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4.2 Use Bind Arguments with Dynamic PL/SQL

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As with dynamic SQL, you should avoid constructing dynamic PL/SQL with string concatenation. The impact of SQL injection vulnerabilities in dynamic PL/SQL is even more serious than in dynamic SQL because with dynamic PL/SQL, multiple statements (such DELETE or DROP) can be batched together and injected.

If you must use dynamic PL/SQL, try to use bind arguments. For example, you can rewrite this dynamic PL/SQL with concatenated string values:


v_stmt :=
     get_phone (''' || p_fname ||
                ''','''|| p_lname ||'''); END;';


into this dynamic PL./SQL with placeholders (:1, :2) using bind arguments (p_fname, p_lname):


v_stmt :=
     get_phone(:1, :2); END;';

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_stmt USING p_fname, p_lname;

Click here for an example of a SQL injection vulnerability in dynamic PL/SQL