Re: fromwsdl/server/custom-server.xml

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 14:43:20 -0700

Bobby Bissett - Javasoft wrote:
>> Isn't this file something we should generate by the harness? Why does a
>> test developer need to write this file?
> If the developer wants to do something like change the generated method
> or param names, then s/he needs to write the file himself. But if we
> just use the defaults and assume that everything (sei, jaxb objects) are
> in the same package as the impl class that the developer wrote, then it
> should be easy to generate. I *think* we just need the package of the
> endpoint impl and the target namespace of the wsdl.
> Generating the file means handlers can't be specified this way, but we
> can work them in a different way.

I think what we should do is to have the harness generate the binding
that specifies packages. So that this kind of "basic" customization is free.

I believe that doesn't prevent test developers from writing additional
customizations, that work in conjunction with the one generated
automatically, to achieve further customizations.

The same goes to those files:


Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems