Build failed in Hudson: jaxws-test-harness #637

From: Hudson <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 17:11:55 -0700 (PDT)

See http://kohsuke.sfbay/hudson/job/jaxws-test-harness/637/changes

Building remotely on godfrey
[workspace] $ cvs -Q -z3 -d :pserver:kohsuke_at_java-net-cvs:/cvs co -P -d jaxws-test-harness -D "Friday, April 18, 2008 12:11:20 AM UTC" ws-test-harness/test-harness
cvs [checkout aborted]: writing jaxws-test-harness/lib/gf/appserv-ext.jar: No such file or directory
FATAL: CVS failed. exit code=1
ERROR: No artifacts found that match the file pattern "build/". Configuration error?
ERROR: 'build/' doesn't match anything: even 'build' doesn't exist
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