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Debugging PL/SQL

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You can use SQL Developer to run and debug PL/SQL functions and procedures. The PL/SQL Debugger contains the following capabilities:

Control program execution The PL/SQL debugger in SQL Developer supplies many commands to control program execution including Step Into,
Step Over, Step Out, Run to Cursor, Pause, Resume, and Terminate.
View and modify variables While the debugger is paused, you can examine and modify the values of variables from the Data, Watches or
Inspector windows.
Customizable breakpoints SQL Developer breakpoints are highly configurable. For PL/SQL debugging, you can use source breakpoints (associated with a particular line of executable code in a particular program unit) and exception breakpoints (associated with any unhandled exception, or a specific Oracle exception). You can define conditional breakpoints for PL/SQL and customize the action of breakpoints, for example, pause the debugger (default), beep, log occurrence to a text file, or enable or disable other breakpoints.

PL/SQL debugging information is available from several windows in SQL
Developer. The following list provides examples of the kind of information
available during debugging.

Code Editor Shows the execution point. Flyover tool tips display the name and value of the variable under the pointer.
Breakpoints window Lists the defined breakpoints. You can use this window to add new breakpoints, or customize the behavior of existing breakpoints.
Data window Displays all variables that are currently in scope, including
package variables, package body variables, variables declared in the current procedure or function, and local variables (such as those declared in a nested block or implicitly declared).
Watches window Displays expressions or variables you've added to the Watches window by either selecting Add Watch from the context menu of
the window and entering the expression, or by dragging a variable from one of the other windows (such as the Data or Smart Data windows) to the watches window.
Stack window Shows the execution stack. Note that you can use the Stack
window to change the context in the debugger.