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Building Simple Queries

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When Sheila writes a basic query, two mandatory clauses in the SELECT statement syntax are required: a SELECT clause and a FROM clause.

The SELECT statement syntax is displayed. The SELECT clause specifies the columns that you want to display. The FROM clause specifies the tables that contain those columns.


SELECT [DISTINCT] * | column [alias], ...
 FROM table;


select * from employees; 

You can use the projection capability of SQL to choose the columns in a table that you want to retrieve. You can retrieve selected columns or all columns from a table.

You can use the selection capability of SQL to choose the rows that you want to retrieve from a table. You can specify various criteria to select the rows that you want to see.

You can restrict the number of rows that are retrieved from the database by using a WHERE clause in a SQL statement. By inserting a WHERE clause into a SQL statement, you can specify a condition that must be met, and only the rows that meet the condition are returned.

When using a WHERE clause:

  • The WHERE clause directly follows the FROM clause in the SQL statement syntax
  • The WHERE clause consists of the WHERE keyword and a condition or conditions.
  • The condition in a WHERE clause specifies a comparison of values that limits the rows that are returned by a query