Re: basedir for service

From: Ken Hofsass <Kenneth.Hofsass_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 09:17:46 -0700

Hi Bhakti, sorry about that mess. I had locally added the wsdl file to
the 'server' subdirectory but didn't do the to add/delete for CVS.

To answer your initial question: the source code & wsdl for the service
should be together in the same directory and <service> "basedir" would
point to that directory. So for the sample test, either the service
source code should be in 'fromwsdl' with the WSDL or the WSDL should be
in 'server' with the code. Then 'basedir' should point to that location.

Kohsuke was big on the idea of putting everything in one directory for
the simple cases to flatten the directory structure... that is, the
client script code, the server source code, and the wsdl (if any) all in
one place (e.g. fromwsdl for the sample test). Then for tests with more
than one service, the secondary services (e.g. STS for WSTrust) would go
into separate subdirectories with their own WSDLs (if WSDL needed).

As for me, I'm not so keen on having everything flat. But with the
structure as it is, test writers can separate out their primary service
to a subdir if he/she is so inclined or simply leave it sit in the
testcase directory with the other files.

Please feel free to share any suggestions...


Bhakti Mehta wrote:

> Agreed . However this question is where the user puts the wsdl. Sorry
> if I was not clear.
> If you see the testcase/jaxws/fromwsdl you will see the user will
> create the test-descriptor.xml , js file and specify a wsdl and the
> implementing class. The question was whether the user should put wsdl
> in the server folder or just fromwsdl dir.
> I think it should be in the fromwsdl dir itself.
> Regards,
> Bhakti
> Bobby Bissett wrote:
>>> I see the basedir for service is now ./server
>>> Where should the wsdl be located . I am getting the wsdl location
>>> wrt to the basedir. Temporarily I have copied AddNumbers.wsdl to the
>>> server folder. We can decide tomorrow.
>> If there's a "server" dir, I'd suggest there be a WEB-INF dir under
>> that. Then the wsdl would go in WEB-INF/wsdl/ since that's where
>> jax-ws expects it. I think even in local transport that's where
>> jax-ws looks for the file, so that may be easiest.
>> Cheers,
>> Bobby