (or its domain) has a set of distinct values (not ranges).
	     If only one allowed value is specified, ensure that the column is
	     not mandatory, and that the nullify flag is set on the detailed
	     column usage.  Note that ranges are not allowed for a domain
	     when used as valid values for a radio group.

CDG-01341,1, "Radio group has too many buttons; %d valid values (max is %d)"
Cause :  The number of valid values defined for the underlying column for
	     which the radio group is being generated (and therefore the
	     number of generated buttons) is greater than the number specified
	     in the butgrp preference.	note that if the item
	     is defined a 'Nulls Allowed', then an extra button will be
	     created to represent a NULL value.
Action : This warning is highlighting an unusual aspect of the end user
	     interface to the generated form.  You may wish to change the
	     display datatype for this item to something
	     other than RADIO GROUP.
	     To remove the warning during future generation either increase (or
	     set to NULL) the value of the preference BUTGRP.

CDG-01342,2, "VGS function call failed in %s, at %s:%d"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01343,2, "Display datatype '%s' for '%s.%s' not appropriate for derived values"
Cause :  This item or column is derived from one of the following:
	     --- SQL Expression
	     --- Client Side Function
	     --- Server Side Function
	     However, the display type for such an
	     item or column is not allowed.
Action : Change the display type for this item or column to one of the
	     --- text item
	     --- check box
	     --- list item
	     --- radio group.

CDG-01352,1, "Set Placement property to %s because invalid in current context"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that
	     the module component has the Placement property set to
	     a value that is not valid in the current context.
	     Therefore, Form Generator has changed module component's
	     Placement property as specified during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01354,2, "Invalid layout requirements found on usage of table"
Cause :  Generator has found one or more invalid layout requirements against
	     the given table usage.
Action : This is an internal message that should not normally be issued. It
	     suggests that corruption of data in the Repository has taken place.

CDG-01355,1, "Positive value for block indentation on content canvas ignored"
Cause :  The PAGBIN preference for block indentation on canvases contains a
	     positive value, yet the preference PAGSTB indicates that block stubs
	     should not be generated on canvases. Generator is unable to produce
	     positive block indentation unless block stubs are generated.
Action : Change the value of the PAGSTB preference so that stubs are
	     generated on canvases.

CDG-01356,1, "Positive value for block indentation on stacked canvas ignored"
Cause :  The POPBIN preference for block indentation on stacked canvases
	     contains a positive value, yet the preference POPSTB indicates
	     that block stubs should not be generated on canvases. Generator
	     is unable to produce positive block indentation unless block stubs
	     are generated.
Action : Change the value of the POPSTB preference so that stubs are
	     generated on stacked canvases.

CDG-01357,1, "Unable to generate check box; mandatory column must have 2 values"
Cause :  The display datatype of the item is set to
	     CHECK BOX, and the underlying column or its domain does not possess
	     exactly one or two valid values.  If the column is mandatory, it
	     must have exactly two allowed values. Ranges are not permitted.
Action : Ensure that the column that the item is based
	     on (or its domain) has only one or two allowed values.  If only one
	     allowed value is specified, ensure that the column is not
	     mandatory, and that the nullify flag is set on the detailed
	     column usage.  Note that ranges are not allowed for a domain
	     when used as valid values for a check box.

CDG-01358,2, "Unable to generate check box; Optional column must have 1 value"
Cause :  The display datatype of the item is set to
	     CHECK BOX, and the underlying column or its domain does not possess
	     exactly one or two valid values.  If the column is mandatory, it
	     must have exactly two allowed values. Ranges are not permitted.
Action : Ensure that the column that the item is based
	     on (or its domain) has only one or two allowed values.  If only one
	     allowed value is specified, ensure that the column is not
	     mandatory, and that the nullify flag is set on the detailed
	     column usage.  Note that ranges are not allowed for a domain
	     when used as valid values for a check box.

CDG-01359,1, "Unable to generate radio group; No valid values"
Cause :  The display datatype of the item is set to
	     RADIO GROUP, and the underlying column does not have any valid
	     values defined.
Action : Ensure that the column that the item is based
	     on (or its domain) has a set of distinct values (not ranges).
	     If only one allowed value is specified, ensure that the column is
	     not mandatory, and that the nullify flag is set on the detailed
	     column usage.  Note that ranges are not allowed for a domain
	     when used as valid values for a radio group.

CDG-01360,1, "Unable to generate list; No valid values"
Cause :  This column is not appropriate as a list item as neither valid
	     values, nor a domain with valid values have been specified for
	     the column.
Action : Either change the display type or provide some valid value.

CDG-01361,1, "Unable to generate list; ranges exist in the valid values"
Cause :  This column is not appropriate as a list item as the list of valid
	     values contains one or more ranges
Action : Either change the display type or remove the ranges from the list
	     of valid values

CDG-01362,1, "Popup list has too many values; %d valid values (maximum is %d)"
Cause :  Too many valid values have been specified.
	     Note that if the column is optional, NULL counts as a valid value.
Action : Reduce the number of valid values for the column
	     or Increase the maximum size of a pop up list (preference PLSMAX)
	     or choose a different display data type

CDG-01363,1, "Text list has too many values; %d valid values (maximum is %d)"
Cause :  The number of valid values exceeds the maximum number of values
	     allowed in a text list.
	     Note that if the column is optional, NULL counts as a valid value.
Action : Reduce the number of valid values
	     or increase the maximum number of valid values allowed
	     (preference TLSMAX) or choose a different display data type.

CDG-01364,2, "Available width on %s %d (%d) less than minimum allowable width (%d)"
Cause :  The width available to Generator on the given canvas is
	     less than the minimum width in which blocks can be laid out. The
	     available width is dependent on the width of the canvas,
	     the canvas margin, whether boxes are being generated or not,
	     and, if boxes are being generated, the space taken up by boxes.
Action : Ensure that Generator has sufficient space for the layout of blocks
	     on the given canvas by checking values for width taken from
	     canvases in the template form, from information specified against
	     a table usage in the Repository. Also check the values of the
	     preferences PAGMAR or POPMAR.

CDG-01367,1, "Insert flag ignored for %s.%s"
Cause :  The item flags allow insert into this image.
	     however, there is no mechanism for entering the image.
Action : Either remove the insert flag,
	     or specify an image control item (Preference IMCTR1 = Y)

CDG-01368,1, "Insert flag ignored for file based image in %s.%s"
Cause :  The underlying column for the image is of type CHAR.
	     Therefore the database holds the filename of a file containing the
	     image. The Repository column usage indicates that INSERT
	     is allowed.  However, the form does not have an item into which
	     we can insert the filename, only the image is displayed
Action : Either remove the INSERT flag from the usage
	     or display the image control item (preference IMCTR1 = YES)

CDG-01369,1, "Update flag ignored for file based image in %s.%s"
Cause :  The underlying column for the image is of type CHAR.
	     Therefor the database holds the filename of a file containing the
	     image. The Repository column usage indicates that UPDATE
	     is allowed.  However, the form does not have an item into which
	     we can UPDATE the filename, only the image is displayed
Action : Either remove the UPDATE flag from the usage
	     or display the image control item (preference IMCTR1 = YES)

CDG-01370,1, "Delete flag ignored for file based image in %s.%s"
Cause :  The underlying column for the image is of type CHAR.
	     Therefor the database holds the filename of a file containing the
	     image. The Repository column usage indicates that DELETE
	     is allowed.  However, the form does not have an item where
	     we can DELETE the filename, only the image is displayed.
Action : Either remove the DELETE flag from the usage
	     or display the image control item (preference IMCTR1 = YES)

CDG-01371,2, "IMAGE item is based on an invalid column datatype  - %s.%s"
Cause :  The underlying column for an IMAGE display type is neither a
	     If the underlying column type is LONG RAWor BLOB, the
	     image is held on the database.  If the underlying column type
	     is BFILE or VARCHAR2 the name of a file holding the image
	     is held on the database. The generator cannot handle any
	     other underlying column type.
Action : Reconsider displaying this column as an image.

CDG-01373,2, "Unable to attach library %s"
Cause :  Form Generator could not find one or more PLL files to
	     attach to the generated form/menu.
	     If the PLL file corresponds to a Repository library module
	     attached to the form/menu by a module network link,
	     Form Generator searched the following in turn:
	     --- the path specified by the appropriate Oracle Forms
	     Registry variable (e.g. FORMS60_PATH)
	     ---  if the attached library module is repository-based, the
	     path specified by the current Library Generator PLL file
	     location option
	     ---  if the attached library module is file-based, the path
	     specified by the library module's Source Pathname property
	     If the PLL file does not correspond to a Repository library
	     module attached to the form/menu by a module network
	     link (i.e. the PLL file is one of the libraries shipped with
	     Form Generator, or is specified by the MODLIB preference,
	     or is attached to a template), Form Generator searched the
	     following locations in turn:
	     --- the Form Generator PLL file location option (if set)
	     --- the path specified by the appropriate Oracle Forms Registry
	     variable (only searched if the Form Generator PLL file
	     location option is not set)
Action : We recommend you include the location of the
	     library file in the appropriate Oracle Forms Registry
	     variable (e.g. FORMS60_PATH).
	     Alternatively, you can hard code the location into the
	     generated form/menu by specifying the location in
	     one of the following:
	     --- the Library Generator PLL file location option for
	     attached Repository-based library modules
	     --- the Source Path Name property of attached file-based
	     library modules
	     --- the Form Generator PLL file location option for library
	     files supplied with Form Generator
	     Note that a hard coded library location makes a generated
	     application significantly less portable than if the location is
	     specified using Registry variables.

CDG-01376,2, "Cannot delete form  application %s"
Cause :  An ORACLE error occurred when attempting to delete a form from the
	     database. The ORACLE error message is displayed immediately after
	     this message.
Action : Refer to the "ORACLE Error and Codes Messages Manual" for a
	     full description of the ORACLE error, its cause, and the action
	     you should take.

CDG-01377,2, "Failed to write form %s"
Cause :  An ORACLE database or Oracle Forms error occurred when
	     attempting to write the form. The text of the message is
	     displayed immediately after this message.
Action : Refer to either the "ORACLE Error and Codes Messages Manual" or
	     "Oracle Forms Reference Manual" for a full description of the error,
	     its cause, and the action you should take.

CDG-01378,1, "Invalid placement '%s'"
Cause :  The table usage on which the block is based has a
	     layout position which is invalid in the current context.
Action : If there is more than one valid alternative layout position then
	     you will be asked to select from a list of more appropriate ones.
	     Otherwise, the layout position will be changed to the one valid
	     alternative available.

CDG-01379,1, "Block %s : Cannot fit a complete row on any canvases"
Cause :  One of the following:
	     --- There is no room on any canvas for Generator to fit a
	     complete row of the given block. This could be due to a combination
	     of factors including canvas sizes being too small, canvas
	     expansion being prevented, requirements for large headers/footers
	     as specified in preferences or in the template form, or various
	     layout preferences either decreasing the space available to
	     Generator, or increasing the amount of space required by generated
	     --- The block does not contain any displayed items.
Action : If the block does not contain any displayed items,
	     consider if this is really what you want.
	     Increase canvas sizes by modifying preferences and/or increasing
	     canvas sizes specified against table usages and/or
	     reducing the size of header/footer objects by modifying preferences
	     or canvases in the template form.

CDG-01380,2, "'%s' is not a valid layout position"
Cause :  The user was prompted with list of valid layout positions
	     for a block.
	     An invalid layout position has been chosen.
Action : Choose a valid layout.

CDG-01381,1, "Set Displayed Rows property to %d because of limited space"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- a certain maximum number of rows can be displayed
	     --- the module component has the Displayed Rows property
	     set to a value greater than the maximum number of rows
	     that can be displayed
	     Therefore, Form Generator reduces the module component's
	     Displayed Rows property to the maximum number
	     during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).
	     Hint: If you do not want to reduce the number of rows displayed,
	     consider some or all of the following options:
	     --- increase canvas sizes by modifying preferences
	     --- increase canvas sizes specified against module components
	     --- reduce the size of header/footer objects in the template form

CDG-01382,1, "Expanding %s %d to fit %d row(s)"
Cause :  Generator will expand the given canvas in order to fit the
	     requested number of rows.
Action : No action is necessary.

CDG-01384,1, "Block will span multiple canvases (starting on %s %d)"
Cause :  Generator has insufficient room on the current canvas to fit
	     a complete row of the block. The block will therefore be spread
	     across one or more canvases (starting on the given canvas).
Action : No action is necessary. If this situation is undesirable, consider
	     providing more space on the canvas by changing preference
	     values, table usage values and/or dimensions of canvases
	     in the template form. Alternatively, allow Generator to expand
	     canvases by setting the PAGEXP/POPEXP preferences to 'Y'.

CDG-01385,2, "Data Block  %s: Can no longer fit a complete row on %s %d"
Cause :  As only 1 row of the given block will be displayed and the ITMPAS
	     preference indicates that prompts cannot be displayed over items
	     in a single-row block, Generator has re-laid out the block taking
	     this restriction into account. Now, however, the one row cannot be
	     fitted into the space available.
Action : Consider increasing the size of the canvas on which you wish
	     the given block to be displayed. Alternatively, allow the canvas
	     to expand by setting the PAGEXP/POPEXP preference to 'Y'.

CDG-01387,1, "Database trigger required on table %s to validate arc number %d"
Cause :  All foreign keys in the table and arc number specified are enforced
	     in the server only, however, the server cannot enforce an arc
Action : Write a database trigger on the table to ensure that not more than
	     one of the foreign keys has a value, and if the arc is mandatory
	     that there is always one foreign key with a value.

CDG-01390,1, "Editor %s specified by preference %s is not defined in template form"
Cause :  One of the default editor preferences DFTCED or DFTLED contains
	     the name of an editor that cannot be found in the current template
	     form used during generation.
Action : Ensure that any user defined editor name as specified by one of
	     the default editor preferences DFTCED or DFTLED is defined in the
	     template form used during generation

CDG-01398,2, "Cannot link blocks based on tables %s and %s. FK %s references optional cols"
Cause :  The foreign key in the first table does not refer to a unique or
	     primary key in the second, and not all columns in the foreign key
	     map to mandatory columns in the referenced table.
Action : Modify the module definition such that the tables are linked by a
	     foreign key which maps onto a unique or primary key, or make one of
	     referenced columns mandatory.

CDG-01399,2, "Cannot link blocks based on tables %s and %s. FK %s references opt key %s"
Cause :  You are attempting to link two blocks via a foreign key which
	     maps onto an optional unique key.
Action : Make the unique key mandatory.

CDG-01400,2, "Cannot manage canvases where block %s spread over multiple canvases"
Cause :  The specified block is spread over more than one canvas which
	     cannot be managed.
Action : Modify the canvas attribute of the items in the block so that they
	     all lie on the same canvas.

CDG-01401,1, "Foreign key %s in table %s does not reference a unique or primary key"
Cause :  The specified foreign key, which is enforced in the server only,
	     does not map onto a primary or unique key.  This message
	     should not normally be given as a foreign key declared in the
	     server must map onto a unique or primary key.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01402,2, "Cannot link blocks based on tables %s and %s. FK %s does not reference UK/PK"
Cause :  You are attempting to link two blocks via a foreign key which does
	     not reference a unique or primary key in the master block.
Action : Modify the module definition so that the foreign key maps onto a
	     unique or primary key.

CDG-01404,2, "Stacked canvas %s has inappropriate name"
Cause :  The canvas name starts "CG$PAGE".	This implies that the canvas
	     is a canvas template.  Canvases are not stacked.
Action : Prefix stacked canvas names by "CG$STACKED"

CDG-01405,2, "Content canvas %s has inappropriate name"
Cause :  The canvas name prefix implies that it is a template for a
	     stacked canvas. However is not stacked.
	     Name prefixes which imply a stacked canvas are:
Action : Rename the canvas.

CDG-01406,1, "Require DB constraint to ensure all columns not null for mandatory key %s"
Cause :  There is a constraint which is mandatory and enforced by the Server
	     only, but all its columns are optional.
Action : One of the following:
	     --- Write a database constraint (i.e. table level check constraint)
	     to ensure that not all columns are null (if null is a valid value)
	     --- Modify the definition of at least one of the
	     columns in the constraint to make it mandatory.

CDG-01407,1, "Item has no valid values, cannot be displayed as a GUI item"
Cause :  The item display datatype specifies this as a GUI item
	     However, GUI items can be generated only when the column
	     has known valid values.  Neither domain nor column validation
	     has been specified.
Action : Add column validation to the column specification in the
	     CASE the Repository.

CDG-01408,2, "Limit of %s canvas sequence numbers reached"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued. The Generator
	     has run out of internal sequence numbers to allocate to canvases
	     of the given type.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01409,2, "Limit of %s window sequence numbers reached"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued. The Generator
	     has run out of internal sequence numbers to allocate to windows
	     of the given type.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-01410,2, "Function call used in a condition (%s) is invalid: %s"
Cause :  The function specified as the validation condition defined in the
	     Repository against either a check constraint or a column is
	     invalid. This may have been caused by a syntax error or one of
	     the columns used as arguments to the function does not exist in the
	     current table.
Action : Correct the text in the Repository

CDG-01411,2, "Invalid function name"
Cause :  The function specified as a derivation or a condition does not have
	     a valid name.
Action : Check the validation and derivation code held against the detailed
	     table usages, the columns and the tables.
	     Remove or correct the text.

CDG-01412,1, "Derivation expression ignored for LONG RAW, BLOB or BFILE column %s.%s"
Cause :  A usage of a LONG RAW, BLOB or BFILE column cannot be
	     derived from an expression.
Action : No action required; the derivation is ignored.
	     To avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator,
	     the derivation should be removed from the column definition in the

CDG-01413,1, "Display datatype IMAGE for '%s.%s' not appropriate for lookup items"
Cause :  A column of type CHAR or VARCHAR2 has a display datatype of
	     IMAGE specified on the item.
Action : No action required; the column is displayed as a CHAR

CDG-01414,2, "%s is not an appropriate type for lookup item usage"
Cause :  A column with a lookup usage is of type LONG.
	     Oracle Forms record group columns must have a length in the
	     range 1 - 255, a LONG RAW is not appropriate.
Action : Remove this column from the lookup.

CDG-01424,1, "Column datatype mismatch between tables %s and %s for foreign key %s"
Cause :  The data types of at least one pair of corresponding columns in the
	     foreign key and the unique/primary key onto which it maps are
Action : If this is not required, modify the data type of one of the columns.

CDG-01425,1, "The datatype CHAR is not suitable in an Oracle 7 database"
Cause :  This is an integrity check on the Repository.
	     The datatype CHAR is not suitable in an Oracle 7 database
	     for most purposes.
Action : Use the datatype VARCHAR2 instead.

CDG-01427,1, "FK %s considered mandatory in order to link blocks based on tables %s and %s"
Cause :  The optional foreign key which is specified to link the two blocks
	     will be considered mandatory in this context.  That is, any records
	     entered in the detail block must reference a record in the master.
	     This will not affect the functionality of the module.
Action : No action required.

CDG-01429,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show check box indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Check box
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display the check box indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01430,1, "Set Height property to %d to show check box indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Check box
	     --- the Height property of the item is too small
	     to display the check box indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01431,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show radio button indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Radio
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display the radio button indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01432,1, "Set Height property to %d to show radio button indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Radio
	     --- the Height property of the item is too small
	     to display the radio button indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01433,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show pop list indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Pop
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display the radio button indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01434,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show text list vertical scroll bar"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Text
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display the vertical scroll bar
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01435,1, "Set Height property to %d to show pop list indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Pop
	     --- the Height property of the item is too small
	     to display the pop list indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01436,1, "Increase Height property by %d to show text list horizontal scroll bar"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Text
	     --- the Height property of the item is too small
	     to display the horizontal scroll bar
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01437,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show vertical scroll bar"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item is a multi-line text item
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display a vertical scroll bar
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01438,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show vertical scroll bar"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Image
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display the vertical scroll bar
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01439,1, "Increase Height property by %d to show horizontal scroll bar"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Image
	     --- the Height property of the item is too small
	     to display the horizontal scroll bar
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01442,2, "Cascade upd/del rule is Nullify for mandatory foreign key %s "
Cause :  You have specified that the referential integrity rule for either
	     update, delete or both is nullify, but the foreign key is
	     mandatory and therefore must contain a valid value.
Action : Update the foreign key definition to optional, or specify an
	     alternative referential integrity rule.

CDG-01445,2, "Form has incompatible coordinate system"
Cause :  The form has a coordinate system that is incompatible with
	     Form Generator. The form must use the character coordinate system
	     with default font scaling.
Action : If the form is being generated, modify the template form so that
	     it uses the character coordinate system with default font scaling.
	     If the form is being generated, use Form Builder
	     to change its coordinate system to character with default font

CDG-01446,1, "Not enough space to layout an LOV indicator next to %s.%s"
Cause :  The available width on the canvas is not enough to layout a
	     list of values indicator button next to the item.	This item
	     is laid out without a list of values indicator button.
	     Note, the 'list of values' is available on the item.
Action : There are several possible courses of action:
	     --- Do nothing, accept that this item does not have a list of values
		 indicator button.
	     --- Make the item display width smaller to allow space for the list
		 of values indicator button.
	     --- Increase the available width by making the canvas wider.

CDG-01450,2, "Function call used in a derivation (%s) is invalid: %s"
Cause :  The function specified as a derivation defined in the Repository
	     against either a column or an item is invalid.
	     This may have been caused by a syntax error or one of the columns
	     used as arguments to the function do not exist in the current table
Action : Correct the text in the Repository

CDG-01451,1, "Cannot enforce '%s' rule declaratively in server.  Require triggers %s"
Cause :  The referential integrity rules (for delete and/or update) cannot
	     be enforced declaratively on the server.
Action : Write data base triggers as detailed in the message to enforce the
	     referential integrity and secondly, maintain the foreign key.

CDG-01455,1, "Client enforced %s constraint %s on table %s %s"
Cause :  Due to the delete/update referential integrity rule specified for
	     the foreign key, there is a danger of the specified client-
	     enforced constraint being violated.
Action : If possible, modify the constraint to be validated on the server.

CDG-01461,1, "Column validation on %s.%s %s"
Cause :  Due to the delete/update referential integrity rule specified for
	     the foreign key, there is a danger of the column-level validation
	     being violated.
Action : If possible, change the column level validation to a server-side
	     table level check constraint.

CDG-01463,1, "'%c' is used for ITMSPM and ITMPPM"
Cause :  The same character has been specified (via the preferences)
	     to indicate the item split prompt marker (ITMSPM) and the item
	     post prompt marker (ITMPPM)
Action : Review why the same character has been chosen for each of these

CDG-01467,1, "Display datatype is TIME, this cannot take a format mask"
Cause :  The display datatype recorded in the item is
	     TIME. It is not appropriate to apply a format mask to this
	     item type. The format mask is removed.
Action : No further action is necessary.

CDG-01469,2, "Default value %s for %s in %s exceeds item length %ld"
Cause :  The default value length exceeds the item length.
	     The default is ignored.
Action : Either increase the column size or choose a shorter default value.

CDG-01472,2, "Template form %s has incompatible coordinate system"
Cause :  The template form has a coordinate system that is incompatible with
	     Form Generator. the template form must use the character
	     coordinate system with default font scaling.
Action : Modify the template form so that it uses the character coordinate
	     system with default font scaling.

CDG-01474,1, "Combo-box list style invalid"
Cause :  The generated form will allow values other than the valid value
	     set to be entered into the form.
	     The column definition in the Repository has not been flagged
	     as containing a suggested set of values.
Action : No action is necessary, however you may care to review whether or
	     not the valid values held against the Repository column definition
	     are suggested values.

CDG-01475,1, "Combo-box has too many values; %d valid values (maximum is %d)"
Cause :  Too many valid values have been specified.
	     Note that if the column is optional, NULL counts as a valid value
Action : Reduce the number of valid values for the column
	     or increase the maximum size of a combo-box list (preference CLSMAX)
	     or choose a different display data type

CDG-01476,1, "Increase Width property by %d to show combo box indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Combo box
	     --- the Width property of the item is too small
	     to display the combo box indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Width property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01477,1, "Set Height property to %d to show combo box indicator"
Cause :  Form Generator has detected that:
	     --- the item has the Display Type property set to Combo box
	     --- the Height property of the item is too small
	     to display the combo box indicator
	     Therefore, Form Generator increases the item's
	     Height property during generation.
	     Form Generator attempts to save (or proposes) this
	     adjustment to the property to bring the module
	     definition into line with the generated output.
Action : If adjustment saved, no action necessary (Form Generator has
	     saved the change to the property).
	     If adjustment proposed, browse/edit the proposed change
	     before saving/discarding it.
	     If adjustment failed, no action necessary (Form Generator is
	     unable to save the change to the property).

CDG-01479,2, "OLE Container cannot be generated for %s.%s"
Cause :  The given item has a display datatype of
	     OLE CONTAINER but the underlying column is not of type LONG RAW
	     or BLOB.
Action : OLE containers can only be generated for items
	     based on columns of type LONG RAW or BLOB since the value of an
	     OLE Object is a byte-stream.

CDG-01480,1, "OLE Container Implementation %s for %s.%s not found"
Cause :  The given item has a display datatype of
	     OLE CONTAINER but a Custom Item of type OLE Container named as
	     its Implementation cannot be found in the template form.
Action : Ensure that the implementation for the item is the
	     name of a Custom Item in the template form of type OLE Container
	     that embodies a class definition for the OLE Container Custom Item.
	     In the absence of such a definition Form Generator has
	     created a 'vanilla' OLE Container Custom Item with default
	     functional properties that will accept OLE Objects of any class.

CDG-01485,1, "Validation is ignored because column is server derived"
Cause :   A column is defined in the Repository as both having a list of
	     valid values (or being a domain so defined), and as being derived
	     by the server. In this situation, Form Generator ignores
	     the valid values.
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected.
	     to avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator,
	     modify the definition of the column in the Repository

CDG-01486,1, "Column level check constraint ignored on server derived column %s.%s"
Cause :  A column is defined in the Repository as both having a column
	     level check constraint and being derived by the server. In this
	     situation, Form Generator ignores the constraint.
Action : This warning is simply highlighting an area of the design in the
	     Repository that does not seem correct. Generation of the current
	     module is not affected.
	     to avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator,
	     modify the definition of the column in the Repository

CDG-01487,1, "Column %s.%s is served derived: default ignored"
Cause :  A column that is defined as server derived also has a default
	     defined. This default may be defined on the column definition or
	     the item. In this situation Form
	     Generator ignores the default.
Action : This warning is highlighting an area in the database design that
	     does not seem correct.  Generation of the current module is not
	     To avoid this warning in future executions of Form Generator
	     the column definition/item in the Repository
	     should be amended accordingly.

CDG-01493,1, "Subclassed procedure found in template %s will not be included"
Cause :  Form Generator does not support the subclassing
	     of procedures into the template form.
Action : Include the procedure in a library (.PLL)
	     attached to the template form.

CDG-01494,1, "LOV button generated for mandatory item is mouse navigable"
Cause :  A button item generated to envoke an LOV for a
	     mandatory item was generated from a template or
	     object library object as mouse navigable.
Action : Set the 'Mouse Navigable' property of the source
	     template or object library object to 'No'.
/ 03001 .. 04000 Menu generator Errors and Warnings

CDG-03001,1, "Custom substitution string '%s' needs manual implementation"
Cause :  Custom substitution strings (module arguments) in
	     Menu Modules have no generator support in
	     Designer 9i.
Action : You must add a code to support the substitution
	     string, e.g. by creating and initialising a global
	     variable instead.

CDG-03002,1, "No command line can be built for module %s. Menu  compilation will fail."
Cause :  The module command line or the MNUDFC or MNUDRC
	     preferences are null.
Action : Set either the module command line or the preferences

CDG-03003,2, "Failed to create .mmx file for menu module %s"
Cause :  The command to compile the .mmb file into a .mmx file has failed.
	     A possible cause is a problem in the .mmb file that has
	     resulted in a compilation error.
	     Alternatively, there might be a problem with your environment
	     (e.g. you might have the wrong version of Form Builder
Action : If compilation errors occurred during generation, Form Generator
	     creates a log file detailing the problem. For more information
	     about the	compilation error, view the log file from
	     the Build Action dialog box.

CDG-03008,2, "Menu template %s not on template path"
Cause :  The specified menu template could not be found on the template
Action : Check your template path, menu template name and if the menu
	     template exists.

CDG-03009,3, "Unable to generate unique substitution string"
Cause :  Too many parameters were specified to generate unique names for all
	     of them.
Action : Try and reduce the number of parameters you require.

CDG-03010,6, "No menu modules to generate"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-03011,3, "Too many menus in the generated menu module"
Cause :  You have specified more modules of type MENU in the Repository
	     than can be generated.
Action : Reduce the number of modules of type MENU that will be included
	     in the generated menu module.

CDG-03014,3, "Command line for module %s is too long"
Cause :  The command line you have specified in the module definition is too
Action : Specify a shorter command line.

CDG-03016,3, "Invalid role name"
Cause :  A	group name you have specified is not appropriate for an
	     Oracle Forms role.
Action : Change the group name appropriately.

CDG-03029,2, "Cannot find structure for role"
Cause :  This is an internal error message not normally issued.
Action : Contact your Customer Support representative.

CDG-03031,2, "Cannot delete menu module %s"
Cause :  This internal message should not normally be issued.
	     The generator is attempting to delete the existing menu module
	     from the database on which the Repository is also held.
Action : Contact your Customer Support Representative.

CDG-03032,2, "Failed to write menu module %s"
Cause :  The menu generator could not write out the binary file for the
	     menu module that it has just generated.
Action : Investigate the reason given.
	     Check that you have any write permissions necessary.

CDG-03036,2, "Specified module is not a valid start module, unable to generate menu"
Cause :  The module specified from which to start the menu generation is
	     not a valid start module.
	     To be valid, a start module must:
	     --- be of type MENU or type DEFAULT
	     --- be of language Forms
	     --- call other modules in the module network
	     Note that at least one of the called modules must also
	     be of type MENU or type DEFAULT, and of language Forms.
Action : Modify the module definition and/or the module network to make
	     the module a valid start module.
/ 04001 .. 04050 Forms generator Repository words
/ 04051 .. 04100 Forms generator GIO specific messages
/ 05101 .. 05150 Generator messages displayed to user

CDG-05101,6, "Hlp_Text column of help table %s increased to match source of help text\n"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05120,8, "%ld rows deleted / %ld rows added from/to table %s for module %s\n"
Cause :  .
Action : .

CDG-05122,8, "%ld rows deleted / %ld rows added from/to table %s for table %s\n"
Cause :  .
Action : .

CDG-05133,1, "Call Key-Fn Trigger Code will not be generated to call other modules."
Cause :  The preference 'CALLFM' has been set to 'Y',
	     but no other modules have been decalred
	     in the module network.
Action : Establish the relevant 'called modules' in the
	     module's Repository definition or set the
	     preference CALLFM to 'N'.

CDG-05138,6, "What tablespace should table %s be created in? (NULL)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05139,1, "number mask 'DATE' not supported in Oracle Reports"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05140,1, "number mask 'EEEE' not supported in Oracle Reports"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05146,8, "Loading form template%s from %s (%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05148,8, "No template form being used"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05149,8, "Loading object library%s from %s (%s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05150,8, "Loading menu template%s from %s (%s)"
Cause :
Action :
/ 05151 .. 05200 Generator prompts requiring user response

CDG-05153,5, "Do you want to re-enter ?"
Cause :  .
Action : .

CDG-05163,5, "Do you want it created ?"
Cause :  .
Action : .

CDG-05165,5, "Do you want to check-in this file?"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05166,8, "No object library being used"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05171,5, "Do you want to remove the default value ?"
Cause :  .
Action : .

CDG-05177,5, "Enter name of log file to be created :"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05178,5, "Do you want to display the log file ?"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05179,6, "YES"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05180,6, "NO"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05181,6, "N"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05182,6, "Y"
Cause :
Action :
/ 05201 .. 05250 Generator Preference messages
/ 05251 .. 05300 Generator for Application Systems messages
/ 05301 .. 05400 Generator banner & usage text for casegen.c

CDG-05325,6, "Loading Form"
Cause :
Action :
/ 05401 .. 05450 Generator log file messages

CDG-05402,6, "Form Generator log file '%s' created %s by %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05403,6, "Total number of errors and warnings logged: %d"
Cause :
Action :
/ 06001 .. 07000 Messages in generator forms (eg cgpref.inp)
/ 07001 .. 08000 Form Generator Utilities

CDG-07001,2, "Failed to initialise Forms context handle"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07002,2, "Failed to create new Form module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07003,2, "Failed to save Form to %s fmb file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07004,2, "Failed to load object library from %s olb file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07005,2, "Failed to create a new object library"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07006,2, "Failed to save object library to %s olb file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07007,2, "Failed to connect to database"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07008,2, "Failed to disconnect from database"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07009,2, "Program Completed : File %s has been saved"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07010,2, "Bad program command line : %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07011,2, "Program Failure: Exception thrown in file %s (line %s)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07012,6, "because : %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07013,2, "Program Failure: API exception thrown (Error status : %d )"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07014,2, "Program Failure: A registry problem has occurred"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07015,6, "    Form To Object Library Utility (fm2lib61.exe) Windows 95/98/NT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07016,6, "    Version %s,  Production on %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07017,6, "    Copyright (c) 1995,2004 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07018,6, "fm2lib61.exe -i formname.fmb -o libname.olb [APPEND]"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07019,2, "A destination olb file has not been specified"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07020,2, "A source fmb file must be specified"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07021,1, "Warning : User has chosen APPEND option, but the named object library file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07022,1, "has not been found ( creating new object library)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07023,1, "Warning : User has not chosen the APPEND option, but the named object"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07024,1, "library file has been found (overwriting existing file with new one)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07025,1, "Warning : Unable to find a tab for %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07026,2, "CLibraryTab has not been instantiated with a context handle"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07027,2, "In CLibraryTab, an attempt has been made to create a tab that already exists"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07028,2, "A null object has been passed to LibraryTabAddObject"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07029,2, "A null object name has been passed to LibraryTab::AddObject"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07030,2, "Failed to add objects to object library tab (d2ferr %d)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07031,2, "A CLibraryTab has no name defined"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07032,2, "Unable to open the key %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07033,2, "Failed to load form from %s fmb file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07034,2, "Failed to retrieve child key"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07035,2, "Unnamed key has been found in registry"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07036,2, "A 'non-string' value has been found in the registry"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07037,2, "Unnamed string value has been found in the registry"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07038,2, "A destination fmb file has not been specified"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07039,6, "  Process Form Utility (pfrm61.exe)  Windows 95/98/NT"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07040,6, "    eg. pfrm61.exe -i OLD.FMB -o NEW.FMB"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07041,2, "Process token is missing from command line"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07042,6, " .....Process '%s'  successfully completed"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07043,6, ".....Process '%s' NOT RECOGNISED"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07044,6, "pfrm61 -i  -o "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07045,6, "opt1(param1%param2%..) [opt2(param1%..) opt3...]"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07046,6, "  Options"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07047,2, "CLibraryTab has not been instantiated with an OLB handle"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07048,6, " ChVisAt(arrows%none) AddTrg(Sometext)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07049,2, "CAddModTrigCmts has incorrect num of args"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07050,2, "CAddPrgUntCmts has incorrect num of args"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07051,2, "Unable to create a new visual attribute"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07052,2, "Failed to remove ROOT_WINDOW"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07053,2, "An error has occurred in the source code"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07054,2, "A Form API macro call has failed to execute properly"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07055,2, "No command line options have been specified"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07056,2, "An error has occurred in accessing the registry"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07057,2, "Dupilicate list members can not ne inserted"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07058,6, "ChVisAt"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07059,6, "Change visual attribute background property from  to "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07060,6, "AddTrg"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07061,6, "Add comment  to module level triggers"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07062,6, "AddPUnit"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07063,6, "Add comment ' program unit name' to program units"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07064,6, "ConvRootWn"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07065,6, "Removes ROOT_WINDOW window and copies Font & Colour properties to CG$WINDOW"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07066,6, "This v.a. has had its properties copied from removed window (ROOT_WINDOW)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07067,2, "Tried to insert two tabs with the same name"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07068,2, "Invalid command line format"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07069,2, "CLibraryTab has not been instantiated with an OLB handle"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07070,2, "CLibraryTab has not been instantiated with a Tab name"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07071,2, "Failed to create a new object library tab (d2ferr: %d)"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07072,2, "Unspecified"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07073,2, "Failed to create a new Form Module"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07074,8, "  New FMB File %s has been saved"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07075,2, "CChgVisAttFillPath has incorrect num of args"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07076,2, "CConvRootWn has incorrect num of args"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07077,2, "Failed to get Visual Attr. properties"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-07078,2, "CLibraryTab has not been instantiated with a Tab name"
Cause :
Action :
CDG-04000,1, "PLL destination not in search path. PLLs may not load from this destination."
Cause :  The PLL destination specified in the Library Generator
	     Options dialog is not contained in any of the search path
	     registry variables that apply to the language of the library
	     module to generate. This may mean that the appropriate
	     Builder (i.e. either Form Builder or Report Builder) and
	     runtime applications will not
	     be able to locate the generated PLL files if they are attached
	     to other modules.
Action : Consult the help file to determine the names
	     of the search path registry variables that apply
	     to the language of the library module to be generated.
	     Add the PLL destination specified in the Library
	     Generator Options dialog to the path in one of
	     these variables.

CDG-04001,2, "Failed to write library '%s'"
Cause :  The generator failed to write the library file
	     to the file system.
Action : Make sure:
	     --- the specified directory exists
	     --- the current user has access to the directory
	     If the library file already exists, make sure the file is writable.

CDG-04002,2, "Cannot access .PLD destination directory '%s'"
Cause :  The directory specified for the destination of .PLD files either
	     does not exist or this user does not have access to it.
Action : Check the directory exists and this user has access to it.

CDG-04003,2, "Cannot access .PLL destination directory '%s'"
Cause :  The directory specified for the destination of .PLL files either
	     does not exist or this user does not have access to it.
Action : Check the directory exists and this user has access to it.

CDG-04004,2, "Cannot access .PLX destination directory '%s'"
Cause :  The directory specified for the destination of .PLX files either
	     does not exist or this user does not have access to it.
Action : Check the directory exists and this user has access to it.

CDG-04005,2, "Library '%s' is file-based and cannot be generated"
Cause :  Because the source path property of this module is set,
	     Library Generator assumes that it is defined
	     by a PL/SQL library that already exists
	     on the filesystem, so it need not be generated.
Action : If this module contains named routines
	     and you want to be able to generate a
	     PL/SQL library from it, make sure the
	     Source Path property is empty.

CDG-04006,1, "Attached library '%s' is file-based and will not be generated"
Cause :  Because the source path property of this module is set.
	     Library Generator assumes that it is defined
	     by a PL/SQL library that already exists
	     on the filesystem, so it need not be generated.
Action : If this module contains named routines
	     and you want to be able to generate aPL/SQL
	     library from it, make sure the
	     Source Path property is empty.

CDG-04007,1, "Assuming value \"%s\" for option '%s'"
Cause :  The registry key for an option set in the Library Generator
	     Options dialog could not be found. The generator has had
	     to assume a default value for this option.
Action : Set the options in the Library Generator Options dialog.
/ 04100 .. 04199 Recovery Errors and Warnings

CDG-04100,3, "Cannot read source file '%s'"
Cause :  The source file given to the recovery tool either does not
	     exist, or you do not have permission to access the file.
Action : Check the filename given is correct and that you have
	     permission to access it.

CDG-04101,2, "Cannot find library '%s'"
Cause :  The source filename given cannot be found on the filesystem.
Action : Check the location of the file is valid and that you have
	     read access to the file.

CDG-04102,2, "File '%s' is not a PL/SQL library source file"
Cause :  The file is not recognized as a PL/SQL
	     library source file. The file must have an extension
	     of .pld for a text file or .pll for
	     a binary file.
Action : Check the filename extension for the correct type.

CDG-04103,2, "Repository short name differs from PL/SQL library name (%s)"
Cause :  The library module short name is different from the name of the
	     library in the source file.  When updating library application logic
	     the name of the library in the source file must be the same as
	     the module name you have updated.
Action : If you intended to capture the library onto a new module, choose
	     the Utilities->Capture Design Of...->Library menu option.
	     If you intended to update the logic of an existing library module,
	     check the name of the library chosen as the source file.

CDG-04104,2, "Cannot find library '%s' in search path '%s'"
Cause :  The source file name for the library does not contain a full path
	     so the capture tool is looking for the file in the search path, and
	     has failed to find it.
Action : Consult the documentation to find out how the search path is built.
	     Then check the values of the registry variables mentioned in the
/ 04200 .. 04299 General Generation messages

CDG-04200,6, "Generate executable library file (.PLX) for library module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04201,6, "View log file for library module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04202,0, "Generating application logic"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04203,0, "Writing binary library file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04204,0, "Compiling library"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04205,0, "Generating Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04206,0, "Generating Attached Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04207,0, "Generation of Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04208,0, "Generation of Attached Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04209,6, "Run Form Builder with Library Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04210,6, "Run Reports Builder with Library Module '%s'"
Cause :
Action :
/ 04300 .. 04399 General Recovery messages

CDG-04300,0, "Reading library file"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04301,0, "Analyzing library text"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-04302,0, "Creating program units"
Cause :
Action :
CDG-02000,0, "Failed in call to Oracle Reports API '%s'"
Cause :  A general fault has occurred between the Generator
	     and the Oracle Reports engine.
Action : Contact your technical support representative.

CDG-02001,1, "Duplicate named routine %s found on the template has been overwritten"
Cause :  A named routine on the template used in
	     generation was found to have the same name as a
	     named routine defined on the module. The named
	     routine on the module has taken precedence
	     over the template logic.
Action : In order to prevent the template named routine from
	     being overwritten, it will be necessary to remove
	     the named routine with the same name from the
	     module being generated.

CDG-02002,2, "Invalid data-link from across/down group of matrix "
Cause :  Oracle Reports does not allow a data-link for a
	     master detail report (where the master is a
	     matrix) to start in the cross-product group .
Action : Make sure the key column in the link is not in
	     the across/down group of the matrix.

CDG-02003,1, "Datasource %s has unlinked table usages"
Cause :  The query contains tables that are not linked by a
	     Where clause. This is a cartesian product which
	     is not supported.
Action :

CDG-02004,1, "Invalid link on table : %s"
Cause :  The link on this table does not match a valid
	     foreign key constraint.
Action : Check that the link is correct, and matches
	     a foreign key constraint.

CDG-02005,8, "This module has been captured from a generated report with DOJOIN = 'Y'"
Cause :  The captured report has been generated with
	     the DOJOIN preference set to 'Y'. The captured
	     module has the same structure as the original
	     module. However, the DOJOIN preference will
	     be set to the default value.
Action : To generate from the captured module
	     and get a report exactly like the one captured,
	     manually set the DOJOIN preference to 'Y'.

CDG-02006,1, "The space chars in the routine named %s have been replaced with underscores"
Cause :  Oracle Reports does not allow space characters in
	     program unit names.
	     Report Generator has detected space characters
	     in the name of a named routine in the module. These spaces
	     have been replaced by underscores in order to
	     produce a generatable report.
Action : Application logic items referencing a named
	     routine whose name has had its spaces
	     replaced by underscores will need updating
	     to call the modified named routine correctly.

CDG-02007,2, "Failed to parse generated SQL statement %s"
Cause :  When Report Generator tried to build the query from
	     the SQL statement that was being generated for the module,
	     it failed to parse. This could be for a number of reasons:
	     --- Tables referenced do not exist in the user that you are
		 connected to
	     --- An invalid expression has been added, for example against
		 the Where clause on a table usage
Action : Since the most likely cause of this error is that the tables
	     referred to in the SQL statement do not exist in the
	     current user connection, then the best cause
	     of action is to either:
	     --- Create the tables in the user you are connecting with, for
		 example by using the Server Generator.
	     --- If the tables have been created in a different user,
		 supply the connect string to this user from the Report
		 Generator Options dialog.
	     If the error persists, the best course of action is to cut and
	     paste the generated statement into a SQL*Plus session to
	     determine the exact error. You can then correct the module
	     definition and re-generate the module.

CDG-02008,2, "Report window %s contains no valid module components and so is not valid"
Cause :  This error has occurred in attempting to process an
	     Action Item for a Drill Down report.
	     The Report module that you are attempting to generate
	     is not valid for generation.  This is because the WINDOW
	     in the module does not contain a valid  MODULE COMPONENT.
	     The likey cause of this is that a window has been created
	     with only an action inside it, or the Module Component in the
	     window only contains an unbound item, such as a summary.
Action : In order to adjust this module and overcome this reason for
	     invalidity either populate the MODULE COMPONENT
	     property on the WINDOW with a MODULE COMPONENT
	     that contains more than an unbound item, or remove the
	     window from the module.

CDG-02009,1, "Unbound Item %s has been moved to the group of the bound item it references."
Cause :  The unbound item has been created referencing a bound item
	     that is in a group above it. Oracle Reports does not allow
	     a summary item based on a bound item
	     that is not in the same group or in a group below the summary
	     item. To create a valid report, Report Generator has moved the
	     unbound item into the same group as that of the bound item
	     referenced in the derivation text. To give the appearance of
	     an unbound item referencing a bound item in the group
	     above it, refer to the Action text for this message.
Action : To give the appearance of an unbound item referencing
	     a bound item in the group above it:
	     1. Create a second bound item based on the same
	     column as the original bound item, but in the group containing
	     the summary item.
	     2. Set the Display property of the second bound item to No.
	     3. Reference the non-displayed bound item in the summary item.
	     The result will be a generated report in which the unbound item
	     in the detail group appears to reference a bound item in the
	     master group.

CDG-02010,1, "No database connection supplied for inclusion in key."
Cause :  A database connection to include in the generated key file has not
	     been supplied.
Action : Either set the KEYCON preference to the required database
	     connection, or modify the generated key file manually.

CDG-02011,1, "Key name '%s' already appears in key file, key left unchanged."
Cause :  An existing key with the same name was found in the destination
	     key file.
Action : Either remove the existing key from the key file and generate again,
	     or change the KEYNME generator preference so that the generated
	     key has a different name.

CDG-02012,1, "Key file '%s' could not be written to - key not created"
Cause :  Report Generator was unable to open the key file for output.
Action : The file may be in use by another application, or it may have been
	     Make sure that:
	     --- no other application is using the file
	     --- the file allows write access

CDG-02013,1, "No virtual CGI directory specified, using 'cgi-bin' as default"
Cause :  When a report is generated for use over the Web via CGI,
	     Report Generator looks for the path of the CGI application in the
	     preference CGIPTH. If no path has been supplied,
	     the default path 'cgi-bin' will be used instead.
Action : Set the CGIPTH preference to the CGI path.

CDG-02014,1, "No key name given - using module short name as default"
Cause :  When Web user authentication via a key has been chosen,
	     Report Generator looks for a name for the key in the
	     preference KEYNME.
Action : Set the KEYNME preference to the name of the key to be

CDG-02015,1, "No reports server name specified - using 'report_server' as default"
Cause :  When drill-down reports are to be run over the Web,
	     Report Generator looks in the REPSRV
	     preference for the name of the Reports Server
	     that the generated reports will be stored on.
Action : Set the REPSRV preference to the name of the
	     Reports Server.

CDG-02016,1, "Cannot convert template report, %s already exists"
Cause :  The given RDF template cannot be converted
	     to a TDF template because a template already
	     exists with that name.
Action : Either update your preferences to use
	     the TDF template, or delete the existing
	     TDF template.

CDG-02017,2, "Unable to attach PL/SQL library %s to report"
Cause :  The generator was unable to find and attach
	     the PL/SQL library to the report.
Action : Check one of the following :
	     --- If generating a module that has a file-based library
		 attached in a module network, check the Repository
		 property 'Source Path' contains the name of the
		 library including the full path.
	     --- The destination path of the generated library is specified
		 in the registry variable REPORT60_PATH or ORACLE_PATH.

CDG-02018,1, "Key-based links between modules not supported - reports will not be linked"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02019,1, "Computed item cannot be used to summarise target-specific item, ignored"
Cause :  The derivation text of the computed item contains a reference
	     to an unbound item of type Target Specific, which cannot be
Action : Alter the derivation text of the computed item.

CDG-02020,1, "Module argument has same name as item"
Cause :  The specified module argument has the
	     same name as one of the items in the module. This can lead
	     to ambiguity during design capture.
Action : Change the module argument name so that it is unique.

CDG-02021,1, "Master with two details will not be laid out correctly if DOJOIN=YES"
Cause :  When Reports Generator merges queries in a Report,
	     it creates break groups in order to lay out each of the module
	     components in the query. Break groups cannot be nested in
	     the way required to produce the correct layout for a master
	     module component with two detail module components.
Action : Either set the DOJOIN preference to N, or change the master-detail
	     relationships in the module definition.

CDG-02022,1, "Filename derived from short name %s, '.' replaced by '_'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02023,1, "Argument format mask defaulted to '%s'"
Cause :  The 'Input Mask' property on the module argument is empty,
	     and there is no format mask supplied in the DTEMSK generator
	     preference. The Reports Generator has used the default format
Action : Either enter an Input Mask on the argument, or set the
	     DTEMSK generator preference to an appropriate mask.

CDG-02024,1, "Unbound item type set to server-side function"
Cause :  Capture identified the derivation text of the unbound item as
	     a server-side function call.
Action : If the type of the unbound item is incorrect, navigate to the
	     item and change it to the correct type.

CDG-02025,2, "Invalid group %s has no displayed items"
Cause :  This module contains a module component with no
	     displayed items in it.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     1. Make sure that at least one item in the module component
	     is displayed.
	     2. If you do not want any of the items in the module component
	     displayed (e.g.because this module component is used simply
	     to link to another module component), redesign the module
	     so that all table usages are within one module component.

CDG-02030,1, "Failed to compile PL\SQL"
Cause :  The PL\SQL compilation failed.
Action : Open the generated report in Report Builder and compile it.
	     This will allow you to
	     determine the exact cause of the compilation failure.
	     The most likely cause is an invalid PL\SQL unit
	     entered under user application logic.

CDG-02032,2, "Computed item is based on '%s' which has a non numeric datatype"
Cause :  The datatype of the item referenced in the computed
	     item is not valid for the function specified.
Action : Modify the datatype of the item referenced by
	     the computed item or use a different item. The
	     usual reason for this message is that a function
	     such as SUM is used over a bound item with a
	     datatype of CHAR.

CDG-02040,3, "Logon using %s failed. A system error will follow."
Cause :  The generator attempted to connect using the noted
	     connect string but failed to establish a connection.
Action : Either correct the connect string or examine
	     the system message that will follow.

CDG-02051,2, "System error: %s"
Cause :  No further information available.
Action :

CDG-02084,1, "Unable to access template report %s or registry variable REPORT60_PATH"
Cause :  The generator cannot access the given layout
	     model template report. In order to generate a report
	     the generator must be able to open the layout
	     model template report.
Action : Ensure that the user generating the report
	     can open the template layout model report,
	     specified in the template preferences.

CDG-02092,4, "Unable to save report %s"
Cause :  The generated report could not be saved to the filesystem.
Action : Ensure that the user generating the report has
	     write access to the filesystem.

CDG-02173,1, "Unable to layout report into given area"
Cause :  While trying to layout the given module, the
	     Report Generator failed to fit the requested
	     items into the given area as specified by
	     the layout template (if specified). The report
	     will still be saved, but no layout will be created.
Action : Since the Report Generator has attempted to reduce
	     the font size of the items to fit the layout area, the only
	     options remaining are the following:
	     --- Increase the size of the layout area in the template report
	     --- Decrease the number of displayed items
	     --- Reduce the width of displayed items

CDG-02174,8, "%s - Edit definition"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02175,8, "%s - View with the Live Previewer"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02176,8, "%s - Run "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02177,8, "%s - Convert "
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02178,2, "Journaling preference JNCOLS has invalid syntax, %s"
Cause :  The value for the preference JNCOLS has not been recognized.
Action : Consult the documentation for this preference
	     and verify the syntax is correct

CDG-02179,2, "Journaling preference JNCOLS has invalid width for journal column %s"
Cause :  The displayed field specified for the journal column
	     must be greater than zero.
Action : Check the displayed field width for the journal column
	     specified in the value of preference JNCOLS.

CDG-02180,2, "Logon to validation user (%s) failed.  Using current connection."
Cause :  The generator attempted to connect using the noted
	     connect string, but failed to establish a connection.
Action : Either correct the connect string or examine the system message
	     that will follow.

CDG-02181,8, "Report %s"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02182,8, "%s - View HTML report output"
Cause :  The command line used to auto-generate the HTM/PDF files
	     has not executed correctly.
Action : To resolve the problem do one of the following:
	     --- Check Reports Runtime has been installed correctly
	     --- Check Reports Runtime runs on its own by double-clicking
		the executable from the File Manager or Windows Explorer

CDG-02183,8, "%s - View PDF report output"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02184,2, "%s has no displayed column usages or navigation action items"
Cause :  There must exist a module component that has at least one
	     column usage that is marked as displayed, or a navigation
	     action item.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- Ensure that at least one of the column usages
		 is marked as displayed
	     --- Verify that there is at least one navigation action item

CDG-02185,1, "PL/SQL library %s does not exist"
Cause :  The PL/SQL library cannot be attached unless it exists
	     at the specified location.
Action : Check that the library exists in the specified location.
	     If a User PL/SQL library, check the Report-Level Objects
	     preference MODLIB points to the correct location and name.

CDG-02186,1, "Unable to generate bookmark item due to invalid field type"
Cause :  Unable to generate bookmarks for the following types of fields:
	     --- fields in a matrix group
	     --- fields based on a item with IMAGE, BUTTON or OLE display
	     --- fields that include boilerplate text or other types of column
Action : Check that the field is a valid type for generating bookmarks.
	     If not, set the Context Flag on the item to 'No'.

CDG-02187,2, "Label style is incompatible with multiple groups "
Cause :  Only one group may exist if a label style report is to be generated.
Action : Delete all but one group.

CDG-02188,2, "Label style is incompatible with multiple module components"
Cause :  Only one zone and group may exist for a label style report.
Action : Delete all but one group.

CDG-02189,2, "Item cannot have a report level-summary function of % of Total"
Cause :  A report level-summary cannot have a function of % of Total,
	     otherwise it would always compute to be 100%.
Action : Change the function of the report level summary,
	     or move the computed item out of the module
	     level module component.

CDG-02190,2, "Computed item is based on '%s' which must be in the same window"
Cause :  A computed item cannot reference a source item
	     that is not in the same window as the computed item.
Action : Do one of the following:
	     --- change the computed item to reference a source item
		 that is in the same window as the computed item.
	     --- move the module component containing the source item
		 into the window that contains the computed item.

CDG-02191,2, "Parameter preference LOVTYP has invalid syntax, %s"
Cause :  The value for the preference LOVTYP has not been recognized.
Action : Consult the documentation for this preference
	     and verify the syntax is correct.

CDG-02192,2, "Parameter preference VALTYP has invalid syntax, %s"
Cause :  The value for the preference VALTYP has not been recognized.
Action : Consult the documentation for this preference
	     and check the syntax is correct.

CDG-02193,2, "%s is a matrix report with relating module components in different windows"
Cause :  This error is caused when a matrix layout format is
	     chosen for a module that has more than one module
	     component, and where these module components
	     have table usages that are required by the matrix,
	     yet have been placed in more than one window.
Action : Do either one of the following:
	     --- move the offending module components into
		 the same window
	     --- change the display format of the module to one
		 of a type that is not matrix

CDG-02194,1, "Computed item '%s' has reset level 'Page'  "
Cause :  A computed item that has a reset level of Page must be
	     placed in a module-level module component, otherwise
	     its reset level will default to Module.
Action : Either ignore the warning as the computed item will be created
	     with reset level 'module', or move the computed item
	     into a module-level module component.

CDG-02196,8, "Capturing module design and application logic from file  '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-02197,2, "The named routine \"%s\" has a name uniqueness conflict within this module"
Cause :  Oracle Reports does not allow two program units to
	     have the same name, except in the case of a Package
	     with its specification and body. This error has occurred
	     because there is more than one function, procedure or
	     package with the same name.
Action : Ensure that the named routine follows the Oracle Reports
	     restriction stated in the Cause text. Make the name of
	     the named routine concerned unique by editing
	     the name of the offending package set/function/procedure
	     in the application logic editor and saving the change.
	     Note: If this named routine is referenced elsewhere within the
	     module, update the reference to call the relevant named routine.

CDG-02198,2, "Computed item with invalid derivation text ignored"
Cause :  Either the derivation expression contains an invalid
	     summary function or the source item is referenced
	     out of scope. Valid summary functions for a computed
	     item are :
	     --- Average
	     --- Count
	     --- First
	     --- Last
	     --- Maximum
	     --- Minimum
	     --- % of Total
	     --- Standard Deviation
	     --- Sum
	     --- Variance
Action : Check the derivation expression on the computed item
	     contains a valid summary function.

CDG-02199,1, "Only navigation action items are supported; action item ignored"
Cause :  This drilldown module contains an action
	     item that is not a navigation action item.
	     Report Generator only supports navigation
	     action items in drilldown modules.
Action : If you require an action item in a drilldown module,
	     delete the existing action item and create a navigation
	     action item.

CDG-02200,1, "Prompt for argument \"%s\" has been truncated to 20 characters"
Cause :  The allowable length of an argument prompt in
	     Report Generator is restricted to 20 characters.
	     In order to create a report that will run, this prompt
	     has been truncated to 20 characters.
Action : You may wish to adjust the argument prompt text
	     in order to take into account this restriction and
	     have a more legible argument prompt.

CDG-02201,1, "Module layout style of %s is incompatible with structure of report"
Cause :  The style of the report has been derived
	     from the structure of the report. This style
	     is different from the module layout style.
Action : No action is necessary: The module layout style
	     will default correctly.

CDG-02202,1, "Break group direction for all groups has been defaulted to %s"
Cause :  In a Group Left Report, all break group directions must
	     be the same. All break group directions have defaulted
	     to that of the first break group.
Action : Change the direction of the first break group to either
	     Down or Across. All other break group directions
	     will default to that of the first break group.

CDG-02203,1, "Layout style for master group defaulted to Form in Master Detail Report"
Cause :  In a master-detail-detail chain, all but the last group in the
	     chain must have a layout style of Form.
Action : The group style will default to Form.
	     You may set it to Form if you wish.

CDG-02204,1, "Module component layout style of ADDRESS is incompatible with report layout"
Cause :  The report has more than one break group, or more than
	     one module component, so a module component layout
	     style of Address is not valid. It will default to None.
Action : No action is necessary. You may reset the
	     module component layout style to None.

CDG-02205,2, "Invalid break group design, no displayed item"
Cause :  Break group must have at least one item that is displayed
	     and is not of unbound type Computed.
Action : Either add a displayed item to the break group
	     or delete the break group.

CDG-02206,2, "Invalid break group design, item %s has invalid datatype"
Cause :  Break group cannot contain a single item that
	     is of datatype LONG or LONG RAW.
Action : Either add a displayed item to the break group
	     or delete the break group.
/ 02300 .. 02499 RESERVED: CGD utility - CASE Dictionary interface
/ 02500 .. 02699 Design Recovery error and warning messages

CDG-02500,2, "Report for design capture failed to load: %s"
Cause :  Unable to load the given report filename.
Action : The report may have failed to load for various reasons. Check the
	     following and retry:
	     --- the file is not being locked by another program or user
	     --- the file can be opened in Report Builder

CDG-02501,1, "Bound Item Show Meaning property may have been captured incorrectly for %s"
Cause :  There may be more than one item in the select statement
	     with the same name as the item that a show meaning
	     property has been set against.
Action : In Report Builder, edit the select statement making
	     sure that the item whose meaning is obtained from the
	     CG_REF_CODE table is the only item with the same
	     name as the relevant CG_REF_CODE column without
	     the M character at the end of it.

CDG-02502,1, "Unable to recover some or all logic from Program Unit %s"
Cause :  An inconsistency has been detected by the
	     Application Logic Capture tool, rendering some or
	     all of the code in this Program Unit unrecoverable.
	     This will generally be a result of incorrectly editing a
	     tag that has been generated into the Program Unit
	     whose logic has been edited.
Action : See the help section that covers how
	     to use the Application Logic functionality.
	     The most likely reason is that a tag specifying
	     a Generated Code Group has been deleted.

CDG-02510,8, "Unable to Link SRSA table usage '%s'"
Cause :  During the analysis of the SQL statement that will
	     form the module component, a sub-query construct
	     was found in the statement.
Action : In order for the table usage to be incorporated into the module
	     component design, the following actions need to be taken:
	     --- set the table usage type to be Sub-query.
	     --- link the table usage back to its parent base or lookup usage.

CDG-02511,8, "Capturing module design from file '%s'"
Cause :  A query in the report definition uses a column that is not defined
	     in the table for this application system.
Action : Add column definition to table definition in the application system
	     or specify the correct application system.

CDG-02513,8, "Unable to link Sub-query table usage '%s'"
Cause :  During the analysis of the SQL statement that will form
	     the module component, a sub-query construct
	     was found in the statement.
Action : In order for the table usage to be incorporated into the module
	     component design, the following actions need to be taken:
	     --- set the table usage type to be Sub-query.
	     --- link the table usage back to its parent base or lookup usage.

CDG-02517,2, "No filename given for design capture"
Cause :  No filename was given to recover.
Action : This is an internal problem with the calling mechanism.

CDG-02518,2, "Parse error - the following SQL statement will be ignored\n{%s}"
Cause :  The generator has been unable to parse the displayed
	     SQL statement. No usages will be reverse engineered
	     for the statement and processing will continue.
Action : Modify the report to ensure that all the SQL statements within the
	     report are syntactically correct.

CDG-02520,8, "No table usages captured for Data Source %s"
Cause :  During the recovery of a Reports Data Source (i.e. SQL
	     statement), no table usages were found to be
Action : Use Report Builder to check the integrity of the
	     application. The actions that can be taken are:
	     --- Correct the SQL statement to include the
		  appropriate table usages
	     --- Ensure the SQL statement has the correct syntax
	     --- Remove the Data Source object from the Report
	     --- Ignore this message
	     --- Create any required tables usages using the Design Editor
		  or the Repository Object Navigator

CDG-02521,1, "Failed to capture routine %s due to routine of unknown type"
Cause :  Unable to capture this Program Unit because
	     its type is unknown.
Action : Open the report in Report Developer and examine
	     the Program Unit for abnormalities. If anything appears
	     to be out of order correct it, then save the report
	     and re-attempt application logic recovery.
	     If problems persist either delete the program unit
	     from the report or contact your support representative.

CDG-02522,1, "Failed to capture routine %s as no code segment was found "
Cause :  The code segment of the Report's Program Unit being
	     captured by application logic recovery is empty,
	     so there is nothing to recover back to the Repository.
Action : Open the report whose application logic you
	     are attempting to recover and enter PL/SQL into
	     the program unit that has no code. If this program
	     unit is redundant (i.e. it has no code in it) then
	     you can delete it.
/ 02700 .. 02999 RESERVED: CGD utility - CASE Dictionary interface (validate)
/ 05000 .. 05049 Oracle Reports Generator - messages displayed to user

CDG-05000,8, "Template %s converted successfully"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05001,8, "Writing information to key file '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05047,8, "Writing file '%s'"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05048,6, "Validation of %s is complete"
Cause :
Action :

CDG-05049,8, "Capturing application logic from file '%s'"
Cause :
Action :
/ 05050 .. 05199 Oracle Reports Generator - prompts requiring user response

CDG-05050,6, "Generating attached libraries..."
Cause :
Action :