Woodstock listbox component...

From: Huber, Stephan <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:13:35 +0200


I've some problems using the woodstock listbox component in my app
(getting the selected value from the listbox).

First of all some code:
 * Holds value of property usersOptions.
private List<Option> usersOptions = null;

 * Holds value of property usersSelectedOption.
private Benutzer usersSelectedOption = null;

And the corresponding getter/setters:


 * @return the usersSelectedOption
public final String getUsersSelectedOption() {
    return usersSelectedOption;

 * @param usersSelectedOption
 * the usersSelectedOption to set
public final void setUsersSelectedOption(final String
usersSelectedOption) {
    this.usersSelectedOption = usersSelectedOption;


A code snippet from the jsf:


    function submitList() {
        var domNode =
        return domNode.submit(); // asynchronously submit list

<webuijsf:listbox id="usersListbox"
    onChange="submitList()" multiple="false" immediate="true"
    <f:facet name="label">
        <webuijsf:label id="usersListBoxLabel" for="usersListbox"


When selecting an item from the listbox an asynchronous request/response
is submitted serverside but the value of the selected item (which is an
instance of a "Benutzer" object) is not transmitted (the corresponding
setter is not called, therefore "usersSelectedOption" is still null) - I
figured out that when changing the "usersSelectedOption" to a String
object the corresponding setter is called.

Is this a bug or can anyone explain this behavior to me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

- Stephan