Re: sun-jaxws.xml in the from java case

From: Ken Hofsass <Kenneth.Hofsass_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:51:36 -0700

Time to run the unhackifier! :-)

Bobby Bissett - Javasoft wrote:

> I have the sun-jaxws.xml generation part fixed now for from-java (am
> starting to like this beanshell idea!). The only part I don't like is
> that it requires the service impl class to have the name attribute set
> in the @WebService annotation. By doing this, we ensure that the same
> name is used in the sun-jaxws.xml file and the generated wsdl.
> To get around this, we could find out how wsgen creates names and use
> the same steps or call wsgen first and get the info from the wsdl. Let
> me know how much you want to avoid having the developer add a name
> (see fromjava/server/AddNumbersImpl for the diff).
> So now the harness gets through to the client creation I think, but
> the wsdl file isn't generated in the right spot.
> Cheers,
> Bobby
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